Can God disappear if He wants to?


Registered Senior Member
An omnipotent being ought to have the power not to exist for those who don't believe in Him.
Because omnipotence means all powerful, hence the power not to exist for those who don't believe in Him.
I don't think He would try it. Once he didn't exist, it would be permanent. There would be nothing to bring him back into existence. If there were something to bring Him back into existence, then he wasn't really able to make himself not exist in the first place.
Well, how is anyone ever going to start to believe in Him to begin with if you are right ?
Start at the very beginning please..
Why can't you exist in one universe and not in another? Isn't this the obvious implication of multiple universes? How can a virtual particle appear and disappear? Wouldn't the fact that you can appear mean that your disappearance is not fatal to your reappearance?
Or... maybe it's more likely it's the other way around (if God exists).
Maybe non-believers don't exist to God until they believe.. in other words He's ignoring them.

Sounds more logical then your theory anyway :p
Belief in Him causes Him to communicate with you - like picking up the phone and making the first call.
Why can't you exist in one universe and not in another? Isn't this the obvious implication of multiple universes? How can a virtual particle appear and disappear? Wouldn't the fact that you can appear mean that your disappearance is not fatal to your reappearance?

I take it that wasn't a reply to my post ?
There is no difference between saying non-believers don't exist to God until they believe in Him, and saying God doesn't exist to non-believers until they believe in Him.
There is no difference between saying non-believers don't exist to God until they believe in Him, and saying God doesn't exist to non-believers until they believe in Him.

Sure there is.. :shrug:
How so? If God doesn't exist to the non-believer than the non-believer doesn't exist to God.
My view is the existence in this case means the existence of the idea of God in your mind. An idea can't be a reference point for existence, since it isn't an experiencing structure.
How so? If God doesn't exist to the non-believer than the non-believer doesn't exist to God.

No, if God doesn't exist to a non-believer it doesn't mean the non-believer doesn't exist to God. It's not the same thing.
Please elabortate because I don't understand what you are saying. Why isn't an idea an experiencing structure? What is an experiencing structure?