Can God change his/her mind?

Greco I have seen time and time again that you always base what God can and can't do on some unfounded assumption, that God, has emotion(i.e. want, desire, aspiration) or other human limitations(i.e. the laws of physics).

If you're attempting to refute his existence you had better come up with some better ideas than proposed hitherto.

Anything that describes God, in the Bible, or that is based on the universe we live in is completley irrelevant. It is illogical to assume God is bounded by the limits he created.
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God waiting for us to love him? Then we have power over his time. If Chris and Greco wish to give god some characteristics but take away the constrictive ones, how could anyone deal with it at all? Plainly, there is more indication of god's non-existence than his existence, if only because when he doesn't exist we humans can explain things in our own terms.

Chris, you let god float as a balloon, he can never be tied down by words and therefore never understood. That doesn't suit me, i would rather let him float away into the atmosphere and pop, unknown to me
What suits you then Free Cycle....

"When the universe began time began with it, and it all started with all of the matter in the universe condensed into an infinitely dense ball that exploded spontaneously..."

I mean really, if you heard that in The Bible rather than from your science teacher how quick would you be to accept it??

It amazes me how atheists are so quick to overlook that The Big Bang is mere tripe that needs much more elaboration to be considered as some type of viable means to explaning existence.

Science and mathematics will not explain existence because they are a product of existence, an effect of it. One can not reach the fundamental straight from complex, one must regress to the source.

Our knowledge is apparently a bell shaped curve, we reach the top and most complex part of the entity Knowledge, and though progressing relativlely we are in fact regressing, and returning to the basics absolutely.

I am not saying God cannot be tied down by words, but I am saying that such a "potential contradiction" as "Can God preceive the universe faster than the speed of light?" is a rather asinine question and even more so if used as an attempt to refute his existence.

God can be described as The Given Asbolute or The Intial Cause. This is something essential in Logic itself, and if it is nonexistent, subsequently Logic must be.
Originally posted by CHRISCUNNINGHAM
What suits you then Free Cycle....

"When the universe began time began with it, and it all started with all of the matter in the universe condensed into an infinitely dense ball that exploded spontaneously..."

I mean really, if you heard that in The Bible rather than from your science teacher how quick would you be to accept it??

It amazes me how atheists are so quick to overlook that The Big Bang is mere tripe that needs much more elaboration to be considered as some type of viable means to explaning existence.

If i heard it from a science teacher i would understand that it was the most plausible explanation that could be found at the time. If i read it in the bible i would delight in the imagery of my semitic forefathers. The big bang theory wasn't published to explain our existence as thinking humans, but as a possible beginning of matter. It doesn't care about you or me or think we are important as god might. Its just an explanation that fits the evidence that we can find at this point.
The second "all powerful" is brought in, free will ceases to exist. Christians never seem able to comprehend that simple truth.
If God is all powerful why can't he make a creature
with freewill.

How can that be? Hasn't God already planned the future? Dosen't he know all that is to come?
No. Perhaps he planed specific events but this
cannot be made in general. In the bible
predestination makes no sense at all and
truely defeats the purpose of repentance and
Originally posted by Horseman42
I have no idea what your saying by the above example. What does a limited credit limit have to do with God's omnipotence? Please clairify your example a little better.
The main questions is, if God knows everything beforehand why he needs to change his plan.., isn't it?

If God is all powerful what is the need to know the future..? cuz He decides the future as to what it should be at any point of time in present. And future is not prefixed and it is yet to happen based on the past and present.

Giving the free will to human (ofcourse using this with caution is part of this gift), god has to restrict himself not pre-deciding the future of humans. By this we can come to the conclusion that there is no pre-fixed future as far as the humans are concerned. Well, as far the rest of universe, the future will be decided by the natural laws that are constituted by the God.
Originally posted by everneo
Giving the free will to human (ofcourse using this with caution is part of this gift), god has to restrict himself not pre-deciding the future of humans. By this we can come to the conclusion that there is no pre-fixed future as far as the humans are concerned. Well, as far the rest of universe, the future will be decided by the natural laws that are constituted by the God.

Therefore you are saying that the Deists are right in that God created the heavens and earth then left it to its own devices?
God does not interfere in any way with the universe anymore?

i said, he does not pre-decide.

from my previous post :

"If God is all powerful what is the need to know the future..? cuz He decides the future as to what it should be at any point of time in present. And future is not prefixed and it is yet to happen based on the past and present. "

Edit : PS: well, the term future has a wide meaning. from next moment to next century.. i need to be clear. what i meant by "he decides" is the next course of action, not the infinite yet to happen future.
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Originally posted by everneo
"If God is all powerful what is the need to know the future..? cuz He decides the future as to what it should be at any point of time in present. And future is not prefixed and it is yet to happen based on the past and present. "

So he is sort of like an overlord that watches everything that goes on in his kingdom, and interferes when he deems it necessary?

I am sorry if I don't understand your idea od who God is and what (if any) his active role in the universe and our every day lives.
hey, no need to be sorry man..:D.

In every day life whether he interfers or not, i dunno. i'm sure he is not an overlord. no overlord gives free will and tells "you are responsible for your actions, don't balme me if I decide on that". but an overlord imposes his own will.

i think there is equal chance of use / misuse the free will. if i want to use the free will appropriately at critical situations i need to follow the guidelines or think above my subjectivity or pray to god to lead (sometimes believers demand the god to lead also).
if god knows everything, which it is assumed he does by various religious institutions, he therefore cannot change his mind as he will have already known that he was going to change his mind so he would've never made it to that situation. to say that he can change his mind is a paradox. it is also true to say that god cannot think as he already knows everything.
Why does that prevent God from simply "changing his mind"?
Since God is all powerfull.........he could easily elimnate the problem you set.
you miss the point, if god was all knowing he would already know he was going to change his mind therefore he wouldn't have to because he already had. get it?

When are you going to realize that an all-knowing and all-powerful god comes with tons and tons of paradoxes.

Correct, an all knowing god cannot think because he knows everything.

An all knowing God cannot be all good because he knew of the evils his creations would created thus be partly responsible.

An all knowing God has no free-will because he knows what he'll do in the future and is bound by that future...

i could go on but in all actuallity, if a god exist...its much more feasable that he not all-knowing or all-powerful.
We are God's thoughts

Obviously as some of you have said God can not be all powerful or omniscient. It leads to too many contradictions. But I can imagine an entity with powers beyond our comprehension such as an entity in a fourth dimentional reality. We are unable to comprehend such an entity just like a two dimentional entity could not comprehend a three dimentional entity.

This entity takes pleasure in creating and experiencing a myriad of scenarios. I seriously think that we are part of such an experience. We are God's thoughts in a three dimentional space.

This idea sort of explains the various conditions that we experience and the absurdity of it all. We are just dreams of a higher entity.

We might wonder how did such an entity came about. Perhaps this entity is the manifastation of even a higher reality so on, so on.

I wonder about some of the characters in my dreams. :)
you must have some funny dreams:D

um, i don't know, this being would have to be rather big and smart if he created us all and the planet ad so on.

what is the fourth dimension for a being to be four dimensional anyway???
Pipe dreams

Perhaps my thoughts are the result of Mary Jane but you got to think outside the box for enlightment. You got to get through the looking glass first. lol
God can do whatever he wants.. so yeah, of course he can change his mind. The real question is will he change it, the answer is no. The reason he wont is because God already has a perfect plan, he knows whats gonna happen and all the effetcs of it and sense the plan is perfect, why change it?