Can, and does God change?

i believe he gives credit for effort...

it doesn't make sense for it to tell us we are all sinners AND if we sin we go to hell..
the only way i can make sense of it is to blame the canonization process for enhancing that theme(hell maybe they created it.)

I also believe God gave us the ability to choose, 'Do things my way or burn' isn't a choice. its someones attempt to control ppl..
do you(any you) really think God needs to be like that to get us to do what he wants us to do? or would you think that he has way more effective means to have us obey him?( IF that is what he truly wants..)
Maybe he likes it when we do for ourselves and others..
would you want to be worshiped by 6 billion needy ppl?

Omnipotent includes unlimited powers of persuasion so God, if he were real to begin with, does not need to threaten us.

"hell maybe they created it.)


This Bishop thinks so.

God doesn't break a promise, God remains the same and is self sufficient while he can still change his creations regardless. God didn't repent your source is corrupted/changed/miss-translated.....Jesus isn't God.

In this world things change within the enviroment of-course, these are all creations, none of it implies god's self alteration, rather multitudes of expression comming from the same infinite potential and root source.

Insignificant is the wrong word, you are not seperating God from his creations when you explain here. God's creations are not God nor do they represent likeness of him. Every-thing he creates beside the sentient beings of free will gorify God just by playing their part in existence. He didn't just suddenly decide to create when he made humans, he was creating things long before we existed, this is but one small world in one physical realm.

What God does with his creations is up to him he has decided to create our type of life form and then test us based on the choices we make. a being that can choose to praise him or shun him, opposite to an angel or being without free will who has no choice but to obey on command.

If a sentient being fails and his bad deeds out weigh his good deeds then this again has no reflection on god changing or being effected in any way by this. God has legions of loyal beings, humans'Alamin do not have to follow god on this earth like everything else does the amount of human followers does not effect god's Majesty you cannot help or benefit god in any way regardless of your honourable and just intent to do so.


Wow. you sure fathom a lot about an unfathomable and unknowable God who works in mysterious ways. I'm impressed.

Other than hear say, or Word say, all hear say, how do you know you are right?

Why does need have to equate action?. I don't need to smack a book round your head it wont stop me doing it, (Hypothetically)


I see you are used to ruling over your women and having your macho chauvinistic way with the weaker sex. Try that with a man wimp.

Wow. you sure fathom a lot about an unfathomable and unknowable God who works in mysterious ways. I'm impressed.

Other than hear say, or Word say, all hear say, how do you know you are right?


Are we debating only Bastardized corrupted Fables?.

Ask about god (Op) and I shal tel you some of his way's. Don't want to know then don't make threads asking about his majesty.

I see you are used to ruling over your women and having your macho chauvinistic way with the weaker sex. Try that with a man wimp.


I don't see what this has to do with the OP, I advise you to start a new thread about 'Ruling over the female sex' and or 'personal fetish'
Sci-Forums is not the place to 'Advertise' my own .coms


for thinking yourself a prophet, you are not very open..
all will be exposed before God.(including secret websites..)
its not advertising if your asked..i would ask in PM but your box is full again..
for thinking yourself a prophet, you are not very open..
all will be exposed before God.(including secret websites..)
its not advertising if your asked..i would ask in PM but your box is full again..

Prophet-hood is not something I claim I haven't as far as I know claimed any type of title or rank. The last prophet-hood has been sealed, study the types more closey if I were to ask you what is the difference between the following how would you make summary of these seperate "Titles".

Arch angel
Inspired One/Guided one.

Which type of knowledge do you want you don't need my websites I can recite anything from any of them to you in a way that you woudn't be able to copy paste it to reverse track my sites.

So faith is like souls and angels? I was asking what faith was.

Are Jinns Un-known? and daemons? if they are not known how do you know of them.

Those were examples. You asked,

I know because people made up those invisibles and wrote about them.

'Faith' is the supposed 'known' of 'unknowns', which is quite a paradox.
Those were examples. You asked,

I know because people made up those invisibles and wrote about them.

'Faith' is the supposed 'known' of 'unknowns', which is quite a paradox.

Where did you get "Known, in the Un-known" it is quite the paradox that you spoke. It is "Belief" in the "Unseen" Known would mean you actualy know it not just believe you know it.

To 'know' god, to 'Believe' in god. These are 2 different things.

Lets see how about this, Do 'you think, you can 'have Belief' in something you already know 'know'?
Where did you get "Known, in the Un-known" it is quite the paradox that you spoke. It is "Belief" in the "Unseen" Known would mean you actualy know it not just believe you know it.

To know god, to Beieve in god. These are 2 different things.

Lets see how about this, Do 'you think, you can 'have Belief' in something you already know 'know'?

People say they know, by faith, yet they can't.

Nor does thinking of a god that is wished for and then feeling a sensation of that very god count as knowing god. Sensation, sensation, sensation.
People say they know, by faith, yet they can't.

Nor does thinking of a god that is wished for and then feeling a sensation of that very god count as knowing god. Sensation, sensation, sensation.

Who said those things you listed = knowing god? Can you prove nobody has ever met god?. and that it's 100% not possible they have.