calling all those who hide in the shadows


Registered Member
hello everyone my name is charles frederick ravencroft im 22 years old and a vampire im looking for others to establish a nightworld group to meet chat hunt give comfort and support to all the children of the shadows please take this seriously and post if u are interested if ud like to talk then email me at all are welcome we have a small group at the mo with one vampire a werewolf and an afterassended the more the better
p.s. im in wakefield west yorkshire england
Nightwind said:
hello everyone my name is charles frederick ravencroft im 22 years old and a vampire im looking for others to establish a nightworld group to meet chat hunt give comfort and support to all the children of the shadows please take this seriously and post if u are interested if ud like to talk then email me at all are welcome we have a small group at the mo with one vampire a werewolf and an afterassended the more the better
p.s. im in wakefield west yorkshire england

I like vampires and werewolves too. Lets exchange recipes!
Now, I rarely use this image but this really is one of the few places where it is needed

Now, little depressed goth, go lie in a sunny field, listen to some steely dan and make some nice, happy friends instead of the moping emo losers you hang around with.
Your profile says you were born in 1983, so you're obviously not an immortal vampire. Not unless you're just starting out, anyway.

What's an "afterassended"?
Nightwind said:
hello everyone my name is charles frederick ravencroft im 22 years old and a vampire im looking for others to establish a nightworld group to meet chat hunt give comfort and support to all the children of the shadows
im not a goth or an alternative strangly enough but closed minded people such as yourself are easyly mislead im 22 because yheres no such thing as a immortal the idea of it is popostrous if they do exist then ive never met one as i said b4 only serious posts please
an afterassended is someone who has a divine spark in them a light which seems to radiate all around they are usully timid and and not out spoken as for where they come from well theres a few ideas but no actual accounts
we have a small group at the mo with one vampire a werewolf and an afterassended
as for where they come from well theres a few ideas but no actual accounts
Tried asking it/ him/ her? Then you'd have accounts... Simple really

PS to Communist Hamster, if the only alternatives are depression or Steely Dan then hand me the Prozac...
Nightwind said:
only serious posts please
That disqualifies your posts then.
Oli said:
PS to Communist Hamster, if the only alternatives are depression or Steely Dan then hand me the Prozac...
he, what's wrong with steely dan? :) Fine then, Haircut 100
Hey vampiro,

I just love it. You start crapping on about vampires, werewolfs and afterassendants, and then when someone mentions the idea of immortality you turn around and state....

Nightwind said:
...the idea of it is popostrous<sup>*</sup>...
(<sup>*</sup>I assume you mean 'preposterous'.)

Can you see the irony?

he dosnt know ive asked him its sort of an fallen angel feeling hes got sum good skills though
Such as? He can roll his tongue? Stand on one leg and whistle the Marsellaise backwards? Spelling and punctuation?
Nightwind said:
an afterassended is someone who has a divine spark in them a light which seems to radiate all around they are usully timid and and not out spoken as for where they come from well theres a few ideas but no actual accounts

Sounds like a radioactive introvert with a bit of amnesia...
Nightwind said:
...yheres no such thing as a immortal the idea of it is popostrous...

Do vampires have to use dentures in their later years or do they just gum it?
Nightwind said:
im 22 years old and a vampire... please take this seriously

I am taking it seriously, see here, this is my serious face.
I would very much like to see some proof! Take a picture of your fangs for example, don´t be afraid, being vampire isn´t punishable by law. If you can prove that you are a vampire, I´ll contact you about "hiding in the shadows"
Are you really a vampire, Nightwind? You drink blood? What about your lycanthrope friend? Please, tell us more.
Nightwind said:
he dosnt know ive asked him its sort of an fallen angel feeling hes got sum good skills though
"You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills."
I love color of red it reminds me of that time the sunset was extremely pungent in color of blood with the thick yellow sun that seemed to carve away half of the horizon
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