Calling all Pschics

What's your' ability

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There is no spoon..........

Do the damage-resistant master practitioners of the American martial art Juko Kai not count as evidence? They are known for their abilities to take four punches simultaneously to the neck- including the sensitive frontal portion. They have shown the ability to be kicked in the groin, solar plexus, and rib cage by strong and fight-capable people without bruising. This also applies to the masters of Iron Body Qigong, who are strike by fire hardened bo staves on an outstretched arm until the stick itself breaks without any injury, or their more famous demonstration of Iron Body being the ability to place their hand between two 300 pound drums that are pressed together, meant to grind flour. Most men could not even press their hands through the gap between the two drums, and the rest would find it impossibly to keep their forearm in one piece under 400+ pounds of opposed pressure as they rolled their arm back and forth through the device. These feats are attributed by their practitioners to qi, a paranormal energy phenomena.
Aren't human bodies amazing? However, they are not supernatural, and neither are any of those capabilities cited. If they can actually be verified, which is not the case really - you've just read about what they claim they can do. I'm not saying it's impossible, but your hearsay is no better than that of ordinary psychics.

And if not burning when in flames isn't good enough for you, then take the scientific Ganzfeld experiments as evidence. A subject was placed in an isolated room with goggles over the subject's eyes, which were nothing more than hundreds of thousands of tiny light bulbs. Then a second subject would be put in an isolated room and given a video feed on the first subject. The second subject was encouraged to 'beam' information about a certain topic to the first subject once the subject's goggles had been activated (which were set to random patterns and were black and white). As the lights flickered, Subject 1 described what he saw. There were many successful tests, one of them being almost frightening- Subject 2 was told to 'beam' the word 'fire' to Subject 1, and Subject 1 not only said 'fire' or 'flames' 37 times in the experiment, but also words like 'volcano' and the Subject even started feeling hotter.
The Ganzfeld experiment proved to have been ill-prepared. The actual format of the experiment was that the psychic being subjected to the so-called "ganzfeld" (which was basically white noise through headphones, while wearing golf balls on the eyelids) was in one room, and in another room the "transmitter" was watching television - one of four specific programmes. The subject had to write down which of the four programmes the transmitter was watching. The purpose was to see if any subject scored better than 25%. Apparently (leaving aside the unconfirmed anecdotal parts of the story cited above) scores as high as (from memory) 34% were achieved, certainly a notable result.

However, upon further examination, it transpired that 1) the rooms were adjoining and insufficient care had been made to ensure that they were mutally soundproof; 2) the subject had in fact been sometimes able to deduce the programme from the sound of the "transmitter's" reaction - for example, a football match will generate different kinds of reaction from the watcher than, a news programme, lets say; 3) the headphones on occasions had in fact picked up the signal of the television program and had directly put it into the subject's ears. It was eventually established quite rigorously which trials had been contaminated in these ways, and which had not - and an examination of the ones that had not yielded a 25% hit rate.

Reference: Nicholas Humphrey, Soul Searching (Chatto & Windus, London 1995)

starlove202000, please tell some examples of what you've effected.

starlove202000 said:
Psychics cant make money because your spirit guide is to help others not yourself.
This was actually cited by Humphrey himself. Nearly everybody has some skill which they use to help other people, there's no particular reason to deny a true psychic of a living that way, if only their abilities were reliable enough. On the other hand, it seems to me that many people do in fact unscrupulously make money when they don't have any such ability at all - John Edward and his ilk among them.
I think everyone has the psychic ability, just look to your dreams for the answers to that, I know that working with dreams and a psychic tool helps greatly when wanting to devolope your skill, everyone is phsychic I beleive and it is up to them how to access this knowledge.For me I have had many precog dreams/even able to see into my own future and what was coming, but its also knowing your inner self, and knowing how to listen and interpret what your subconscious picks up and your cosncious does not, that is why dreams are a great tool!
I agree with you lilacsky, It is amazing just how psychic you have to be just to function normally. These abilities we so often take for granted.
I have this amazing ability where if I concentrate for long enough, a poo will come out my anus.

Psychic readings, horoscopes, ball gazing, fortune telling, se-onse(sp?) its all "magical thinking" - in other words, complete rubbish.
People who practice these as some sort of illegal, lie based source of income are exploiting peoples idiocy, are really people who are either too lazy or foolish to go get a certificate in counselling or a psych degree.

Now dreams are something completely different.
I have this amazing ability where if I concentrate for long enough, a poo will come out my anus

wow, huwy you must be really proud of that, imagine what you could do with some practice.
cosmictraveler said:
Why aren't these pschics rich. I mean if anyone had the ability then the first thing any "normal" person would do is better themselves by getting more income.

That just proves shameless imoral materialists aren't psychic... whcih some would claim, is part of the point.
I am looking for any psychic who is able to assist me in some very important research. Colin Fry would be perfect, but I am sure he would neither have the time or patience!

This is a genuine request. Please email at the following email address

Regards George K.
Sushupti said:
That just proves shameless imoral materialists aren't psychic... whcih some would claim, is part of the point.

Then why aren't the charities of altruistic psychics rich?
SkinWalker said:
Then why aren't the charities of altruistic psychics rich?

Because a psychic that good would have better things to do :)

When you're that astrally attuned this world starts to bore you, maybe?

Jokes aside; this may sound corny or a copout, but it's what i've been told/read. Basically, you don't use your powers for evil... evil used her wrongly as 'general stuff you probably shouldn't be doing,' like for example maybe, "cheating" yourself into money with your abilities.

Though, I;ve read an interesting anecdote about an astral projector seeing men TRYING to influence the stock market. Of course we'll never know if they succeeded :)

Which brings me to my next point... if you had this huge advantage, would YOU tell people? [I'm on to you, Donald Trump!]
You're right. It's a cop-out. And one that inevitably comes up in discussions about psi in the same way a believer argues the existance of god to an atheist: "I know because I have faith."

The proponents of psi will argue it's existence to death and end up with, you can't prove it doesn't exist because people with these "powers" are altruistic and none are selfish or greedy; the powers can't exist in such states; etc.

No, POSSIBLE poppycock :)

The morality things doesn't lack that much sense, the only problem is it can't be proven...

Again, I don't necessarily beleive any of this; I certainly don't care if it's true or not... But blind fundamentalist atheism I dislike somewhat.
his may sound corny or a copout, but it's what i've been told/read.

We are told and we read things everyday. That is why it is imperative to use critical thinking skills to determine what is wheat and what is chaff.

Some knowledge into how the brain works quickly relegates the Psi phenomenon to the chaff category.
I think that contemporary astrology with all it's fuss and flavours, inhibits, supresses, and discriminates individuality. I said that you don't need anything else except yourself if you want to notice yourself, so chill out. :m: :m: :m:
georgek said:
I am looking for any psychic who is able to assist me in some very important research. Colin Fry would be perfect, but I am sure he would neither have the time or patience!

This is a genuine request. Please email at the following email address

Regards George K.
Er, Colin Fry is a television medium. The charlatanism is built in!

As your email address is to a firm rather than an individual, might I wonder if what you're asking for is some psychic industrial espionage....?

This is bad of me after four months since the post, but ....
helioocentric said:
[Contrasting with Randi's $1m test]

There are lots of tests floating around of this nature, a guy recently offered close to a million to anyone who could disprove that the government didnt orchestrate 9/11. He set up a pannel of his anti-bush administration friends, and offered the money out to anyone who could convince them that the government didnt have a hand in the 9/11 attacks.
Now what are the chances of anyone getting that money? none. And its the same with any test that waves money in the face of its 'contestants'.
Such tests are cynically set up as a testiment to anything the person does or doesnt want to true, no one will ever pass tests such as these and that exactly is the point.
I know this has been used over and over again, but it really is a valid argument. The Burden of Proof has to be on the person making the extraordinary claim. Because "nothing untoward happened" is not really something that requires any proof.

In the case of the 9/11 guys, the extraordinary claim is that the government had a hand in 9/11. It does not behoove anyone to prove that they didn't, since if they didn't have a hand in 9/11, then there's nothing to prove! You could systematically disprove every single thing that these guys claim as proof that the government did orchestrate 9/11, even to their satisfaction, but it could not possibly be regarded as proof that the government didn't do it all along. It is rather for the guys offering the money to prove that something untoward did happen, and that the government really did set the whole thing up.

In the case of James Randi's tests, it is the putative psychics who are making the extraordinary claim. So the burden of proof is on them. Randi isn't going out of his way to prove that they are frauds, he simply puts them into situations where fraud can not possibly take place. The testee then has to show that they can still perform whatever psychic ability they claim to possess.
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As far as I have seen, a person has a psychic experience when they need to for some reason, to prepare them or warn them for what is to come. Often times, the little knowledge that they garner is not enough to aid them in changing it, only enough to help them cope. I have had dreams related to several deaths, two members of my family and a classmate at school, as well as various people's heartbreak that they will experience. I couldn't stop my cousin from being hit by a stray bullet, or my grandmother from having a stroke, or Jacob's car from sliding across a patch of gravel and slamming into the concrete foundation rail of the bridge, nor could I do anything about the girl of my dreams not being able to be with me, but I could take the little information that I gained to prepare me for what would happen. The main problem comes from this: If we see what we believe to be the future, literally, we are helpless to prevent it. If we could, and wanted to, it would not be the future we saw, merely what could happen at inaction. As for how a person experiences this, it could be something as complex as a vision, elusive as a dream, or simple as a gut feeling. However, we all have them, though many of us ignore them.

I see the normal group of skeptics here, so please, I am not trying to prove anything, just to show my own personal view of one of life's contoversies.