Calling all Pschics

What's your' ability

  • Telepath

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E.S.P

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Healing

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Clairvoyance (Common)

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Image projection

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 50.0%

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The Listener

Registered Member
Are You Psychic? If you are, please tell me you're power and how you learned that you had it. To start with I would like to state that females are far more psychic than males. Psycic powers just seem to occur more often in females. However, when psycic powers occur in males they appear to be more potent than that of females. I really would like to know who else out there has psychic powers. Please fill out the poll to.

I am a telepath and a somewhat of an E.S.P Psychic.

:m: :eek:
[color=3800ec]Over the past three years I've made alot of discoveries in this feild.It's kind of like a game I play with myself to see what I am capable of.I also think people learn these abilities based on their own idiosyncrasies,that is, everyone can devolope them but in there own unique way.Alot of the things i do I've never heard of,so I checked other,and I am a male.[/color]
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If people could really read minds:
--We wouldn't need trials or juries, just psychic judges.
--Exams would be pointless with the teacher in the room
--It would put an end to lying and lie detectors.
--Guys would have to be very careful about their thoughts when out on a date.
--Some teenage kids would be in really really big trouble with parents

If people could really remote view:
--automatic teller numbers and credit card numbers would be up for grabs
--doctors could dispense with x-rays, and cat scans
--hide and seek would go out of fashion as a playground activity
--Strip joints and topless bars would go out of business
--Pregnant women would not need sonograms to see if they were having a girl or a boy.
--Cheating spouses would be in big trouble.
--No one would have to watch sports on TV because you could just go there in your mind.

If people could really see the future:
--Las Vegas would become a ghost town.
--lottery jackpots would always be shared by tens of thousands of people.
--airlines would have an "Early Psychic Warning System" and merely cancel flights that are going to crash.
--divorce would be unknown with psychic marriage counselors.
--psychics would dominate wall street

If psychics could really bend metal with their minds:
--Enemy psychics could bend the wings on Air Force planes.
--Enemy psychics could bend army tank barrels.
--When tested by skeptics, psychics would not actually have to touch the metal with their hands!
[color=3800ec]Ellimist:You'd have to be completely brain-dead not to pick up on these things........but I can understand you're defensiveness.[/color]
Well Ellimist isnt it just a dream? Or could it be a reality for someone? Isnt that what we all hope? A global peace of some sort or even picking up some allien activity as the angels from above?
I dont think so as there is no proof for such activites nor i can see clearly of whom that could be!
I have a few of "predicting/sensing things" but otherwise I think I want to physic than I actually am :( I also think I saw the auroa of one person, I'm not sure. A tip on sharpening my senses would be cool...:D
0neiros- I am not quite sure what you meant by that... But if you meant that everyone has powers... read the rest of this post and oh, please, show me the way to the light of telepathy and whatnot.

Anyone who can actually exhibit psychic powers I suppose would like to win $1 million, and probably give it to poor or charity or something like that. If you have evidence for your so-called powers, use them to help people, damnit. Show James Randi your powers... you will be rich.

"At JREF(James Randi Educational Foundation), we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event. The prize is in the form of negotiable bonds held in a special investment account."

Yeah, someone do that, and then I'll find out about it, and it will have been shown that supernatural mental powers are real.

They have failed all tests ever given. These "powers" are merely hopes or wishes or dreams of people. Just because you think something is true, without evidence, does not necessarily make it so.

--And what "aura" did you see of someone? Can you do it again? can you show everyone else? NO. It does not exist, it is your mind playing tricks on you.

I am quite tired of this; society has caused people to be so familiar with supernatural activities, that when anything immediately unexplainable occurs, they immediately jump the conclusion that it is something supernatural.

Now, on the other hand, if someone were to show irrefutable evidence that ESP or whatever is real, I would no longer be skeptical of it. But, since some researchers have tried to test psychic powers with no positive result, they, according to probability, must not exist.

Predicting/sensing things? What? Saying, "I knew that would happen" after an event is pure bullshit. If you are referring to the "allegories" about "I was thinking about calling my friend, Kim, but when I picked up the phone, she had just called at that moment... wow, we are psychic" bullshit. How many times have you picked up the phone and no one was on it? It is called PROBABILITY.

Did you predict the wars(Gulf, Iraq, and bombings... Kuwait), or tragedies, OK city bombing, the Turkey earthquakes, WTC attacks, pentagon?
If that was possible by anyone, psychically, they would have done something about it. There was no reason not to. The fact is, psychic powers do not exist, as my previous post clearly shows; none of these things happen.

Coincidences are not displays of psychic ability.
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Ellimist, I agree with you about most people and their perspectives of their own abilities: it's entirely psychological- assigning values to elements in an environment that have no true cause-effect relationship with the desired result in order to give a sense of order to the universe. I think most of the people who, for instance, are on the internet claiming to be 'psychics with minor skill' are actually people trying to understand events with scientific reasons with paranormal fascination.

However, I'm surprised that you say there is no evidence, if you have done your research?

Do the damage-resistant master practitioners of the American martial art Juko Kai not count as evidence? They are known for their abilities to take four punches simultaneously to the neck- including the sensitive frontal portion. They have shown the ability to be kicked in the groin, solar plexus, and rib cage by strong and fight-capable people without bruising. This also applies to the masters of Iron Body Qigong, who are strike by fire hardened bo staves on an outstretched arm until the stick itself breaks without any injury, or their more famous demonstration of Iron Body being the ability to place their hand between two 300 pound drums that are pressed together, meant to grind flour. Most men could not even press their hands through the gap between the two drums, and the rest would find it impossibly to keep their forearm in one piece under 400+ pounds of opposed pressure as they rolled their arm back and forth through the device. These feats are attributed by their practitioners to qi, a paranormal energy phenomena.

Now, if inhuman and, more importantly, learned damage resistance isn't enough, what about firewalking? Although it has been proven that, using a combination of sweat and certain balms, a person can walk up to three steps on searing surfaces without any burns, the acts of Fiji firepit walkers, who walk on hot stones, and the Shugenda firewalkers, who walked on the still-burning embers of woods (which are not, like stone, bad conductors of heat- they were still burning).

And if not burning when in flames isn't good enough for you, then take the scientific Ganzfeld experiments as evidence. A subject was placed in an isolated room with goggles over the subject's eyes, which were nothing more than hundreds of thousands of tiny light bulbs. Then a second subject would be put in an isolated room and given a video feed on the first subject. The second subject was encouraged to 'beam' information about a certain topic to the first subject once the subject's goggles had been activated (which were set to random patterns and were black and white). As the lights flickered, Subject 1 described what he saw. There were many successful tests, one of them being almost frightening- Subject 2 was told to 'beam' the word 'fire' to Subject 1, and Subject 1 not only said 'fire' or 'flames' 37 times in the experiment, but also words like 'volcano' and the Subject even started feeling hotter.

This is just a part and parcel of the evidence out there for certain paranormal phenomena, but it exists. And you'll have a hard time proving to me personally that qi doesn't exist when I've felt it and used it myself.

But then again, what does it matter? Life is just a game. We all play until it's game over.
Life is indeed a game, but wouldn't it be more fun if it were truly understood? I, too, love fantasy, but I indulge that with reading science-fiction, but do not mix it with reality...

I have a strong desire to go through and explain a way everything you have said, because I know the explanations for them all, but in the interest of time, I will just try to broaden it and use the "neck-kicking" and "fire-walking" examples.

Alright, here we go. "These feats are attributed by their practitioners to qi, a paranormal energy phenomena." A paranormal energy phenomena? How ancient is this practice? Just because they don't know what they are doing, does not make it supernatural. Throughout history, humans have explained things they don't understand with stories, hence myths, ghosts, gods...

Can this "energy phenomena" be measured? I would bet not. Withstanding pain does not mean these people have supernatural powers, they can merely block pain, very impressive, but not supernatural, not explained by "qi".
But, "None of the alleged scientific proof of qigong's existence has ever been verified by independent, transparent duplication of the claimed results." - Don Mainfort, Skeptical Briefs Newsletter, March '99.

Fire-walking... disregard balms and all that... fire-walking is possible by ANYONE without practice. Even I can do it, my skeptical self... Firewalking is possible because of the low thermal capacity of the coals, and the short time of contact that a firewalker's feet may have with the coals. Your feet are only touching the top of the coals... those that are exposed to the air... THE COOLEST PART of the bed of coals. And not only that, fire-walkers walk quickly over them, they do not stroll.

To read about other things you can do with fire, that seem supernatural... and Penn and Teller's show, Bullshit!, is/was on Showtime every Friday night. They explain away paranormal... well, bullshit. They explain it very simply, too, they let it debunk itself. You have to see it, it is great.

And that last study you cited? I didn't even understand that, but it probably had something to do with probability or a problem with a constant, but most likely probability... statistics are very good things. Many fail to understand statistics, so they soon attribute false meanings to coincidences...

You felt "qi"? how do you know it was that? because you believed it to be so? well, I believe there is an invisible pink unicorn in my backyard, but that doesn't make it so. Qi is not shown to be a realistic phenomenon, you cannot know that what you felt was that. It was merely your own mind, your own emotions. Take credit for what you can do, do not push it off to supernatural activity. If you can do things you didn't think you could before, be proud of it, and claim responsibility.
I believe the quote that applies here is:
"You say one must see to believe. I say one must believe to see."

As to Juko Kai and Iron Qi Gong, if you have seen video or seen it done in person, it's not that these people feel no pain. They simply do not damage. Without pads, they do not bruise. If I'm not mistaken, a bruise comes from an excess of blood near the surface of the body, and, according to medical science, is uncontrollable. Am I right? Please contradict me if I am not.

As for firewalking, you forget the Shugenda. Not many people bother to consider them, because they are a Japanese Mountain Enlightenment sect, but they don't walk on coal. They walk on glowing wood embers, not coal. I know of the heat-diluting effects of coal and aluminum, and I know that many of the stunts of firewalking are faked, but what of the Shugenda? And what of the ninja? There are only 2 or 3 schools that originate from the original practice, and there's hardly the emphasis on theft and assassination that there was, but one of their tests is to stand, fully submerged but the head, in a moving stream with a temperature ranging between 40-50 degrees for periods of at least (though usually more than) 20 minutes.

As for the Ganzfeld Experiments, a man seeing 'fire' 37 times and fire-like objects in a randomized set of over 1000 non-colored lights... that's not quite as improbable as evolution, but it is definitely beyond the limits of common probability.

I don't believe in supernatural activity, Ellimist. I believe that all things in this universe follow laws, and that some of those laws are just not known by the many, that's all. When wounds heal faster than they should in places where I have applied what I think is qi, I wonder. When I feel a specific continuous heat (not the flow of blood because I know that feeling well, it's more of a pulsing), in my hands or chest only after completing qi-gong exercises centering in those areas.

Perhaps you think me deluded. That's fine. Perhaps I really am wasting my time with this. That's fine. Perhaps I'm simply accidentally tapping into a psychological means of speeding up my health, and there is no such thing as qi- that's fine. For one of my age, there are far worse and more destructive ways to waste time. If I'm wrong, I've lost a few days of my life doing something I think will make me stronger, days others may lose collecting stamps or idly watching TV or impregnating women. I can live with that. And if I'm right, I genuinely am strengthening myself. It's win-win for me. How about for you?
Heh ur psychic powers never seem to help you, Your always warning other people its kinda strange but i guess thats the way it works.
Re: Bullshit

Originally posted by Ellimist
If--airlines would have an "Early Psychic Warning System" and merely cancel flights that are going to crash.
have you ever read "to ride pegasus"? Great book by McAffrey. NOT saying its true. just a fun book.
Hello, all.

As to The Learner's question, I am psychic (of course I think eveyone is psychic) with clairvoyant and clairsentient abilities. As far as the clairsentience goes, I've had that since I can remember (not that I'm that old or anything). For me it was all a matter of bringing it under control. The clairvoyance however, is a newer development for me.
And for what it's worth Energy, I don't think you're deluded in the least bit. The Universe does have a set of laws. I think the most powerful beings in the Universe live by them!
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I can see the future. My powers are given to me through my dreams. Through this dream, I predict ill-hazard:

Setting was at a tall 3 story house. Forest backyard. I was a watcher, meaning I had no character, I just seen what was happening. In the backyard flew up a munchkin like character from the ground with what seemed like a mushroom head. Maybe like 2 ft tall. Did not seem violent. But flew in through the back window shattering it and went directly to the master of the house on the third floor, who was the president. When after seeing him it went though the floor down to the second floor and through the walls out of the front of the house. The house had a semi large not wide set of stairs to the front door. I was at the end of the driveway near the sidewake then I woke up.

This one later I feel may have some connection:
there were guerillas running up river in camouflage some with shotguns looking to kill someone. One particular one right ran straight up the middle in the shallow water with a shotgun or rifle diagonally across his chest.

Only time will tell I guess.
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I write out all my dreams almost immediately, unfortunately I havent been dating and timing.
The first was during the 2004 election "season." The second was about 3 weeks ago.

I can also see the past where in another dream,
I must have been taken back in time by someone. Since there was someone standing behind my left shoulder and they used a laser tool to draw the sphinx on a wall.

My conclusion is that the aliens already have the technology and were here long ago. They used this technique for the future to understand.
dating is just as important as writing them down, IMO. Then you have dated evidence to present to your family/friends when they call you crazy ;)
The most important dated one though is the same night Cristopher Reeve passed away:

I was the undertaker & carried a body bag down 2 flights of stairs head popping out of bag skipping details and passed it off to the destination "room" where he was sent to the "heavens" as I'd call it.

"I am the batman" - flaps bruce almighty
Why aren't these pschics rich. I mean if anyone had the ability then the first thing any "normal" person would do is better themselves by getting more income.
cosmictraveler: I am not a psychic, though I have expirienced much psychic phenominon during my life. I am not rich because I am unable to control said ability.

I see something, know something is going to happen - but it will occur on a completly random basis. Often, the person it is going to happen to, or the year when it is going to happen, is a complete mystery - but the details of the events in question are too exact to pass off as pure chance.

Also, "better themselves" and "getting more income" are not equal.
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