California: Prohibition on gay marriage

Regarding the common argument that if we allow marriage between gays why not between people and animals, one should keep in mind that in the eyes of the law marriage is a legal contract. Since animals can't enter into legal contracts, this is a non-issue.

Hmm, we can kill the animals and eat 'em, but we need a legal contract with 'em to marry 'em?? Hmm, let me think about that a little bit. :D

But what of incestuous marriages? Legal ages, of course. Oops, but wait, forcing people to wait 'til legal age is, in itself, age discrimination!

How 'bout knotholes in fence posts? I like to fuck them sometimes, so would you march in protests to allow me to marry those fence posts? Please?

Baron Max
Baron, if your pet sheep is of legal age, can say the vows and can sign the paperwork, I think you should be able to marry it.
Baron, if your pet sheep is of legal age, can say the vows and can sign the paperwork, I think you should be able to marry it.

It's two sheep and one goat! Please get it right if you're going to complain.

As to the marriage, you'll complain if I try to marry them, but you'll give tacit approval for me to kill and butcher them, huh? Ain't that odd?

Baron Max
Baron, if they can say the vows and sign the paperwork, I have no problem with you marrying them. I would also be against you killing them.
I would of course question their mental soundness. They are after all, marrying you. :p
actually the vows are unnessary, all thats nessary is that you can cognativly understand what your doing and you sign the licence. Thats the only legal part of the cerimony. The rest is window dressing
baron said:
Anyone legally forbidden to marry any of an entire demographic class of people from which someone else can choose a spouse has been denied equal protection under the law.

Incest? Age discriminatory laws?
No demographic class of adults is involved.

It is just you, not a demographic class, that you daughter cannot marry - and vice versa. And children are denied equal protection under the law, overtly and consistently. As are sheep, and fence posts.
I think the point we are missing here is Baron would have to be mentally competent before he could marry his fence post.
... And children are denied equal protection under the law, overtly and consistently.

And gays are denied the right to marry, overtly and consistently. See, you think it's okay to deny one group for what YOU think are valid reasons. Well, most people also think that gays should be denied marriage for valid reasons. Ain't no difference that I can see.

Baron Max
Hmm, we can kill the animals and eat 'em, but we need a legal contract with 'em to marry 'em?? Hmm, let me think about that a little bit.
You miss my point, probably deliberately. It's not a matter of respect for the animal's rights; if you can kill it and eat it, then clearly it has no rights. It's simply a matter of animals not being able to enter into legal contracts.
You miss my point, probably deliberately. It's not a matter of respect for the animal's rights; if you can kill it and eat it, then clearly it has no rights. It's simply a matter of animals not being able to enter into legal contracts.

Ya' mean like gays not being permitted, by legal contracts/laws, to marry in same-sex marriages? Legal contracts like that? So, ...if we're bound by such legal contracts/laws, then we should respect them, rigth?

Baron Max
And gays are denied the right to marry, overtly and consistently. See, you think it's okay to deny one group for what YOU think are valid reasons. Well, most people also think that gays should be denied marriage for valid reasons. Ain't no difference that I can see.

Baron Max

Can you give me even one valid reason?
Just like society believes that kids under 16/18 shouldn't get married, they also think that gays shouldn't get married. Perfectly valid reasons in our society.

Baron Max

That's not a reason, though. Why doesn't society believe kids should get married before a certain age? Answer that, and then answer why gays shouldn't get married.
Why doesn't society believe kids should get married before a certain age? Answer that, and then answer why gays shouldn't get married.

I supposed it's because some psychologist claim tht kids are stupid or don't have enough brains to make reasonable decisions.

But then, I suppose we could get some psychologists to make that same comment about gays. So, ....?

Society lives by society's rules. When individuals begin to demand and get whatever they want, any time they want, simply by being loud and obnoxious, then that can't be right. What if we all.....?

Baron Max
Baron Max:

You apparently have nothing more persuasive to offer than an appeal to homophobia.

I suggest you quit before you make yourself look even more like a redneck bigot.
Baron Max: You apparently have nothing more persuasive to offer than an appeal to homophobia. I suggest you quit before you make yourself look even more like a redneck bigot.

Very interesting, James. On the "Ethics and Morality, Huh?" thread, you cited society's stance on ethics and morality, using that as a basis for your arguments that "human rights" is a good thing.

Yet, here, you denigrate my use of the same type of social stance against same-sex marriage.

Wanna' explain that?

Baron Max
Very interesting, James. On the "Ethics and Morality, Huh?" thread, you cited society's stance on ethics and morality, using that as a basis for your arguments that "human rights" is a good thing.

Yet, here, you denigrate my use of the same type of social stance against same-sex marriage.

Wanna' explain that?

Baron Max

He's right, Baron. You offer nothing to the discussion. Your arguments are little more than thinly-veiled homophobic rants that have no basis in reality whatsoever. Worse, you continue to bang this drum after being repeatedly shown wrong.

I think you deserve a ban. You offer absolutely nothing to this forum. We would be far better off without your simple, ignorant, racist bullshit. Let that be on the record.