California: Prohibition on gay marriage

Notes Around

Mr. Hamtastic said:

If my goatess "presents" to me, isn't that consent?

Operant conditioning does not make for proper consent. It represents a different process in the brain than a conscious decision.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

Gays want the right to marry because they want society to recognize, sanction and legitimize their strange, abnormal sexual desires and behavior. To me, it's as simple as that. There is no other reason that gays should wish to marry when they could have an attorney draw up a legal contract that's just as, or moreso, binding between the partners and the state.

Why should society sanction specific sexual practices with some legal document ceremony called marriage? And if they should, why shouldn't they sanction any and all other strange, abnormal sexual desires and practices in the same way? Like incestuous marriages, for example?

Because you are not society, and society is not you. The only connection between certain sexual practices in this argument is you. If you were Dictator of the World, then yes, what you say would be what we all say, but it ain't so, Max.

Regarding incest, it is a bit more complicated an issue than refuting bestiality. As homophobic traditionalists appeal to the historic role of marriage, what they are actually referring to is a twentieth-century transformation of the institution that similarly chagrined conservatives of that era. Documented birth defects are, indeed, lower than the argument against the practice would suggest. However, biologically, incestuous breeding weakens a species by constricting diversity. Additionally, in the context of the traditionalist appeal to the historic role of marriage, incest actually defies that value as Stephanie Coontz observed in her examination of the evolution of the marital institution.

And, certainly, you can disagree with Coontz. However, if you're going to dispute the outcome of a rational examination of history, it would be far more effective to use a rational argument than simply to demand that something is because you say so.

Furthermore, incest transforms the notion of what constitutes a healthy relationship. In a society such as ours, this transformation is, indeed, unhealthy. While a part of that psychological detriment is the result of broader social attitudes that generally constitute a form of prejudice, the transformation of social mores and purpose in normalizing incest is dramatically different and greater than that demanded by tolerance of homosexuality. That is, human psychological needs include a concept of refuge; we are conditioned by our social evolution to value certain realms in which we are not burdened by diverse questions and pressures. Without drastically redefining the psychological, anthropological, and sociological values identified in human relationships according to contemporary norms—in effect, without constructing an entirely new basis for social relationships to supplant the present paradigm—incest is psychologically harmful because, especially in parent-child relations, it is inherently exploitative. Siblings naturally develop between them some manner of authority relationship, and this, too, can easily be exploited in order to foster sexual consent. While incest among less-immediate relatives, such as cousins, may or may not feature such explicitly exploitable dynamics, it still presents certain challenges as relates the evolution of the institution. An analogy might be tying shoelaces. When we tie our shoes, we bind two ends of the lace in a manner that helps hold the shoe in place. An incestuous marriage, analogously, would be the equivalent of tying a knot in one end of the shoelace, and never actually tying the shoes.

There are, of course, arguable theses to be found or written about the validity of restrictions against tying a knot in one end of a shoelace, as such, but the simple fact that you might say so is not among them.

Support it? First, I've never, ever, compared homosexuality with beastiality. One is weird, strange, abnormal sex between same-sex partners ...the other is weird, strange, abnormal sex between a man and his animal sexual partner. See? It's not comparing the two practices at all. Those are just two different weird, strange and abnormal sexual practices, that's all.

There are fundamental differences between homosexuality and bestiality. Chief among these are considerations of species and consent.

Your comparison of people to animals is inherent in the argument:

For what its worth I'm straight as a board in terms of my personal choices, but cannot express strongly enough that some people should not be premitted to do certain things in life. Gays and lesbians simply shouldn't be permitted to marry another of the same sex. In exactly the same way sisters can't marry brothers or fathers; in the same way that mothers can't marry their sons; in the same way that underage girls can't marry older men; etc. Some things just should be illegal, plain and simple.

I'm not permitted to marry my goats and sheep, but you don't see us goat and sheep lovers out parading around town demanding equal rights to marry those sheep and goats, do you?


How, exactly, would a goat or sheep say, "I do"?

Y'all won't let me marry my goat and two sheep, so I'm going to work to prevent gays the right to marry other gays. If y'all will support changing the law so I can marry my goat and sheep, then I might, maybe, will support changing the law for y'all.


Explore this with me, then. First, would it be unfair to isolate, as a thesis, that, "If a human being is allowed to marry another human being of the same sex, then a human being should be allowed to marry an animal"?

That seems to be the underlying point, and the mere connection that "Max finds these practices perverse" is far too general to be of any real use. There are plenty of things in this world that I find perverse, ethically self-contradicting, psychologically corrupting, and otherwise unhealthy. But they go on. And one of the reasons they're able to go on is that the law allows it.

The core argument surrounding homosexual marriage is that, technically, the law allows it. If homophobes and traditionalists did not recognize this, they would not be scrambling to create laws defining marriage. Those few places that, before Lawrence v. Texas, had marriage definitions on the books will not find their standards constitutional because in no case were the laws created specifically in consideration of marriage; rather, they were laws written deliberately to exclude certain people from societal benefit. Yet, you refuse consideration of judicial history regarding equal protection—the het-marriage laws place specific barriers to marriage on the basis of the sex of the participants—and dismiss as useless academic considerations of the history of marriage; e.g., the purpose and function of marriage within a society.

Generally, it seems like you just like comparing homosexuals to farm animals because it makes you feel better in some way about yourself.

I mean the damned courthouse won't give me a marriage license to marry my goat and two sheep. You're pissed off 'cause you can't marry some guy, why can't I be pissed off that I can't marry my goat and two sheep? You're discriminating against me!!

Why won't you support my right to marry my goat and sheep? If you want me to support the right of gays to marry other males, then you should want to support my right to marry my goat and sheep. Or are you wanting to discriminate against me, yet demand special rights for gays? (#2046331/295)

So, .....if you can change laws to suit your own special, odd, strange, perverted sex practices, then the law should also change to permit my own special, odd, strange, perverted sex practices. Huh? Huh??? Huh?? (#2046848/298)

And yet those same gays are actually arguing against my rights to marry my goat and sheep because they don't happen to like my method of having sex. Hmm, damned odd, ain't it. And sorta' hippo-critic, too. (#2049634/304)

You want the right to have your own perverted sexual habits sanctioned by society, yet you refuse to allow me the right to have my perverted sexual habits sanction by society. Hippo-critters, huh? (#2050145/306)

Like you said, Max: same discussion, different title.

If, then. Now, how, exactly, does the animal consent to sex and marriage? Operant conditioning, in and of itself, does not make for proper consent. If your goat, upon seeing your exposed, erect penis, turns around and presents itself, this is not the same decision-making process that takes place when two human beings decide to have sexual intercourse. That it is trained by stimulus and response to behave in a certain way does not mean it has given any sort of informed consent.

Sex without proper consent is rape. Sex with an animal is bestiality. Lacking proper consent, it becomes bestial rape.

Thus: If homosexuals are allowed to have sex/marry, then bestial rape should receive equal status in society.

So don't sit there and try to lie to us, Max.

What I have stated is that if gays should get their way, special rights, because of their weird, abnormal sexual practices, why should other weird, abnormal sexual practices not be acceptable? We could have, for example, the "Cocksucking Wives of America" legally sanctioned by the state. And maybe the "Husbands Who Love Pussy Licking", too?

Cock-sucking wives and pussy-licking husbands were covered in Lawrence v. Garner.

To the other, that you find oral sex weird and abnormal is ... well, it's interesting. Much about you can be explained by that point in itself.

Consent from my goats and sheep? Do we ask for consent before we kill and butcher cows and pigs so that we can eat them? I love my goat and two sheep, I'd never let anyone kill, butcher and eat them. Which do you think needs the attention of the "consent" argue the most?

Any sex without consent is rape, Max.

The argument about killing and butchering animals is based in separate principles, and is thus not a valid comparison. Needless to say, a goat is not capable of giving proper consent. Whether you choose to rape the goat or not is up to you, Max.

• • •​

Madanthonywayne said:

What if they win? California would then, most likely, appeal to the Supreme Court which would probably overturn their win. On the other hand, if they wait a while until Obama has had the chance to name a justice or two, things might just turn out differrently.

You seem to have a very low view of our Supreme Court justices. Think for a moment of Souter and Thomas. Especially in Souter's case, some conservatives haven't gotten what they seem to have expected. Likewise, Justice Kennedy, Reagan appointee. Indeed, the Roberts court has repeatedly rebuked President Bush on a number of matters in which many conservatives expected judicial sympathy.

Any Supreme Court worthy of the name will stand behind equal protection. Sure, there's Scalia, but he's only one ninth of the Court, and more wrapped up in his own egotism than actually politicking from the bench.

Why do you think the right waited so long to file a lawsuit on the second amendment? We waited until we had a court we felt would find in our favor.

There's also a matter of trial and error; finding the argument that carries all the way to the Supreme Court is not like getting a traffic ticket dropped.

If they win in California and they then go to the US Supreme Court and lose, they could set gay rights back 100 years.

The Court is very cautious about saying, "You are not allowed to do this because you are the wrong sex". Furthermore, given Roper v. Simmons as an example (although not direct precedent), the latest scientific consensus—e.g., the thought processes of juvenile brains—played a tremendous role in overturning the death penalty for minors. (Scalia's dissent is a testament to his egotism, and is worth a read sometime.) The argument for inherent homosexuality is probably not quite as complete, but it is certainly persuasive. Even Roberts and Alito will have a difficult time, were they so inclined, saying that because of deeply-ingrained Judeo-Christian scriptural biases, society should make an exception this one time in granting equal protection to natural characteristics of no harmful consequence to anyone else.

You seem to think the justices on the Court are incapable of reaching such a conclusion. I would disagree. Hell, even Scalia is capable of surprising me from time to time.

To the other, if the California Supreme Court overturns the initiative on the grounds One Raven noted, it is doubtful that the USSC would agree to hear the appeal.
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You seem to think the justices on the Court are incapable of reaching such a conclusion. I would disagree. Hell, even Scalia is capable of surprising me from time to time.

To the other, if the California Supreme Court overturns the initiative on the grounds One Raven noted, it is doubtful that the USSC would agree to hear the appeal.
Incapable? Of course not. But I'd be very wary of getting the wrong supreme court decision. Why not wait until you have a more sympathetic court? As I said, had the second ammendment case been tried before a more liberal supreme court, we might have lost that right or seen it severely curtailed. Thank God they waited for this court. No decision is far superior to a supreme court ruling against you. Pick your battles, and wait for the right time to strike.
tiassa to go back to the origional argument why even go with the equal protection clause? That is just giving the right a way to manipulate the situation

as i said if there is a claus in the consitution which garentiees free travel between states then thats your best target. The argument is very symple (which means its more likly to WORK:p)

Person a and b are married in state x, they then wish to move to california where there marriage is illegal. This consitutes a barrier to the free travel between states, there for it is unconsitutional and must be struck down.

this assumes that the earlier posters which said a claus like this exists is correct of course

as for the defence of marriage bill (CLINITON signed it? your kidding? i thought that was Bush) it would also run afoul of the same claus and could be argued at the same time
Incapable? Of course not. But I'd be very wary of getting the wrong supreme court decision. Why not wait until you have a more sympathetic court? As I said, had the second ammendment case been tried before a more liberal supreme court, we might have lost that right or seen it severely curtailed. Thank God they waited for this court. No decision is far superior to a supreme court ruling against you. Pick your battles, and wait for the right time to strike.

You make some good points.
I think their idea is baby steps forward.
I can see the reason in both approaches.
I wonder how many Justice slots (if any) will open in the next 4 years.
Is there any word on that lately?
Because you are not society, and society is not you. The only connection between certain sexual practices in this argument is you.

No, not exactly, Tiassa. Didn't the majority of California voters have something of the same view as me? And as I understand it, there are now several states that are working to change/refine the law. So, see? It ain't just me.

...incest transforms the notion of what constitutes a healthy relationship. In a society such as ours, this transformation is, indeed, unhealthy. ....

And some, like the voters of California, seem to feel exactly that same way about homosexual relationships.

Your comparison of people to animals is inherent in the argument:

For what its worth I'm straight as a board in terms of my personal choices, but cannot express strongly enough that some people should not be premitted to do certain things in life. Gays and lesbians simply shouldn't be permitted to marry another of the same sex. In exactly the same way sisters can't marry brothers or fathers; in the same way that mothers can't marry their sons; in the same way that underage girls can't marry older men; etc. Some things just should be illegal, plain and simple.

For animals, perhaps. But you apparently didn't read that part that I copied above about incest and other issues. Read it again without the reference to animals.

The core argument surrounding homosexual marriage is that, technically, the law allows it. ...

Interesting that you recognize that, Tiassa. And in so making that statement, surely you realize that laws are changed all the time ...perfectly legally. And apparently Calif is going to change/amend a law to disallow gay marriage in the state. So, I can't help wondering ...since from the statement above, you agree with laws, if Calif and other states change their laws to disallow gay marriage, are you going to go along with it? Or will you still rant and rave to get gay marriage permitted?

And once again, I see this as a legal issue also ...hetero males can't marry other males; gay males can't marry other males. See? Perfectly non-discrimiinatory, perfectly equal under the law.

Ahh, but gays want special rights, don't they! Yeah, they do. They want special rights to recognize and legitimize how they like to have sex. Sex is what is different between the two groups ...and ONLY sex. So apparently how they like to enjoy sex is the only thing that distinguishes gays. Hence, gays want special rights ...above and beyond the rights of hetero people.

The argument about killing and butchering animals is based in separate principles, and is thus not a valid comparison.

Why? Is that just because you say so? And please don't bother to copy off the opinions of some other jerks that feel the same way!

We can kill animals without their consent, but we can't fuck 'em! What a fuckin' joke!!!

It's so simple for me ...Gays want special rights ...and they want those special rights ONLY because of the way they like to enjoy sex.

Baron Max
It's so simple for me ...Gays want special rights ...and they want those special rights ONLY because of the way they like to enjoy sex.

Sex is something you do. Being hetero or homosexual is something you are. With the web of mangled logic that you spin, I know there is no reaching you. But homosexual adults who are in monogamous relationships with other homosexual adults see no reason why they should not have access to the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual adults in monogamous relationships. Though I don't have a dog in this fight, I see no reason, nor do millions of other adults in this country. We live in a secular country, not a theocracy. There is no reason for the state to prefer heterosexual relationships over homosexual ones. If certain religions don't like them, that's fine; no one is talking about trying to force churches to allow same sex couples to get married there if they don't want to allow them to.

And comparing monogamous homosexual relationships to bestiality?
I think this whole gay marriage thing is just blown way out of proportion. First, I don't understand why anyone would want to be married...given the financial liabilty it represents. Two, if gay want to have a legal bonding similar to marriage they should have it. Now should it be called marriage, I think not.
I think this whole gay marriage thing is just blown way out of proportion. First, I don't understand why anyone would want to be married...given the financial liabilty it represents. Two, if gay want to have a legal bonding similar to marriage they should have it. Now should it be called marriage, I think not.

Separate but equal is never equal.
Now should it be called marriage, I think not.

Why not?

Marriage is really just a legal term used to signify the co-dependent contract people enter into.

How does it harm you, or anyone else, in any way to call it marriage?
(Insert title here)

Baron Max said:

No, not exactly, Tiassa. Didn't the majority of California voters have something of the same view as me? And as I understand it, there are now several states that are working to change/refine the law. So, see? It ain't just me.

California voters did not cast ballots regarding the essential or moral parity between homosexuality and bestial rape.

And some, like the voters of California, seem to feel exactly that same way about homosexual relationships.

Superstition does not make for a strong rational argument. Nor is there any law that says voters must make rational decisions.

For animals, perhaps. But you apparently didn't read that part that I copied above about incest and other issues. Read it again without the reference to animals.

The part that you copied above? What in this discussion, or the prior? Must be the prior, since I addressed incest and polygamy.

But what did you copy, and where did you copy it to?

Interesting that you recognize that, Tiassa. And in so making that statement, surely you realize that laws are changed all the time ...perfectly legally.

Not all changes to the law are perfectly legal. There is something called the Constitution of the United States of America, and it is the supreme law of this land.

And apparently Calif is going to change/amend a law to disallow gay marriage in the state. So, I can't help wondering ...since from the statement above, you agree with laws, if Calif and other states change their laws to disallow gay marriage, are you going to go along with it? Or will you still rant and rave to get gay marriage permitted?

It is my belief that this state constitutional amendment violates the supreme law of the land, e.g., the Constitution of the United States of America.

And once again, I see this as a legal issue also ...hetero males can't marry other males; gay males can't marry other males. See? Perfectly non-discrimiinatory, perfectly equal under the law.

An inherently sexist standard is not "perfectly non-discriminatory". You've made the point yourself—at present, one is not allowed to marry the person they love because he or she is the wrong sex. This is sex discrimination. Inherently.

Ahh, but gays want special rights, don't they! Yeah, they do. They want special rights to recognize and legitimize how they like to have sex. Sex is what is different between the two groups ...and ONLY sex. So apparently how they like to enjoy sex is the only thing that distinguishes gays.

I admit, that's quite the cynical view of marriage. Even I, who have no desire to ever marry anyone, don't hold it in such low esteem.

Hence, gays want special rights ...above and beyond the rights of hetero people.

What, heterosexuals are prohibited from forming legally-recognized partnerships of love, trust, and reserved socioeconomic cooperation with the person of their choosing?

You've made a fairly extraordinary assertion, sir.

Why? Is that just because you say so? And please don't bother to copy off the opinions of some other jerks that feel the same way!

We can kill animals without their consent, but we can't fuck 'em! What a fuckin' joke!!!

Um, Max? Even if we presume for the sake of argument that your goat is the moral, intellectual, and psychological equivalent of a human being, its consent is still required for sex.

It's so simple for me ...Gays want special rights ...and they want those special rights ONLY because of the way they like to enjoy sex.

You have yet to tell us what those special rights are.
I see no reason the baron can't enjoy his beastiality. As soon as his sheep can read a marriage license and prove it is compitent to enter into a contract they should be allowed to marry.
... But homosexual adults who are in monogamous relationships with other homosexual adults see no reason why they should not have access to the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual adults in monogamous relationships.

I think you would agree that we are a nation of laws. As such, society creates laws in accordance with other set rules or standards based on such things as the Constitution.

As a society, for example, we've decided at what age kids should become full adults under the law. So, through various means, we've set that age at 16/18, depending on the state. Separate but ...almost equal, right?

In our society, we've also decided that some people can't marry due to various standards that, as a people, is deemed "inappropriate". Incestuous marriage is one such rule/law that society has deemed wrong, and so they've passed laws to forbid it. Yet the people involved are still considered equal under all other various laws and rules of that society.

Homosexual marriage is another one of those special rules/laws that society is now deciding what to do. The society does this, society sets those rules and laws in accordance with various studies and means. If society decides that marriage between same-sex couples is wrong and inappropriate, then it's no different to those other rules/laws noted above.

Gays can have legal contract drawn up to afford themselves all of the other services and benefits of marriage, yet not be permitted to call it "marriage", because society has/or will deem it inappropriate. It's up to society to make that determination, and as far as I'm aware, that could only come from a majority of voters, not only from special interest groups such as the gays themselves. Separate but equal ...just like the age-biased or the incestuous laws noted above.

See? Gays want special rights ONLY because of the way they like to have sex.
Incestuous couples also like the way they have sex, but society has decided that, while they can have sex without legal recriminations, they can NOT legally marry.
Polygamous couples also enjoy sex in different ways than regular, normal people of society and they also can enjoy that sex without legal recriminations. Yet society has deemed that polygamous couples can't legally marry.

That's all simply separate but equal under the law. And there's nothing wrong with it whatsoever ......except to those special interest groups.

There is no reason for the state to prefer heterosexual relationships over homosexual ones.

Unless they want to. As noted above.

Baron Max
I think you would agree that we are a nation of laws

Not really, you are the nation of the invisible constitution and rather than the rule of law, now follow the rule of men.
Baron Max: "And once again, I see this as a legal issue also ...hetero males can't marry other males; gay males can't marry other males. See? Perfectly non-discrimiinatory, perfectly equal under the law."

An inherently sexist standard is not "perfectly non-discriminatory". You've made the point yourself—at present, one is not allowed to marry the person they love because he or she is the wrong sex. This is sex discrimination. Inherently.

Males can't legally use the public female restrooms. And that is also sex discrimination ...but it's accepted by the society according to the rules and laws. Yet it's still sex discrimination.

Underage girls can't marry older males. That's a law as set forth by the society and it's accepted by the society in accordance with standards of that society. Yet it's still age discrimination. Sure, you can give all kinds of "reasons", and some of you will try, but that doesn't change the fact that it's age discrimination.

Tiassa, I suspect that you'll have a long, involved, footnoted "reason" in some misguided idea of explaining it all, but please dont bother ....I for one won't read it.

Baron Max
Real Time With Max the Troll

Baron Max said:

Males can't legally use the public female restrooms. And that is also sex discrimination ...but it's accepted by the society according to the rules and laws. Yet it's still sex discrimination.

This came up over a decade ago, and a federal court agrees that it is discrimination. I won't bother footnoting the point, not out of any special concern toward your special need for ignorance, but, rather, it was around 1995, and I can't recall the case name. The essential story is that two women entered a men's room at Qualcomm Stadium because the lines for the women's restroom were too long. A lawsuit resulted, and when the whole thing was finished in federal court, the outcome was that the law cannot keep the women out of the men's room.

If it matters that much to you, look up the precedent. I'm pretty sure it was 1995, and in the Ninth Circuit.

Oh, hey, I did find a reference to the story. Sorry, that means there'll be a footnote:

Lawsuits alleging pain and suffering don’t always involve physical injury. Sometimes, the pain is to the psyche - with these civil filings, the keywords are usually “emotional trauma” or “distress.” San Diego lawyer Robert Glaser claimed to have suffered “embarrassment and emotional distress” when he discovered women were using the men’s bathroom at a 1995 Elton John-Billy Joel concert, at what was then called Jack Murphy (now Qualcomm) Stadium.

The women had apparently resorted to the (surely less desirable) men’s facilities because of long lines outside women’s restrooms. In March 1995, Glaser filed a $5.4 million lawsuit against the city of San Diego, claiming that, upon discovering that women were using the men’s bathroom, sometimes squatting over the urinal troughs, he was ''angered, upset, embarrassed, distraught and (feeling) violated.’” He said his “civil rights to privacy” were violated by having to urinate ''in front of women in the men's bathroom.''

Glaser said he checked “six or seven” other men’s rooms, finding women present in all of them, and that he “had to hold it in for four hours” because he was unwilling to urinate with women present. He also named the beer vendor in his suit, claiming their irresistible product, prolific presence and superlative salesmanship had contributed to his eventual discomfort.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Glaser’s claim was unreasonable, ordering him to pay $2,000 in fines to the city for filing a frivolous lawsuit. He and his lawyer were also required to pay $2,000 to the concessions company Glaser had blamed for selling him the beer. Glaser took his appeal of this ruling appeal all the way to the California Supreme Court which, in December 1998, denied Glaser's appeal without comment. Glaser did not respond to emailed requests to be interviewed for this piece.


So there's that. Grab yourself a lawyer, review the precedent, and then walk into a few women's restrooms.

Underage girls can't marry older males. That's a law as set forth by the society and it's accepted by the society in accordance with standards of that society. Yet it's still age discrimination. Sure, you can give all kinds of "reasons", and some of you will try, but that doesn't change the fact that it's age discrimination.

We're well aware that you don't give a damn about reasons, but try that argument in court. Here's a term you should get used to: rational basis. And another: legitimate state purpose. Familiarize yourself with them if you intend to make arguments like, "society creates laws in accordance with other set rules or standards based on such things as the Constitution."

I suspect that you'll have a long, involved, footnoted "reason" in some misguided idea of explaining it all, but please dont bother ....I for one won't read it.

And you wonder why you're thought of as a troll?


Sanford, Jay Allen. "When Kids Go To Prison, plus 100 Rockin' Lawsuits". San Diego Reader. July 30, 2008.
This came up over a decade ago, and a federal court agrees that it is discrimination.

Ain't it interesting that you only responded to that one little part of my post, yet completely ignored the other examples. I've copied them below so you don't have to go searching all over the place for it:

Underage girls can't marry older males. That's a law as set forth by the society and it's accepted by the society in accordance with standards of that society. Yet it's still age discrimination. Sure, you can give all kinds of "reasons", and some of you will try, but that doesn't change the fact that it's age discrimination.

Wanna' try to respond to those examples of LEGAL discrimination?

Baron Max
Troll on, brother Baron!

Baron Max said:

Ain't it interesting that you only responded to that one little part of my post, yet completely ignored the other examples. I've copied them below so you don't have to go searching all over the place for it:

Underage girls can't marry older males. That's a law as set forth by the society and it's accepted by the society in accordance with standards of that society. Yet it's still age discrimination. Sure, you can give all kinds of "reasons", and some of you will try, but that doesn't change the fact that it's age discrimination.

Wanna' try to respond to those examples of LEGAL discrimination?

I did respond to those examples. To reiterate:

We're well aware that you don't give a damn about reasons, but try that argument in court. Here's a term you should get used to: rational basis. And another: legitimate state purpose. Familiarize yourself with them if you intend to make arguments like, "society creates laws in accordance with other set rules or standards based on such things as the Constitution."​

Now, I'm sorry if you find that confusing—

Why? Is that just because you say so? And please don't bother to copy off the opinions of some other jerks that feel the same way! (#25)

• • •​

Tiassa, I suspect that you'll have a long, involved, footnoted "reason" in some misguided idea of explaining it all, but please dont bother ....I for one won't read it.

—but you've already made it clear that you're not interested in the answers. For instance, insofar as terms like rational basis and legitimate state purpose are concerned, I would refer you to the Cornell University Law School for more information, but the last time I brought that resource up, you got huffy and told me, "By the way, citing someone else's opinion about homosexual marriage is just that ....someone else's opinion. And it's worth about the same as mine!"

So what do you want, Max? Seems to me you're asking for an argument you've already said you won't read.

Let me guess, your trolling stone gathers no moss?
I did respond to those examples.

No, you didn't! You listed a bunch of nonsense comments by some people who's opinions are just opinions just like my opinions are opinions.

I'm ask for reasons why YOU are so willing to allow some discriminations, sexual and otherwise, yet adamantly claim that gay marriage ban is discrimination that should be abolished.

And, Tiassa, the more you try to hide all of your reasons and explanations in long, involved garbage, with long, silly footnoting, is just more evidence for me that you're simply so fuckin' biased that you can't explain any of it yourself.

Baron Max