Cake or seeing your relatives?

Which do you choose, party in heaven or chance to see and help your living relatives

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redarmy11 said:
If it meant never seeing them again I'm sure it would be a much more difficult decision.

... Hi Sam. Where did that post go!?? :confused:

I removed it when ToR removed hers!
Theoryofrelativity said:
After I wrote this it then occurred to me, that your relatives will have offspring........?
Who will join us in eternal bliss, one by one. *shrug *
redarmy11 said:
What, relatives of yours, Sam? Do tell - I don't think anyone's listening.. ?

Oh are we still talking about relatives?
redarmy11 said:
I think we were, yes.. why, were you thinking of your family here on Sciforums?

Uh hmm oh err :eek:

PS Just posted a poll in EMJ
Eternity is a very long time. Soon enough, my living relatives will be dead, and I don't want to spend the rest of eternity (which means essentially all of it) on minimum rations.
Actually, the choices appear to be a heaven a teenager would imagine, neither are that appealing. And besides, having sex with "fit folk" is a regular Earthly past time, no heaven required.

If the two choices were to be defined, the first is clearly selfish while the latter is selfless.

Not really much of a moral dilemma. Another poorly thought out poll, ToR.
(Q) said:
Actually, the choices appear to be a heaven a teenager would imagine, neither are that appealing. And besides, having sex with "fit folk" is a regular Earthly past time, no heaven required.

If the two choices were to be defined, the first is clearly selfish while the latter is selfless.

Not really much of a moral dilemma. Another poorly thought out poll, ToR.

Not reading too well Q?

I said it was the heaven you imagine it to be, I listed a few things to get the ball rolling, and to appeal to the teenagers who form the largest posting population on sci forums. But if your idea of heaven is flatulance, abstainance, floral wall paper so be it...and GIANT telescope.

Oh and no the dilemma is actually not about selfish v not selfish. so WRONG

It's about noting (and it has already been noted) that as the relatives will die in say 100yrs or so tops, not much point committing an eternity to something they will never know you had a part in anyway...and with limited benefit.

Eternity is a very long time.

You have not yet solved the dilemma you complain about, apparrantly providing more details creates a dilemma solving problem. Real life has a funny way of doing that.
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How is this a dillema?
Nobody in their right mind would choose not to live in heaven and be free.
A masochist would. I don't mind a bit of slap and tickle but I draw the line at sitting on a hard chair forever. However, I imagine some people would like it. Or like not liking it, or whatever.
cool skill said:
How is this a dillema?
Nobody in their right mind would choose not to live in heaven and be free.

Sam intially chose to watch loved ones.

Maybe its a girl thing, when we get married we agree ( or are unwillingly subjected to ;) ) a life of servitude. And our life time is our eternity.
I am slave to my kids already, although I do get to eat cake. (and have sex with fit bloke ; ) )
Theoryofrelativity said:
Sam intially chose to watch loved ones.

Maybe its a girl thing, when we get married we agree ( or are unwillingly subjected to ;) ) a life of servitude. And our life time is our eternity.
I am slave to my kids already, although I do get to eat cake. (and have sex with fit bloke ; ) )
Heres another moral dilemma, shall we inform Tors husband that she has sex with a fit bloke or shall we not? :D
There is no dilemma for me, I don't like my relatives and I am no mother Theresa.
And even if I change my mind about some, we all have to face life, it's what is living, happiness or sadness - rapture nonthereless.
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I'd rather do something productive than become a slave to some insane, megalomaniacal, genocidal, and despotic tyrant. Thus, I'll return to earth and aid my relatives.