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"No. I will point out the simple fact that you are a liar. You have not left. You never intended to leave."

Any support to back that? Hey, I have a little. In a PM sent by me hours before this I said "inevitably, I will end up leaving soon"

"Another lie. You replied in this thread after I had posted in it."

Actually, you will take note that I said "try and stay away". I did try, however I really wanted to reply there.

"Now then. In light of this, and your rather snappish responses to me in this thread, I pointed out in a rather sarcastic manner that you were being hyper-sensitive."

Um, my replies had no snap to them at all. They were cold and as 'asshole' as I got was saying 'wow, glad you dont decide how to teach!'. This somehow gets me a hershey bar and titanic? Anyway, like I said it's not offending, just confusing as hell.

"I called you an idiot, after inserting an emotiocon indicating a gentle sort of teasing. Your response was a hysterical "Never found Campbell all that attractive. Slightly more so than Dunst, but nothing special. Of course, I must be lieing about this as I am a brainless, sexually-deprived teenager who only likes women that hollywood tells me I like." "

Actually, that comment was in response to many things you had said including....

- "Basically, it comes down to sexual frustration and herd behavior - if several people are drooling over Natalie, the rest will join in."
- "Actually, most women could or do look better than Dunst, it's simply that they haven't been marketed to the "pathetic, sexually deprived teenage male" audience."
- "I can name two co-workers that are much more attractive than Dunst will ever be. However, you're conditioned to think actress=attractive, woman=average."

All directed at me except the first which was directed at everyone, I think.

I don't want a war, Xev. But I don't want people misjudging either of us.
Any support to back that? Hey, I have a little. In a PM sent by me hours before this I said "inevitably, I will end up leaving soon"


You're still here.

Um, my replies had no snap to them at all. They were cold and as 'asshole' as I got was saying 'wow, glad you dont decide how to teach!'. This somehow gets me a hershey bar and titanic? Anyway, like I said it's not offending, just confusing as hell.


- "Basically, it comes down to sexual frustration and herd behavior - if several people are drooling over Natalie, the rest will join in."
- "Actually, most women could or do look better than Dunst, it's simply that they haven't been marketed to the "pathetic, sexually deprived teenage male" audience."
- "I can name two co-workers that are much more attractive than Dunst will ever be. However, you're conditioned to think actress=attractive, woman=average."

All directed at me except the first which was directed at everyone, I think.

I fail to see how any of that could be considered insulting. Well, perhaps the first.

In the second, I point out that actresses are thought of as attractive because they are marketed. In the second, I point out that you've been socially conditioned.

So have I.

Um, what is? The other two comments I made in that hread weren't at you. So you took your hershey bar/titanic thingy from that comment alone.

" fail to see how any of that could be considered insulting. Well, perhaps the first."

The first one implies simply taht I am a sheep.
The second one implies that I am sexually depraved teenage male and simply react that way - again, a sheep.
The third one again states that I am nothing beyond a sheep.

Xev you wear your individuality like a badge of honour. Which is good, because it's an amazing thing. I'm not going to deny that I am far more of the 'herd' than you are, but I am indeed insulted by being told I am nothing more than a simple sheep without a mind of his own. If I misinterputed all your comments and they were not meant to say that I am nothing more than a sheep without a mind of his own on the matter at hand - then simply say so and I will understnad and accept.
My individuality is nothing. I do not wear it as a badge of honour because it is a mark of the exact opposite.

The first one implies simply taht I am a sheep.

That it does. I should have been more tender with you.

The second one implies that I am sexually depraved teenage male and simply react that way - again, a sheep.


Hey, I like sexually depraved teenage males. As long as they're intelligent too.

The third one again states that I am nothing beyond a sheep.

You are subject to conditioning. This does not make you a sheep. It makes you human.

If being human is an insult....well, I seriously doubt you regard this as an insult. I might, but that's a different story.

If I misinterputed all your comments and they were not meant to say that I am nothing more than a sheep without a mind of his own on the matter at hand - then simply say so and I will understnad and accept.

Say "baaa" Tyler. They were not meant to single you out that way. They were not meant to say that you were nothing more than a sheep without a mind of his own. I apologize for not making this clear, although I have no doubt that you will reject this apology.

So bring it on, Tyler. You've decided to make yourself look like an innocent victim of "The Wrath of Xev" (tm?)

So show where I've been so fucking wrathful.
"Say "baaa" Tyler. They were not meant to single you out that way. They were not meant to say that you were nothing more than a sheep without a mind of his own. I apologize for not making this clear,"

My bad then.

"So show where I've been so fucking wrathful." - there is no wrath here, I just basically was muted from being useful. Hence, I deleted my original posts!

there's two more.

The rest of you (especially Cris - it's really a pathetic thing for a pudgy fifty year old to insult Xev on a nonexistant obesity problem, don't you think? ) can fuck off. :)
If it wasn't for the smiley I'd think you really meant that. It was of course only a "perhaps", but why only deny the obesity, does ugliness fit then? ;)

You are both simply plain daft for giving into your tantrums, although I can't tell if you are really just teasing or not.
Originally posted by Xev
The rest of you (especially Cris - it's really a pathetic thing for a pudgy fifty year old to insult Xev on a nonexistant obesity problem, don't you think? ) can fuck off. :)

Xev has an attitude problem, it looks like she thinks she's in control of everything. Just felt like jumping into this convo :D

To my speculation, Xev is the way she is because of all those that 'kiss ass' to her and make her feel omnipotent she thinks she can say anything. "I'm so powerful I can't be wrong!." And as shown, whoever's beliefs differ from hers, you can just "fuck off." :rolleyes:

And I don't think she's playing either, it's her trueself. It probably makes her feel good to do that too. Nothing wrong with feeling good though. :D Her ego is too big now.
I've long wondered what it is about forums that makes people have personal rows in public. I mean, would you be having this row, saying these things, if you were standing in front of an auditorium full of people?

However, you started this, Tyler. By starting this "I have to leave because of Xev" thread (because that was, after all, the essence of your post), in order to rally sympatizers. And you shure had luck, even to the point of one of them making unpleasant guesses at Xev's possible physical appearance. Whatever Wev's past here (I havent been here long enough to know), I think she showed quite good restraint and left the bait alone for quite some time.

Now, I would suggest that you simply stop this before it gets more ridiculous. The sooner this sinks down the thread list into oblivion, the better.:bugeye: :rolleyes:

doesn't this just beat all!

just you two shut up you both acting like a two year old

Dark Master:
How wrong you are. Xev does not think she is in control - she is in control.

MRC: I was content to let this fester. However, when I was asked by several people "What the fuck?!", and I respect such people, I responded.

Cris: I responded to the "obese" part because I felt the irony there was best. A rather unattractive post-mid age man insults me on my appearence, an attack generally reserved for teenage girls?

You do see the irony here? Perhaps you ought to get yourself a bucket of pig's blood for the senior prom?

Tyler: Ah, the crux of the matter. Face it kid, you've lost face in your attempt to make me lose face. Give up.

Look at your supporters. C'mon.

Yes, I see you stereotyping an entire religion out of pettishness. I see myself getting a tad bit annoyed.

Should I retaliate by catalouging each and every time you've insulted me?

No. I don't have the time for it, Tyler. - there is no wrath here, I just basically was muted from being useful. Hence, I deleted my original posts!

You claim that I controlled your actions so completely? I doubt that very much. Last I checked, I did not have a super-hypno-mind-controal ray.
Originally posted by Xev
Dark Master:
How wrong you are. Xev does not think she is in control - she is in control.

Hahaha, that is what YOU think so. Xev, you are insidious indeed, treacherous yet seductive. You have a nice way with words. Maybe because of your avatar and that I know you are a woman. must be dying to be controlled to see how goood it will feel. ;) You need to be kissed the way you want to be kissed...touched the way you loveee to be touched...turned on so much to the point that you justttt don't want to control it...where you can just let go... ;)
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Originally posted by Xev
Dark Master:
How wrong you are. Xev does not think she is in control - she is in control.

You wish you were in control!! :rolleyes: KNOW YOUR ROLE WOMAN!! :D

Dark Master must be dying to be controlled to see how goood it will feel. You need to be kissed the way you want to be kissed...touched the way you loveee to be touched...turned on so much to the point that you justttt don't want to control it...where you can just let go...

LMAO!!! :p If she is obese, that's alot of homework for you Dark Master!! :eek: :p :D
I don't want to be part of this anymore. I have apologized and explained everything that is humanly possible, there's nothing left I can do.
It is simple Tyler. You have answered, Xev answered, that is all that matters.

You eliminate the side talk when you pm. Not so on the boards. If it is aired in public, the public will answer usually.

The next time there is sore feelings, I would suggest that first you pm who is seen as the offender. Lots of times it is no more than misunderstandings as there is no body language or facial expressions to help with the message. Messages and posts are often misunderstood because of that. (Or taken the wrong way)

I think that has come out with in the body of the posts...
Originally posted by Squid Vicious
You can kinda tell there's no ammunition left when they start throwing bricks... as these two have just demonstrated.

hah, funny guyyy. Trying to throw bricks at me buddyyy? :rolleyes: Go through YOUR bricks somewhere else. You ain't seen all of my ammo yet :D A futile statement indeed.
Dark Master: must be dying to be controlled to see how goood it will feel. You need to be kissed the way you want to be kissed...touched the way you loveee to be touched...turned on so much to the point that you justttt don't want to control it...where you can just let go...


Oh christ, not the oldest cliche in existance.

It's even an entry in certain collections of the cliches of erotica.

You wish you were in control!! KNOW YOUR ROLE WOMAN!!

Gracious me, not you too Chosen?

Oh, the horror.

I believe in this case the safe word is "shut up before you make an even more complete arse of yourself".


Just teasing, Chosen. You're a nice enough sort.

You can kinda tell there's no ammunition left when they start throwing bricks... as these two have just demonstrated.

Or cliches of sadomasochistic erotica....I think I'd prefer that they throw rocks.

*Rolls eyes*

Given the intellectual level present, I am just waiting for them to start howling and flinging monkey feces.


Wet1, I'd really appreciate it if you close this before that happens.


Generally, the best way to prevent these things from happening is not to start them. In any case, it seems to be over. I'd rather not revisit it, although of course this is contingent on your behaviour.

Edit to add:

You ain't seen all of my ammo yet A futile statement indeed.

What, are you going to branch out? Use cliches of other genres of erotica? Please don't. The last was so horrible that the French surrendered to it.

Then again, that's not saying much.
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