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Originally posted by Deepuz
These goodbye threads are just too corny....

hahaha I agree.

Originally posted by Xev
You've brought a few people I formerly respected onto your "side" by misrepresenting my actions.

Uhh...with your actions, you've always been a bitch to things you don't like. :D
Tyler, I'm sorry you feel that you have to leave. You shouldn't let other peoples ongoing personal war against everybody get to you. It has more to do with their insecurity and need for apprechiation( that for the less selfaware person can take very twisted ways of expressing itself) and not so much with what you are actually saying in your posts.
Although I may not always agree with your point of view I have noticed that you have indeed improved your manners, which as you also noticed gave you a more positive response from everybody, except for those who see abusive language as norm. And why listen to them anyway?

Tyler - If you don't want to post here, then don't. If you do, then do. It's as simple as that. Though it might get slightly more complicated when people ask you to leave :D.

Suggestion: If you have a problem with another poster then put them on your ignore list, or sort it out or something.

These goodbye threads are just too corny....
Perhaps, but they also reflect emotional attachments to the friendships formed at such places. It shows the importance that these message boards can have in the lives of many people. While I know I could simply walk away I understand that others do have stronger emotions and that deserves some degree of respect.


Concerning those who are exceptionally cynical, sarcastic or abusive. Such people often display such characteristics because of some form of compensation for a personal problem of their own, typically an actual or perceived physical disability. Their attitudes are much like ‘why has this happened to me’, and they need an outlet for their anger.

With regards to Xev: She portrays herself as a beautiful science fiction character, perhaps this is over compensation for the reality that she is really ugly and obese. If you think of her that way then you should take care to show sympathy when she attacks you. And the worse she becomes then the greater your display of politeness and sympathy.

Just a thought.
Hey Tyler, some thoughts...
I like your posts. If you are getting nothing from the forums then yes it would be best to leave probably. But I think there is still plenty to learn and discuss here and it would be better with you involved.

Maybe you have just been posting here too much for too long. Forum fatigue ;). Take a little break then come back. I mean, surely you aren't taking Xev that seriously? When she said I had no balls I got a lil' chuckle out of that. 1st rule of internet forums is you can't take anything too personally...

As in hockey, sometimes you have to sit in the penalty box for a couple minutes then come back out ready to fight :D.
Tyler, don't leave. the stuff you describe will not end that way. Deal with it.

Xev, you can come down too hard on people sometimes. I know people shouldn't be pussies about it, but trop is te veel.

Both of you make great contributions to various threads.

Mods, why aren't you doing anything about stuff deemed off topic, insulting,...????

Edit: can you believe I spotted a spelling error?? :)
Sometimes we tire of the things we like. Sometimes they become stale or old hat.

I think everyone can think of examples of when we didn't get along with others, be it school or in the work place. If you have a problem you can always report the post. I am sure it will be reviewed. I can not guarrenty satisfaction to each and every poster but I assure you I will look. There is always the ignore function which is often over looked. It is for those whose replies rub you the wrong way. Words have the power to inspire emotions, for better or worse. If someone's answers bother you then report the post or use the function.

Should it be that this is not the only complaint you have you may certainly pm me. Another course of action is to take a vacation and see if it helps. While I would not recommend another board they are out there. I think you will find as many others have, that scicorums is unique. It has it's own flavor, so to say, and there are none that quite come up to par with it. Several members have taken sabbaticals from sciforums and come back at a later time. The tone of the boards do change with time. You have read many threads before commenting on this.

No matter what you do you will run into these types of situtations. At work is a place you can not remedy by this same solution. You must hunt for other means. I say this because you need to develop some tools to deal with life and this situtation is one that will repeat again and again. Nor will it get easier to deal with. That will remain the same.

Best of wishes through out life if you choose not to stay, Tyler. I think in the long haul, we will see you again. I hope so...
I'm not going to leave, I would inevitably end up too bored sitting at my computer on work-free days with no sciforums. There is a much simpler way to deal with this. Unfortunatly, by now damage has been done. Half the members here now seem to think I have something against Xev and Xev believes I want her banned.
If you have a problem you can always report the post.

Yeah, but that is like admitting defeat. It is also lame to snitch on a fellow member.

Best thing is for the mods to just see it. :) :)

Half the members here now seem to think I have something against Xev and Xev believes I want her banned.

Well, I never had any of those impressions, and noone should.
Originally posted by Cris

Concerning those who are exceptionally cynical, sarcastic or abusive. Such people often display such characteristics because of some form of compensation for a personal problem of their own, typically an actual or perceived physical disability. Their attitudes are much like ‘why has this happened to me’, and they need an outlet for their anger.

With regards to Xev: She portrays herself as a beautiful science fiction character, perhaps this is over compensation for the reality that she is really ugly and obese. If you think of her that way then you should take care to show sympathy when she attacks you. And the worse she becomes then the greater your display of politeness and sympathy.

Just a thought.

Well-said Cris. You are one of the wisest forum members here. :cool:

Tyler, don't sweat it, you are showing your "immature" side right now. When I first came here, I percieved you to be around 18.
I find that I can not always get to the boards as often as I would wish. Real life has a way of interfering with that. (The little demands like work, food, chores, bills, and some other things that are unique to this stage in my life.) I spend as much time here as I can within reason. Have you any idea how many threads are posted in on any given day? Do not get me wrong, I am not complaining. I do this willingly and happily for the good of sciforums.

You see, I believe in this community and this site. It is a wondrous source of information and entertainment and it is a way I can stand up and be counted. It is a way to learn the opinions of people all around the world on any given subject. I don't always agree with those opinions but I respect those who take the time to say what needs be said. Heck, I don't always agree with the posters that say them either. I don't carry a rock in my back pocket for them though. In fairness, they took the time to come here and say what they feel. Many I owe a debt of gratitude to for suppling links and information that I might form my own judgement and opinions by. I do try and not let any personal opinion sway me as ever I am conscious that everyone has a "right to be here" unless by their own actions they show otherwise. As such all deserve fair treatment without bias.

There have been a few times when I have edited posts. I have been open to any member who objected to discuss the issue. I think that fair. Should one show me that I was prejudice unfairly against any member then I think that needs be said and answered. In this way I show that each of you are valued for your thoughts and listened to. That each member has input. I have never sought to ride the fence in the out come and I will not assuage any members feelings in the end for what is necessary. Have no doubt I will do what needs done. If you have issue, then I expect to hear from you. I do not read minds...
I never saw any mod doing something unfair. Also, the mods don't feel like big brother, but more like fellow members who have some additional chores, hehe.

Of course you can't read every thread for insults and the like. If it gets out of hand, there is the possiblity to report, to pm, to mail, to open a new thread with links to all the insults :)

When I said the mods should see the wrong things, I put two smileys behind that, because it was irrational. It would be the easiest solution, but it can not be done.

No bad points for mods from me.
Tyler said, "I find it impossible to debate or discuss when Xev is calling me a "member of the herd", "sheep"

The more Xev dislikes other people for this, the more she dislikes herself for it. She may not be as conforming as some people are to herd mentality, but she still is to some extent, and evidently she judges herself for it. But she then projects this onto other people and judges them for it, not realizing that in judging other people for it all she's really doing is judging herself.

Anyway, maybe she was just trying to razz you to bring out the old arrogant Tyler for one reason or another, perhaps to try and make her feel more comfortable and justified in her own arrogance.

Not that she'd probably ever admit any of this though, even if she was aware of it...

Personally Tyler i admire you for finding it within yourself to overcome your arrogance. I used to be an arrogant beotch myself, and eventually realized the futility of it too. You were nice compared with how i was. :D I used to be kinda like Mallory Knox in overdrive. :eek:
Tyler does not report such a problem because it does not exist.

Okay, that's it. You want to start a pissing match with me, Ty? So be it.

I've not seen fit to respond to this childish nonsense before. But I also don't like being lied about.

Now, there is little doubt Xev will choose to call me weak or a pussy or pathetic again for leaving sciforums because of her.

No. I will point out the simple fact that you are a liar. You have not left. You never intended to leave.

However, I am leaving not because I've been scared away or hurt or annoyed. About a week ago I made a decision to try and stay away from any thread Xev posts in.

Another lie. You replied in this thread after I had posted in it.

Then the Kirsten Dunst thread and the one on Musical Pedagogy came along and I was, with absolutely no emotion involved, made to apparently be a complete idiot, "sheep" and overly emotional. I pointed out a fact of medical pedagogy (a topic I happen to be quite engrosed in because my mother) and Xev answered back with "Hands Tyler a Hershey Bar and Titanic......feel better now?".

I refer the unenlightened to here for reference.

I called you an idiot, after inserting an emotiocon indicating a gentle sort of teasing. Your response was a hysterical "Never found Campbell all that attractive. Slightly more so than Dunst, but nothing special. Of course, I must be lieing about this as I am a brainless, sexually-deprived teenager who only likes women that hollywood tells me I like."

Now then. In light of this, and your rather snappish responses to me in this thread, I pointed out in a rather sarcastic manner that you were being hyper-sensitive.

I am sure that my conduct towards Tyler has been less than perfect, as I myself am less than perfect. I am sure I bear some blame for this, and for that I am responsible for, I apologize.

But beyond that, this is nothing but Tyler's personal vendetta against me.

In which case I should say to Tyler:
When, however, ye have an enemy, then return him not good for
evil: for that would abash him. But prove that he hath done
something good to you.
--Thus Spake Zarathrusra

I didn't start this. But I'm not going to be a Christian and forget about this.

I'd like to thank Static76, Mr.G, and Squid Vicious for keeping their vision clear through this. I appreciate it.

The rest of you (especially Cris - it's really a pathetic thing for a pudgy fifty year old to insult Xev on a nonexistant obesity problem, don't you think? ) can fuck off. :)
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