Bush Hurricane Conspiracy

Marsoups said:
If I had my say, I would replace the words "very very" with "relatively"before I start looking into ways and means of achieving a goal.

Just to explain: I used very very because of my sensitivity to the global economy as I mentioned.

Besides that, fair enough.

At the moment, I have seen very little on the agenda to handle this issue from the Bush administration.

As it's not a major concern of mine at this time, I'm not sure either.

Correct me if I'm wrong , as I'd love to see some small initiatives being made....

I'm sure a search would yield some stuff for you.

How about we try to rationalise it. How can it be that these people living on the fringes of the ice belt could be telling us that there has been an *acceleration* in ice melting over the last 10 years.

I don't know. It's probably that it is... but why is the question. Maybe it's all because of the yellowstone supervolcanoe as far as I know. *shrug*

Perhaps there's some volcanic action we should be looking into, or some other phenomena.

That's kind of the whole thing. Climate is complicated. Maybe it's because a butterfly took a dump in australia?

We could with reasonably good judgement say that we can seriously doubt that this ice is just going to grow back, instead if we look at which way the momentum is in, more ice is due to melt.

Actually I'd think it's fairly certain that it will indeed grow back. The question is when and how much. One thing that is fairly certain is that the planet has been up and down and all around. That's one of the reasons it's so difficult to isolate cause.

Indeed! I think we would get a lot of international support if we where to take action, in fact I think slight changes in perspectives could be benificial to the economy, as the U.S. would have the world supporting it for its actions, rather than the current position where half the world has much anti-U.S. sentiment.

I think the oil industry for instance, is somewhat gross and likely highly corrupt. However, shutting them down or even really tweaking them much at all could create massive negative economic repurcussions. It's a sticky, sticky wicket as far as I can tell...
I hardly see how changing to renewable energies would be less beneficial, its not like we have a choice: by the end of this centaury exponential demand will have exceeded the worlds supply and production of most fossil fuels!
I agree fully with what you just said... but equating it to global warming and using that as an excuse is in dishonest. The public is being sold on the Kyoto protocal as being medicine to combat global warming (hot flashes), when it's should be justified by things like pollution (cancer and death). Then at least the limits would have a basis.
That's kind of the whole thing. Climate is complicated. Maybe it's because a butterfly took a dump in australia?
I've been trying to get the Persol Protocal published for years. Nature wrote me a kind letter back stating that they don't condone the killing of butterflies and refused to publish my theory:(
I use to live in central florida Deltona to be exact. I moved away from Florida in 2000. Anyway I think who ever runs the world lets say God ok? God is pissed the fuck off with The United States. Now I dont wana to get political now. The all powerful ruler might be punishing Florida for dirty deed it would do in the future the 2004 election they elected Bush.
That said, global warming alarmists are fools who see a chart showing 100/10000 [guesstimate, yes] of the data and see it rise and start running around like decapitated chickens.

Surely there's a better cause to yell "the sky is falling!" about?