Burning the flag.

Natioanl flag is the top most symbol of a nation's pride. If you are proud of having free speech then burning the 'symbol of free speech' is like degrading yourslef and your fellow citizens. But on any account it is better burning it than wearing the flag in G-strings. :p
In our country our flag is the symbol of our independance. So burning it is considered like a treason, an act against our country.
"In our country our flag is the symbol of our independance."

how ironic... in my country (australia) our flag is a symbol of our lack of independance
then it according to our laws would be hooliganism and you'd get detained if it's done in a public place
and also a show of disrespect to state symbolics
you'd get additional charges for it
alain: did you vote for the reublic and which state might i ask?

im interested because it seems that no one WANTED to be free, i felt like crying that night because we HAD our chance and we let howard blow it AGAIN for us all. HELL even his DEPUDY was a bloody reblican
alain: did you vote for the reublic and which state might i ask?

im 15...

if i was 18, i wouldnt have voted for that particular republic, because that republic stated that the people elected congress, or whatever it was gonna be caleld, and congress elected the president. if i was 18, i would vote for a republic where the people directly elect the president

To deify and elevate a symbol so high that to destroy a *SYMBOL* is a crime, is small-minded idiocy at its finest.

Seeing a flag destroyed doesn't change anybodys minds about anything anyways, it perhaps just further entrenches people in their views on either side. If they were just ignored and not such a big deal was made of it, it would greatly decrease in frequency. But when you make it a high crime, and give it lots of press . . . you encourage it.
alain: I am very proud that i live in the only state to vote YES to the republic, ie victoria

and as to the model that was offered why not? This wasnt going to be an american president you know? He wouldnt have had the power to do ANYTHING. He was more going to be like a diplomate. The power SHOULD remain with the PM, thats what he is there for
i guess that makes sense. but it is still pretty hard to trust even the amount of power he would have to a person that i dont directly get a say in who he/she is
We haven't had any problems with this system in Latvia, where the parlament votes in the president. Generally the parlament is not so easy to manipulate as general population and because of that it's harder for an idiot to become a president.
We've had a problem in America using a system where the people don't directly elect the president. I'm sure you know his name.
See thats the point

In the US the presidant DOES things

what does the governer genral do?
sacks the PM
what can parliment do?
sack the governer genral

thats it
thats all he does apart from going to dinner parties and being a diplomate

better for everyone if it wasnt tunred into a popularity contest that cost us MORE money (do you know how much money the electrol commission gives to every party EVERY election? really want them to spend MORE of YOUR money?)

it would be no different to how it is now. The governer genral is given the job by the PM, so it would actually be an improvement over the current system (please dont be nieve and say that the queen apoints the GG because i seriously doubt she even knows the candits name until the PM tells her)
Lol, this discussion is stupid. You should be allowed to do anything as long as it doesn't harm any people that have nothing to do with it.

I guess it's not very honorable when it stands for people that died killing people to give America a better political stance or for oil etc...

What is honorable about killing other people anyway?
Wow guys ive been of sciforums for a while and I saw I was still surcribed to this post you guys know I started this post over a year ago.. I just thought it was funny
yeah trully amazing longevity of the post. What other stuff is still floating around out there ......who knows..........?
Some issues are just too important to ever really fade away.
Pretty questionable whether as an issue this really matters one speck in the larget scheme. But clearly its important to some people. Hey, and who can give a damn about children without medication, families living ont he streets, jobs being gleefully sent to India, the world growing restless about America . . . stop them damn hippies from burning a flag! Don't worry about trying to strengthen and preserve the people that flag represents, worry more about the symbol itself!