Burning the flag.

Hmm I guess I agree that's it's against the constitution to have a nation wide ban burning the flag. However they should allow local goverment to enforce something if it distrupts the peace. Often times a protests having large groups of people has to get permision because otherwise chaos occurs.
I know I will probably be critized for this, but I feel that burning the flag should definitely be illegal.

When someone burns the flag, they are burning what that flag stands for. Everything.

As my mum (an immigrant) once said, "If someone is THAT unhappy with their country, then they can get the hell out. We don't need those type of people here".

NO ONE has total freedom of speech. Total freedom of speech is wishful thinking. I can't call a person every name under the sun. I can't be sexually demeaning comments to a woman. I can't make comments which lower someone's reputation.

Burning the flag should NOT be protected by freedom of speech, just like sexual insults are not protected by freedom of speech. It is a barbaric and disgusting act. I have nothing against them protesting against a government, but when you burn the flag, you burn EVERYTHING.

It is funny, really. When protestors burn the flag, they are burning everything it stands for. They are actually BURNING their right to free speech, because that is what our democratic country stands for. Pretty simple really. Burn our values, don't expect our protection. I don't have time for these pathetic and insolent people.
Originally posted by wesmorris
Okay that's confusing because now you seem to be saying the opposite thing. We don't agree? Which is it damnit?

Sorry... I forget what I was trying to say, but we are in agreement... I failed to create a good example. Sorry :bugeye:
people are allowed to say and show they are dissatisfied with their country. i'm sick and tired of unpolitical people saying if you don't like it to get out. fuck no. i was born here, this is my home. where else am i going to go? i'm not going to turn tail and run. instead i'm going to get active and try whatever i can to enact change, to make my homeland better so that i'm no longer dissatisfied with it. people who don't vote, who don't care, who don't have any opinions, who sit with thumb up ass letting other people run the country can get out. i'm out there playing my part in democracy to make this a better place to live. that is what the flag means. but there are people in office who foster anything but the ideal country the flag is supposed to embody. when that happens (which is most of the time) it becomes necessary to make a statement. purging the flag is saying this country no longer stands for what the flag stands for. this is a country built on rebels who were not satisfied with their government. it was created to be run *by* the people. if you're ok with the current state of corruption then you don't deserve the constitution.
Originally posted by mountainhare
As my mum (an immigrant) once said, "If someone is THAT unhappy with their country, then they can get the hell out. We don't need those type of people here".

Your mom's attitude is seriously fucked.
Regardless of where she was born.
Those are EXACTLY the type of people we do need here.

People that will fight against injustices and raise awareness about issues to inform and inspire people to force their governemt to change its policies.

Should Martin Luther King Jr. have left the country rather than fought tooth and nail at the cost of his own life for racial equality?

Tell you mom that she can sit back, take it up the ass from the government and say nothing if she wishes, and you know what will happen? Nothing.

If she tries to call herself patriotic, however, I will call her a damned hypocrite.

Rights do not come without responsibilites.
No, you shouldn't be allowed to yell "Fire" in a crowded building.
No, the first ammendment was not designed to allow you to arbitrarilt toss racial slurs and derogatory personal comments or incite riots needlessly.

It was put into place to give the people the right to express their thought without fear of recourse from the governemt.
It comes attached with the responsibilty to use it to effect change in the government.
It puts the power of the governmet in the hands of the people.

I am not going to be a quiet subservient citizen.
This goverment was designed to be MY bitch, not the other way around.
What exactly is it that makes this country so great?

It is the fact that the government is designed to serve the people, not the other way around.
Originally posted by one_raven
What exactly is it that makes this country so great?

I think generally, it's the team that you're on. They're number one you know. Honestly I'm not always proud of the actions of my team-mates, but I'm glad to be on the winning team (it beats living in uh.. some other places that it beats living in) and overall I think it's founded on decent ideas and stuff. Oh and like, my whole family is from there and there are other cool people and also there are cool places and neat stuff and further, I think of it as home.
Originally posted by one_raven

It is the fact that the government is designed to serve the people, not the other way around.

A wise dude told me once: "it is the nature of a bueracracy to make itself stronger". I think he was right on it.
Tell you mom that she can sit back, take it up the ass from the government and say nothing if she wishes, and you know what will happen? Nothing.
I didn't mean it like that. I have nothing against people fighting injustices. But burning the flag is like bombing Iraq to catch a murder.

When someone burns the flag, they are burning EVERYTHING. I keep saying this. They are burning everything the country stands for. Democracy, free speech, etc. Now, I admit, our country isn't perfect. It is far from perfect. But you can make a living if you work hard enough. You do have the right to critize the government.

I have nothing against people protesting. If they want to protest, so be it. But as I keep repeating, you burn the flag, you burn the entire ideal. You are protesting against EVERYTHING. You are burning your country, when you should really be burning an idea thought up by a few meddlesome and moronic politicians.

It comes attached with the responsibilty to use it to effect change in the government.
How does burning the flag change the government? Maybe the government, like me, views flag burners as a bunch of dumb pathetic assholes who can't even express themselves without resorting to burning something.
Originally posted by mountainhare
How does burning the flag change the government? Maybe the government, like me, views flag burners as a bunch of dumb pathetic assholes who can't even express themselves without resorting to burning something.

You, personally don't think it is effective, I can easily accept that.
I even agree with it to some degree.
(I have never burned a flag myself)

However, effective or not, why should it be illegal?

Should it also be illegal for me to create a peice of artwork that consists of a burning flag or in some other way "disrespecting" the flag?
What about writing a song or poem about it?

You honestly can't see how absurd, and even dangerous to personal freedom of expression this attitude is?
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Originally posted by one_raven
I am not going to be a quiet subservient citizen.
This goverment was designed to be MY bitch, not the other way around.

Raven, these lines should be added into the pledge of allegiance.
Originally posted by Mystech
Raven, these lines should be added into the pledge of allegiance.

Maybe it would be a better substitute than addition?
I think we shoudl write a new pledge...

I pledge alleigance to the spirit of the constitution of the United States of America.
I pledge to weild my rights with the appropriate responsibilities and be the watchdog of those I elect into office.
I accept the work that comes along with ensuring those rights for myself and others.
I accept accountability for my personal actions and the effect those actions have on others.

How's that for a start?
Want to add to it?
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that pledge is a little over the top raven, should we change our Motto to "America, watch your back or we'll get you sucka."
We should change it to:

"Welcome to America. You work for us, and we will work for you."
Originally posted by SpyMoose
that pledge is a little over the top raven, should we change our Motto to "America, watch your back or we'll get you sucka."

What about that that pledge is over the top?
What is wrong with the notion of accepting personal responsibiltiy and accountability for your actions?
Who should be responsible?

I don't understand how you got that motto from what I said.
What are you alluding to?
Are you implying that what I said is a form of vigilanteism or something?
I don't get it.
Just because you have made an idol from a piece of cloth and call it the flag does not mean that the flag has any special legal / religious protection. I served six years in the active duty army and an additional two years in the National Guard to prevent any one from restricting my freedoms. I think flag burning is a stupid form of protest but not an illegal one. My sister served four years and would probably introduce a flag burner to Mr. Bat. We have had some interesting discussions on this topic including the fact she worships an idol constructed of cloth.
everytime i read this i wonder what happened to the all mighty right of free expression?

just cause you dont agree doesnt mean you can beat someones head in

And why does the fact that you were in the armed forces make your opinion more meaningfull, i would more respect the opinion of someone who spent there lives helping the poor or needy rather than someone who is all mighty cause they pick up a gun and kill people with it
just cause you dont agree doesnt mean you can beat someones head in

Yes, it does. You can burn the flag as an expression, and someone can kick your as for the same reason—or throw a brick through your window.

And why does the fact that you were in the armed forces make your opinion more meaningfull

That person has sworn allegiance to that flag and thinks of it as blasphemy to burn it. Someone in military service views that flag differently then you.