Browns sue Abercrombie for "White" Image

Excuse me, but my people are so oppressed, the word 'slave' stems from our ethnic group.
Bite it.
I am 100% aryan warrior. My people are so strong that the nonwhites pine for our blonde-haired/blue-eyed women. Unfortunately, they've succeeding due to semetic propaganda. :(
Actually there is more evidence to suggest that the Aryans ended up in India, than in Europe, they aren't a blond haired blue eyed people. And really who cares what ancient tribe someone may have lineage from?

For that matter, who gives two shits about who's ancestors oppressed who? Let bygones be bygones and move on! I'm a homosexual, I'm being oppressed now, damn it! You should all be listening to me bitch.
Originally posted by Mystech
For that matter, who gives two shits about who's ancestors oppressed who? Let bygones be bygones and move on! I'm a homosexual, I'm being oppressed now, damn it! You should all be listening to me bitch.

Whites are presently being oppressed.
Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
Whites are presently being oppressed.

Well that's a rather general and vague statement. Which whites where and by whom? I mean I'm white, too, and I'm being oppressed, but not because I'm white. I do know there are places in the world where this takes place, but to just say that whites in general are oppressed is incorrect.
you killed jesus

or more to the point you jew hating bastard...........

how are they oppressed? where are they oppressed? list em! i wanna have a no holds barred knock em down brawl. do not disappoint!

You have no necessary "right" to be in Europe

What do you imply ? That somebody else HAS necesarry the right to be in Europe ? And how exactly is that ?

if Arab nations could band together and destroy Israel, the problem would be over.

Israel nor Arab unification is the reason I have left my country .

But your own people have sold you out for money or religion.

I dont consider those people my own , they have more in common Westerners than with Arabs . And religion ....who exactly ? All the religious geezers are non-Arab .....
please dont say Saudi ..... please

As some westerners have sold out to Judaism and Christ.

They sold out to $ . BTW my people have Christians and Jews as well , and guess what ......... sooner than yours did .

Xev :
So who gets a nice guilt trip for enslaving my people 1000 years ago?

How about you ? Doesnt Nordic overlap Germanic , or the other way around :confused:

with a little bit of Semite

Oh wherefrom If I may ask .

Semitically its mostly Akkhadian Arabian and some Sabean as well . But then there's also some Turkic and some distance Romantic even Greek and I have an Uncle from Ukraine :)
Nationally Im semi-Iraqi semi-Syrian , and I have some roots in Lebanon ..and distant elsewhere .

I want my goddamn chunk of Australian dirt goddamit.... and I want subsidised university level education, completely free health and whatever else you stupid guilt-laden white folks have to offer me. I'll take it. I'm not stupid, you folks are complete suckers for a hard luck story.

You should get shit , but all y'all should be put in Gulag and work for the ORIGINALS if y'all dont act nice .

Race is a completely arbitrary and imaginary construct of man, there is no genetic evidence for it (quite often members of the same "race" are genetically more different than each other than they would be to certain other members of another race).

Ive heard this before , and its incorrect . First of all there IS genetic relevance , it just deals only with those genetic items that define race . Why should you look at EVERYTHING and then say we're alot alike , duh...we're human .....95% of our DNA is even the same as chimps , do species no longer exist as well ?

And its relevant as well , because it shows a genetical relation that can only obtained with blood , so we can "proof" family out of it , and in the end , thats what its all about . This has first of all anthropological/historical values , secondly sociological and even psychological , not causal but there IS relevance for us to identify things .

Also , there is a theory by Ante Diop that shows a relevant relation between the causes of white skin and a cause for extra aggression : cold . The theory is that both left its marks , perhaps the only question is in howfar , and how relevant that is today .
I say little because of :

1)solution to cold
2)socio-economical factors that weigh much much more

Didnt anybody notice :
active-cold-no sun-skin

So what i propose is when the lack of sun caused a pale skin , at the same time the cold that came along with it caused an aggressive-active nature .

Now dont take my words to tight ....... its all relative but the truth lies in its nature , not actuality .

guess I'm not as Hispanic as my little sister.

As far as USA government policy goes , Hispanic can be any skin-color (yes they're actually smart sometimes , but they screw it up with other things like you show ofcourse )

the word 'slave' stems from our ethnic group.

Not really
Origin of Slav

I am 100% aryan warrior. My people are so strong that the nonwhites pine for our blonde-haired/blue-eyed women. Unfortunately, they've succeeding due to semetic propaganda.

You dont mean the Jews do you ? Both with Media and killing Jesus ? They're not that Semitic (those dealing with Jesus were mostly) .

Also , I hope you're just trying to be funny , but how did you get the idea everybody wants blue-blond ? Most havent even seen one in their life .....

As for Aryan ....... what exactly do you consider Aryan ?

1)Just white ? Whats white ? Caucasian ? So Turks are Aryan ?
2)Germanics-Nordics ? Why ?
3)Any Blue-Blond ? Arabs 2 ?
4)Those from Sanskrit ?

Actually there is more evidence to suggest that the Aryans ended up in India, than in Europe, they aren't a blond haired blue eyed people. And really who cares what ancient tribe someone may have lineage from?

Indeed Mystech ......... at least its credible its not blond-blue Aryans we talk about , but whites in the sense Turkics and Persians can be . Iran=Aryan .

I'm a homosexual, I'm being oppressed now, damn it!

Get real dude , Im sure u rather be *oppressed* as you are today than trade with one of the billions actually suffering peoples . Dont say you're oppressed just because somebody is giving you a dirty look .......

Whites are presently being oppressed.

Just those who dont come from wealthy capitalists countries like yourself . You sir should be put in a Gulag UND ARBEITEN !!

spookz :
how are they oppressed? where are they oppressed?

There are plenty whites being oppressed spookz , just not in the West .
1)by not having any $ as a peoples because of other peoples
2)for instance in Bulgaria , or Albania , or Rumania , or Iran (they're caucasian allright) , or Syria etc etc etc .

But no the whites YKJ bullshits about are only opressed in that racist brain of his .

Also , there is a theory by Ante Diop that shows a relevant relation between the causes of white skin and a cause for extra aggression : cold .

how does one measure this? by eyeballing history and claiming whites are more aggressive?. its more like since whites are at the top of the heap( for now) it should also follow that they are more capable of aggression than others. it is also more like the effects of cold........lack of food (arable land, poor vegetation, thin animal population) that causes aggression

As far as USA government policy goes , Hispanic can be any skin-color (yes they're actually smart sometimes , but they screw it up with other things like you show ofcourse

what are you talking about? screw it up?

Dont say you're oppressed just because somebody is giving you a dirty look .......

ahh please! first your family fucks you then you are beaten to fucking death. it aint easy being a fag

There are plenty whites being oppressed spookz

i wanted the ykj shit but if you wanna throw in your version, i wanna hear it. be specific. whats going on in bulgaria, a nation of white people yes? are they oppressing themselves?
Aryans = indo-europeans, as in europeans and some enclaves in India and Iran.

The white race is oppressed by the jews. By allowing them rights in our countries, the jews have made their way into our systems and have manipulated our governments. We tried running things by the honor system, but the dirty jews have no honor and have gained power by their sneaky ways. Every year honest whites lose more and more rights, and are in danger of being outbred by the mud races. We, the noble white race must fight back against the sinister jews and their race-traitoring pets before we are destroyed.
Originally posted by Jihad_AlifLamLamHah
Ive heard this before , and its incorrect . First of all there IS genetic relevance , it just deals only with those genetic items that define race.

Please explain this further.

Originally posted by Jihad_AlifLamLamHah
Why should you look at EVERYTHING and then say we're alot alike , duh...we're human .....95% of our DNA is even the same as chimps , do species no longer exist as well ?

If some humans were more geneticaly simmilar to chimps than to other humans, than yeah maybe. My point is that there is no real scientific basis for race, it's just a social construct.

Originally posted by Jihad_AlifLamLamHah
So what i propose is when the lack of sun caused a pale skin , at the same time the cold that came along with it caused an aggressive-active nature .

Yes, and through the similarly pseudoscientific practice of Phrenology we can prove, using nothing but the various measurements of the human skull, that Caucasians are superior to blacks, or that Germans are better than Jews.

Arabs seem like a very angry people for a somehow biologically calmer or less aggressive people.

Originally posted by Jihad_AlifLamLamHah
Get real dude , Im sure u rather be *oppressed* as you are today than trade with one of the billions actually suffering peoples . Dont say you're oppressed just because somebody is giving you a dirty look .......

Don't trivialize my situation by saying that all I have to put up with is "dirty looks". Homosexuals are targets for violent crime, and we are denied rights which are afforded to others.

You're right in that there are others which are persecuted in far worse ways than homosexuals, but being that persecution of homosexuals is a factor which directly effects my life, I think I'll see about taking care of that one first, I won't sit on my ass passive just because things could be worse. They could be better too, and damn it they should be that way.
Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
The white race is oppressed by the jews. By allowing them rights in our countries, the jews have made their way into our systems and have manipulated our governments. We tried running things by the honor system, but the dirty jews have no honor and have gained power by their sneaky ways. Every year honest whites lose more and more rights, and are in danger of being outbred by the mud races. We, the noble white race must fight back against the sinister jews and their race-traitoring pets before we are destroyed.

Haha, holey shit, don't tell me you acctualy believe this shit. Please let this be a joke of some sort. Tell me that you're just playing a character or something, for the sake of freaking people out on the internet. I don't know weather to die laughing, or to take you seriously and consider you a threat to humanity that I should personaly track down and and shoot in the face.

Out bred by the "Mud races"?! I mean come on, what, like population is a fucking contest? Like it honstly is one race or another in this world, especialy in America? Wake up and realize that your fellow man isn't against you simply because of the color of your skin, and you shouldn't be either.

Oh, and news flash, jews are white :p
Re: Race

Originally posted by Truenemo1889
I am african american and caucassian , is that bad ?
The issue of race irritates me a bit so i decided to post a reply
I know a white south-african guy whose family immigrated to the United States when he was a child. He got a scholarship that was specifically for African-Americans because he listed himself as being an 'African American' on his college application. He got in a LOT of trouble when he showed up for school and the college found out that he wasn't black. He made the interesting point that he was more of an African American than most blacks, since he was actually born in Africa, and he demanded to know why he didn't qualify for the scholarship. They still made him give the money back, but I thought it was an interesting situation.
Hey Himmler ...listen up :

The white race is oppressed by the jews.

First of all the Jews you experience in Amerika are about 95% Ashkenazim implying they are somekind of mix between Slavic , Germanic , and some distant Turkic . They are not ethnically different then lets say Xev in an American perspective , they are Indo-Europeans genetically .

Yes obviously peoples of Jewish-culture/heritage/religion (mostly secular though) have an influence in your country that is not just immense relative on the quantiy of their population , but absolute as well . I am the last to deny this , I can tell you exactly how many Jews controll what in USA , but that doesnt mean that they oppress the other White people in the USA . The government reflects the $ peoples perfectly , thats what capitalistic democracy is all about correct ?The OTHER Half is run by OTHER White people , Condoleza Schmeeza doesnt really count for shit .

Yes there are poor Whites who ARE oppressed in USA , but the real trash is getting little credit , and compared the other ethnicities IN USA its totall bullshit your white oppression , and lets not start even world-wide , you ARE the oppressor not the oppressed . That has nothing to do with the color of your skin , or facial-skull-body structure , but with $ .

By allowing them rights in our countries, the jews have made their way into our systems and have manipulated our governments. We tried running things by the honor system, but the dirty jews have no honor and have gained power by their sneaky ways.

Oh God you just sound like a damn Hitlerjugend , Im sorry to tell you and them the same , the JEWS have civilized your damn ass . In the Weimar they have brought enlightment when all other peoples of Europe were still chasing long-bearded people around to convert them to the love of Jesus or find eternal damnation .
They came with Enstein and Freud , while your anglo-saxon brothers came with a caveman like Martin Luther .

And now in USA the damn same thing , hating on the Jews ? They brought you Seinfeld DAMNIT , and Steven Spielberg and Adam Sandler and Miocrosoft and Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren and LEVI'S and CNN and FOX and Howard Stern and LINCOLN and Eisenhower and Roosevelt and BARBARA STREISAND (lol) and PEPSI and William Shatner (LMAO) and the whole damn Hollywood team , Meyer Lansky and DAVID BERKOWITZ SON OF SAM and a trillion others that have shaped your culture .


The Jews not only brought America an incredible ammount of wealth (ofcourse to the rich) , they gave it a background , a context , a CULTURE .

Thats your status and image everywhere , nobody cares for them trillions of rednecks in Wyoming , like Im sure you are since Im actually thinking your name is seriously Jew-blaming ......... OMG you ARE Martin Luther arent you ? Or is your name just Billy-Joe Bob ? You just hate Jews because you live in a trailor-park dont you ?

Every year honest whites lose more and more rights, and are in danger of being outbred by the mud races.

the mud races ? And what are the mud races ? Your damn race is hardly 8000 years old , who are you to judge others from such a bad position ? Im not trying to be a racist like you , but you are aware that 8000 years ago you were a caveman , and those mud races had build pyramids , you ARE aware of this arent you ?

Let me quote Al Sahaf :D :

"When we were making the law, when we were writing the literature and the mathematics the grandfathers of Blair and little Bush were scratching around in caves"

We, the noble white race must fight back against the sinister jews and their race-traitoring pets before we are destroyed.

The Aryans , right ? Just to be sure we are talking about the same thing

But that makes me wonder ........ then Germanic etc isnt the purest Aryan is it ? Not according to the Indo-Euro Family

So the Iranians and Turkics that inhabit the original Indo-European regions today , would be the purest Aryans , correct ?
Just wondering .....
Spookz :
how does one measure this? by eyeballing history and claiming whites are more aggressive?. its more like since whites are at the top of the heap( for now) it should also follow that they are more capable of aggression than others. it is also more like the effects of cold........lack of food (arable land, poor vegetation, thin animal population) that causes aggression

His theory is that during the horrific circumstances that man changed his skin-color (that was the latest evolutionary step) , he could have developed a talent for aggression because of the aggressive nature he must have been in during the cold . Exactly as you explain , during such circumstances man grows a more aggressive nature , and this happened mostly during the skin-transition . It is about the only direct feature of man that we can link with such climate , so it is only logical that it has evolved as it did .

I dont think the fact that they are on top today deals directly with this , because today physical strengh isnt the most relevant thing for their power . But 3000 years ago when entire Europe was brutalizing eachother .....something that even *civilization(Romans) couldnt stop and teh Christian era following it ....... have shown aggression beyond comprehension . And remember not to confuse aggression with violence , they are not the same thing .

what are you talking about? screw it up?

Just like the dude explaines , with that book crap and the way they deal with that shit with his sis ......isnt that screwing up ?

ahh please! first your family fucks you then you are beaten to fucking death. it aint easy being a fag

I never said it was easy , but 9/10 times its not that bad as you say now .

i wanted the ykj shit but if you wanna throw in your version, i wanna hear it. be specific. whats going on in bulgaria, a nation of white people yes? are they oppressing themselves?

As far as the relation between direct oppressor and oppressed racially , hell yes they are oppressing themselves . Bulgars oppress Bulgars (ps they have some Mongoloid blood as well , they're not entirely caucasian) , it used to be with communism (although it was ok compared for instance Rumania) , and now its capitalism ......... rich peoples oppress them . No its not racial oppression , but thats the entire point why I mention that white nations are oppressed as well (be it that they are nothing compared to others and heavily in minority) , in the end shit doesnt have to do with race now does it . Its all about the almighty $ .
Please explain this further.

Lets say man has 100 genes . Those genes dont define race , they define MAN . lets say 5 genes define race . Also these 5 genes can only be gained biologically through family . Also these 5 genes are externally visible .

What you propose is that we make up race (obviously because we can see it , Ive heard the thought before) , by pointing to other genes that are not the same but who are the same race (so who have those 5 same genes) . Thats nice , but irellevant to define race .

Its a fact the genes are the same , and its a fact the come by blood-relations only .

My point is that there is no real scientific basis for race, it's just a social construct.

But there is scientific bases , there is anthropological basis , because it shows how peoples have multiplied from eachother into new beings and how peoples were created . This goes hand in hand with Historical base , that shows were peoples come from . A race is nothing but a group of others , and so on . It helps us define relevant groups for anthropological and historical issues . Also it is nice to study races from an Sociological point of view , how do races interact and why ? Surely this can be done without races , but not always : What if I there is a black brazillian and a white brazillian who are both totally equal except that , how can I distinguish then ? I need to for sociological purposes , because the way they look/who they are obviously HAS influence on the behaviiour/interaction of their environment .

And then there's psychological , peoples have indeed races in their minds .... if you deny races then how can you find out what exactly this X that they have in their min d does if you cant even properly distinguish/define it ?

Yes, and through the similarly pseudoscientific practice of Phrenology we can prove, using nothing but the various measurements of the human skull, that Caucasians are superior to blacks, or that Germans are better than Jews.

See thats the thing , it has not an ETHICAL value , but something can be better for something else , cant it ? And that ofcourse besides many other motives for races to be studied I mentioned previously .

The aggression-theory is no pseudoscience my friend , Ante Diop is one of the most valued African Anthropologists ever , and he has written many high-quality books , and has proved the origin of man's civilization to be of African decent instead of European like many racist European Anthropologists have tried to prove . People even went so far back then to say that the structures of Egyptian faces indicate white skin , while it indicates nothing but Homo-Sapien as Diop proves , because Homo-Sapiens had evolved into multiple facial structures before he evolved into a white skin . Ofcourse its totally stupid to claim that Kemetians were Whites , but hey ......... according to Blumenbach the reason for Caucasian origin of Man was because Georgians are the most beautifull peoples :rolleyes:

His theory is as I have explained , the same things that caused the paling of the skin , caused a nature more aggressive because of the circumstances that followed out of the cold . How is that pseudo-scientific ?

Arabs seem like a very angry people for a somehow biologically calmer or less aggressive people.

Good point , did you know many Arabs are caucasian mostly ? My Akkhadian Arabia roots have strong caucasian make-up , and the Turkic part as well ...... als dont forget Romantic and Greek influences . Some French perhaps here and there .............
But thats the thing already , many peoples dont know exactly that what they call white isnt the same as caucasian , its just the west-coast of it sort of speak . But Arabs are a very mized peoples , white sometimes alot of Caucasian , sometimes alot of Semitism (and remember that its the semitic facial structure that shows this , the original semitical skin-color is like in Ethiopia , black ) Its sorta flows from Black-Semitic/Turkic-White , somewhere in the middle you find majority of Arabs ....

Anyways yes they are quite aggressive when they are upset , mostly this deals with culture , socio-economical circumstances ..and perhaps indeed there is a small part of an over-aggressive nature ...... but I dont think this is relevant inough to outweigh social factures even just a little bit .

Don't trivialize my situation by saying that all I have to put up with is "dirty looks"

You are right , my apollogies for that . I didnt mean to trivilize your personal situation because I dont know it , I did mean to point that mostly its not all that bad especially compared to others .

but being that persecution of homosexuals is a factor which directly effects my life

See and this is a point that I really cant see why it would have to be so : Either you simply speak ideologically , or somehow obvious you are going through yourself , and there comes the part I dont understand .

for a person to prosecute you , they should know you are gay correct ? So how do they identify you ? I am curious because I have some thoughts on a mental disorder that has potential to come along with homosexuality , that has been discussed here as well , I mean the only thing that should make a person gay are the sexual relations he has with another gay . So unless you're with your lover , how can they know ? Should they be able to know ? Because I can know easily , and most peoples can I think . Homosexuals tend to behave "gay" , but why ? Why do they start talking different , walking different etc etc . Dont get me wrong Im not saying all do , but many do ..... and I wonder why . I think it deals with identification-issues , and it deals with more groups than just gays ..... peoples grab what they think is representing them and put a plate around their necks ....
Originally posted by Jihad_AlifLamLamHah
Its all about the almighty $ .

How does money oppress people in an open market capitalist system?
"By not being in their pockets"

Thats stupid. Oppression deals with the revocation of liberties. Money is a way of doling out liberties to those who contribute.
Thats stupid. Oppression deals with the revocation of liberties. Money is a way of doling out liberties to those who contribute.

Thats great

Go to Bulgaria get an average job there and see how money is a way of doling out liberties to those who contribute . Maybe its the contribution part ...... do they have the same liberties in contributing like lets say in Belgium ? Why not ?