Britons are suspicious towards Muslims, study finds

Brits are suspicious towards everything, everybody; even to themselves. This is why they have the highest number of cameras for per person among other countries. Anything can be subject to their intense curiosity, Muslims have nothing special in this sense.

What is wrong with using cameras?
Nothing, as far as i am concerned.

Me either. Actually, I'd feel better if security cameras were on ever side of street corners and covered every square inch of public places. (All the better to see you with, my dear (bad guy!)).
My friend's grandfather is one of the most succesful people I know and he's a British muslim.
I heard that two generations ago - those Pakistani migrants were very appreciative and hard working. Unfortunately, because of their religion, they refused to integrate with the indigenous British society and now some of their grand kids are screwed up in the head.
The problem with so much CCTV is that there are so many cameras that they can only be used to review an incident after the event, ie after some dick takes a swipe at you in a drunken stupoor. And some of them are actually fake, intended to try and deter crime....
The problem with so much CCTV is that there are so many cameras that they can only be used to review an incident after the event, ie after some dick takes a swipe at you in a drunken stupoor. And some of them are actually fake, intended to try and deter crime....

Of course it depends on how it is implemented. I have seen instances where they work to capture people on the spot and i have seen where they capture the criminal after the fact. One recent case involved a child molester getting caught on a security camera.