Britons are suspicious towards Muslims, study finds

What’s the likelihood of the average Briton dying as a result of Islamic terrorism versus dying as a result of being bashed/knifed by an Anglo skinhead? I’ll wager the latter is much more likely than the former.

Probably. So throw them both in prison, or throw them out.
They're British Citizens. They don't deserve to be thrown out. I see nothing wrong with proper education though. Starting with grade 5.
If Britons don't like it, why don't they just kick them out?
By what mechanism? Islam isnt illegal. Unless the law is changed to allow anyone to be kicked out if 80% disapprove of them, theres not much they can do.
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No-one is going to get kicked out.
Many muslims in the UK seem to be locked into a cycle of poverty which could result in social unrest in addition to the existing social problems.
That needs to be addressed and not ignored.
By what mechanism? Islam isnt illegal. Unless the law is changed to allow anyone to be kicked out if 80% disapprove of them, theres not much they can do.

No, it's not illegal - but there ARE laws against certain forms of civil unrest and disturbances. And if they keep on, they may run afoul of those laws and be deported just like their leader was.
Many muslims in the UK seem to be locked into a cycle of poverty which could result in social unrest in addition to the existing social problems. ...

Is that true of only Muslims? Or are there other groups in the same situation?

And, if there are other groups, do those groups cause as many social problems as the other groups?

That needs to be addressed and not ignored.

Addressed? By whom? Isn't there any ideals of personal responsibility anymore in the world? Do governments need to be called on the hand out more money, etc all the time, continually?

"That needs to be addressed...." almost always means that taxpayers will pick up the tab no matter what the "address" might end up being. Forced charity! That sucks.

Baron Max
The vast majority of those locked into a cycle of poverty are actually native white Brits, usually in Northern towns/cities but also in the South West. So called welfare junkies, with little or no incentive to work because low paid jobs leave you worse off than if you stayed on benefits. They also feel their voice is being ignored more and more. In fact, by saying we need to "do something" about deprivation in Muslim communities, we risk ignoring the fact that deprivation in general in the UK falls into the same category and has the same consequences ie higher crime rates, no-go areas and general anti-social behaviour. Its got so bad now that the same white deprived areas, feeling left out of the debate, are turning toward fringe parties like the BNP in an attempt to be heard. If you want to "do something" about deprivation, you cant focus just on Muslims because it aint just Muslims that fall into that category.
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They're British Citizens. They don't deserve to be thrown out. I see nothing wrong with proper education though. Starting with grade 5.
They're not British. They're civilly British, not ethnically British. They aren't British any more than a Brit that grew up in Pakistan is Pakistani.

By what mechanism? Islam isnt illegal. Unless the law is changed to allow anyone to be kicked out if 80% disapprove of them, theres not much they can do.
Then make it illegal, and throw them in the prisons. Or kick them out. It's your country.
I don't think the answer is to kick them all out. Kick out the trouble makers and limit immigration until there is a way to INTEGRATE the communities. I believe this is a problem that has arrived not because of poverty but the lack of integration of this particular community. Its our fault, there was no program that forced social and cultural integration and assimilation.
Then make it illegal, and throw them in the prisons.
Making Islam illegal is not a practical solution, only a means to make social problems worse and damage society as a whole for everyone. Personally I would not want to live in a country where a major religion was declared illegal, even though I'm an Agnostic.

They're not British. They're civilly British, not ethnically British. They aren't British any more than a Brit that grew up in Pakistan is Pakistani.
Thats beside the point. As British Citizens they have the same rights and responsibilities as any 'native' British Citizen.
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As British Citizens they have the same rights and responsibilities as any 'native' British Citizen.

Only if they integrate or assimilate will they be considered 'native british citizens' as long as they behave as if they are still in Pakistan or wherever and requesting 'special treatment' such as sharia law or using mosques to spread radical jihad they will not be seen as an integrated group in society.

Its a worry! This poll if taken 15 years ago would have reflected something entirely different so its Especially worrying when we consider that the same day this poll was released this article also appeared:

BNP in alliance with nationalists

The nationalists hope to gain more political impact by uniting

The British National Party (BNP) has joined forces with far-right groups in a new European Alliance of National Movements.

The movement will not be recognised as a political bloc in the European Parliament, but it might receive EU funding as a pan-European grouping.

BNP leader Nick Griffin - one of two Euro MPs from the party - said the funding would be 11m euros (£10m).
French and Hungarian nationalists are heading the alliance with the BNP.
Fellow MEPs Bruno Gollnisch of the French National Front and Balczo Zoltan of the Hungarian Jobbik party launched the new movement in Brussels, alongside Mr Griffin.

They do not meet the EU minimum requirement for recognition as a political grouping in the parliament - that is at least 25 members from seven countries. Rejecting 'superstate 'The BBC's Dominic Hughes in Brussels says the new alliance will have to satisfy complex EU rules to gain access to EU funding.

Jobbik runs a nationalist group called Magyar Garda (Hungarian Guard)

He says there is also a question mark over how well the new allies can work together, since an attempt to form a similar group in the previous parliament - known as Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty (ITS) - collapsed in November 2007.

Among the conditions set by the European Parliament for funding pan-European political parties is a clause saying they "must observe the principles of liberty, democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law".

The new alliance's manifesto, published on the National Front (FN) website, says it "rejects all attempts to create a European superstate".
It calls for "a humane and peaceful solution to the problem of immigration" through co-operation to raise living standards in developing countries.

It advocates "effective protection of Europe against the new threats of terrorism, as well as against political, economic, financial or religious imperialism".

It calls for "strong pro-family policies to reverse Europe's population decline and to promote traditional values in society".
The alliance also wants a "joint fight" against "the destructive effects of globalisation"

I was going to start a separate thread on this issue but perhaps it should be posted jointly with this one.
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So what? There are exceptions to things everywhere - they prove nothing of value.

What leads you to believe that this is a problem of economics and not current social, cultural and political events? There isn't anything in that poll to suggest that poverty is a factor in terms of perceptions of muslims.
What leads you to believe that this is a problem of economics and not current social, cultural and political events? There isn't anything in that poll to suggest that poverty is a factor in terms of perceptions of muslims.

I never even came close to suggesting such a thing! How in the world did you come up with THAT in response to my statement about there being exception??????:shrug:
I never even came close to suggesting such a thing! How in the world did you come up with THAT in response to my statement about there being exception??????:shrug:

Because you entertained the red herring put forward suggesting that there are successful muslims which is irrelevant as is positing that muslims are largely poor and therefore successful muslims are only 'exceptions'. None of this explains the poll results which have nothing to do with the financial security of the muslim community.

What I should have done is write a broader post and not singled you out as I wasn't only addressing you.

What do you think of the new EU pan-nationalist movement progressing in the EU? I highlight the article in post #31
True, but no-one is objecting to the statement that British non-Muslims are suspicious of British Muslims.

The only things to discuss are whether they deserve that suspicion or not, why it has come to be, and whether something can be done to alleviate the problem.
True, but no-one is objecting to the statement that British non-Muslims are suspicious of British Muslims.

The only things to discuss are whether they deserve that suspicion or not, why it has come to be, and whether something can be done to alleviate the problem.

Oh I think we could probably write a dissertation on why they are held in suspicion and how its come to be. I think the only way to alleviate the problem is change the immigration law and focus on integrating the population at hand.
Because you entertained the red herring put forward suggesting that there are successful muslims which is irrelevant as is positing that muslims are largely poor and therefore successful muslims are only 'exceptions'. None of this explains the poll results which have nothing to do with the financial security of the muslim community.

What I should have done is write a broader post and not singled you out as I wasn't only addressing you.

What do you think of the new EU pan-nationalist movement progressing in the EU? I highlight the article in post #31

You're just being stuffy and obstinate. I was simply pointing out to that ONE poster that regardless of the topic there will be exceptions - and that includes negative ones as well as positive ones.

And I reserve comment on the politics involved in post 31.
Brits are suspicious towards everything, everybody; even to themselves. This is why they have the highest number of cameras for per person among other countries. Anything can be subject to their intense curiosity, Muslims have nothing special in this sense.