British Laws Banning Incitement to religious Hatred

Britain has a mainstream religion and it's not christianity, to the most part it's Football(Soccer).

Personally I think religion is bunk, generated to keep the lesser minded individuals in some coerced toe. This of course is proven by particular religious heads using religion to rally people with propaganda, A question could be asked to those that rally "Do you actually think for yourselves?".

I think it's right to Deport or Gaol those which insite violence or aggression from those positions. More so since I'm sure it's written in afew covert manuals of how to use religion to manipulate people when dealing with Espionage or Subversion.
tony blair used catholic moral judgement to go to war with iraq,DEPORT HIM!!
Hapsburg said:
Anglican Church, the head of which is the Queen of Britain. State and Church are mixed right there.

I am british and neither the queen or any other inbred fascist scum rule me!
Stryder said:
Britain has a mainstream religion and it's not christianity, to the most part it's Football(Soccer). .

Although i am a strict Atheist i will worship football if i have to

P.S. How can you say that Britain is not dominated by christians?!

People use a national anthem that nobody but 70 year olds even remember as a sign that England is 'dominated' by christians? Please..
SnakeLord said:
People use a national anthem that nobody but 70 year olds even remember as a sign that England is 'dominated' by christians? Please..

its not dominated as such but england is definately ruled by christians.
Pi-Sudoku said:
I am british and neither the queen or any other inbred fascist scum rule me!
Now, now, don't have to nasty to the fascists. If you ask me, fascism could be quite effecient, if done properly.
Fascism, like communism, is a great idea, but has an absolutely horrible track record.
its not dominated as such but england is definately ruled by christians.

How is it ruled by christians? I was born here and have lived here for a good few decades now and to be honest I don't know what you're getting at. Kindly explain further how you think England is in any way 'definitely ruled by christians'.

SnakeLord said:
How is it ruled by christians? I was born here and have lived here for a good few decades now and to be honest I don't know what you're getting at. Kindly explain further how you think England is in any way 'definitely ruled by christians'.

The majority of the population of England and Britain in general are christian of some kind. The main leaders of the government of Britain are mostly christian of some kind. The royal family are all Anglicans. That is being ruled by christians.
The majority of the population of England and Britain in general are christian of some kind.

A) English christianity statistics were 47%, (they might have changed since). I wouldn't call that a majority given that it leaves the "majority" as something else.

B) The personal beliefs of the general populous would not equate to the country being "ruled by christians".

The main leaders of the government of Britain are mostly christian of some kind.

Politicians here do not generally mix politics and religion. They are entitled to their own personal beliefs but those beliefs do not have a say on how the country is run.

It's like science. There are scientists who are religious, or have certain personal beliefs. Their beliefs and religions are of no actual consequence to science itself.

Same thing here. Blair could be a wiccan for all anybody gives a shit, it has no bearing on the laws of this country or how it is run.

The royal family are all Anglicans.

That's nice for them, but they have no say over how the country is run. They're tourist attractions like Big Ben, nothing more..

That is being ruled by christians.

You are mistaken. At best you have managed to describe the personal beliefs of some English people, nothing more.
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SnakeLord said:
they have no say over how the country is run. They're tourist attractions like Big Ben, nothing more...
Wow, that's gotta suck for them. This is also why I like Lichtenstein more than the UK. Thier monarch actually has say in the government.
SnakeLord said:
Politicians here do not generally mix politics and religion. They are entitled to their own personal beliefs but those beliefs do not have a say on how the country is run.

its always mixed!if you are a christian it is intrinsic in your decision making and judgement.tony blair said he thought it was morally justified to invade iraq,who's morals?the catholic church
SnakeLord said:
A) English christianity statistics were 47%, (they might have changed since). I wouldn't call that a majority given that it leaves the "majority" as something else.
I would call it a lot of fucking England. Most, would you say? Of any ONE particular group? Hmmmm?
B) The personal beliefs of the general populous would not equate to the country being "ruled by christians".
I disagree.

Politicians here do not generally mix politics and religion. They are entitled to their own personal beliefs but those beliefs do not have a say on how the country is run.
It's like science. There are scientists who are religious, or have certain personal beliefs. Their beliefs and religions are of no actual consequence to science itself.
Again, Bullshit!
Same thing here. Blair could be a wiccan for all anybody gives a shit, it has no bearing on the laws of this country or how it is run.
For the third fucking time, BULLSHIT!!!

That's nice for them, but they have no say over how the country is run. They're tourist attractions like Big Ben, nothing more..
You are mistaken. At best you have managed to describe the personal beliefs of some English people, nothing more.
Some 47% of them. Name a larger group?! Hmmm?!
kenworth said:
its always mixed!if you are a christian it is intrinsic in your decision making and judgement.tony blair said he thought it was morally justified to invade iraq,who's morals?the catholic church
No... George Bush's. And I believe there is a huge difference there, don't you?

Lets face it, the UK has a population with a strong Christian background. Does that mean that the running of the country is based on Christianity or is it ruled by Christians? The fact that abortions are legal in the UK should go some way in answering that question.

Religion does not come into how the country is run. Blair, as far as I can recall, has never stood there and said that God told him that attacking Iraq was a good idea.
Just because he was "tactful" enough not to say it doesn't make it true. Are you serious Bells? You honestly think the UK, and the US, is not currently run by "christians?"
Cottontop3000 said:
Just because he was "tactful" enough not to say it doesn't make it true. Are you serious Bells? You honestly think the UK, and the US, is not currently run by "christians?"
There is a huge difference in a leader being a Christian and the country being ruled under Christian doctrines and laws. The Prime Minister may be a Christian, but that does not mean that he runs it as a Christian. If the UK was run by a "Christian" in the sense that it becomes a Christian 'State', then I can assure you that all the laws and rights of Britain's would dramatically change. For example, abortion's would become illegal, homosexuality would become illegal, contraception would no longer be available... you see where I am heading here.

And we were discussing the UK here, not the US.
Sure, but what do the "Christian" leaders really care about abortion, homosexuality, contraceptives, etc.? Pragmatista. Especially when they are cementing the futures of their offspring with power and money? Those things are nothing but smokescreens hiding a greater desire. Money. Power. Influence. You see, while they distract you with their "christian" values, they are working for something else.
Cottontop3000 said:
Sure, but what do the "Christian" leaders really care about abortion, homosexuality, contraceptives, etc.? Pragmatista. Especially when they are cementing the futures of their offspring with power and money? Those things are nothing but smokescreens hiding a greater desire. Money. Power. Influence. You see, while they distract you with their "christian" values, they are working for something else.
You're telling me that if you were rich and powerful, you would not do everything you could to cement the future of your children? As for Blair, I'm willing to bet that he'd just be happy if his kid were not caught drinking as a minor and was not put in jail. While he probably used his power and his influence to get the kid out of jail without charges being pressed, I'm guessing that most parents would do the same for their kids if they could.

If Blair was a true Christian leader, than abortion, homosexuality and contraceptives, at the very least, would be at the top of the agenda. And I can assure you, they aren't distracting me with their "Christian" values. As much as Christian neo-cons in the UK might wish that the UK were in fact a Christian State, luckily for the country's citizens, it is not. Because the leader is a Christian does not mean that the country itself is Christian or that the Government is ruled under the Christian doctrine.
Bells said:
You're telling me that if you were rich and powerful, you would not do everything you could to cement the future of your children? As for Blair, I'm willing to bet that he'd just be happy if his kid were not caught drinking as a minor and was not put in jail. While he probably used his power and his influence to get the kid out of jail without charges being pressed, I'm guessing that most parents would do the same for their kids if they could.
Yeah. Sure. If my kid were fucking up, "I'd be more concerned about my reputation than the welfare of my kid." Where is the disconnect there?!

If Blair was a true Christian leader, than abortion, homosexuality and contraceptives, at the very least, would be at the top of the agenda.
Pragmatic, isn't he? Not too "christian." Can't be "too" christian.
And I can assure you, they aren't distracting me with their "Christian" values. As much as Christian neo-cons in the UK might wish that the UK were in fact a Christian State, luckily for the country's citizens, it is not. Because the leader is a Christian does not mean that the country itself is Christian or that the Government is ruled under the Christian doctrine.
Sure. But which 47% of the country is Blair appealing to when he constructs his lies? Ever asked yourself what it would take for you to become Prime Minister? Or President? Think they haven't asked themselves that before?