British Laws Banning Incitement to religious Hatred


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
In Responce to British Proposals to Ban Incitement to religious haterd i would like to voice my Opinion on the matter:


I think that religion has never helped anyone and has only ever prevented society from living in a civilized manner, it has started campaigns of racism and fascism and was caused wars costing thousands of lives, i would be saddened if Mr Blair at No10 stopped me from hating religion, it is my right
Well, personally, though I don't like religon, religouis people piss me off, at least the fanatical ones, this law is a pretty good idea. Stopping people from inciting religious hatred is a step in the right direction, IMO.
I agree with preventing hatred of a particular religion or it's followers but what about hating religion in general
Well, I don't live in Britain, so I'm not really gonna dwell on the subject a lot, but I think it's perfectly within the right to free speech, even though I don't really agree with hatred of anything. I may not like religion, I might even be pissed off at some religious nuts, but I don't outright hate them.
Man is at core a Cultic, Ritualistic, and ultimately Religious Being.

The denial this has been the root cause of the power of the Terrorists over you.

Instead of uniting as followers of Christ/life and expelling by force the foreign and heretical cult of Islamic death worship, as is the right of christians, you continue to live in the MYTH of 18th century born-Masonic-occultic-fascistic-secularist/humanist-Modernist-non-philosophic politically correct-evolutionist-materialist-supported suicidal-genocidal ideology which preaches false tolerance and the destruction of civilization by value-relativism.

Indeed this is a self induced matrix which can destroy western civ as we know it.
Lawdog said:
Man is at core a Cultic, Ritualistic, and ultimately Religious Being.
No, at it's core, humanity is a violent, cruel, venal, destructive, horrible creature. Humans are more capable of gutless treachery and heartless slaughter than religious tolerance, usually. This level of tolerance and anti-hatred, proposed in that law, is a progressive step. You, lapdog, would be wise to get with the modern world.
Hapsburg said:
No, at it's core, humanity is a violent, cruel, venal, destructive, horrible creature.

Thats all true on a societal level, but not individual.
Hapsburg said:
Humans are more capable of gutless treachery and heartless slaughter than religious tolerance, usually. This level of tolerance and anti-hatred, proposed in that law, is a progressive step. You, lapdog, would be wise to get with the modern world.

There is little need for religious tolerance. We need to love other faiths instead, and tell them lovingly that they are wrong. If they do not try to change they should be expelled, but without unneccesary bloodshed. "Religious Tolerance" is a novel and violent doctrine, because it lies and says that its ok for them to believe whatever they want, but thats is a lie, since its not ok for them to kill innocents. It is not. BUT YET THIS IS WHAT ISLAM DEMANDS: JIHAD. KILL FOR GOD, even INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Britain is LIEING TO ITS MUSLIMS, its pretending that such a doctrine does not exist.

Religion is such an important thing, whether you agree with it or not, it defines cultures, persons, etc. Therefore you cannot have two opposed religions in the same area.

There is no need to kill anyone, just tell them that they need to leave.

There is one exception, Christianity should be tolerated and promoted by states, since it is the best and highest faith, conducive to human health and happiness and peace, truest in its doctrines, ablest to guide mankind with its hierarchies, universal in its adaptability to any peoples, offering the holiest of rites, singular in its assemblies, zealous in the spreading of God's promises.

Very evil religions, like Witchcraft, have never been tolerated, even by pagans, nor have very Good ones, like Catholicism. History bears this truth out: In 17th England and the American Colonies neither of the above examples were tolerated.

Men hate both the very evil and very good.

The Church tried to save certain people from unjustly executing (and thus sinning) when certain rulers desired to burn the evil-working witches, so the Inquisition was established to find out if the witches were really guilty. The Church was the originator of not destroying people for being involved in false religion. Yet this doctrine has been twisted into "Religious Tolerance"
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You realize that this is not the middle ages anymore, right. Killing people because they are of a different religion is something that people did in the dark ages, a time of ignorance and general lack of intelligence. Right now, you are displaying a dark-ages level of intelligence.
You are trying to justify intolerance while adhering to the letter of God's law. This is the same path that justifies killing people of other religions. You will say, I love them enough to take the sin of killing them upon myself for the good of humanity. You are in denial that religion is the source of evil, that when you think of some things as good, other things become evil.

Relativism is the view that the meaning and value of human beliefs and behaviors have no absolute reference. Relativists claim that humans understand and evaluate beliefs and behaviors only in terms of, for example, their historical and cultural context.
(from wikipedia)

Yes, that's true, there is no absolute morality or truth. Even the nature of subatomic particles depends on your point of observation.
Pi-Sudoku said:
In Responce to British Proposals to Ban Incitement to religious haterd i would like to voice my Opinion on the matter:


I think that religion has never helped anyone and has only ever prevented society from living in a civilized manner, it has started campaigns of racism and fascism and was caused wars costing thousands of lives, i would be saddened if Mr Blair at No10 stopped me from hating religion, it is my right

I totally agree with you Pi-Sudoku. British (Blair and other conservatives there) attempts to curb Muslim Incitement to hatred of Christians is a farce. I mean, they are trying to ban the very thing that they themselves are so guilty of doing currently against these very same Muslims. Hypocritical mother-fucking scum. Because they don't like the only way that Muslims have of fighting the attempted Christian domination of their lands, they try to ban the "enemy" from fighting back, from defending their own history, culture, territory and right to make a buck in the West's world. Fucking scared little hypocritical imperialists.
Lawdog said:
There is little need for religious tolerance. We need to love other faiths instead, and tell them lovingly that they are wrong.
by killing them, thats the xian way of loving is'nt it ( you will believe int he xian god, Or I'll beat it into you)
Lawdog said:
If they do not try to change they should be expelled, but without unneccesary bloodshed.[/quote) they should be allowed to live, with out you forcing your views on them( and I know it goes both ways ) "Religious Tolerance"is a novel and violent doctrine,
it violent but it's certainly not novel, the catholics have been doing it for centurys
Lawdog said:
because it lies and says that its ok for them to believe whatever they want, but thats is a lie, since its not ok for them to kill innocents. It is not. BUT YET THIS IS WHAT ISLAM DEMANDS: JIHAD. KILL FOR GOD, even INNOCENT CIVILIANS.
as does any other religion especially the catholics
Lawdog said:
Religion is such an important thing, whether you agree with it or not, it defines cultures, persons, etc.
and kills people.
Lawdog said:
Therefore you cannot have two opposed religions in the same area.
Lawdog said:
There is no need to kill anyone, just tell them that they need to leave.
but if they dont leave.
Lawdog said:
There is one exception, Christianity should be tolerated and promoted by states, since it is the best and highest faith, conducive to human health and happiness and peace, truest in its doctrines, ablest to guide mankind with its hierarchies, universal in its adaptability to any peoples, offering the holiest of rites, singular in its assemblies, zealous in the spreading of God's promises.
the biggest crock of shit, ever spouted by anyone, your no different to any other religion, infact the world would be better off without any religion.
Lawdog said:
Very evil religions, like Witchcraft, have never been tolerated, even by pagans, nor have very Good ones, like Catholicism. History bears this truth out: In 17th England and the American Colonies neither of the above examples were tolerated.
hence why you tried to kill them off, religious people are so nice.
Lawdog said:
The Church tried to save certain people from unjustly executing (and thus sinning) when certain rulers desired to burn the evil-working witches, so the Inquisition was established to find out if the witches were really guilty.
but how were they tried for witchcraft, with torture, you are one stupid fuck.
Lawdog said:
The Church was the originator of not destroying people for being involved in false religion. Yet this doctrine has been twisted into "Religious Tolerance"
you should rephrase that to read "The Church was the originator of destroying people for being involved in other religion, your only following your gods example, hence why this doctrine is now called rightly "Religious Tolerance" because you have none.
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Cottontop3000 said:
I totally agree with you Pi-Sudoku. British (Blair and other conservatives there) attempts to curb Muslim Incitement to hatred of Christians is a farce. I mean, they are trying to ban the very thing that they themselves are so guilty of doing currently against these very same Muslims. Hypocritical mother-fucking scum. Because they don't like the only way that Muslims have of fighting the attempted Christian domination of their lands, they try to ban the "enemy" from fighting back, from defending their own history, culture, territory and right to make a buck in the West's world. Fucking scared little hypocritical imperialists.
Yes but a lot of Muslims also agree with Blair that those preaching hatred need to be expelled. Even here in Australia, many of the prominent imams are calling for the expulsion of other imams and Muslims who are preaching violence and hatred against others. You forget that when these bombers attack, they are not only killing westerners, they are also killing other Muslims as well. Muslims who are innocent and who are as you've said, merely trying to make a buck by going to work. Many Muslims resent those who preach such messages because it puts them in a bad light as well and when attacks occur, other Muslims pay for it because of the way that others end up viewing them. They don't deserve that. Muslims here in Australia and abroad have been calling for the expulsion of Imams and other Muslims who have been preaching dangerous fundamentalist ideals for quite a while now, because they know of the dangers that these individuals pose to a society. One of the prominent Imams here has not only been begging for the expulsion of Muslims who preach such messages, he's also begging that any Islamic literature that promotes hate should be banned from entering the country.

Personally speaking, if any individual is preaching hate and encouraging and telling others to go out and kill innocent people, they should either be jailed or expelled from that country, regardless of their religious beliefs or race.
Cottontop3000 said:
the attempted Christian domination of their lands.


Thank God

Any country with religion and politics linked is bad news
Pi-Sudoku said:
Anglican Church, the head of which is the Queen of Britain. State and Church are mixed right there.
Both of the national anthems do, actually. "Rule Britannia" says of Britain being ordained by god to rule the waves, and "God Save the Queen!" is...well, it's right in the friggin' title.
Pi-Sudoku said:

Thank God

Any country with religion and politics linked is bad news
Again, I agree with you that religion and politics should not be linked, but they are, everywhere. You can take the religion out of the "office," but you can't take the religion out of the men and women in the offices, or out of the men and women who "elect" the men and women in the offices. Wait. Unlesssss........

Yes, unless we get more of them to come to SCIFORUMS!

P.S. How can you say that Britain is not dominated by christians?! :rolleyes: