Both Muslim AND Christian?

If that is the case, He would be chasing a Goddess all over the Universe, buying her nice Worlds and shit.

"He" and "She" are the manifestation of dualism in our realm, God is the unification of that dualism, God is one.

Yahweh did have a passion for the Goddess Asherah.;)

Yes,it's only natural God is portrayed as a male in the bible since the ancient hebrews were a very strict patriarchial society.

As Ws put it "God is the unification of the dualism.
Yes. But let's remember sandy knows absolutely NOTHING about her religion's history.... :rolleyes:
The thing is not thinking about good or wrong here. Take what you find of value, dismiss what you feel not to be true.

If you look at the Bible and Quran, you will find a significant discrimination towards women. What I’m saying is that the words in the Bible and Quran were inspired by God, but are not the literal words of God.

What Q said.

Plus, how do you know that the significant discrimination towards women was not also inspired by God? You're acting like a butcher towards the Bible, keeping the parts you'd like to eat while throwing out the rest.
What Q said.

Plus, how do you know that the significant discrimination towards women was not also inspired by God? You're acting like a butcher towards the Bible, keeping the parts you'd like to eat while throwing out the rest.

Actually I think you are right, I keep the parts I feel in my heart to be true, but is different in what you say “throwing out the rest”. Because if I encounter a part on which I disagree on, or I just don’t understand, I don’t just throw it away, but I try to understand it better, and understand the cause of that statement being in the Bible in the first place.

I have my own opinion and feelings about things that nobody has told me to believe, but I do, because of personal experience. One of the things I believe the most, and got me away from religion in the first place is the ignorance in the discrimination of woman. The Bible was not written by the masters that they talk about, the Bible was written by men, men with big egos.

God would not ever feel threatened by woman who has multiple partners in her life, you know who would feel threatened with such a woman? A chauvinist man, and it seems to be the pattern in the chauvinist society of the time on which the Bible was written.

I have seen the beauty of women, their role in society, and most men can’t stand women being as intelligent and imaginative as men. In the times of the writers of the Bible, women weren’t even allowed to read and write, not even learn anything… I think you should first imagine yourself as a woman in those times, how stupid were the men who condemn them to ignorance. By shutting down women’s imagination, you are shutting down half of the imagination of mankind.
What Q said.

Plus, how do you know that the significant discrimination towards women was not also inspired by God? You're acting like a butcher towards the Bible, keeping the parts you'd like to eat while throwing out the rest.
Think of the Bible from a historical perspective, and whether such things are compatible with the core values promoted in the Bible.

Take for instance, the verses where Jesus defend a woman who was going to be stoned to death (just as the old testment commads them to do). Jesus says "whoever has no sin, throw the first stone" or whatever. That passage was taken, yes TAKEN AWAY from the Bible when it was reviewed and the King James version was then created. Why was that passage taken away? Maybe because the people in power didn't want women to have any power? :rolleyes:

And why do you think in the dark ages the church ruled europe, and only the church knew latin?
Actually I think you are right, I keep the parts I feel in my heart to be true, but is different in what you say “throwing out the rest”. Because if I encounter a part on which I disagree on, or I just don’t understand, I don’t just throw it away, but I try to understand it better, and understand the cause of that statement being in the Bible in the first place.

I have my own opinion and feelings about things that nobody has told me to believe, but I do, because of personal experience. One of the things I believe the most, and got me away from religion in the first place is the ignorance in the discrimination of woman. The Bible was not written by the masters that they talk about, the Bible was written by men, men with big egos.

God would not ever feel threatened by woman who has multiple partners in her life, you know who would feel threatened with such a woman? A chauvinist man, and it seems to be the pattern in the chauvinist society of the time on which the Bible was written.

I have seen the beauty of women, their role in society, and most men can’t stand women being as intelligent and imaginative as men. In the times of the writers of the Bible, women weren’t even allowed to read and write, not even learn anything… I think you should first imagine yourself as a woman in those times, how stupid were the men who condemn them to ignorance. By shutting down women’s imagination, you are shutting down half of the imagination of mankind.

I'm afraid I just can't understand this post. By God, do you mean an enlightened human being? Do you mean the God of the written Bible? And one does not need to be threatened to be a bully, or to be cruel.

Are the "masters they talked about" that you refer to earlier enlightened humans like Jesus?

And yes, you do throw it away in a sense, by not accepting and following it as you do the parts you like.

TruthSeeker said:
Think of the Bible from a historical perspective, and whether such things are compatible with the core values promoted in the Bible.

Take for instance, the verses where Jesus defend a woman who was going to be stoned to death (just as the old testment commads them to do). Jesus says "whoever has no sin, throw the first stone" or whatever. That passage was taken, yes TAKEN AWAY from the Bible when it was reviewed and the King James version was then created. Why was that passage taken away? Maybe because the people in power didn't want women to have any power?

And why do you think in the dark ages the church ruled europe, and only the church knew latin?

I can accept that, sure. But it still doesn't answer my question. How do you know that discrimination against women is not inspired by God?

Can you show me where in the Bible you see core values that promote gender equality?
Sandy, are you more an O.T. gal or an N.T. gal? If you're referencing the great I am, I'd say O.T. The Alpha and the Omega, amiright? Tell me, would you rather the 10 Commandments were posted in public places or the Beatitudes? You get extra points if you get this right.

Also? What's one of your favorite books from the Bible? Isaiah or Luke?
New Testament. The New Covenant. After Jesus Christ died for my sins, we got the new covenant. Yes God's words still ring true. He is the great I am. The alpha and the omega etc. :worship:

I'd rather see the 10 commandments. They're not the 10 suggestions like some people think. They remind us of the basics of civil/decent behavior. And they are carved in stone. :)

My favorite book is Revelation. I can't wait! :xctd:
Not true!
God welcomes all people to join together in prayer. It is man who embraces the "separate and divide" mentality..not God.
Despite differences in faith they all do have that one common bond,right?

Wrong. God has no part with satan and neither should the followers of God have fellowship with followers of satan. muslims follow the angel that appeared to muhammed. Guess who that angel was????

God is not intolerant and petty as some would believe...these are negative qualities of humanity that stem from ignorance and have been applied to Gods' character by unscruplous people.
Various faiths and beliefs are simply tools that all lead to the one God;)

Wrong again. God has his will for us and it was delivered by the Messiah Jesus. NO other messenger overides the message of the Messiah Jesus. No man no angel. Never.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
New Testament. The New Covenant. After Jesus Christ died for my sins, we got the new covenant. Yes God's words still ring true. He is the great I am. The alpha and the omega etc.
Why not following Jesus' Word, then?

I'd rather see the 10 commandments. They're not the 10 suggestions like some people think. They remind us of the basics of civil/decent behavior. And they are carved in stone.
Oh wow. They are carved in stone, therefore they must be right. Such great logic....!

Why not follow Jesus' commandment?

Also, I would much prefer the Beatitudes. I guess you prefer the OT over the NT...:rolleyes:

My favorite book is Revelation. I can't wait! :xctd:
Yes. All the blood and gnashing of teeth... soooooo like you....:rolleyes:
Wrong. God has no part with satan and neither should the followers of God have fellowship with followers of satan. muslims follow the angel that appeared to muhammed. Guess who that angel was????

Wrong again. God has his will for us and it was delivered by the Messiah Jesus. NO other messenger overides the message of the Messiah Jesus. No man no angel. Never.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

We are all Gods children...every form of life in the universe my man!
You have fallen for intolerant man created dogmatic b/s.
In case you were not aware..the bible was written by "sinfull" man.:rolleyes:
I guess religious people think God is completely illogical?

Unfortunately this seems to be the case.
They forget that these are ancient peoples' portrayals of God along with all the ignorance of the ego factored in.
I'm afraid I just can't understand this post. By God, do you mean an enlightened human being? Do you mean the God of the written Bible? And one does not need to be threatened to be a bully, or to be cruel.

Are the "masters they talked about" that you refer to earlier enlightened humans like Jesus?

And yes, you do throw it away in a sense, by not accepting and following it as you do the parts you like.

I can accept that, sure. But it still doesn't answer my question. How do you know that discrimination against women is not inspired by God?

Can you show me where in the Bible you see core values that promote gender equality?

I don’t feel the need to explain to you why I trust that women and men, and all denominations of humans are going to be equally judged by God. Men are not superior to women and women are not superior to men. Men and women are opposite poles, and one cannot exist without the other.
I’m even inclined to think women are superior to men, as they act with their hearts, not just reason. There have been men like Jesus who were more in touch with their feminine side, and women like Joan of Arc that have been more in touch with their masculine side.
I don’t feel the need to explain to you why I trust that women and men, and all denominations of humans are going to be equally judged by God. Men are not superior to women and women are not superior to men. Men and women are opposite poles, and one cannot exist without the other.
I’m even inclined to think women are superior to men, as they act with their hearts, not just reason. There have been men like Jesus who were more in touch with their feminine side, and women like Joan of Arc that have been more in touch with their masculine side.

Half of the post you're replying to was directed to TruthSeeker by the way, regarding a specific claim that he had made. But anyways, I've never personally said I think men are superior to women, so you don't need to give me a gender equality lecture. And I wish instead of going on to that lecture, you'd actually answered some of my questions regarding your views. You're not obligated to of course, but I feel that if our roles were reversed, had you asked me questions regarding my beliefs, I would have answered them to the best of my ability.
Half of the post you're replying to was directed to TruthSeeker by the way, regarding a specific claim that he had made. But anyways, I've never personally said I think men are superior to women, so you don't need to give me a gender equality lecture. And I wish instead of going on to that lecture, you'd actually answered some of my questions regarding your views. You're not obligated to of course, but I feel that if our roles were reversed, had you asked me questions regarding my beliefs, I would have answered them to the best of my ability.

np, I like to put my beliefs for discussion.

I'm afraid I just can't understand this post. By God, do you mean an enlightened human being? Do you mean the God of the written Bible? And one does not need to be threatened to be a bully, or to be cruel.

I don´t mean any of those concepts of God. And in order to be a bully or cruel, it only takes ignorance.

Are the "masters they talked about" that you refer to earlier enlightened humans like Jesus?

I´m not sure what you mean here, but everytime I speak of "masters" are in fact enlightened humans like Jesus, Gautama, Mahavira, etc... But this doesn´t necesarily means "earlier", there are enlightened people today for sure, but I don´t know any.

And yes, you do throw it away in a sense, by not accepting and following it as you do the parts you like.

I don´t look at it that way, there are parts of the Bible I disagree with, but I have learned about those parts as well; I have learned to understand the mentality of the people who wrote the Bible, and understand the mentality of the people in the time of Jesus.

I can accept that, sure. But it still doesn't answer my question. How do you know that discrimination against women is not inspired by God?

Can you show me where in the Bible you see core values that promote gender equality?

Those specific questions were the ones I was talking about in the above quote (=. I was not lecturing you about gender equality, I was just saying that I don´t need that to be in the Bible in order to believe in it.
Rev. Ann Holmes Redding says she's Christian and Muslim.
Poor lady, she has already failed Jesus, for He said this about serving 2 masters God & gold in this case:

Matthew 6:24 Parallel Translations

NASB: "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. (NASB ©1995)
GWT: "No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and wealth.(GOD'S WORD®)
KJV: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
ASV: No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
BBE: No man is able to be a servant to two masters: for he will have hate for the one and love for the other, or he will keep to one and have no respect for the other. You may not be servants of God and of wealth.
DBY: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and will love the other, or he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
ERV: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
WEY: "No man can be the bondservant of two masters; for either he will dislike one and like the other, or he will attach himself to one and think slightingly of the other. You cannot be the bondservants both of God and of gold.
WBS: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
WEB: "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can't serve both God and Mammon.
YLT: 'None is able to serve two lords, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to the one, and despise the other; ye are not able to serve God and Mammon.