Bloody Jehova's Witnesses

are you gay? :(

No I am not gay. I am very much excited by women and girls in particular. However I have moral duties to serve to, these are to have sex or kiss only that woman whom I choose to be my wife and only after we are married. That is my own rule and law and I am under noones obligation to serve this law, but my own.
yeah he is above average. LOL. It is my understanding that he is very shy, but he is pretty smart sooooo.......

Irrational, uncompassioate, unrealistic, dogmatic, exclusive. Oh the superlatives I could list are endless. I still care for them though. I don't hate the haters, just their ignorance. I would never say anything cruel just to feel superior. Unless it's to my sister, but she likes Justin Timberlake and Windoze Vista.

Irrational, uncompassioate, unrealistic, dogmatic, exclusive. Oh the superlatives I could list are endless. I still care for them though. I don't hate the haters, just their ignorance. I would never say anything cruel just to feel superior. Unless it's to my sister, but she likes Justin Timberlake and Windoze Vista.

don't hate anyone...not your sister...not their ignorance. Think of how to help them, think of how to help others around yourself.
I completely agree. There are potentials that may or may not determine whether I find the answers I seek. I'm not too arrogant to admit I don't know all of the answers yet and I wouldn't presume to tell anyone else the answers I've found are their answers too. I believe that death comes like a thief in the night, luckily I have good home contents insurance.