Bloody Jehova's Witnesses

I have an entertaining idea: say you've converted. Then, don't go out on the bike with the tie.

Keep saying that you have a headache, or a toothache, or that you're on your period and can't be seen in public while so "impure". Your mom just died. You're afraid of fresh air. Bit by a dog. Whatever. Keep stringing them along for as long as you can. Eventually, they might just leave you alone in complete disgust. Everyone hates a waffler. And, by wearing out their patience, you'll be doing a good service for the rest of us.
Hey i am not saying it is what i would do and i can see how a person looks to convert others for their own personal satisfaction but at least JW's are not malicious and they are peaceful.
you people are forgetting the reason for all this, is to allow people to live moral lives and not lie...
Unfortunately whenever they have come to my house I've not been in and my flatmate is way too polite to tell them to fuck off - even though she'd like to. They've taken encouragement by this and seem to drop of yet more of their rambling nonsensical religious pamphlets every week.

Clearly they must be stopped and was hoping for some tips to get rid of them.

This has happened to me as well. In the beginning I was too polite as well. I soon noticed though they would just not stop rambling no matter how many times I said " I am sorry I am really not interested" After a couple times of this though, I learned that you cannot be polite with these ppl. Second of all I do not appreciate ppl ringing my doorbell on a weekend morning when I like to sleep in. Also I do not appreciate them coming to my personal property pushing something on me. If I was interested in their religion I would go to them.

So basically when they come around and you know it's them from their attire and pamphlets you must just cut them short. "I am not interested" at the same time you are shutting the door. If they try and speak, just carry on closing the door.
says who? not the ones they are trying to convert. you have to take their word for it if you are going to believe they are doing any good.

You have to see the world from not your own eyes but through eyes of others. That which makes them happy that you made for them makes you happy. It is egoistical to feel selfish knowing that they will go to heaven because of these preachings. What one should feel is, by cooperating with them I am allowing them to feel happy and accomplished...and that makes me happy and accomplished.
One cannot see his true self, nor can he see himself in a mirror...which only shows the physical can however see his true self in that of others and if others are helped by you than so are you helped by them
that does not matter. The point is they are doing good.

i don't agree. it's not good to try to convince people that "converting souls" gets you to heaven. that's a lie, and it's breaking 2 commandments, in that it's witnessing falsely, and taking his name in vain. that actually keeps more people away from god than brings to him. god doesn't need any sales reps.
i don't agree. it's not good to try to convince people that "converting souls" gets you to heaven. that's a lie, and it's breaking 2 commandments, in that it's witnessing falsely, and taking his name in vain. that actually keeps more people away from god than brings to him. god doesn't need any sales reps.

Look Lori...the idea is that you don't think of yourself...they come to your door and instead of thinking "I hate these people...they are bugging me" you should be thinking "How can I make these people feel better of themselves and accomplished in whatever task they have?"

and when they do come to your door you dont take a broom and beat them up, for the 200th time if it is such...invite them for a cup of tea, talk to them about their ideas, your ideas, cooperate with them to make them happy...and not just Jenowah Witnessess...anyone