Bloody Catholics

"You, ah, cared enough to start a thread....."

Not about the money we drag in. What are you talking about?

"What, Tyler, have they brought out the wheel and the rack? Are they burning philosophers now? Are they going to start forcibly baptizing Jews next?

They are maybe being nuisances trying to convert people."

What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand the point? My whole point of the original post was just to say that they're all a bloody nuisance. What do you think I'm trying to say? That they should be banned?

"Not in the OT sense."

That's true. Good point. Though, it makes me just go to my second question on this and that's what would Jesus or God (if Jesus/God exist - hypo of course) think of this?

"This is assertion, it is not evidence of anything but your own provinciality."

To quote a favourite movie 'that's brilliant. What have ya' got a team of monkeys working on this?'

Though, I fail to see how it is narrow. I have never seen in my life people faint at the sight of a person. The few incredibly famous people I have seen have been the Queen, Dylan and skew of NHLers on All-Star weekend. None of these people have caused others to faint that I've seen. The only people I've heard of fainting have been groupies to rock stars and 13 year old girls when Lennon or Jagger showed up in the sixties.

All weekend they placed (as I said) - love, devotion, worship and praise - on the man. And to an extent that I have never seen done. So my statement, while solely opinion, I fail to see as narrow. Could you show me how it is?
Not about the money we drag in. What are you talking about?

I'm talking about the fact that you are being a whiney, bigoted little pussy.

I'm talking about the fact that you've essentially called Cthulhu knows how many Catholics idiots and idolaters.

You have not shown any, ANY Scriptural evidence that the behaviour you describe is idolatry in the Biblical sense.

You've started two pages of baseless assertion, and what's more - you're on my turf.

How is the behaviour you describe idolatry in the Biblical sense?
How is your hatred of Cthulhu knows how many people justified?

The only people I've heard of fainting have been groupies to rock stars and 13 year old girls when Lennon or Jagger showed up in the sixties.

Jagger was a babe. Lennon was so hyped it's no wonder. The Catholics think the Pope is the representative of God.

What's the difference?

To quote a favourite movie 'that's brilliant. What have ya' got a team of monkeys working on this?'

Can't you even insult me properly?

All weekend they placed (as I said) - love, devotion, worship and praise - on the man. And to an extent that I have never seen done. So my statement, while solely opinion, I fail to see as narrow. Could you show me how it is?

Your statement:
People who cry or come close to/faint when they see a man are groupies of him. That's disturbing.

So you're basically just another member of the herd, accepting whatever little label your culture uses to describe the phenomena.

I had hoped for better from you.

Whatever. You're not worth the ASCII.
"I'm talking about the fact that you are being a whiney, bigoted little pussy."

Okay, let me get this straight. You said - they should have dragged in money
I said - I don't really care about that
you said - Then why did you start a thread on it?
I said - I didn't? What are you talking about?
You said - the fact that you're a whiney bigoted pussy.

Out of curiosity, how did you get that from - I don't care about the money? Anyway, not important, you obviously weren't actually replying to what you quoted.

"You have not shown any, ANY Scriptural evidence that the behaviour you describe is idolatry in the Biblical sense."

How about this. You said - not in the Old Testament way. I said - Good point. Did you read that much or just skip it over? You were the first to bring that up and I conceeded the point.

"You've started two pages of baseless assertion, and what's more - you're on my turf."

First off, I have not made two pages of baseless assertion. For all intensive purpose, this was a one post rant. I made about one, maybe two replies on this about my side until you/uber started in.
Second, what turf? Sciforums? That now is your turn? Funny, I always thought it was more of a free enviroment. Because surely, SURELY you aren't talking about the religion forum. I know you have the memory capabilities to realize I posted this in Free Thoughts and someone, without asking/telling me moved it to religion - an act which I do not have the authority to do.

"How is the behaviour you describe idolatry in the Biblical sense?
How is your hatred of Cthulhu knows how many people justified?"

Read Xev. When you said it's not idolatry in the biblical sense I said "Good point". Now, for the second time, did you just happen to miss that or are you ignoring it on purpose?

How is my hate for Catholics justified? It's not. I said in my original post "I hate Catholics". Later, when a few people pointed out the fact that I had written this while in a moment following an incredibly annoying few ordeals with only a certain sect of Catholics I rephrashed it to - "I hate the pilgrams". How is that hate justified? They annoy the hell out of me, push their god on others, sing at all hours of the night, are loud and disturbing and take up space on the buses. Those are my reasons for hating the pilgrams in Toronto.

"Jagger was a babe. Lennon was so hyped it's no wonder. The Catholics think the Pope is the representative of God.

What's the difference?"

Nothing. I think it's sad when people fainted for Jagger or Lennon as well.

"Can't you even insult me properly?"

I'm not trying to insult you. That actually is a quote from one of my favourite movies - Usual Suspects. Cop walks in and goes "I can put you in Queens on the night of a murder." Guy goes "Really? I live in Queens. What have ya got a team of monkeys working on this?" What good would insulting you do? As you've stated numerous times it doesn't affect you in any way and it surely wouldn't help my arguement.

"So you're basically just another member of the herd, accepting whatever little label your culture uses to describe the phenomena"

Hmmm? I don't follow. Because I go by a definition I'm a mindless sheep? And on top of that, it's just my personal opinion. I have never seen/heard of anyone but groupies and 13 year old girls fainting at the site of a person. Have you?

"I had hoped for better from you."

I had hoped you'd read what I wrote. But, as has happened before, you chose to ignore the part where I said "Good point" and said you were right. Ah well.