black man shot in the back.

2 - Blacks could have invented their own society within a society, as many groups previously seen as non-white (Slavs, Irish) did. Ever see a Chinatown? Many groups that faced discrimination haven't had the problems that blacks have had.

Ah and the King of SELECTIVE quotations, "facts", history presents yet another inane post. Forgotten or are you ignorant of reconstruction and the subsequent Jim Crow laws? Oh I forget they don't teach that at hate-the-niggers college.

"Ain't junk stats, mah nigga.
(Christ... me trying to do ebonics is pathetic.)".

*Bitch slaps the man on Prozac*

Goof, if u delete this post I call Johnnie Cochran. :m:
Originally posted by thefountainhed
Ah and the King of SELECTIVE quotations, "facts", history presents yet another inane post. Forgotten or are you ignorant of reconstruction and the subsequent Jim Crow laws? Oh I forget they don't teach that at hate-the-niggers college.

I don't believe in use of the n-word except as protest of speech restrictions, thank you.

Reconstruction applied to THE SOUTH ONLY.

One of the first slaveowners in America was black.

I don't believe in use of the n-word except as protest of speech restrictions, thank you.
What you believe, my fellow bi-pedal hominid, is irrelevant to me.
At least I shall celebrate that you beliefs were not stated as 'facts'

Reconstruction applied to THE SOUTH ONLY. "
HAIL the king of SELECTIVE quotations. I said: "Forgotten or are you ignorant of reconstruction and the subsequent Jim Crow laws?

1. Jim Crow applied to the entire nation
2. You have no clue what Reconstruction was

One of the first slaveowners in America was black. "
Name, history, state, etc please!!!!! Oh and please don't talk of African slave owners in Africa

i mock yOUR iGNORANCE"
LMAO. I encourage YOU. OOH, the extent of an insecurity-induced ego. Ignorance denotes the lack of knowledge about a topic--this, applies to you. World History, and especially 'Afrcan America' and Religious history, I know.

The concept of factual history is alien to you. Disturbing.
What's that smell?


- Mystech: Noted, with a grin.
- TheFountainhead: The cops were really bad shots. At point-blank, of forty-one shots, "only" 19 struck Diallo.

None explain a consistent bias in police officers, but assert there is one there.
Well, that's partially because the people who wrote the USSC report (A) weren't charged with that task, and (B) being smarter than you, don't treat people like neat little presumptions as you do.

What motivates each individual "bad cop" to be a bad cop is their own problem. Yet there is a statistical result that shows that in similar circumstances, cops, courts, and juries treat blacks differently and worse than whites.

And yes, your "science" that is designed more to be "sensational" than "useful" ... yeah ... that's "useful science", Prozak.
You and most of your articles make the same error: eliminating a possibility before analyzing it logically, for political reasons.
I can't logically analyze your irrational, illogical position. Give me something to work with, Prozak, and I'll give it a shot.
Many groups that faced discrimination haven't had the problems that blacks have had.
I agree. Like the Irish Catholics in the United States. They're tougher to spot than blacks, so people gave them less problems. Doesn't mean the Irish weren't given loads of shite by others for no good reason, but I'm wondering if blacks should just take over a city's political structure. Maybe at the next major police or fire department funeral, they can have the masked dancers and a shirtless, face-painted drum corps, or perhaps do some serious steppin' on parade instead of Irish or Scottish-derived rites (e.g. bagpipes, even kilts from time to time). Of course, when the blacks start treating the political system as any group treats it after coming to power (let's not pretend the Irish in Boston or Chicago, for instance, didn't have their share of corruption) we can hold it against them as if nobody else on the face of the earth is a human being.
Asking for clarification on HHS isn't an error; it's careful investigation.
Asking for the study is one thing. Asking what HHS is indicates a lack of knowledge on your part. Why would you ask a question you already know the answer to?

You're a human being, Prozak, you can either get used to it or choose to waste yourself worrying about the fact that being human is something all humans do. I know how much you want to be superior and pretend yourself the whole of all perfection, but we are a human species, and until you prove otherwise, it might serve your credibility well to go out and get a new act that shows that you're worth something more than being held up as an example of why the stupid people should be kicked out of society. Idiocy--that's something worth segregating. Stupid people, people who would seek to perpetuate unnecessary fighting between people, are among the lowest of the human species, and yet, even Donald Rumsfeld must pause to scrape you off his shoe.

Tiassa :cool:
I know this quote was from a long way back but

I don't discriminate. Whether you're black, red, pink, yellow, white, male, or female, if you run away from the police when they, the legitimate law enforcement agency, tell you to stop, and you don't, you deserve to be shot. There is nothing more to discuss! You're wrong, the cops are right! You're doing the offense, not the cops! STOP PROTECTING THE DAMN CRIMINALS.

what if you ran away from a Nazi stormtrooper whom you expected was going to take you away to a place where you had the feeling they were going to do "bad" stuff to you?

Do you deserve to be shot in this circumstance, even though Mr Nice Policeman is the criminal, or can you see how just because someone has a badge on doesn't neccessarily mean their actions are correct?

You all are missing the point. He was BLACK. No one shoots a black man without getting the smack down. THe cop has got it coming.
It also depends on the methods used.

If one race was more accustomed to technology than another, they might get caught less.

They also might commit different crimes that demand less rigorous enforcement.

Smoking a joint in public 500 times is still far less disruptive than one violent 7-11 robbery or rape.
Re: Africans lack 200,000 years of evolution whites and asians have.

Originally posted by tiassa

Prozak Well, that's partially because the people who wrote the USSC report (A) weren't charged with that task, and (B) being smarter than you, don't treat people like neat little presumptions as you do.

What motivates each individual "bad cop" to be a bad cop is their own problem. Yet there is a statistical result that shows that in similar circumstances, cops, courts, and juries treat blacks differently and worse than whites.

And yes, your "science" that is designed more to be "sensational" than "useful" ... yeah ... that's "useful science", Prozak.I can't logically analyze your irrational, illogical position. Give me something to work with, Prozak, and I'll give it a shot. I agree. Like the Irish Catholics in the United States. They're tougher to spot than blacks, so people gave them less problems. Doesn't mean the Irish weren't given loads of shite by others for no good reason, but I'm wondering if blacks should just take over a city's political structure. Maybe at the next major police or fire department funeral, they can have the masked dancers and a shirtless, face-painted drum corps, or perhaps do some serious steppin' on parade instead of Irish or Scottish-derived rites (e.g. bagpipes, even kilts from time to time). Of course, when the blacks start treating the political system as any group treats it after coming to power (let's not pretend the Irish in Boston or Chicago, for instance, didn't have their share of corruption) we can hold it against them as if nobody else on the face of the earth is a human being. Asking for the study is one thing. Asking what HHS is indicates a lack of knowledge on your part. Why would you ask a question you already know the answer to?

You're a human being, Prozak, you can either get used to it or choose to waste yourself worrying about the fact that being human is something all humans do. I know how much you want to be superior and pretend yourself the whole of all perfection, but we are a human species, and until you prove otherwise, it might serve your credibility well to go out and get a new act that shows that you're worth something more than being held up as an example of why the stupid people should be kicked out of society. Idiocy--that's something worth segregating. Stupid people, people who would seek to perpetuate unnecessary fighting between people, are among the lowest of the human species, and yet, even Donald Rumsfeld must pause to scrape you off his shoe.

Tiassa :cool:

Another contentless reply, big on rhetoric but short on rationality. You'll forgive me if I pitch you into the "lesser evolutionary status" bin and ignore it?
Originally posted by Kane
You all are missing the point. He was BLACK. No one shoots a black man without getting the smack down. THe cop has got it coming.

Yet Negroes commit many crimes with impunity, because of the perceived racial guilt of America. Notice how long Mumia Abu Jamal has been on death row - no white man receives that amount of attention (for such a shoddy defense, I might add).
Something about Mary?

Another contentless reply, big on rhetoric but short on rationality.
Give me something to work with. It's hard enough to work with nothing, but you're giving less than zero. (The quantity or lack thereof, not the Sciforums member.)
You'll forgive me if I pitch you into the "lesser evolutionary status" bin and ignore it?
Given that I'm not your genetic clone, I figured you already had.

Overall, I think it's quite rational to advise you to get used to being human. You seem to have some difficulty with that, and it seems to affect your communicative capabilities severely.

But as long as you're bitching about quality, perhaps you'd like to revisit your own posts on 6.17.2003 and amend them until they're of some use to anyone.

And then maybe there will be something to offer a more substantial response to.

Tiassa :cool:
"You're a human being, Prozak, you can either get used to it or choose to waste yourself worrying about the fact that being human is something all humans do."

this was amazing tiassa. may i have permission to quote you?
I'm honored

Of course, Swedish ... I'm honored.

Tiassa :cool:
putting color aside for a moment, is it not truly sickening and a classic example of overkill when a human being shoots his fellow man 41 times?
I believe you americans have something calls a citizen-arrest (where a citizen arrests another citizen) am i correct ?

Does that mean I am allowed to shoot the other guy in the back when I attempt to make a citizen arrest and he ignors my stop sign ???

You see, I hypothatically have this quarrel with my next door neighbour, I will try to arrest him for some minor traffic violation, hopefully he will ignore me so I can shoot him in the back for not complying....
Excellent point

putting color aside for a moment, is it not truly sickening and a classic example of overkill when a human being shoots his fellow man 41 times?
An excellent point. I'm not sure what to think of the fact that, at point blank range, they missed 25 times or so.

Which raises a different issue that might need its own topic. Up in Seattle, we had this weird incident where a kid stole a cop car that ended up with three units emptying their magazines at each other in the middle of the street, shooting up two police cars and luckily not killing anyone. In the sense of a new topic I have to think about panic fire and one's qualifications to be a cop. To the other, what if racial bias lends toward the fear that incites officers to fire blindly at point-blank range when you've got the wrong guy.

I saw interesting footage today of sheriff's officers trying to close a tobacco shop on tribal land. The officers were being physically ejected from the premises. I don't know if it was less of a fear of "Injuns" that resulted in nobody getting shot at, or if it was the fact that the officers knew they shouldn't, by law, be doing what they were doing, as they had no jurisdiction over the situation. If I had to guess, I'd guess the latter.

When I lived in Oregon, a zero-tolerance policy instituted in the schools against weapons. The first year, a third-grade student or some-such was expelled for having a GI Joe doll with a one-inch long plastic gun. There was a public outcry, and the school district responded that "zero tolerance" meant "zero tolerance". A year or so later, a high school student pointed a stage-prop gun at a teacher in the hallway and yelled for everyone to get down. In the resulting public outcry, it was argued that the zero-tolerance wasn't intended for honor-roll students being dumb for a minute; it could wreck their college aspirations. As I recall, the student was suspended for a period. I do believe the GI Joe student returned to classes before the year was out, but I found the public arguments odd because the third-grader ("zero tolerance is zero tolerance") was Hispanic, and the honor-roll student ("the policy wasn't intended for these students") was white.

A one-inch plastic gun with no moving parts that fits neatly into a doll's hand. A full-size stage-prop intended to look like a real pistol. Do you think if the honor student had pointed the one-inch plastic gun with no moving parts at the teacher and yelled "Get down" everyone would have taken it as the joke he intended it?

Tiassa :cool: