black man shot in the back.


saw some horrific pics on the news here in England yesterday of a black guy who had apparently run a stop sign, so the cops chase the dude and shoot him repeatedly in the back.

it happened in Louisiana, I'm just trying to find stuff on it now.

anyone shed any light?
Cops can shoot anyone if they believe that their lives are in danger, that leads to horrific incidents when a suspect tries to take out a wallet to show ID. trigger happy idiots.
You run from the police, the law, then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get shot in the back. Stop protecting the damn criminals!
Luckily Jerrick, American lawmakers aren't quite as moronic as you.
Then again, neither are fleas.

Cops are only supposed to shoot if they have a reasonable fear that their lives are in danger.
Do you know where in Louisiana? I live in Baton Rouge and didn't see anything about it. But then again, most people around here don't have a problem with police brutality.
Originally posted by Jerrek
You run from the police, the law, then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get shot in the back. Stop protecting the damn criminals!

I think that this is a classic display of the fundamental attribution error.

In psychology this is the principal by which people will, most often attribute their own indiscretions or wrong doings to the circumstances in which they found themselves, however the wrong doings of others are because they are somehow fundamentally bad people.

In this instance Jerrek is making some sort of vague qualitative difference between him and a person who would run a stop sign, without even knowing any more details about the event than that. His thoughts turn immediately to his childish idea that if someone runs a stop sign then they are a criminal, and as such a fundamentally bad person who should well be shot.

Or at least that's what I, Mr. fancy pants college education-boy have to say about this subject.
Your call, Jerrek

I gave my opinion, not what is law.
You can believe that all black people are cowardly criminals who deserve to be murdered by the law if you really want, but don't expect the rest of us to respect either you or your piss-poor attitude and opinion.

Second-rate bigot.

Tiassa :cool:
blessed is he who hides behind a badge of justice and commits atrocities acts in the name of justice, for he escapes my wrath. I think it is time to start the organization to punish these fucking cops.

BTW, Amidou, your 41 shots shall be avenged.
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Sometimes totally innocent people panic and do strange things when encountering authority figures. If running away is a crime (for some strange reason in the logic of jerrek) than surely the source of this panic (fear, police attitude, etc.) must be the cause of crime, and therefore criminal.
In the end they were responsible for the incident. They should know what kind of effect they can have on ordinary people.

hmmm...bad post...
Police in many areas have demonstrated that they are highly dangerous to minoritys. Running away when you see cops with their guns drawn is only logical in an areas where its not too uncommon for cops to shoot people for no apparent reason.

Diallo didn't run.
I'm trying to figure how many innocent white people are shot like this ....

Diallo didn't run.
Exactly correct. In fact, all Diallo did was exactly what the police officers asked him to do.

So they shot him. Of course, there's always Patrick Dorismond, murdered by NYPD for the crime of being black and having no drugs to sell.

Tiassa :cool:
Diallo screwed up by moving too quickly.

Cops have super-dangerous jobs; you too would shoot first and ask later.

Also, Negroes commit hugely disproportionate amounts of violent crime:

This is not to say the correct answer is to shoot them in the back. The correct answer is to realize that, despite our religious pretense of equality, people and groups are different and need different levels of behavior.
Re: Your call, Jerrek

Originally posted by tiassa
You can believe that all black people are cowardly criminals who deserve to be murdered by the law if you really want, but don't expect the rest of us to respect either you or your piss-poor attitude and opinion.

Second-rate bigot.

I think you're a bigot for the opposing side. The only truthful stance is to SEPARATE THE RACES.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
BTW, Amidou, your 41 shots shall be avenged.

i like that. some random sniping would be in order. exchanging white robes for a cop uniforms fools no one. whitey professes outrage but usually fails to indict these murderous bastards. you whitey friend sympathizes but drives home muttering "thank god i aint black"
Originally posted by prozak
Diallo screwed up by moving too quickly.

Cops have super-dangerous jobs; you too would shoot first and ask later.

Also, Negroes commit hugely disproportionate amounts of violent crime:

You can throw around statistics if you want, but they have nothing to do with truth. The truthis statistics of that nature show only people who were arrested, rightly or otherwise. The statistics know nothing about all the criminals that go uncaught or those who are arrested and falsely prosecuted. If cops, as a whole, are racist in the least, those stats are going to be biased.

Trust me, out of 15 years of criminal behavior I was caught twice. I'm white. I don't play a very big role in your statistic, now do I?
Originally posted by Mephura
You can throw around statistics if you want, but they have nothing to do with truth. The truthis statistics of that nature show only people who were arrested, rightly or otherwise. The statistics know nothing about all the criminals that go uncaught or those who are arrested and falsely prosecuted. If cops, as a whole, are racist in the least, those stats are going to be biased.

Trust me, out of 15 years of criminal behavior I was caught twice. I'm white. I don't play a very big role in your statistic, now do I?

You do, because you're the minority of criminals of any race ;)

These statistics alone tell most of the story, but if you look at historical and test data, you can see the two races are not the same.

As if that wasn't obvious!

White people get arrested a lot in this country - much of the reason many avoid it is that their crimes are not violent.
What I am saying is that I have broken the law upward of say over 500 times (not counting traffic violations), and I have been caught twice. If I had been caught and prosecuted, and everyone else in the same fashion had been caught and prosecuted, there might not be such a diference in the races crime wise.