Black Holes are in the theory of everything.

Not really. My first thought was how to get things moving without any physics, so I wanted perpetual motion. I figured that I was allowed particles, and I just allowed them to be infinite. That's it really. You get pressure. Pressure is a push, so Gravity had to be a push. A pull would be adding some free physics.

My whole theory is based on just a pressure. I took everything else from scientific evidence.
Agreed, once you have gravity things just start to "fall" into place :).

So from your first thought of how to get things in motion, how did you come up with the jelly-particle?
Agreed, once you have gravity things just start to "fall" into place :).

So from your first thought of how to get things in motion, how did you come up with the jelly-particle?

Its expanding abilities are quite extreme. It is hard to snap it. It's stretchy. It's very much like a balloon. I took the evidence from the creation of atoms, and the creation of the huge bubbles that surround a Galaxy, also Saturn's rings, photons, and Black Holes. Electricity is very strange, not what you think it is. A lot smaller I would say. Electricity appears to change the Universe from 2D to 3D.

Did anyone try my two slit experiment yet?, ie put a ring on the screen before you perform the experiment. I need to know if I am right. I can't do it here. It confirms my theory.
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Its expanding abilities are quite extreme. It is hard to snap it. It's stretchy. It's very much like a balloon. I took the evidence from the creation of atoms, and the creation of the huge bubbles that surround a Galaxy, also Saturn's rings, photons, and Black Holes. Electricity is very strange, not what you think it is. A lot smaller I would say. Electricity appears to change the Universe from 2D to 3D.
I'm trying to get appreciate the thinking that took place; the sequence. Here is what we have. You said:

"My first thought was how to get things moving without any physics, so I wanted perpetual motion. I figured that I was allowed particles, and I just allowed them to be infinite. That's it really. You get pressure. Pressure is a push, so Gravity had to be a push. A pull would be adding some free physics."

"My initial plan was to make the Universe easy to create itself. All I needed was the Aether. I figured out how the Aether can make each particle using the same few rules. I had a jelly-like particle, it stretches, it shrinks, it snaps, and it can turn inside out if it has a hole in it. It's inside is the opposite polarity to its outside. It changes colour when it is put under a lot of pressure. I think the secret of being the only fundamental particle is to be able to turn inside out. If you had a balloon that burst, but just turned inside out, and was still a balloon, but the opposite polarity, you wouldn't really have lost anything much. Everything shooting away from your positive polarity suddenly returns to your negative polarity. I think that's the secret. Basically it folds into a hole of itself. It's hard to put into words."

"My whole theory is based on just a pressure. I took everything else from scientific evidence."

Then about the jelly-particle you said, "Its expanding abilities are quite extreme. It is hard to snap it. It's stretchy. It's very much like a balloon. I took the evidence from the creation of atoms, and the creation of the huge bubbles that surround a Galaxy, also Saturn's rings, photons, and Black Holes. Electricity is very strange, not what you think it is. A lot smaller I would say. Electricity appears to change the Universe from 2D to 3D."

When I asked how you came up with the jelly-particle you described its unusual characteristics and said you took evidence from the creation of atoms, the creation of the huge bubbles that surround a Galaxy, also Saturn's ring, photons, and Black Holes. You mentioned that electricity is very strange.

Did that "evidence" enter into the picture before, during, or after the idea of the jelly-particle came to mind or did the jelly-particle "solidify" :) as you examined the evidence that you mention? Because if the "evidence" played a roll then for me to understand the sequence of your thinking I want to ask about the supporting evidence to get it on the record.
Did anyone try my two slit experiment yet?, ie put a ring on the screen before you perform the experiment. I need to know if I am right. I can't do it here. It confirms my theory.
I have a feeling that if someone does your experiment because you suggested it, they will come forward with the results.
No, the evidence took about 15 years to put together. I took ages trying to figure things out. I had some strange physics to put together. I had a hexagon shape that was bugging me for years. That turned out to be the kissing problem. I have only this week figured out the atom, and just about 20 minutes ago figured out the electrons.

So the order was..

Sharing the same space through pressure
The forces resulting from that
One particle being forced inside the other
The expansion of the outer particle, and the reduction of the inner particle
The gap that they left behind when they merged

Then I changed to using that in nature, and I studied fractals.
Then I found the Snowflake
I knew that if I could figure out how a snowflake forms, I could add that physics to the Aether.
Then I wrote a computer program that formed a snowflake.
Then I had a few scales to work with.
Then I applied those scales to the Bose-Einstein condensate.
That took about 2 years to figure out.
Now I had some new shapes to work with.. a condensate structure.
So I figured that the only way that I could get a Condensate was to put a Black Hole in the atoms.
So I put that inside, and found out that it was the particle that had entered the first particle at the beginning.
Then I had the two slit experiment. So I put black holes in it.
So I knew that photons were released from the black holes, and electrons, and I had the Aether to combine.
So that meant that as the photons or whatever were hitting the screen they were releasing more material.
So then I proposed my Ring Doughnut. :D

On top of that I have solved about 50 big questions.

In fact I only have to listen to scientists talking, and I solve something almost right away.
Say if you used kodak paper, and a photon puts a mark on it through two slits. You get an interference pattern.

I suggest that before the experiment you would shine photons on the paper in a ring shape. now put the paper into the experiment, and you should get a doughnut shape.

You could put a + cross on the screen to get some square shapes. Or a X to get triangles.

The interference pattern comes from the screen, so that's why it happens. With a ring already burned on the screen it is like putting a round blowing wind in the screen. So you get a doughnut. The wind comes from the atoms, so it should work with all of the two slit experiments. (If it works..)

The observer screws up the wind. Now you have a wind going into the box instead.

You have to keep the screen still for both the mark, and the experiment. So don't put the mark on in a different room, else you could scroll the result off the image. It doesn't require many additions to the experiment. Just move the photon emitter around a bit. Then put the slits back on.
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Remember that the Aether was only removed from science because nobody could find it. The two slit experiment finds it. I've found it. Have an Aether doughnut! :D
No, the evidence took about 15 years to put together. I took ages trying to figure things out. I had some strange physics to put together. I had a hexagon shape that was bugging me for years. That turned out to be the kissing problem. I have only this week figured out the atom, and just about 20 minutes ago figured out the electrons.

So the order was..

Sharing the same space through pressure
The forces resulting from that
One particle being forced inside the other
The expansion of the outer particle, and the reduction of the inner particle
The gap that they left behind when they merged

Then I changed to using that in nature, and I studied fractals.
Then I found the Snowflake
I knew that if I could figure out how a snowflake forms, I could add that physics to the Aether.
Then I wrote a computer program that formed a snowflake.
Then I had a few scales to work with.
Then I applied those scales to the Bose-Einstein condensate.
That took about 2 years to figure out.
Now I had some new shapes to work with.. a condensate structure.
So I figured that the only way that I could get a Condensate was to put a Black Hole in the atoms.
So I put that inside, and found out that it was the particle that had entered the first particle at the beginning.
Then I had the two slit experiment. So I put black holes in it.
So I knew that photons were released from the black holes, and electrons, and I had the Aether to combine.
So that meant that as the photons or whatever were hitting the screen they were releasing more material.
So then I proposed my Ring Doughnut. :D

On top of that I have solved about 50 big questions.

In fact I only have to listen to scientists talking, and I solve something almost right away.
Thanks for the list. Now we have a sequence of events. What I am trying to do is find the connection to known science. When you mentioned evidence I thought we could examine the specific evidence that you used at the earliest point in the sequence. What was the first evidence and how does the evidence fall into place with the sequence of events?

Say if you used kodak paper, and a photon puts a mark on it through two slits. You get an interference pattern.

I suggest that before the experiment you would shine photons on the paper in a ring shape. now put the paper into the experiment, and you should get a doughnut shape.

You could put a + cross on the screen to get some square shapes. Or a X to get triangles.

The interference pattern comes from the screen, so that's why it happens. With a ring already burned on the screen it is like putting a round blowing wind in the screen. So you get a doughnut. The wind comes from the atoms, so it should work with all of the two slit experiments. (If it works..)

The observer screws up the wind. Now you have a wind going into the box instead.

You have to keep the screen still for both the mark, and the experiment. So don't put the mark on in a different room, else you could scroll the result off the image. It doesn't require many additions to the experiment. Just move the photon emitter around a bit. Then put the slits back on.
This all remains to be seen. My impression is that every conceivable setup for the experiment has been tried. Have you searched for the various ways these experiments have already been conducted to see if there is anything already in the books?
Remember that the Aether was only removed from science because nobody could find it. The two slit experiment finds it. I've found it. Have an Aether doughnut! :D
I remember. They couldn't find the luminiferous aether as explained in this Wiki link.

"In the late 19th century, "luminiferous aether" (or "ether"), meaning light-bearing aether, was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light.[1] The word aether stems via Latin from the Greek αιθήρ, from a root meaning to kindle, burn, or shine. It signifies the substance which was thought in ancient times to contain the manipulative forces beyond control.[citation needed]

Later theories including special relativity were formulated without the concept of aether. Today the idea of aether, what Albert Michelson called "one of the grandest generalizations of modern science", is regarded as a superseded scientific theory."

I know that you are talking about a different kind of aether.
Thanks for the list. Now we have a sequence of events. What I am trying to do is find the connection to known science. When you mentioned evidence I thought we could examine the specific evidence that you used at the earliest point in the sequence. What was the first evidence and how does the evidence fall into place with the sequence of events?

This all remains to be seen. My impression is that every conceivable setup for the experiment has been tried. Have you searched for the various ways these experiments have already been conducted to see if there is anything already in the books?
I remember. They couldn't find the luminiferous aether as explained in this Wiki link.

"In the late 19th century, "luminiferous aether" (or "ether"), meaning light-bearing aether, was the term used to describe a medium for the propagation of light.[1] The word aether stems via Latin from the Greek αιθήρ, from a root meaning to kindle, burn, or shine. It signifies the substance which was thought in ancient times to contain the manipulative forces beyond control.[citation needed]

Later theories including special relativity were formulated without the concept of aether. Today the idea of aether, what Albert Michelson called "one of the grandest generalizations of modern science", is regarded as a superseded scientific theory."

I know that you are talking about a different kind of aether.

My first evidence was the Two Slit Experiment. My second evidence was the snowflake, my third was the Bose Einstein Condensate. My fourth was the sphere around the Galaxy, my fifth was the rays pointing towards the Galaxy from a Black Hole, my sixth was Dark Matter, my seventh was rebuilding the Atom from scratch, my Eighth was rebuilding the electron from scratch, my ninth was rebuilding the photon from scratch..

Finding the Aether, action at a distance, magnetism, Gravity, the kissing problem, the Suns inner rings, Mercury's orbit, Anti-Aether, sentience, Vortex, colours, a prism, the photos from space, Galaxy's centre, the skin, the apple, the tomato, the tree, embryos, water, Saturn, orbits, photos of electrons, film footage of atoms, the two planes experiment, Relativity, Einstein's papers about how he came to discover relativity, solar winds, lightening, static electricity, electric fields, conductors, the 15" Gun experiment, Diamonds, sound, sight, perspective, the brain, the moon, Bubbles in space, under arm deodorant spray, cancer, pressure, hot air balloons, aircraft, helicopters, photosynthesis, growth of plants, volcanoes, the Ozone Layer, and hole, the spacing of Galaxies. Then I found negative mass, which threw everything out of the maths of science, and to be honest I even used to hate science for suggesting negative mass.

I have drawn diagrams of how atoms are formed, How electrons are formed, how the two slit experiment hopefully works, and hundreds of others.

It's easier just to say that I haven't figured out DNA yet.

It's more like Alchemy really. I have all of the ingredients of things, but no maths. But I can predict things. For example, I know that Electrons are much smaller than currently thought, and you are calling thousands of them 1. I know that there are thousands of particles in an Atom. I know that it has no protons, or Quarks (that is like naming each washing up liquid bubble of a different size), and even the nucleus isn't what you think it is, and electrons are way out. the orbits of the electrons are way out. Black holes couldn't be more wrong. In fact mine are almost the complete opposite of the current model. I know that there was no Big Bang, I think that the Earth is possibly much younger than you think, I think that the dinosaurs aren't too far behind our history, I know a bit about where to look for life on planets. I have an idea that there are anti-Aether Galaxies where people are almost invisible to us. I'm sure that I can come up with some more experiments after the Two Slit experiment.

I don't really know what else to say. I can model atoms in 3D. Somebody can extrapolate the drawings into maths.
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Thanks for the list. Now we have a sequence of events. What I am trying to do is find the connection to known science. ...

My first evidence was the Two Slit Experiment. My second evidence was the snowflake, my third was the Bose Einstein Condensate. My fourth was the sphere around the Galaxy, my fifth was the rays pointing toward the Galaxy from a Black Hole, my sixth was Dark Matter, my seventh was rebuilding the Atom from scratch, my Eighth was rebuilding the electron from scratch, my ninth was rebuilding the photon from scratch..

Finding the Aether, action at a distance, magnetism, Gravity, the kissing problem, the Suns inner rings, Mercury's orbit, Anti-Aether, sentience, Vortex, colours, a prism, the photos from space, Galaxy's centre, the skin, the apple, the tomato, the tree, embryos, water, Saturn, orbits, photos of electrons, film footage of atoms, the two planes experiment, Relativity, Einstein's papers about how he came to discover relativity, solar winds, lightening, static electricity, electric fields, conductors, the 15" Gun experiment, Diamonds, sound, sight, perspective, the brain, the moon, Bubbles in space, under arm deodorant spray, cancer, pressure, hot air balloons, aircraft, helicopters, photosynthesis, growth of plants, volcanoes, the Ozone Layer, and hole, the spacing of Galaxies.

I have drawn diagrams of how atoms are formed, How electrons are formed, how the two slit experiment hopefully works, and hundreds of others.

It's easier just to say that I haven't figured out DNA yet.

It's more like Alchemy really. I have all of the ingredients of things, but no maths. But I can predict things. For example, I know that Electrons are much smaller than currently thought, and you are calling thousands of them 1. I know that there are thousands of particles in an Atom. I know that it has no protons, or Quarks (that is like naming each washing up liquid bubble of a different size), and even the nucleus isn't what you think it is, and electrons are way out. the orbits of the electrons are way out. Black holes couldn't be more wrong. In fact mine are almost the complete opposite of the current model. I know that there was no Big Bang, I think that the Earth is possibly much younger than you think, I think that the dinosaurs aren't too far behind our history, I know a bit about where to look for life on planets. I have an idea that there are anti-Aether Galaxies where people are almost invisible to us. I'm sure that I can come up with some more experiments after the Two Slit experiment.

I don't really know what else to say. I can model atoms in 3D. Somebody can extrapolate the drawings into maths.
I am a fan of your imagination and your art. But as you know, there is concern that you are deluded into thinking you are describing reality while science is completely off. I suspect that reality is somewhere in between, but maybe closer to science than to PinPaxism :D.

So even if you are deluded or even if science has gotten everything wrong, will you go on record by saying where you see science leaving off and your views starting, i.e. what or where is there a connection between tested and verified science that you accept as the departure point into PinPaxism? Something scientific that you can say is true and that your views can be seen to depart from, a scientific fact that you start with and move away from in an orderly step by step fashion, if any; a departure point into PinPaxism?

Or would you prefer to say that PinPaxism is entirely separate from any scientific consensus and from the scientific method itself, and therefore is not actually science, but is unabashed PinPaxism?
I am a fan of your imagination and your art. But as you know, there is concern that you are deluded into thinking you are describing reality while science is completely off. I suspect that reality is somewhere in between, but maybe closer to science than to PinPaxism :D.

So even if you are deluded or even if science has gotten everything wrong, will you go on record by saying where you see science leaving off and your views starting, i.e. what or where is there a connection between tested and verified science that you accept as the departure point into PinPaxism? Something scientific that you can say is true and that your views can be seen to depart from, a scientific fact that you start with and move away from in an orderly step by step fashion, if any; a departure point into PinPaxism?

Or would you prefer to say that PinPaxism is entirely separate from any scientific consensus and from the scientific method itself, and therefore is not actually science, but is unabashed PinPaxism?

Well obviously if the 'Theory Of Everything' was in regular science it would have been found by now. You have to depart completely into a new science. I can't find anything the same.. a photon is very close. An electron? I mean in 10 years if people were using my science, they would find the old science like a flat Earth.

Anyway without the two slit experiment results I am stuck. Tomorrow I have to write papers on....

1 Chemical Valency
2 Spectral Lines
3 The Photoelectric effect
4 Isotopes
5 Rutherfords 15" artillery shell

Using my models of the Atom etc.

Then I will come up with experiment to try for some of them
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Well obviously if the 'Theory Of Everything' was in regular science it would have been found by now.
Though we agree that before the TOE is put to bed there will be some new physics discovered, the old physics will still operate just fine. The new physics will fill in the gaps and reconcile the discrepancies.
You have to depart completely into a new science. I can't find anything the same.. a photon is very close. An electron? I mean in 10 years if people were using my science, they would find the old science like a flat Earth.
This is where you give people the idea that you have delusions.
Anyway without the two slit experiment results I am stuck. Tomorrow I have to write papers on....

1 Chemical Valency
2 Spectral Lines
3 The Photoelectric effect
4 Isotopes
5 Rutherfords 15" artillery shell

Using my models of the Atom etc.

Then I will come up with experiment to try for some of them
Have fun and be careful with the artillery shell experiments :).
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Though we agree that before the TOE is put to bed there will be some new physics discovered, the old physics will still operate just fine. The new physics will fill in the gaps and reconcile the discrepancies.

This is where you give people the idea that you have delusions.

Have fun and be careful with the artillery shell experiments :).

I know what you are saying, I can't change rocket science, and scientific inventions. I haven't. I've pointed out where they will go wrong. They are too Local dependant. The Galaxy is a big place, and rockets are doing just fine to Mars. I have gone Quantum, and infinite at the same time. My new drawings will explain more.
You, me and science as well are all contemplating the quantum and the infinite. The scientific method goes hand in hand with progress in science, reasonable and responsible speculation is my methodology to go beyond science while maintaining a connection with and a departure point from science, and imagination and art are how I characterize your path to discovery and self enlightenment.

I'll watch for your imagination and drawings. Please keep it out front that your tools are artistic imagination and artistic talent and you can always respond to charges of delusion with that response. Just remind people by saying that, "my tools are imagination and art, deal with it". Try to convey your talents as science and you will continue to meet with charges of delusion.

Good luck friend.
PS: May is suggest you change your image. For example I have cleaned up my avatar up from:

to this:

Notice the haircut :D?
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I am currently building interactive 3D models of my theory. You will be able to use these programs to actually run my theory, and see exactly what really happens in the Universe.

My Two Slit Experiment in progress

I am currently building interactive 3D models of my theory. You will be able to use these programs to actually run my theory, and see exactly what really happens in the Universe.
It really is sad how much time you're wasting just because you can't accept you don't understand science.
It really is sad how much time you're wasting just because you can't accept you don't understand science.

I am also going to put a prism in the experiment as well. Then I'm going to make an interactive Bose-Einstein condensate. I'll put the whole Universe in the experiment if I have to. It's not going to be an animation, it's going to use real physics. My physics. I'll show you how an atom is made, and how it works in real time, and then I'll show the beginning of the Universe, and how Galaxies are made.