black boy bashed?

hey all
ive got some very sad news for you all

police are only a reflection of the criminal mind of the community they serve!!!

wake up and smell the coffee.

and they cannot stop crime!
they can only come along after and pin the blame on someone
to make the community stop from hanging the mayor in the town squre!
they are never selected properly!
they are never trained properly!
they are never funded properly!
they are never supported by the networks of government orgs properly!
they are not respected by the community properly
they are never paid properly

and yet we expect them to be the heroes we believe to-
'not exist'!

to show a corrupt police officer on tv only undermines the image and trust (if there is any left)
so its just a bit of strange luck that they dont put thier abilities into crime on a more selfish format!

one extreem end of this argument could be
should we let solidiers father children when they are likely to die in battle and creat one parent families that are now dependent on the support (which is never enough to cover the basics) of the state!?!?!?!?!?!?!
BUT THATS FAR TOO EMOTIONALY landmined to explore....
isnt it?!?!?!?!


groove on all :)
Originally posted by Joeman

Leave George Bush alone. Politicians have more important things to worry about. Why would he go to his funeral? People die everyday. Personally I wouldn't give a shit about the death of stranger. If I go to his funerals I will just be going through the motions.

There is nothing more important than human life. Disagreeing says that you agree that life is not precious and that you don't need it. Giving up your own life is the greatest sacrifice a person can make. It's the only thing a person has.

u r about the coolest cat I seen... OK now that we got that out the way...

I just wanna say I like this site alot. I have only posted 14 times & everybody is very respectful (unusual). keep on truckin.

Just wanna talk about a topic I am concerned about. In my area Oakland, CA we got a Police Corruption case similar to Ramparts called "The Riders" -- maybe you heard of it. It has 4 cops on trial for various crimes. Only 3 showed up in court. the 4th Francisco Vasquez is on the lam. this cop is AMERICA'S MOST WANTED COP! Dishing out brutal beatings, murder, framing, selling drugs, falsifying reports, perjury, etc. yet if you watch America's Most Wanted you will not see him. You will see Osama Bin Laden who is not missing in America? Duh? Please follow this case & it can be looked up in the chronicle & oakland tribune sites.

My second topic is Police collusion in continuous crimes I'll call sabotage. There have been a numerous amount of overturned big rigs on our freeways. So many in fact I call it a plot. Many contained toxic chemicals which need special crews for cleanup. This can take all day. So major roads like Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge & interchanges can be shut down. There were two in two days last week. Finally I called CHP (California Highway Patrol) to ask if these drivers are being detained as suspicious of a plot. NO. Just yesterday another big rig overturned on Bay Bridge top deck spilling diesel fuel onto lower deck. Both directions shut down for hours. Now it would appear I was correct in labeling it sabotage & CHP just acts as if nothing out of the ordinary. You can look this up in Sundays Chronicle... They use stunt drivers - you know just like on the show "Most Wildest Police Videos" - all fake car chases. For a sort of urban warfare scenario.

Anyway just wanted to tell you a bit about our little corner of the world. y'alls have a nice day. :cool:
heyya all


cheers dude :)

i know what you mean and maybe there is a slightly bigger story which may be almost too stupid.
im not saying you are wrong because it would not surprise me....
i have heard of freezerworkers (chopping up meat in factory)
cutting off thier own finger to get a payout!!!
hows that for over the edge!
but something that came to mind as a possibility
could be...
maybe the drivers are being overworked because the fbi wont let them use day workers in fear they are actual truck bombers...
so the company overworks the drivers and only a few trucks crashing each day is someones idea of acceptable loss.
maybe not but sometimes these things are too stupid for words.
maybe it is the only way they can practice and maintain a high level of credible fear!
that fits the bill too, i would imagine...
and they like to maintain a state of civil emergencey so it puts more power in the hands of the power hungry
just remeber when the U$A public WAKE UP and REALISE
they now have
good luck dude
im not coming to visit in a hurry!

******the bill of rights has finaly fallen!******
next is free speach!!!
you just watch!!!

IF YOU ARE STILL SEING stars in your eyes....
im sorry to say it must be a police batton crushing your skull!

groove on all

peace love and missery to all greed merchants.