black boy bashed?


"Socialist, elitest sycophants?"

Who cares what they think? I thought that was what tear gas is for?
No, in the US it is allowed to immediately open up the trunk and search the whole bloody car, because, who knows whatever you might be transfering.

not rue. they can search most of your car, including your person, for what ever reason they feel.. but.. for what reason i have NO IDEA, they have to have a specific reason to beleive that you are hiding something, and be able to prove it, to look in the trunk. dont know why they made this law... but... lol.
Originally posted by Xev

"Socialist, elitest sycophants?"

Who cares what they think? I thought that was what tear gas is for?

LMAO :D. This is why you are great. :)
not rue. they can search most of your car, including your person, for what ever reason they feel.. but.. for what reason i have NO IDEA, they have to have a specific reason to beleive that you are hiding something, and be able to prove it, to look in the trunk. dont know why they made this law... but... lol.

Yeah, police have to have what's called probable cause to pull you over. You have to exhibit "symptoms" to a greater problem, such as swerving, etc. They often abuse this, pulling people over for brake lights, things hanging in the mirror etc. Then "lookie what we got here".

Actually now that I think about it, can they do this? Can they pull you over for one thing and then charge you for another. I forgot what that's called, but when it comes to warrants to search a house, I believe they can't have a warrant to find one thing and then charge you with something else.
I believe they can't have a warrant to find one thing and then charge you with something else.

i always thought the same thing you do (and i still kinda do) but i asked my mom (she works at a court) and she said that you dont have to have seperate search warrants. I always thought they had to go back and get another one if they wanted something else.. but it makes alot of sense though if you sit and think about it... If you went to a judge for a search warrant becuase you think the guy is selling cocain, and it turns out he's also got marajuana, and firearms, they wouldn't waste the time going back to get another warrant for the other two. But i told her to ask a judge or officer when she goes to work tomorw why it is that someone would think that you would need seperate warrnts, becuase i definately reember hearing it in criminal history class. or maybe drivers training.. somewhere a long time ago. Maybe thats how things USED to be done. who knows. ill let you know what i find out though. :confused:
Hi all ...

Not been around too much, but this discussion caught my eye.

Reading through it, all I could think was 'For all the talk about the
poor victim being hand-cuffed when he was abused, I wonder how
many have seen an Officer's small finger bitten off by a cuffed and
shackled perp.?'

Have a good day :mad:
yeah, coppers do get treated pretty scarerily sometimes, but they do have th chioce to be there.
That they do ...

Like about 12% get blown away with their own weapons.

Too bad more young Officer's aren't thinking 'It's better to be
judged by twelve than carried by twelve' in our 'Oh, aren't the
police terrible' age.

And, it's too bad they don't walk off the job enmass ... and leave
it to the 'good, concerned citizens' to survive as best they can.

Take care :rolleyes:
Well said Chagur. Those who make mock o' uniforms that guard them while they sleep would do well to consider that.
Re: That they do ...

Originally posted by Chagur
Like about 12% get blown away with their own weapons.

Too bad more young Officer's aren't thinking 'It's better to be
judged by twelve than carried by twelve' in our 'Oh, aren't the
police terrible' age.

And, it's too bad they don't walk off the job enmass ... and leave
it to the 'good, concerned citizens' to survive as best they can.

Take care :rolleyes:

Look, we all have to work. It is ultimately our chioce WHERE we work. even though some have more advantages than other.... most jobs have their perks and err... unperks....
dentists have a high suicide rate. I know your argument, 'somone has to do it' ... but someone has to do everything...

There is no excuse for corruption, my complaint is directed at CORRUPT police... not the decent ones. Policing is neccessary...
business people, doctors, nurses, pilots, garbage men... all are neccessray, all have risks.. there is still no excuse to abuse the system.