black boy bashed?


Registered Senior Member
how do you like my alliteration of the B?!

actually, something more serious...

I have read and seen about a african american boy being bashed by the pigs in the states, (cops) and its no doubt been very distorted, but still WTF?!?!

Is this a result of supressed racism or is it piggers on a power trip who just happen to take it out on a a boy that is black?
The footage didn't show the cop in question being hit but did show the gash on his right temple.
Never the less cops must know that it comes with the territory and should expect some violent reactions from people they are trying to apprehend.

This in no way justifies beating anyone while they're cuffed and down whatever their color. If the cop was rascist or not is one issue open for debate.

The fact that he's a coward is plain for all to see.
"It is only a isolated occurance.."

They have said so many times police have no credibility left. These police criminals - what can we do? We must shine a light into the dark corners where these menacing police crooks are hiding. Let the court of public opinion judge them.
Wot of the Guy taking the footage being caught in an interview which was a sting organised by the Police????????:confused:

The bloke fears he's going to jail, don't know full story yet. But ears to the ground. :(

Freedom of Speach or just a rooten apple?
Originally posted by Agent@5
...bashed by the pigs in the states, (cops)... piggers on a power trip...
The term "pig" is considered quite derogatory when used in this context. You should try to remember that the majority of police officers are quite respectable, and are all that stand between you and criminals.
Originally posted by Skull
Wot of the Guy taking the footage being caught in an interview which was a sting organised by the Police? The bloke fears he's going to jail...
The guy apparently has broken the law. CNN coverage here.

A gash anywhere on the head will bleed profusely.
The policeman obviously had a scratch that is still unexplaned so that issue is moot.

The impact on the trunk looked worse than it was. The surface is far more resiliant compared to wood. Also the larger the surface area upon contact the less pressure is exerted.

The right cross to the face did not appear to be a devestating blow.

My opinion is that this is a minor incident and not worthy of a 1.2 million dollar lawsuit.

Three blocks awy from my house in MD, a cop asked a 65 year old black man to get out of his car while he was leaving Mc Donalds with his nephews dinner. The man refused and was shot dead in the head despite the fact there was no physical contact by the old man. It was witnessed by many right there in front of everyone peering out the windows of McDonalds eating their burgers.

The cop said he thought the 15 year old Pontiac was stolen, it was not.
The cop was determined to be innocent of the shooting and no charges were brought.

Now this murder is deserving of national attention but was not on videotape.

Remember the black man dragged by a chain around his neck behind a pickup truck in Texas until his head came off?

GW Bush was governor there at the time.
Did he offer any remarks of solace to the family of the victim
or attend the funeral???

NONE what so ever.

That to me sends a message.
Originally posted by Don H
Remember the black man dragged by a chain around his neck behind a pickup truck in Texas until his head came off?

GW Bush was governor there at the time.
Did he offer any remarks of solace to the family of the victim
or attend the funeral???

NONE what so ever.

That to me sends a message.

Leave George Bush alone. Politicians have more important things to worry about. Why would he go to his funeral? People die everyday. Personally I wouldn't give a shit about the death of stranger. If I go to his funerals I will just be going through the motions.

You keep attacking Bush and making stupid comment without offering any defense. I think you are a troll.
I'm sorry to say so, "Fuck the cops"!

There may be respectable ones among them, I couldn't care less. Often they abuse their power to show off. Beating up at people is not hard to do in their position.

I hate that. There are more incidents like this. IMO, these cops are just on a big ego-trip.

Originally posted by Joeman
I think you are a troll.

No, I do not think he's a troll. I think he just posted his opinion...
there can be no talk about racism, because one of the policeman was back. plain and simple.
Originally posted by Avatar
there can be no talk about racism, because one of the policeman was back. plain and simple.

I am assuming back means black...but

this makes as much sense as saying there was no antisemitism in the 3rd Reich because Hitler's grandfather was a JEw.
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

in our case a black man(not a white mans black granfather) with his two white friends was beating another black man. there is no racism here.
cruelty yes.
you americans everywhere see racism.
I think this is a perfect example of how bleeding heart liberals are taking over. They've polluted your mind.

Because something bad was done to a back man so many people instantly assumed it was a racist act. Bull shit. Then these same morons tell me I can't describe a man who killed someone by saying he's "asian" because that's derogatory. Bunch of morons.
Doesn't matter to me whether the man was black, red, yellow, white or whatever.

I do not like the mentallity of a lot of cops in general...
everywhere I hear the word DISCRIMINATION.
man I hate that word.
gays are discriminated
blacks are discriminated
tanssexuals are discriminated
imigrants are discriminated
native indians are discriminated
women are discriminated

but what about a heterosexual white male?

if some black guy would beat me up (which would be hard:D) noone would ever mention discrimination.
see where I'm going....
I hate discrimination;)
I believe Rudyard Kipling expressed my thoughts on "pigs" better than I ever could. Poets always put things better than scientists ever could.

I went into a public house to get a pint of cheer.
The owner up and says, "We serve no Red Coats here".
The girls behind the bar, they laughed and giggled fit to die.
I'm out into the street again and to myself says I;

O it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, an Tommy go away.
But it's "Thank you mister Adkins", when the band begins to play.
The band begins to play my boys, the band begins to play.
O it's "Thank you mister Adkins, when the band begins to play.

Yes, making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep.
Is cheaper than them uniforms, and they are starving cheap.
An hustlin drunken soldiers when they're going large a bit.
Is five times better than parading in full kit.

Then it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and "Tommy, own your soul"?
But it's "thin red line of heroes, when the drums begin to roll.
The drums begin to roll, by boys, the drums begin to roll.
O it's "thin red line of heroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red heroes, nor we aren't no back guards too.
But single men in barracks, most remarkably like you.
And if sometimes our conduct ain't all you fancy paints.
Why, single men in barracks don's grow into plaster saints.

While it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and Tommy fall be'end.
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir, when there's trouble in the wind.
There's trouble in the wind, by boys, there's trouble in the wind.
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk better food for us, and schools, and fires, and all.
We'll wait for extra rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook room slops, but prove it to our face.
The widow's uniform is not the soldier's disgrace.

For it's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and "chunk him out, the bruit".
But it's "Savior of this country" when the guns begin to shoot.
And it's Tommy this and Tommy that, and anytime you please.
And Tommy ain't a blooming fool - you bet that Tommy sees.

--Rudyard Kipling, "Tommy".

As to the individual officer's conduct, I can say nothing, I have not studied the incident. But I'd like to see all of you who scream "pig" and yell how much they detest "the pigs" to go without the protection that the "pigs" provide.
If you're not a heterosexual, white, Christian (though not actually religious, just slightly) or Jewish male between the ages of 18 and 45 you are being discriminated against.

A guy in Toronto got fired for saying 'Hey babe' to a woman in his office. A friend of his who he'd been working with for a while. He walked into the office one morning and just as a greeting said 'hey babe'. She claimed it as sexual harrasment and he got fired.

Pathetic. Anytime some says something is sexist, racist or discriminatory in any way I instantly assume they're wrong. Just because of idiots like this.
Well, I don't think the blacks can complain about hate crimes when blacks commits more race based hate crimes than any other race in America. Sure, there are discriminations but it goes both ways.
I prefer to go without the protection "pigs" provide.

As far as racism goes, that is not even listed in my book. A human being is a human being, no matter where they are born...