
How do you feel about bisexuals?

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((Dreamwalker))...hmmmmm i can see a bisexual elite from as you speak....
you cant say that being bisexual is superior without pissing those who!
alright, i might not want to make love to women but i sure can appreciate their beauty which very much includes ther way of being....many women for example are miles more inclusive than men about stuff...they have HAd to be afer fukin hundreds of years of being put down and ordered about etc by macho macho maaaaaan

yet i have met staight dudes who are so togther regarding women that they have no fear at all about Gays or even about them flirting with them...i mean if a Gay flirts with them they dont go into homophobe for me its not about superior versus inferior. but about inclusivity...accepting people as they ARE, not as you want them to be
I was just listening to an idiot Repug ranting about wanting to pass various "Protection of Marriage" laws in states and federally. But - this particular Repugnican is on his third wife! Shouldn't they outlaw divorce if they want to protect marriage?!
duendy said:
((Dreamwalker))...hmmmmm i can see a bisexual elite from as you speak....
you cant say that being bisexual is superior without pissing those who!
alright, i might not want to make love to women but i sure can appreciate their beauty which very much includes ther way of being....many women for example are miles more inclusive than men about stuff...they have HAd to be afer fukin hundreds of years of being put down and ordered about etc by macho macho maaaaaan

yet i have met staight dudes who are so togther regarding women that they have no fear at all about Gays or even about them flirting with them...i mean if a Gay flirts with them they dont go into homophobe for me its not about superior versus inferior. but about inclusivity...accepting people as they ARE, not as you want them to be

Now wasn´t that fun? :D
Hey, I am not fat enough to be a "dreamscape"...

And I found your initial reaction to my preceding post quite funny because mine was essentially a joke. :D
Dr Lou

i was straight for long enough... starting from whenever you start counting till 15 years old, and ive only been bi about a year, i know more about being straight then being bi.

see.. it is society that has placed that inability to stomach 'man love' on you. if you were raised in an equal household, known some gay people, learnt about homosexuality from a young age, society would be telling you to go for it, and you would, it is in your inherrant nature.
duendy said:
((Silas)) you say you cant understand, you think a person has to choose one over the other. can you be clearer--elaborate more what you mean..what i THINK you mean is aprejuedice i hear even in the male Gay community. that if a man--say who is 'straight' and/or married--goes with same sex then he 'MUST' be 'Gay'. to me this is
bi-phobia. i personally CAN accept that

lsiten i am an example of what i am. i was a fairly good lookin kid, which was a downfall in respec that i got to lead a double life. cause girls fancied me i was pressured to appear straight. but i Wasn'T...i wanted, craved for, really lusted after dudes. how come i wasn't bisexual? i just wasn't. otherwise i woulda got really truned on to the girls i was snogging wouldn't i? ok, i was snoggin them, and dry humping them, but really my heart wasn't in it. it was for show. if you see what i mean

whay cant we except a spectrum of different strokes for different people. we acnt all be lesbians can we? and not all women are masculinized lesbians are they?

what i DO challenge though is homophobia, when men are SO divorced from their feminine side, that any man showing femininity is a target, and violenc3e and even mrder can happen. then you have even Gays who --probably ashamed of being Gay deny it, and do stuff like S&M which is like a punishment for it. but with the latter if it wasn't too heavy and they seemed happy doin fukin what? what business would it be of mine to turn therapist on em
I don't understand people who can have a relationship with either sex, and in fact do so. I do not condemn such people or people of any sexual orientation. And I'm the opposite of people who feel that if you're generally straight but might have a sexual thing with a person of the same sex, that they're actually gay. I'm one of those kinds of bisexual myself. It's only full on multi-gender relationships which is alien to my experience.

Apart from that clarification, I totally agree with your posts. I like to think that I'm one of those who is totally relaxed around my gay friends and will even indulge in flirty banter and kissing. But I have a friend who flinches if I put a friendly arm around his shoulder. Different strokes....

Meanwhile, I've heard that Robbie Williams is thinking of suing a paper that "claimed" that he was gay. It's so sad that being referred to as being of one particular sexual orientation (a totally private matter, imv) is apparently a matter of "defamation of character".
yeah heh Robbie he or is he?

have you read very good article about Kurt Cobain?...its online. have it in my notes somewhere...apparently the researcher claims Kurt was in severe denial regarding his homosexuality, and this suppresion, guilt etc was a main cause of his self-destructiveness

thats why i want aculture to chill out an include more. to allow people to be what rhy want and experiemnt. what i am not mad on is the Gay scene scam of fitting people into roles, and fleecing them in the neon clubathon.....its very superficial

i am more into the radical feary type of thing, where therer can be the encouraagement of real free expression, including spirituality....though not the church idea of spirituality mind...ohhh NOOO!
alain said:
anyhoo... i wish to kill the fab 5 (for anyone who doesnt know, they are wanna-be gays from a tv show who are further reinforcing tired old steroetypes about gay people such as 'gay guys have more fashion sense then non gays)

I myself walk out of the house every day wishing that there were a lot more validity to this stereotype. I need a new wardrobe!
Does it really matter whether a person is gay/straight/bi? If you find out someone is bi, does that person suddenly grow uglier/dumber/colder in your eyes? For example, can you tell who's bi/gay from merely reading posts online?

My mom was recently excited about the whole issue with gay marriages. She said allowing gay marriages is like allowing porn and spreading it in front of the children. I stayed silent. Why can't people mind their own business?
how fear, apathy, and violence grows and parents sat in front of TV with their children and making prejudicial remaks about people they fear.
Of course, to their kids, parents are kinda like gods. They depend on EVERYHING from them, including especially love. so when they hear their parents say things, they will oftentimes start belieeving it themselves. from therre you will get bullying in schools and all that misery. After all that is the behaviour their parents are condoning with their prejudice
Many parents have a LOT to answer for

you know about 'reality TV'...i would like to see and hear what parents say in front of TV with kids, and then show it back to them and shame them
I think that homophobia is more often nowadays picked up in the schoolyard than in the home.
Well, the kids went to the schoolyard for the first time - with a mind already ripe for sheeplike joining of even nasty ideas then. And it wasn't jumped on by parents when the kids brought such ideas home.

I'm a parent, and I get sick of parents using school/peers as the excuse for all your kids bad behaviors. Kids are born only with the genes we give them, and the environment we give them . . . its all our ''fault''.
whitewolf: why stay silent?
i mean that is why things dont move forward, because apart from those it effects to many people dont stand up just because its wrong.

I really dont understand people who know someones opinion is plain wrong but dont stand up for there own (im sorry from picking on you, i mean it more genrally than just you). My parents for example are ALWAYS pissed off with my grandmother because she is a compleate BITCH but they never SAY anything, how is she going to KNOW she is doing the wrong thing if no one has the courage to stand up to her?
"can you tell who's bi/gay from merely reading posts online?"

its very simple actually, ask them 'are you gay'
if they say 'yes', then they are
if they say 'not that im aware of' then they arent
and if they say 'fuck no, gays are disgusting and should die' it means they are gay, but hide it from even themselves
