
How do you feel about bisexuals?

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Tiassa im confused

why is it so hard for people to understand that you can be atracted to more than one thing at the same time?

whats the difference between being atracted to girls and guys or red heads and blonds?

except for the fact that i dont look for the same things in a hot guy as a hot girl there is not that much difference

why does everyone have to be put in a box?

one of the things i rember most is a friend of mine telling me to just be me and dont try to be a lable (thats what annoyes me about people acting as stero-types, why do gays HAVE to have a "gay" voice?)

everyone should just be themselves and be treated EQUALLY

after all everyone is a PERSON not a name
Additionally, "bisexuality" is a slightly-tainted term by proxy of a segment of its constituency. Namely, double-ending a chick. A friend used to have a joke about wanting to double-end a woman with me so we could high-five over her back at orgasm. Thankfully, he figured out before I had to say anything that what he was proposing was using an extraneous prop (e.g. the woman) to achieve communion 'twixt ourselves (simultaneous orgasm). When he realized that the "bisexual" allowance he would make rhetorically for the benefit of his pseudo-bi girlfriend was merely sublimated homosexuality, the desire to double-end a woman with me disappeared.

One of the amusing things about such scenes in porn in this context is that by the time a woman is impaled on three separate phalluses, she's a mere stage prop in one of the gayest shows going. Why do men defer to the "disrespect" of such "exploitation"? Because it's easier than admitting that the focus of the scene is three other men getting off.

Uh, no. Although that can be the case for some -- in no way do I rule that out -- but I can say with great confidence and also personal experience as well as having been told by others that it's not the majority where a gangbang is basically a homoerotic lovefest.

When a girl gets gangbanged, the focus is on her, not all the guys. It's no different than having to take a locker room shower. A bunch of naked guys around but do you see them checking out one another? No. And even if one does look at the other guy in the sexual act, they're most likely not going to be able to see the guy's manhood anyways because the girl is in the way getting busy with it.

However, in the case of porn, or those highly sexually experienced, they actually can check out a guy getting his knob waxed because they've seen so many things that it's nothing new -- they're basically numb to it all where it doesn't phase them. Those types of people could accidentally see their mother naked and wouldn't flinch. They could see a naked person walking down the street and wouldn't care. Those types of people are sexually secure with themselves and can do things that one might think is homoerotic as you think.

And to prove my point even further, let's not even discuss a gangbang but rather just a regular act of having sex with a guy and girl. You're basically saying every single person who watches porn, has homosexual urges. Whenever they watch a BJ scene or a close-up shot between both the guy and girl's private parts, they must be getting off on it, no? I mean c'mon, how can one guy look at another guy's package and not get aroused as you say? Because even if and when they do, the focus is on themselves and the girl. When they watch a guy get his knob waxed, they focus and imagine that's him, not the other guy, having that done to them. One can have sex with a chick even if 100 guys are around and be able to blank all the other guys out. That one main girl, their fantasies they're thinking of, and the fluffers around is more than enough to help keep their mind occupied with other things and off the other guys around.

The one thing I dislike about psychology is the lack of personal experience on any given subject. Nothing can produce the knowledge of an object but the object itself. So unless those talking about a subject are the ones getting involved with those gangbangs, then they have room to talk. But even then, they're not able to produce the knowledge as a whole but rather only their personal experience. So if that person is saying that gangbangs are a highly homoerotic act, one can say with certainty that that person is the one that is getting off by having the other guys there, but can't speak for the others unless they happen to say so as well.

So now I pose this question to you, Tiassa (I always thought you were a girl, heh, whoops). Since those are your beliefs of a gangbang and the like, if you were ever involved in one, would YOU be checking out the other guy and getting off more on him than the girl? By your words and the conclusion you have come to, it must be so. And I mean nothing bad by that, I could care less what goes on in your mind, but don't think everyone is like you.

- N
Notes Around:

Asguard said:
why does everyone have to be put in a box?

It's a symptom of a political society. Everybody wants the talking points, the bullet lists.

Neildo said:
Since those are your beliefs of a gangbang and the like, if you were ever involved in one, would YOU be checking out the other guy and getting off more on him than the girl?

I've never been propositioned a MMF menage that seemed appetizing for the exact reasons I've expressed: the focus and purpose of the experience invariably centered around two men getting off. The woman becomes a mere prop.

I take that back. I did endure one disastrous MMF menage at the proposition of a girlfriend which was actually intended to be for my benefit. Disastrous, mind you, in the comedic sense. But it turned out the guy she picked was a closeteer whose thing was ejaculating in front of other men. Details beyond that are entirely extraneous; the woman still became the prop, but only after a fashion. Hell ... it all started because she didn't want to lose a bet.

On the other hand, every MFF menage I've found myself wonderfully-entangled in centered around the women sharing a sexual bond. Me? Hell, I was just enjoying the ride. I was only important in a utilitarian way.

It's not how much like me other people are that bothers me; I'm quite removed beyond the basic issues of eating, sleeping, and shitting. Rather, what scares me is how much like one another other people are.

I tend to imagine greater diversity among people than I actually find.

What always cracks me up is when some macho dude finally figures out that a menage a trois is a bisexual experience, and that he's shared a sexual experience with his best friend. Even funnier are the times that the friend smiles quietly as if he already knew but hadn't mentioned anything in order to not upset the one.

The best menage story I ever heard, for its sheer absurdity--and again, this is merely one occasion, and should not be taken to stand for any general trend--was the time this guy explained to me how he got his Zippo. Now ... most people tell certain stories as if they actually believe themselves innocent of the crime in question, but he explained to me that his buddy gave it to him after he got this chick drunk so they could both rape her. I mean ... he even used the word "rape". Hands-down, the best menage story I've ever heard. As a performance art piece it's brilliant. As a human reality it's sick beyond belief because he's damn proud of the story.

But even that doesn't compare to the time a friend of mine walked into the men's room at a local bar and saw a picture of himself posted over the urinal with the message, "This man stole my cat!" scrawled underneath.

Irrelevant? Sure. But hey ....
Asguard said:
. . . Thats what annoyes me about people acting as stero-types, why do gays HAVE to have a "gay" voice?

By that, do you mean, "Why is it that people that talk 'gay' are most likely gay", or "Why is it that gays think they have to fit the stereotype and talk 'gay'"?
both but more the second

i mean if a guy has a higher pitched voice people assume he is gay but mainly why do gay guys think they have to fit some generic mould?

i mean it really ANNOYES me when you here the "oh that looks apsolutly FABULES darling" (if you dont know what i mean just watch the bird cage)

it halms themselves more than it helps. Now i dont know, maybe im wrong and it goes with the atraction but i doubt it. I guess i can understand WHY people do it but it drives me up the wall that people think they HAVE to fit some stero type to be happy. I dont just mean gays, every group does it and it puzzles me. Why do people feel like they need to conform? be them women, gays, men, blonds or just the cool kids at school

here is a good example: i dont know if your a guy or a girl but have you ever been at a pub with friends and been told "you cant order that, its a GIRLS drink"? WHY THE HELL NOT????? i drink what i like and i refuse to be forced to drink beer (which i cant stand, just the taste makes me want to throw up) just to be a "guy"

does forcing oneself into some mould help? or just cause problems like youth suicide because they feel they cant fit in. people need to be viewed as themselves and not as sheep
Dreamwalker said:
I don´t care if people are homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual or only having sex with themselves. It is their thing.

exactly what i think
Asguard said:
i mean it really ANNOYES me when you here the "oh that looks apsolutly FABULES darling" (if you dont know what i mean just watch the bird cage)

It's not just on The Bird Cage (whatever that is). It's everywhere on television. There are some shows on VH1 where some gay guys comment on different things. It gets annoying hearing them talk, cuz of the way they talk.

I don't get it. Does a person that talks like that naturally talk like that, or do they feel like they have to fit the stereotype? It's really stupid.

Do they do it cuz they think they will look more attractive? And if so, aren't gay guys supposed to be attracted to guy guys and not effeminite guys?

it halms themselves more than it helps. Now i dont know, maybe im wrong and it goes with the atraction but i doubt it. I guess i can understand WHY people do it but it drives me up the wall that people think they HAVE to fit some stero type to be happy. I dont just mean gays, every group does it and it puzzles me. Why do people feel like they need to conform? be them women, gays, men, blonds or just the cool kids at school

I think it's an intense psychological need to fit in. If ya feel like ya don't fit in, then ya feel worthless. If ya have a certain label (for example, being black), then yer gonna act more like what other people with that same label act. Perhaps that's reassuring yerself that yer really a member of a certain group.
yes it is clear. you are homophobes. i am gay AND effeminate. now i am going to share with you, give you an insight into what that feels like, for me. i cant speak for anyone else.
when i speak i dont particularly hear what many have called an effeminate tone or manner. it is only when i have heard myself or seen my self on tape it becomes apparent
of fukin course i have had negative ractions about this since infant schools. and you dont know why. being of mixed race didn't help neither...meaning with ignrant unfeeling people

when you see Gay men campling it up. what they are really doing is saying. 'listen, i dont give two fuks what you think about my WAY of being, i am gonna accentuate it if i wish cause i m not ashamed of it'

yousee listen....when you hae seeing effeminacy in men, even though you know they are Gay (and important note. quite a few GAY men also dont want effeminate partners!) is your dismissal and fear of femininity. you are fearful of the feminine, in women, maen, and specially in yourself. so put that in yer pipe and smoke it
who was that aimed at?

if it was me then HUH???????????

actually if it was at me its quite funny because everyone keeps saying i can get my voice really high when i want to (my gf and i argue about who has a higher voice:p) and bunny keeps saying im really girly

i just find it sad that people think they have to fit a stereotype and it makes me really angry when TV, movies ect make it seem like that stereotype is what you HAVE to be (same with the thin image aimed at girls really). i know guys who are REALLY femine and guys you wouldnt even know it and people in between and it drives me up the wall that they think they have to be the same. What about being YOURSELF and everyone who doesnt like it can ram it up there ass?. The other thing i always found strange was why cross dressing and homosexuality are always lumped in the same boat. My brother has SOOO many pics of himself in dresses and he is as sraight as a pin. Me? i dated a guy (well tried to, GRRRRRRRRR god i hate that guy) and i have NEVER been TEMPTED to wear a dress. So why do you have to be gay to wear dresses or wear dresses to be not straight?
Hi Asguard...dpnt know who it was aimed at. errrm, people who want people to be how THEy want them to be a spose
for exampl, if you claim someone is being a stereotype, what do you mean? for example, there ARE Gay men who ARe camp. so....? are they a sterotype?...not necessarily, they just how they is! i am. if someone said to me...'oh, whay are you effeminate, who aren't you more real'....well after slappin them---hehe, i'd reply that what you see is what you get.
If the show camp men on a Gay show, well there ARe camp men like that. it's not a stereotye. they really are out there. as there are married men who are secretly Gay, and ALL kinds and types. thin is this culture isn' ready for th spectrum of that reality. it feels safer with the camp gay male for some reason. but i cause at least Gayness is being accepted in that type. better than demonizing the lot of us!

as for man in dresses--drag, trannies etc.
that too is a spectrum. and you get Gay dudes who are prejudiced against transvestities....which i find sad. try and open up to all ttypes of people i say. it enriches you as a human...the other road is fascism
George Carlin said it well "Anybody who stresses out a lot about homosexuals clearly is worried or insecure about themselves - because, a smart hetrosexual guy should immediately realize 'Hey, gay guys? Cool - more pussy for me!'"
There seems to be alot of people arguing for ME becoming bisexual in this thread :confused:
Ok not me specifically, but that seems to be the argument, that we "should be bisexual, its the smartest choice". Thats very strange. I don't see how thats any different than arguing that gays "should just be straight instead, it would be easier on all of us".
I simply can not find a male sexually appealling. I'm incapable of even telling if a female would find that male sexually appealing. They all just look like gross guys to me. I find the male human truely repulsive, I could probably fuck a cow or something before I could fuck a male human. They're just so fucking disgusting.
Oh I can respect male humans a bunch, in ways I find it difficult to respect females even, but its like I respect a lion or something, my penis is utterly disinterested. It's gagging in a penisee kind of way.
I can't just "be bi" to make the world a better place. Imagine being casually asked to eat bowls of human feces for breakfast every morning, thats what the thought of boning, even kissing, a guy is like to me.

At a massive and unrealistic stretch I could rape a guy, while punching him in the spine or something. Worse even than the contact of man-ass on my genitals is the concept of being gentle and lovey dovey with a guy. There is nothing attractive about that concept to me, there is nothing less attractive. It's honestly really fucking gross.
You can assume this is just machismo or whatever but no, its the chemical arrangement this body I'm in happens to be laiden with. To me its a fact that males are ugler than females, the ugliest female is on a higher plane than the most attractive male( and i would have no idea who that is). Oprah would recieve annilingus from me before brad pitt would get a foot rub.

Strangely, the first thing I would do if I met my clone is fuck the shit out of it.
hahahahahaha lol hahahaha
that is really funny. i am nt saying this in any bitchy way. it is so funny cause of different strokes

you see i feel that dude that i love (you'll digw why i say it oike that in a moment), are sooooooooooad infinitumlingly fukin un improvable to me, that the thought of their bodies not being the end of evolution apalls me

now yet some dudes really trun me off. sorry if i offend anyone here. remeber..different strokes. the kind that dudes that turn me off are the ones who are tanned, hairless, over pumped up, and espesh when they errr shave. to me they look like plastic androids. i just love natrual lads

i CAN suss out horny women but that dont mean i wanna make love to them. when i was growing up i had to lead a double life, even in my head. i went out with girls to fit in with my hetero mates. yet secretly it was lads i really wanted

now about bisexuality. i am sure its not me who has decided who shoud be bi, or whatever. i stress sexuality is a spectrum. if you are not some thing then yer not. end of story

and now i end for now imagining you getting rimmed by Ophra ...haha, what an image
tiassa said:
Additionally, "bisexuality" is a slightly-tainted term by proxy of a segment of its constituency. Namely, double-ending a chick. A friend used to have a joke about wanting to double-end a woman with me so we could high-five over her back at orgasm. Thankfully, he figured out before I had to say anything that what he was proposing was using an extraneous prop (e.g. the woman) to achieve communion 'twixt ourselves (simultaneous orgasm). When he realized that the "bisexual" allowance he would make rhetorically for the benefit of his pseudo-bi girlfriend was merely sublimated homosexuality, the desire to double-end a woman with me disappeared.
Wow, does all your sex-talk go like this? :S

I consider myself bisexual, in that I have in the past and would have no trouble in the future (as Lenny Bruce put it) "blah-ing a guy's blah". But I feel instinctively that the gay side would be strictly casual.

I understand the heterosexual thing of wanting a relationship with someone of the opposite sex, I understand the gay thing of wanting a relationship with someone of the same sex - I have no real understanding of people who can consider a relationship of people with either sex, and in fact do so. I'm really not sure I totally believe in it. Sexual arousal can be caused by either, but I think that you have one orientation or the other.

Lou Natic, that is really an extreme position. I do find it hard to believe that given the choice you would really rather eat excrement than place the rubbery muscles on the front of your face onto the similar and identically formed ones on someone else's face just because two feet below that they happen to have an extruding muscle similar to one that you possess. Even placing that muscle in your mouth does not strike me as that vomit-inducing (though I undrestand that a little more) - you need to try it before condemning it.
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im bi (in mind, but not in deed... yet)

im of the philsosophy that all people are bi, tho some people have been raised 'badly' and have had this covered from everyone, especially themselves - as proof for this, all i can offer is that supposedly straight people - if they got kissed by the same sex, but had their eyes closed and assumed it was the opp sex, would enjoy the kiss just as much as a bi/gay and also, a straight guy can tell the difference between a hot guy and an ugly guy (the repressed sexuality goes 'he's hot, screw him' but the sub-conscious goes, 'NO!! that is sick')

anyhoo... i wish to kill the fab 5 (for anyone who doesnt know, they are wanna-be gays from a tv show who are further reinforcing tired old steroetypes about gay people such as 'gay guys have more fashion sense then non gays)
So - what does it mean if the idea of the pure sex act with the same sex can be appealing. But the idea of *kissing*, snuggling or even holding hands with them grosses you out? :) I was raised ''badly''?
alain, you're not me so how would you know? You've never been a real straight person so you wouldn't understand.
I know myself far too well for there to be any 'repressed sexuality'. I would know about it if it was possible for my physical body to stomach man-love, but it is not.
((Silas)) you say you cant understand, you think a person has to choose one over the other. can you be clearer--elaborate more what you mean..what i THINK you mean is aprejuedice i hear even in the male Gay community. that if a man--say who is 'straight' and/or married--goes with same sex then he 'MUST' be 'Gay'. to me this is
bi-phobia. i personally CAN accept that

lsiten i am an example of what i am. i was a fairly good lookin kid, which was a downfall in respec that i got to lead a double life. cause girls fancied me i was pressured to appear straight. but i Wasn'T...i wanted, craved for, really lusted after dudes. how come i wasn't bisexual? i just wasn't. otherwise i woulda got really truned on to the girls i was snogging wouldn't i? ok, i was snoggin them, and dry humping them, but really my heart wasn't in it. it was for show. if you see what i mean

whay cant we except a spectrum of different strokes for different people. we acnt all be lesbians can we? and not all women are masculinized lesbians are they?

what i DO challenge though is homophobia, when men are SO divorced from their feminine side, that any man showing femininity is a target, and violenc3e and even mrder can happen. then you have even Gays who --probably ashamed of being Gay deny it, and do stuff like S&M which is like a punishment for it. but with the latter if it wasn't too heavy and they seemed happy doin fukin what? what business would it be of mine to turn therapist on em
Heh, I think that Bisexuals are superior to other humans. They can see the beauty of both sexes and are not focused on one gender. They can appreciate male and female alike and as a result, they are more tolerant and open minded.

Still, I do not give a fuck to which gender someone is attracted. :D