
How do you feel about bisexuals?

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Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I quickly survey what's going on in this world, I come to the conclusion that we only focus on the extremes of all issues. You're either for abortion or against it. You either think cloning is a good idea, or you think it's playing God. You're either for homosexual marriage or you think it would ruin a sacred institution.

There's all this hype nowadays about homosexuals now, since they are demanding to be allowed to marry a person of the same sex.

My question is . . . What about bisexuality?! What is your stand on this subject.

No one gives their opinion on bisexuality. Everyone's just focusing on the extremes, heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Bisexuals are in the middle ground. They are attracted to the same sex . . . but also the opposite sex. They're breaking the "rules" . . . but also following them.

What do YOU think about this?
That there are no rules

That you are atracted to PEOPLE not sex's and that everyone should be treated equal

If i want to marry a girl i can but if i have exactly the same relationship with a guy i cant, its wrong

people are people and thats how they should be treated
Whenever the gay rights issue comes up I represent myself as homosexual instead of bisexual because when you say bisexual there inevitably comes the asumption from some peopel that you are either confused or a slut. Neither are applicable to me, but its easyer to just handle one issue at a time, you know?
Well, interesting you should ask, because the grand continental conspiracy high council of homosexuals recently passed a resolution on that!

Well, actually no, there is no grand continental homosexual conspiracy. Attitudes vary. To my knowledge you find a variety of attitudes you may also find among strait people. Many homosexuals are tolerant of it, some view bisexuals as just more folks in their struggle for rights, others will assume you are confused or a slut, some don't think it is actually a valid sexual orientation.
Others still think that Bisexuals are the only people who are really being honest with themselves! There's a definite school of thought which states that we are all bisexual, and that sexuality is more of a sliding scale than some simple binary choice. I tend to agree.

I consider myself to be homosexual, but that's because my primary attraction is to other males, it's what seems the most natural an desirable thing to me. However I wouldn't deny that when you oil up a female and have her wiggle around and moan a bit, if she happens to be healthy and of a particularly appealing build, then there's certainly something quite arousing about that, as well.

The problem, in my opinion, is that in our society there is such a stigma against exploring one's sexuality, we have a knee-jerk reaction conditioned into us to despise the idea of sexual attraction to members of the same sex. There's a similar reaction for most homosexuals, as well, an unwillingness to explore the idea that there may be in them, some small appetite for members of the opposite sex when the mood strikes them; this is likely because they have to put up with so much crap from people that showing a "weakness" like that would be a never ending source of antagonism, and would certainly lend itself to constant abuse in the whole "Homosexuality is a choice" argument.

Human sexuality is a much more complicated thing then we’re willing to admit to ourselves, and if we’d just allow ourselves to experience attraction without shame from social conditioning I think we’d all be a lot happier with ourselves. So props to the bisexuals, for being honest with yourselves, it takes a lot of courage in this sort of environment.
ahh, very interesting, and as for the stigma, well, thousands of years of religious persecution does shape a society a certain way. interesting how homosexuality and bisexuality appear in every part of human history, the romans, the greeks, and those other people that lived back in BC. :D
Ha, well yeah I suppose you're right, Fallen Angel, that will do it. If we could just get over all of this prudish nonsense then I think it would be a boon to society! Think about it, there would be plenty of benefits to readily accepted homosexuality all over the nation. Teenage pregnancy rates would go way down for certain! After all, homosexuality is the only 100% effective method of birth control (I've got to print that on a T-shirt or something, and make a million dollars).
I cant believe someone voted for morally corrupt like gays, straight, gay, or bisexual, cant people just be allowed to get on with their lives?
No. Sexual relationships are ment to be between one male and one female. That's it, anything else is out of the box.
I don´t care if people are homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual or only having sex with themselves. It is their thing.
Bisexuals are NOT the "middle ground". That is like saying transexuals are the middle ground.. or are trannys bi's?

Heterosexuals will never let bi's nibble both sides of the cake at the same time. :p
Some pretty interesting opinions.

I'm curious: to those admitting to being bi-sexual, do you engage in sex with bisexuals only? Or do you bang hetero's as well (and this question can work either way - het or homo)? And, if you do bang the het's, do you make it perfectly clear you are bi before hand? And if you don't, and the subsequent reaction from the het partner is negative, do you jump on the:
Bisexuals are the only people who are really being honest with themselves
banana boat and accuse the angered het as being closed minded?
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I just worry about who im sleeping with NOW

who cares about the rest

my last ex was a guy my currant partner is a girl

who cares

I'm not entirely sure if your post is in response to mine.
*I understand I may be jumping to conclusions with the following because of that*

I just worry about who im sleeping with NOW

As does your partner, no?

The point I was making is that your partners views need to be taken into account, regardless of how you may interpret their position.

EDIT: Everything above is based whether or not you've read the enitre thread.
Why is this thread in the Ethics forum? What's the ethical issue supposed to be?
James R said:
Why is this thread in the Ethics forum? What's the ethical issue supposed to be?

Should we "bash" bi's, or should we "bash" bi's? The option is entirely yours..
A hot person is a hot person. A good beverage is a good beverage. A fun sport is a fun sport. Notice I worded it so they're wide catagories and not specific (except for hot, good, and fun, heh). It's funny how there's such variety with everything else but with a select few things such as sexuality.

With hot people, you can choose to be with a hot guy or a hot girl, but why not both? And then to specify it even more, why be with a blonde rather than a brunette? Why be with that blonde with brown eyes instead of that blonde with blue eyes? When people start defining specifics and trying to act as if those specifcs are law, that's when trouble comes in. It's no different than Hitler trying to create the Supreme Race.

With good beverages, you can choose between a wide array of drinks. Different types of water, different types of alcohol, different types of fruit drinks, different types of soda, etc etc. Since we want to hinder our choices between man and woman, those that drink alcohol should not be able to drink soda or fruit drinks. If one wants to take it further, if one drinks beer, they can't drink wine or hard drinks. For that person that sticks with only beer, they can only choose between ale, draughts, lagers, and such. Silly, no?

With fun sports, you can choose between baseketball, baseball, football, hockey, etc etc. So if someone chooses baseketball, they're no longer able to watch any other sport. And let's make it even more specific. If you watch basketball, you're only allowed to watch the games in which your local team plays but no other ones. Oh what fun!

There is a reason why there is so much variety in life. If everything were supposed to be a certain way, we'd all be robots in vast emptiness. Variety is the spice of life and that's what bisexuality is. Heterosexuals and homosexuals can go ahead and back themselves into a corner and do their limited things, but those bisexuals are the only true free peoples. Those on each end of the spectrum continue to bash one another saying their sexual way is right (actually no, only those on the right) while those in the middle can see where both may be right and take the good from each side and ditch the bad.

Now to speak for myself, I'm heterosexual, but if Brad Pitt were here, I have no idea what would happen. What can I say? A hot person is a hot person. ;) Something I keep in mind is "don't knock it till ya try it". C'est la vie.

- N
JamesR said:
Why is this thread in the Ethics forum? What's the ethical issue supposed to be?

Strangely, the question never occurred to me.

Well, okay ... what's strange about it is that it's almost a natural ethical issue to me. During the Oregon gay fray of the 1990s, there developed the strangest, localized but recurring theme against bisexuals. What was strange about it? It came from gays.

The superficial explanation is that bisexuals were cowardly, running from their homosexual inclination. In the end, it's a little more complex than that.

Circa 1992, my girlfriend at the time was one of those "would-be" bisexuals. She "would be" a bisexual if she actually liked it. But a small city in Oregon turned out to be one of my first shocking lessons in why the PMRC and others had a point. Apparently, bisexuality actually became popular at her school in response to Basic Instinct. (I still think about that idea and it's like ... you're kidding me, right?)

So what happened then is a mingling of accidents. The OCA hit in 1990 with an anti-gay agenda after getting its rocks knocked in on an anti-abortion platform. Scoring local wins in Corvallis and Springfield, Christian homophobes thrust gays squarely into the spotlight and immediately began complaining about how gays were always crying for attention.

In the public debate that followed, news media was also undergoing a transformation in the wake of 1991's Gulf War. Twenty-four hour news coverage ruled the day, and the human aspect was vital. The tradition of finding incompetent witnesses is accidental in history--all the smart, observant people cleared out if they had anything resembling a stake in avoiding official interaction. But in the 1990s idiots became the standard fare. And in Oregon you had a flock of hypocritical pseudo-bi girls saying really stupid things to reporters, and after a while, the gay community just had enough of it. I can't speak for anywhere else in the nation, but in the Oregon fight, there came a period when gays just had enough. They were thrown into the spotlight, argued over like bad meat, and then misrepresented by a bunch of insincere sorority (expletive that rhymes with "spots").

And so a new argument was afoot. In the Bill "Waffle" Clinton phase, fence-sitting and issue-straddling was unacceptable. The role of the bisexual in a war of identity politics found new value.

Additionally, there's a longstanding ethical issue of sexual satisfaction in the culture. While there is question enough in some people's minds about homosexuality, there is a response about commitment, biology, psychology, and nature. It's slightly more difficult to construct that response for bisexuality, which looks to the superficial like mere hedonistic excess.

Additionally, "bisexuality" is a slightly-tainted term by proxy of a segment of its constituency. Namely, double-ending a chick. A friend used to have a joke about wanting to double-end a woman with me so we could high-five over her back at orgasm. Thankfully, he figured out before I had to say anything that what he was proposing was using an extraneous prop (e.g. the woman) to achieve communion 'twixt ourselves (simultaneous orgasm). When he realized that the "bisexual" allowance he would make rhetorically for the benefit of his pseudo-bi girlfriend was merely sublimated homosexuality, the desire to double-end a woman with me disappeared.

So part of the bisexual issue, because of a certain segment of the constituency, involves all sorts of messy psychological and ethical pitfalls.

One of the amusing things about such scenes in porn in this context is that by the time a woman is impaled on three separate phalluses, she's a mere stage prop in one of the gayest shows going. Why do men defer to the "disrespect" of such "exploitation"? Because it's easier than admitting that the focus of the scene is three other men getting off.

Bisexuality, strangely, seems absolutely loaded with ethical bemusement.