Bigotry: argument by numbers

I want immigrants who are happy to be here and want to build on our society rather than tearing it all down. That means, in my personal view, fundamentalist Christians are most certainly not welcome. In Israel, the immigration laws may be unfair and need revision, but if you expect to make a human rights argument why millions of intolerant brainwashed Muslim fanatics should be allowed to go live there and massacre the Jews, you need to get back in touch with reality.

They don't want to massacre the jews they want their fucking country back. They got fucked because they didn't want a bunch of jews who wanted dominion over them. They got fucked for wanting immigrants who build on the current society rather than destroying it.
SAM said:
Are we pretending that native Palestinians have equal say in Palestine as immigrant Jews? Or are we pretending that the Jewish state is different from Israel? Or are we pretending that the non-Jewish status of Palestinians has nothing to do with their condition? Or the status of Jews has nothing to do with Israel?

And anything else that needs a rhetorical question mark is either no or yes, as well - you needn't bother, actually.

Returning to topic - - - - -
SAM said:
Nope. You can explain how the questioned judgment involves "bigotry" all on your own - or not.

Whose judgement? I consider Geoffs support for unequal right for Palestinians in their own land as bigotry.
The OP is not directly concerned with Geoff, and is making a significantly different inquiry.
They don't want to massacre the jews they want their fucking country back. They got fucked because they didn't want a bunch of jews who wanted dominion over them. They got fucked for wanting immigrants who build on the current society rather than destroying it.

The Palestinian refugees will not get to reside in their former territories. As long as they continue to kill innocent people to achieve this goal, they will continue to be occupied, pursued, arrested, and as a last resort, killed. :bawl:
Ah don't worry when the time comes, Jews who matter will move back to the US. The rest will probably do a Masada
The Palestinian refugees will not get to reside in their former territories.
Because people like you are against the rights of victims of Israel.
As long as they continue to kill innocent people to achieve this goal, they will continue to be occupied, pursued, arrested, and as a last resort, killed. :bawl:
Innocent Israelis is almost an oxymoron. They almost all support the dispossession of palestinians. If Israel doesn't wish to be attacked they need to cease their crimes. No matter how much you wish it other wise the Palestinians acts are a response. Israel needs to go bye bye and a state that can act like an adult and treat all of its peoples as equal needs to happen. but your against that.

and last resort is a fucking joke. The Israelis use lethal force against the palestinians every chance they get.
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The Palestinian refugees will not get to reside in their former territories. As long as they continue to kill innocent people to achieve this goal, they will continue to be occupied, pursued, arrested, and as a last resort, killed. :bawl:

thanks for once again proving you bigotry against the palestinians. You would never think of saying such a thing about the tibitians or any number of african peoiple.
Returning to topic - - - - - The OP is not directly concerned with Geoff, and is making a significantly different inquiry.

I'm defining what I consider bigotry about his position and why I agree with the small number of Jews who share my views. And since all my arguments are taken directly from them (with links embedded for source), I do not consider it as a "fleeting reference"
I also do not consider a wide ranging Jewish consensus on the sustenance of the "Jewish" character of Occupied Palestine through various embedded lobbies in powerful nations as "diverse political views"
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We'll have to wait for Geoff to weigh in.

From what I can tell, his support for the racist policies of the Jewish state are comparable to my own support of the minority that oppose them.

It's amusing just how uninformed you like to be. :) FIDO?

I've already illustrated for you my opposition to settlements and major military confrontations.

Do you consider your own racism as "counterbalanced" by your perception of Israeli racism?
Their was no rightful dividing. A jew is not worth 2.5 arabs. Palestine should have never been divided

Your spelling is dropping off again. Perhaps you need another award.

Anyway: how do you arrive at this figure? From which buttocks was it produced?
Whose judgement? I consider Geoffs support for unequal right for Palestinians in their own land as bigotry. By unequal rights I mean his support for the Jewish only right of return which disenfranchises all native Palestinians not permitted the right to suffrage in their own land and denied the right of return which is theirs under international law.

Oh, now I see what you're caterwauling about. Again, you've misunderstood my position. I would gladly support such a right, so long as there was some assurance that the situation wouldn't devolve into an all-out civil war. You failed to provide any such assurances - in fact, your opinion was "tough titty". As you consider yourself a "progressive" on this issue, I can say that my belief in any such prospect is very slim.

I hope that answers all your questions.

Still, I'm sure you could generate some insults out of it.
You think the human rights of Israelis are up for debate? Conditional? Secondary to their occupiers?
Which rights? They are the occupiers, criminals do not have rights of self defense against their victims. Read the Nuremberg principles
Interesting. So did Arabs - including Palestinians - then waive their rights on basis of the poor treatment of Jewish citizens prior to the establishment of Israel?

Maybe you should read the Nuremberg principles? :shrug:
I did. Civil riots are not a war crime. Population transfer is.
And wild persecution is also not a war crime? Does your definition of war crime depend on the perpetrator?
And I've already specified that with Palestinian return, there would probably be another war, and which you've specified earlier wouldn't bother you at all. Thanks for coming round full circle, which saves me the typing.

I think we're done here. Could a mod close the thread? Really no need to continue.
And I've already specified that with Palestinian return, there would probably be another war, and which you've specified earlier wouldn't bother you at all.

Nope, because the war would be instigated by the Jews. So its the Palestinians who would be victims again. The Palestinians are not the ones who have a history of exceptionalism. Its like the allies bombing Germany. Racism dies hard.