Big time mormon scholar lands on SciForums to debate all comers,

Cris said:
I'd like to know why you have chosen to follow LDS rather than any other Christian variation. Would you share that with us please?

i lke to share my reasons for following the true religion

as a man, i am sure we all delight in the notion of having more than one wife
lds allows me this

as a man i am sure we all delight in the notion of having young hot nubile virgins as brides
lds allows me this

as a man, i am sure we all delight in the notion of having complete dominion over the bitches
lds allows me this

as a man, i am sure we all delight in the notion of having incest as an option when the wives are out tilling the soil
lds allows me this


heaven on earth
[church lady]

weeeeelll, we all know where SOMEONE'S mind is! I wonder who could be influencing this young man's thoughts...Could it be.......


[/church lady]
Kerry Shirts said:
Oh and for the honest and open record, I am simply not, by any means, a big time LDS scholar, whatever that is. I am an enthusiastic and well read hobbyist who enjoys learning. That's about it..........
If you are defending Moronism, I-I mean, mormonism, then what the flying fuck are you doing at a science forum? Religion isn't science.
Hapsburg said:
If you are defending Moronism, I-I mean, mormonism, then what the flying fuck are you doing at a science forum? Religion isn't science.

Hey, folks, Haps made a funny! He was going to say "Mormonism" but dropped the second "m" so it reads "Moronism"! What scathing wit! What originality! That is so hilarious, and you can be sure no one has ever made THAT particular pun before....

What the flying flip is he doing in a Relgion forum? Religion isn't science.
yea hap that was kind of ancient.

What are you doing on the internet? owned?
Ricky Houy:
1. Do you beleive in the old testiments, new testements?
2. Does the morman prophet claim to be the messiah?

Do I personally believe the Old and New Testaments? I accept them as scripture as far as they are translated and presented correctly. The scholarly world is *still* wrangling that over however.

The Mormon prophet the Messiah? Never heard that one.

“ Originally Posted by Kerry Shirts
The answer is rather obvious...............Jesus was born a Jew and not a Mormon......... ”

wrong answer, it’s not mormon enough

You are, of course, completely off base with this response, but then again, that's your normal mode, so I rather expected something this shallow.
It is entirely THE Mormon answer....Jesus was Jewish, and there has NEVER been a Mormon Apostle, Prophet, or scholar say otherwise......ever.

Kerry Shirts just the guy i was looking for Marlin didn't help me much with this but im sure you can

There is no proof that native american's came from israel, but rather they came from syberia, now if that is correct then the phrophesy's where wrong....

second there are a few phrophesy's that didn't happen that your phrophet said would.... therfor making him a false phrophet....

"Some of the earliest settlers of America may have come from Australia, southern Asia, or the Pacific, new research suggests. "

"People in North America were voyaging by sea some 8,000 years ago, boosting a theory that some of the continent's first settlers arrived there by boat."

There are some articles of what Modern research is finding out about the population of the Americas.

They're growing closer to realizing what really happened; and where the first settlers came from. And it doesn't mention anything about syberia... It mentions settlers coming by boat, and from different corners of the earth.

Harmonious with BoM Jaredites sailing by boat and arriving to the americas, and by the family of Lehi also arriving by boat then colonizing.

The idea of syberia etc... the shadows scatter as the light breaks through. Id est, it's not only old fashioned but proving to be very weak under comparison to modern discoveries.