Big Bang Evidence for God

Hoyle's Fallacy is rejected by evolutionary biologists,[3] since, as the late John Maynard Smith pointed out, "no biologist imagines that complex structures arise in a single step."[5] The modern evolutionary synthesis explains how complex cellular structures evolved by analysing the intermediate steps required for precellular life. It is these intermediate steps that are omitted in creationist arguments, which is the cause of their overestimating of the improbability of the entire process.[1]

You know... no scientist today might believe that... which is hard to think... but there is such a thing as punctuated equilibrium which is totally an idea within mainstream. You know we have tried to create life in the lab by recreating the conditions thought to be existent in the primordial sea... but we have never made the enzymes required for life? Maybe Hoyle wasn't too far off the mark... maybe it could be a once in a history opportunity which has been transported from planet to planet via panspermia?

Not completely outside of the factor never mind the box.

I keep asking: how does a big bang come from nothing. .... Physicists want to hijack the Genesis story from the Bible, which is inspiring and beautiful, and replace it with something wacko, confusing, unbalanced, like a bad acid trip. Physicists still have nothing that explains where the physics constants came from or where all that energy came from in the first place.

The Genesis story is just the sort of story you'd expect from people who did not have the benefit of that extra 3 or 4 thousand years of additional scientific knowledge that we are privileged to have access to. Anybody could make up a just-so story similar to the one in Genesis, given about 10 minutes or so.

I realise that modern physics may confuse you, and you might find it "wacko", but that is coming from somebody who has obviously not benefitted from an education in science. Instead of casting your judgments on something you so obviously do not understand, you would be better off taking a humbler approach by trying to learn something about the theories you are so blindly criticising.

Your claim that "physicists have nothing..." is an empty one. For example, "all that energy" is a mistake. The net energy of the universe as a whole may very well be zero.

Thank God most of the laypersons who read about this stuff don't notice how badly the scientific community is sputtering right now. Most people are content with some mixture of the Bible, UFO's, the really gifted psychics, and their own mystical experiences.

You're right about the second part. Most people are ignorant and are willing to believe all kinds of nonsense rather than getting an education. It's not always their own fault, but in your case I suspect it is. You have access to information and people who can teach you, yet you have no desire to learn.

As it is, all we have is this singularity-big bang explosion that happened for no apparent reason and without the existence of anything to happen in.

Stuff happens for no apparent reason all the time in quantum physics. Particles pop in and out of existence, energies fluctuate, atoms decay at random, and so on. Face it: our universe has randomness built in at the most fundamental level.

You're calling me dumb? ROFLMAO! I've already showed you where science falls short.

I can't see any criticisms from you that give the tiniest hint that you know anything of the science of the big bang. If you have criticisms of the actual physics, please post them and I'll happily take a look. But if the best you can say is "I don't understand the physics, so God must have done it" then please take a little time to apologise to all of your readers here for your arrogance in assuming you're somehow qualified to discuss this subject as science.

Where did the big bang come from?

I don't think you get it. There was no "where" for it to come from.

OK, if I am dumb, then God must have opened my eyes to the "nothingness" that caused the big bang.

Why do you assume that something must have caused the big bang?

While we're at it, perhaps you can help me on a religious matter. What caused your God to come into existence?
Well.. maybe not so much random in the inherent sense... maybe in the sense that we cannot extract all the information about a system which is completely within the parameters of quantum mechanics. After all, with a world where uncertainty exists, there needs to be a little bit of ignorance about the doings of the universe. Everything however could very well be written into the fabric of spacetime itself.
You're calling me dumb? ROFLMAO! I've already showed you where science falls short. Where did the big bang come from? Someone said "potential". The other technicians and I had a great laugh over that. We were wondering if there is big bang resistance or big bang current. OK, if I am dumb, then God must have opened my eyes to the "nothingness" that caused the big bang.
First, just because science has not yet figured out how the BB could (spontaneously) occur, you do not get to claim the answer without the same proof you demand of science.

But, before you start ridiculing David Bohm, why don't you read up on him just a little.
One of the most impressive theories emerging out of scientific cosmology respecting these ancient truths was set forth by the late physicist, David Bohm in his book, Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Using the language of mathematics, Bohm set out to describe the transcendent reality and its graded energetic hierarchy in four basic states or orders of energy beginning with the physical world, which he called the Explicate Order.

'The Explicate Order, weakest of all energy systems, resonates out of and is an expression of an infinitely more powerful order of energy called the Implicate order. It is the precursor of the Explicate, the dreamlike vision or the ideal presentation of that which is to become manifest as a physical object. The Implicate order implies within it all physical universes. However, it resonates from an energy field which is yet greater, the realm of pure potential. It is pure potential because nothing is implied within it; implications form in the implicate order and then express themselves in the explicate order. Bohm goes on to postulate a final state of infinite [zero point] energy which he calls the realm of insight intelligence. The creative process springs from this realm. Energy is generated there, gathers its pure potential, and implies within its eventual expression as the explicate order.' Will Keepin, David Bohm, Noetic Science Journal

When Bohm's resonant fields are arranged in a vibrational hierarchy they represent energy in successive states of manifestation from infinitely subtle to the gross physical reality.

The Zero Point Order which Bohm identified as the realm of insight-intelligence bears an unmistakable resemblance to the supreme spiritual realization of Indian metaphysics known as the Brahman, a perfectly inactive, pure noetic plenum realized as Absolute Being. The Brahman is characterized by a complete fusion of Time and Consciousness which is experienced as Timelessness, or undifferentiated Time. In this state Time-energy vibrates at such an intense rate that it appears static and thereby lacking any element of periodicity or denseness. Hence it cannot produce any form or any division of Consciousness-substance into distinct crystallised objects in Space.

It is what it is. Stephen Hawking says there is nothing north of north, which means that asking about what caused the big bang is not allowed. I offered one possibility that didn't involve God, but there was little enthusiasm. And the great String Theorist of Oz made some irrational argument that since there are Norse gods and other gods, then therefore the biblical God does not exist. Well, I'll let you work that out in the afterlife.
That is a false argument. The scriptural god is rejected because it was proven that Norse gods and every other description of god(s) was wrong! Again, because every theist has been wrong, does not mean you get to claim a different version without proof.

Anyway, have fun with your "big bang from nothing" theory. Maybe you can figure out how to get a hot dog from nothing. Hey! Maybe you could invent the magic wand? Poof!

It is you who has invented something from nothing. In fact you even have to qualify your "theory" by invoking a "supernatural" condition. Will you figure that one out for me?
First, just because science has not yet figured out how the BB could (spontaneously) occur, you do not get to claim the answer without the same proof you demand of science.
Clearly, the big bang is proof that you can get something from nothing, as if by magic. How wondrous!
Clearly, the big bang is proof that you can get something from nothing, as if by magic. How wondrous!

Since the Big Bang is not about the origin of the universe, then no, that's not true. The Big Bang starts with a singularity, but the theory does not try to cover where it may have come from. What you're wanting to discuss is the various theories in cosmogony...wait, I already covered this twice, and you still haven't even bothered to go there. I guess it's easier to attack a theory based on something it doesn't even cover.
Since the Big Bang is not about the origin of the universe, then no, that's not true. The Big Bang starts with a singularity, but the theory does not try to cover where it may have come from. What you're wanting to discuss is the various theories in cosmogony...wait, I already covered this twice, and you still haven't even bothered to go there. I guess it's easier to attack a theory based on something it doesn't even cover.

Your answer got me to thinking of how the most "surreal" wonders of nature, from particle creation/annihilation to black hole formation, are still natural. Long ago these would have been considered supernaturally caused, along with everything else. Beside the fact that "cause" for the Big Bang is precluded by its emergence from a static condition (assuming time was only then created), it's not that far from the known particle annihilation-creation sequences to conclude that a Big Bang is purely natural, if only too distant and singular to know, in the way everyday phenomena are.

The point I would tie in with what you're saying is that none of this particularly matters from the point of cosmogony, since even agnostic atheism is far more logically correct a position than one that arbitrarily assigns the most profound wonders of nature to the oral traditions of an ancient superstitious cult.

. Anybody could make up a just-so story similar to the one in Genesis, given about 10 minutes or so.

Do you really believe what you just have said read Genesis 1 about 15 verses . There is a process of evolution , sun and moon put together to count seasons, ( it will take an adult farmer would have to time for sever years to duplicate his observation ,,, but you as a super smart would take you 10 minutes , then I would say you are a prophet of God ) If you don't believe that light could be before the sun pleas check honestly and with a scientific mind see planet were there and there was a ring of dust illuminated who furnished light
then after the dust and gases were acrud then comes the direct light from the sun.


Why do you assume that something must have caused the big bang?

Was there really a Big Bang as we think It was some bloody priest who come with the idea and you atheist garbed it and carry it as a banner .

While we're at it, perhaps you can help me on a religious matter. What caused your God to come into existence?

When I get there then I will ask him and so do you.
The Genesis story is just the sort of story you'd expect from people who did not have the benefit of that extra 3 or 4 thousand years of additional scientific knowledge that we are privileged to have access to. Anybody could make up a just-so story similar to the one in Genesis, given about 10 minutes or so.
I'm sure one of your ancestors gave a two minute version of Genesis to your tribe. The tribesmen were so bored and disappointed by it that they joined someone else's tribe.

I realise that modern physics may confuse you, and you might find it "wacko", but that is coming from somebody who has obviously not benefitted from an education in science. Instead of casting your judgments on something you so obviously do not understand, you would be better off taking a humbler approach by trying to learn something about the theories you are so blindly criticising. Your claim that "physicists have nothing..." is an empty one. For example, "all that energy" is a mistake. The net energy of the universe as a whole may very well be zero.

Who are you talking about? I'm not confused by Modern Physics. Clearly you don't know what Modern Physics is. Modern physics emerged when we realized that classical physics and Newtonian physics were not accurate enough when describing velocities approaching c and sizes less then a nanometer. If you had the perception skill of a one-eyed deaf man, you would realize that I'm not ignorant of science, I am disappointed by it. Please attack my real position, not some straw man delusion you have about me. Also, I never said that "physicists have nothing...", so once again you're attacking a straw-man.

I've been saying all along that the net energy of the universe is zero.

You're right about the second part. Most people are ignorant and are willing to believe all kinds of nonsense rather than getting an education. It's not always their own fault, but in your case I suspect it is. You have access to information and people who can teach you, yet you have no desire to learn.
In your defense, it may yet take decades and centuries for science to discover the existence of other universes and how they can interact with our universe via the predictability of eigenstates. In other words, the string theorist elitists still fluff their blazing egos. Egomaniacs of the scientific community hide the fact that they cannot predict which eigenstate will come next. They hide the fact that scientific knowledge begins with the birth of the universe, but have no idea why there is a universe at all. With swollen egos you strut about carelessly saying, "we are the scientific authority: there is no afterlife, only dirt and maggots. All your hope is schizophrenia and madness."

Stuff happens for no apparent reason all the time in quantum physics. Particles pop in and out of existence, energies fluctuate, atoms decay at random, and so on. Face it: our universe has randomness built in at the most fundamental level.
From your point of view. CNN news reports events but cannot predict them. From their point of view, events cannot be predicted. But those who make the events happen, the terrorists, the shooters, political leaders, the military, they decide what events happen next.

I can't see any criticisms from you that give the tiniest hint that you know anything of the science of the big bang. If you have criticisms of the actual physics, please post them and I'll happily take a look. But if the best you can say is "I don't understand the physics, so God must have done it" then please take a little time to apologise to all of your readers here for your arrogance in assuming you're somehow qualified to discuss this subject as science.
Come back when you (the scientific community) invent a profound new capability, something that can truly revolutionize the world, like the industrial revolution and the invention of the computer. Don't make me wait a google of years for the next big bang (sarcasm). Invent the gravity drive before humanity dies out.

I don't think you get it. There was no "where" for it to come from.
Magical thinking.

Why do you assume that something must have caused the big bang?
Long ago, there was nothingness, so nothingnessly nothing, that nothing could even begin to describe the nothingnessness. Then, bang!!!! A something appeared! A great and violent somethingness appeared from the nothingnessness. And so it was.

While we're at it, perhaps you can help me on a religious matter. What caused your God to come into existence?
If universes can big bang from the nothingnessness, then surely so can God appear out of nothingness. It is called the: Principle of Somethingness from Nothingnessness.
Clearly, the big bang is proof that you can get something from nothing, as if by magic. How wondrous!
No, that isn't what the big bang said. This kind of nonsense is spouted by religious nuts all too often because they don't bother to find out what the science actually says. The BBM says that about 13.7 billion years ago the universe was very small, very dense and very hot. It expanded, undergoing inflation, symmetry breaking and nucleosynthesis and then cooled, superclusters began to form around initial mass perturbations and eventually stellar structures like galaxies and stars began to form. The BBM doesn't have anything to say about what happened at or perhaps before the start of the universe, just as evolution has nothing to say about how life got started. What happened at or before is unknown.

It isn't saying something arose from nothing, it has nothing to say about the matter. Ideas have been considered whereby the space-time we reside within was formed from a larger space-time (or more fundamental construct). This would mean that although our space and time have only finite extent the larger universe might not have such a restriction. Of course one could say "But where did that larger universe come from?" but perhaps it doesn't have a cause. If this supra-universe is eternal it might not need a cause.

But this is all speculation. The BBM is, however, not speculation as it made testable (and verified) predictions. But your claim it means the universe came from nothing, as if by magic, is a gross misrepresentation of what the model actually says.

Remember how one of the 10 commandments is not to bear false witness? Well you're bearing false witness about scientists' work right now.

OMG!!!! A unicorn and rainbows appeared out of nothing!!!! It was a quantum fluctuation!!!
That's the spirit, why bother to find out what people actually say when it is so much easier to just lie about them because you're too ignorant, lazy and dishonest to follow a commandment from your deity. Does your god want you to lie about science? Is bearing false witness something he's said you can do? The fact you reach for exaggerations and strawmen rather than discuss what the BBM actually says shows you aren't a very honest person. Is it okay to lie, if it is to try to convert people to your faith? Do the 10 commandments not apply if you're trying to convert people to Christianity?
Clearly, the big bang is proof that you can get something from nothing, as if by magic. How wondrous!

So you invented a magical god. How wondrous!

What do you know about the properties of "nothing"? What is a vacuum? Is it static?
What is a "dynamic zero state"? Is it static?
In your defense, it may yet take decades and centuries for science to discover the existence of other universes and how they can interact with our universe via the predictability of eigenstates. In other words, the string theorist elitists still fluff their blazing egos. Egomaniacs of the scientific community hide the fact that they cannot predict which eigenstate will come next. They hide the fact that scientific knowledge begins with the birth of the universe, but have no idea why there is a universe at all. With swollen egos you strut about carelessly saying, "we are the scientific authority: there is no afterlife, only dirt and maggots. All your hope is schizophrenia and madness."

Oh, and it takes no swollen ego to strut about carelessly saying, "we are the spiritual authority: there is an afterlife, but only for the believer. For the unbeliever there is only hell".

I must admit it takes a swollen ego to claim things for which no evidence exist at all. Some are treated for this medical condition.
. The BBM says that about 13.7 billion years ago the universe was very small, very dense and very hot. It expanded, undergoing inflation,

symmetry breaking and nucleosynthesis and then cooled, superclusters began to form around initial mass perturbations and eventually stellar structures like galaxies and stars began to form. The BBM doesn't have anything to say about what happened at or perhaps before the start of the universe, just as evolution has nothing to say about how life got started. What happened at or before is unknown.

It isn't saying something arose from nothing, it has nothing to say about the matter. Ideas have been considered whereby the space-time we reside within was formed from a larger space-time (or more fundamental construct). This would mean that although our space and time have only finite extent the larger universe might not have such a restriction. Of course one could say "But where did that larger universe come from?" but perhaps it doesn't have a cause. If this supra-universe is eternal it might not need a cause.

But this is all speculation. The BBM is, however, not speculation as it made testable (and verified) predictions. But your claim it means the universe came from nothing, as if by magic, is a gross misrepresentation of what the model actually says.

Remember how one of the 10 commandments is not to bear false witness? Well you're bearing false witness about scientists' work right now.

That's the spirit, why bother to find out what people actually say when it is so much easier to just lie about them because you're too ignorant, lazy and dishonest to follow a commandment from your deity. Does your god want you to lie about science? Is bearing false witness something he's said you can do? The fact you reach for exaggerations and strawmen rather than discuss what the BBM actually says shows you aren't a very honest person. Is it okay to lie, if it is to try to convert people to your faith? Do the 10 commandments not apply if you're trying to convert people to Christianity?

Let assume my grand son ask me how the universe started . My reply should be "The BBM says that about 13.7 billion years ago the universe was very small, very dense and very hot. It expanded, undergoing inflation," Question: how small , like football stadium ? rep. I don't know scientist don't know it. Q: how hot was it , where does the heat come from to make hot ? rep. I don't know . Into what did it expand , did they buy the houses around ? It expanded into so big , tha we have all the stars our world with the sun and million of galaxy were in each galaxy are billion of sun , and we are continually expanding . ( If I would be my grans son I would say dad you are pulling my leg) O yes son we have proof we are expanding , one of the proof is the red shit , it well us every thing is moving away , Dad but how come my teacher says our galaxy and an other galaxy are moving closer to each other in curse of collision .

Now you tell does that doesn't sound like fairy tail ?
Since we don't know is it not more easy to say God made it . instead feeding a lot of BS
Arauca, the BBT is the prevailing theory because it fits the observations of the universe best. Look it up on wiki to get more details, where you say we don't know, actually we do know a lot.

To answer your point on galaxies receding but nearer ones moving closer, that is because spacial expansion is additive. For relatively nearby objects such as the Andromeda galaxy, its motion towards us is far greater than the amount of expansion between it and the Milky Way. But the much greater space between us and the farther galaxies means that we see them recede at greater and greater speeds the farther out we go. This correlation between red shift and distance was actually known before the BBT was developed, and it's just one of many observations that match what we'd expect to find.
Arauca, the BBT is the prevailing theory because it fits the observations of the universe best. Look it up on wiki to get more details, where you say we don't know, actually we do know a lot.

To answer your point on galaxies receding but nearer ones moving closer, that is because spacial expansion is additive. For relatively nearby objects such as the Andromeda galaxy, its motion towards us is far greater than the amount of expansion between it and the Milky Way. But the much greater space between us and the farther galaxies means that we see them recede at greater and greater speeds the farther out we go. This correlation between red shift and distance was actually known before the BBT was developed, and it's just one of many observations that match what we'd expect to find.

Sr. I will not argue about theory , but for common sense it is ridicules . We can set a theory and then to work on experiment to fit rhe theory it is done frequent in the food and drug industry
Anybody could make up a just-so story similar to the one in Genesis, given about 10 minutes or so.
(emphasis added)
I break my silence for a pedantic quibble. There are two creation stories in the first chapters of the book of Genesis.

A: Genesis Chapter One, Verse One through Chapter Two, Verse Three.
B: Genesis Chapter Chapter Two, Verse Four through Chapter Two, Verse Twenty-Five

A: Heaven and Earth, then Light, then Dark, then a Solid "Firmament", then dry land, then land plants, then sun, moon and stars (but not distant galaxies or stars in our galaxy hidden from view), then fish, whales and birds, then land animals and ants, then mankind (man and woman), then signed over all of creation to mankind (man and woman), end of story.
B: Heaven and Earth, then man, then land plants -- including a special garden with a special tree, then God gave man responsibility for the garden and a command not to eat the special tree. Then woman was created as a subordinate worker for man, and had happy naked time.

The two stories are unalike in details and tone. They blatantly contradict each other on the position of man in the universe and in relationship to God and in the details of the order of creation. There is no segue to explain why story B exists if story A ends with a declaration that creation was "finished."

The Bible isn't a science textbook -- it's not even a competently edited narrative.
(emphasis added)
I break my silence for a pedantic quibble. There are two creation stories in the first chapters of the book of Genesis.

A: Genesis Chapter One, Verse One through Chapter Two, Verse Three.
B: Genesis Chapter Chapter Two, Verse Four through Chapter Two, Verse Twenty-Five

A: Heaven and Earth, then Light, then Dark, then a Solid "Firmament", then dry land, then land plants, then sun, moon and stars (but not distant galaxies or stars in our galaxy hidden from view), then fish, whales and birds, then land animals and ants, then mankind (man and woman), then signed over all of creation to mankind (man and woman), end of story.
B: Heaven and Earth, then man, then land plants -- including a special garden with a special tree, then God gave man responsibility for the garden and a command not to eat the special tree. Then woman was created as a subordinate worker for man, and had happy naked time.

The two stories are unalike in details and tone. They blatantly contradict each other on the position of man in the universe and in relationship to God and in the details of the order of creation. There is no segue to explain why story B exists if story A ends with a declaration that creation was "finished."

The Bible isn't a science textbook -- it's not even a competently edited narrative.

In my view I don't take chapter 2 into account, Chapter one finishes the job of creation I believe chapter 2 is like a metaphor.

I agree the bible is not a science book , but it is hard to explain how did this people in the antiquity got the information of chapter one . You have there an evolutionary process written in a vety simple way.