Biblical Prophecy - Armageddon

Still no one can give me the ratio so I can figure the date that Armageddon could be possible. Obviously it could not happen before 1800. And the prophets had no idea what the world population was at the time the prophesy was foretold.

Let me make this simple: Could China, Russia, and India COMBINED produce an army of 200 million? How much longer will it be?

Some intelligent forum this place is! Geez! a lognormal curve is a lognormal curve somebody says -- well duh! What do they have to offer? :rolleyes:
You can see what I'm saying by Ghosts claim that jesus is gonna come back in a UFO and abduct the bad people. Talk about turning a harmless prophecy into complete lunacy.[/QUOTE]

Jesus spoke to Paul from a bright light in the sky; that is Jesus Himself associated with what in modern times would be called a UFO.
Jesus said He would return with clouds and with the Holy angels. Angels use chariots or conveyances.
Psalms 68:17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.
The reference to clouds could be a reference to the cloudlike pillar ufo that led the Israelites through the desert, that was associated with an angel.
You interpret scripture with scripture.
[A modern day ufo looks like a white cigar by day and glows with a golden glow at night, filmed by David Spore in England, and Tim Edwards in the US.]
Even if it is referring to literal clouds, UFO energy fields sometimes cause clouds or fog to condense in the air.
I said that Jesus would send out His angels, in ufos, to abduct the sinners.
The following parable is a reference to what I am talking about.

Matthew 13:36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.

Matthew 13:37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

Matthew 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked [one];

Matthew 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

Matthew 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

Matthew 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

Matthew 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Matthew 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Woody said:
Let me make this simple: Could China, Russia, and India COMBINED produce an army of 200 million? How much longer will it be?
Soon after Bush declares himself a prophet.
Soon after Bush declares himself a prophet

I just asked for a plain simple fact: not speculation, propaganda from the left, or just sheer stupidity, like your response.
Woody said:
I just asked for a plain simple fact: not speculation, propaganda from the left, or just sheer stupidity, like your response.

You are DROOLING at the thought of your Armegeddon with Bush at the helm aren't you?...coMON, admit it?

Wow! How did those prophets know the world population would grow exponentially? They must be telling the truth!


You dupe.

The logorithmic (exponential) function was discovered by John Napier, a Scottish mathematician in the 1500s. Rene Descartes, who developed the cartesian coordinate system for graphing came after him.

You jumped into this pile of crap head first dude.

This should be called the sciforums forum for idiots.
Duendy said,

You are DROOLING at the thought of your Armegeddon with Bush at the helm aren't you?...coMON, admit it?

This just keeps getting funnier -- you left wingers are mindless.

I won't be here for Armageddon but maybe you and GW will!

I just asked a plain simple reasonable question, and look at the responses I get: just petty barbs, and put downs. Nobody can provide a reasonable reponse -- that is getting pretty odvious, and this is not an intelligent community, at least I haven't seen much evidence yet.
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Woody said:
Duendy said,

This just keeps getting funnier -- you left wingers are mindless.

d___we ARE. errr go and read your beliefs

I won't be here for Armageddon but maybe you and GW will!

d___no. you believe you gonna be all wrapped up with big daddy. maybe watchin it all kick off on super-tv?

I just asked a plain simple reasonable question, and look at the responses I get: just petty barbs, and put downs.

d__what the ...di you EXPECT? serious considerATION??

Nobody can provide a reasonable reponse -- that is getting pretty odvious, and this is not an intelligent community, at least I haven't seen much evidence yet.

and YOU are judging this?

if the world ends in 57 years when is the 1000 years going to begin?
Duendy, let's say it again

You are DROOLING at the thought of your Armegeddon with Bush at the helm aren't you?...coMON, admit it?

You don't speak for me. You think you do, but you do not. So quit making a total ass out of yourself. :p

Could you please fix this inane remark. It is not "my" Armageddon. I do not know for sure if GW is a Christian though he claims to be, and I am not drooling over blood. So fix this crap or kiss-off dude!

and YOU are judging this?

take a tip guy, if you can't say something intelligent, just don't say it. I have yet to hear you say anything intelligent. I am waiting, at least I give you a chance, which is better than I can say for you.
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Woody said:
Duendy, let's say it again

You don't speak for me. You think you do, but you do not. So quit making a total ass out of yourself. :p

d___hah. look in the mirror when you say that. its not me sphealin all this revalations crap

Could you please fix this inane remark. It is not "my" Armageddon. I do not know for sure if GW is a Christian though he claims to be, and I am not drooling over blood. So fix this crap or kiss-off dude!

d____you dont know Bush is a CHRISTIAN?....not only that hun, he wants to take over the fukin world. better get hip. and dont call me leftie

take a tip guy, if you can't say something intelligent, just don't say it. I have yet to hear you say anything intelligent. I am waiting, at least I give you a chance, which is better than I can say for you.

its that you dont know what intellegent IS is the problem
Not even God knows what will happen in the future because of a little thing called free will. If we really have choices to make, then no one can know the outcome until we make it. Therefore, prophecies should be considered warnings, not written in stone.
spidergoat said:
Not even God knows what will happen in the future because of a little thing called free will. If we really have choices to make, then no one can know the outcome until we make it. Therefore, prophecies should be considered warnings, not written in stone.

Right.....on! real. this life is a living process. its not a old dodgy old musty moth eaten 'holy' book written in some godforgotten age...or some machine without meaning as the mechano- science people would have it. it is a living event breathed through with awesome unfathomable M E A N I N G........yes, space and time ARE strange, and we can on certain occasions see into A future. a possible one. it doesn't take an Einstein to figue where we are all heading if we dont wake up to our shit....soooo, lets fukin wake UP, and stop fueling old stories about what Is inevitable if we dont.

what really gets me about some who believe all of the Armegeddon thing, and apocalyptic stuff is they are BLIND to Western imperialistic power and evil. blind! Ironically profound

its that you dont know what intellegent IS is the problem

OK Duendy I'll give you a break after I translate for you.

It's that you don't know what intelligence is, and this is the problem.

Your statement looks more credible when it can be understood.

I found the information I was looking for so you can rest now.
Woody said:

I need the ratio of the german fighting men in WWII vs, the total german population in WWII. England's statistics will probably do just as well. WWI will also do as well.

Ok,I found it for you:

Germany's population in World War II was 72,105,000. Germany's peak strength during the war was 10,200,000 fighting men, and any male that could put on shoes, walk, and fire a gun. That is a ratio of about 1 out of 7.

Woody said:

Gee thanks kind sir, you are so helpful when it comes to intelligent information when it is asked for, I can see great minds think alike. You are also a good communicator.

Hey, I also enjoyed talking with you and have a good day. At least I found someone intelligent that I can converse with too. :D

I liked that graph you came up with, that must have taken work on your part. Since you were generous with your information I will be generous with mine:

The nation and/or nations required for a 200 million man army would need a population of at least: 200,000,000/(1/7) = 1.4 billion. ;)

Woody said:

Thanks, I was going to do the same calculation, but I see you are really on the ball, and thought ahead.

Well of course Woody, Isn't it marvelous what people can do when they work as a team? Any dope knows that -- hey....just kidden guy! **wink **wink

Woody said:

I know yer just kidden, but somebody else might not.

Yeah, I know, some people will get ticked off no matter what you say. They are just being defensive because they like their excuses, and the bible is a threat to them. Please try to be kind to them and understand them. OK

Woody said:

Hey, you remind me of Jesus.

Yeah, we both know that. :D
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Ezekiel chapters 38,39 - A group of large armies from Russia, Iran, Iraq, Germany or France, Ethiopia, and Libya will unite to attack Israel. God will turn these armies against each other, and it will rain fire on them, and they will fall on the mountains of Israel. [Note: Since Israel is a nuclear power, having over 200 hydrogen bombs, this rain of fire from heaven could involve Israel's nuclear missiles.] The situation in the middle East is going to get worse until this prophecy comes true.

I read those chapters, and I must say, your interpretation is quite a stretch. There have been armies that attacked Israel already. Didn't Russia (or land of Magog or the Scythians) support the Arabs in the 1948 war of independence? Why isn't this the fufillment of prophecy?

Also, there is some doubt as the the interpretation of Magog as Russian. The Irish, too, claim Magog as their ancestor.
. . . The important thing for us to notice in this table of descent, though, is the unequivocal statement that the decidedly pagan Irish traced their origins back to the biblical patriarch, Magog, the son of Japheth. This is in direct contrast to the claims of the Britons and other European nations, whose genealogies were traced back to Javan, another son of Japheth. Now, Magog. . . was considered, with Ashchenaz, the father of the Scythian peoples, and the early Irish chroniclers were most emphatic in their insistence that the Irish were of Scythian stock. And there is good etymological evidence for this.
Hello SG,

Nice to hear somebody with some science and history knowledge. From the countries you mentioned, I don't think they have the resources to produce an army of 200 million = (200 thousand) x (1,000)

Rev 9:16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them

To put this in perspective, WWII Germany had an army of 10 million men. The Armageddon army will be 20 times as much (200 million men). Could you imagine the strength of 20 World War II German armies coming against one country: namely Israel? Germany was quite a force in WWII, could you imagine 20 Germanys? It's mind-boggling.


I really appreciate the web links you provided. I will take a close look at Issaic Newton's work, and we might continue this discussion off line where there isn't so much static and distraction. It's hard for me to stay focused in this enviroment. Sadly, this is not a very intelligent forum, and I think I would get a lot more accomplished in the absense of some of my "distinguished colleagues." I feel Newton can teach me something so I'll head that way. take care. :D
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Isn't there a danger here? What if you place ancient writings above the needs of present reality? According to some prophecies, Israel should never come to any agreements with the Palestinians about a two-state solution. So, if we oppose a peace treaty in the name of religion, wouldn't we be the ones responsible for the resulting carnage and war?
The prophecies of Ezekiel and Revelation describe two different things, don't they? The Ezekiel prophecies described by Ghost7584, fall between many other descriptions of visions, it is not clear to me they both describe the same final end times event.

Also, the army of the horsemen were not a human army, but were sent by the four angels to "to slay the third part of men", weren't they? So, the 200 million soldiers number doesn't apply to this particular prediction. Therefore, it could have already happened during Israel's 1948 war of independence.