biblical anomalies

SnakeLord said:
A total of eight people walked out of the ark. How long would you guesstimate it would take to populate the enitre planet from a population of 8 people? Let's say each of Noahs children had 70,000 children. That alone would take a good 630,000 years. In 630,000 years you would have a total population of 210,000 children if the women were pregnant continually. Of course those children would also go on to have kids of their own, but the problem here is the original mathematics. You see, nobody has 70,000 children. Between the 4 pairs, there would most likely be between 12 and 25 children, so if you feel like it, do the maths and tell me how long it would take to populate the planet. Not only that but all of the offspring would be related, and as such we'd all have webbed fingers, (example). I knew a person who died recently, who's parents were cousins. He was both male and female. He had a womb, a vagina, a penis, a beard... etc. That is what happens when you bonk your family, and yet we must have all come from one family line, (Noahs), and as such should be extraordinarily fucked up.
I enjoyed this. Do you have a site you can direct me to with the math? I have a Xian-Taliban / Baptist friend and I'd like to give him the argument with the maths.
SnakeLord said:
Nasty Lucifer, who does he think he is?!?
# 1 trouble-maker, # 1 jealous, # 1 liar,
hey, that's a start

Quick counter-question: Who made him that way? I don't claim to be an omnipotent being, but if I were, I wouldn't be so prone to making such design flaws.
that may be the problem, L was too perfect, no flaws that became a 'flaw' when it went to his head, that he thought he could do better, probably even thought, "if I were God I'd do this or that better, etc..."
mario said:
Can anyone explain...

1) why did god rest on the seventh day? Was he tired?
because He was done, after setting all the physical & natural laws in motion, His grand design only needed time & Jesus
2) how could an angel (lucifer) suddenly turn bad? I thought god made angels as spiritually pure beings.
he was so perfect, that it went to his head, probably wanted to be #1
3) why did fully 1/3 of the angels in heaven follow lucifer? Better working conditions?
probably felt the same way as L, why all the fuss about these bipedal mammals? Probably said, “We won't kow-tow to these lesser beings”
4) who did adam and eve's son, cain, marry? According to the bible he went over a hill and found a village and took a wife. I thought it was just adam and eve that god created.
ok, I don't know, its a guess
5) from adam and eve how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?
see answer below
6) if only noah and his family were all the people that were left after the great flood, how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?
DNA was meant to put some diff in us, so that we would not all be “JOE's” or “ETHEL's”. you need a little more info on genetics, mutations, Founder's effect, drift, you may be in the wrong forum, try “Science” to ask this question here:
7) how come the angel of death, that was unleashed on the egyptians during moses' time, could tell who was a "first born" but couldn't tell the difference between a jew and an egyptian? The jews had to put a mark of blood on the door to protect themselves from it.
I think it was meant for the people, they were 'marked', 'set aside', to be 'passed over', so they would know
8) how come the people of moses, after witnessing the awesome power of god part the dead sea, decided to worship a man-made golden calf?
you need to learn how to read, in Exodus it says they wanted a physical representation of the god that led them out of Egypt, not another,
listen they were just recently freed from bondage from a society that had tons of gods, all represented, how would they change that fast out of the mindset they had been so recently steeped in, when they did not fully understand it?
9) how come after jesus performed all kinds of miracles like walking on water, raising the dead, curing the blind and leperous, turning water into wine at weddings, feeding multitudes of people with just a few loaves of bread and some fish, and finally rising from the dead himself...
because we blur miracles, odd phenomena, that we can't explain,
here's a question for you Mario; why after the resurrection, did Christians finally stand up, remembered all things (road to Emmaus), proclaimed, preached, etc...
what was diff?
the jews STILL didn't believe that he was the son of god?

all His followers were jews,
by the thousands,
it wasn't until Paul went to the gentiles,
that there were large conversions of these heathen folk,
to what was at the time an exclusive club,
see all the trouble about whether circumcision was needed to be saved, Acts 15

BTW, Jews are still converting, just met a fine bunch from “Jews for Jesus”
So many few answers.
read more, you'll get the answers one by one....
or do you want all the answers now?
Then become a Christian, PM me for more info
Sheesh, this thread is so old I don't even remember what it's about :) Still, no reason not to respond..

# 1 trouble-maker, # 1 jealous, # 1 liar

1) Why would he come across as being a trouble maker? I always wondered why religious people were actually so blind concerning the the devils duties, and indeed why they would think so little of their own god as to make him seem 'asleep at the wheel', so to speak.

Do you know what the serpent gave humanity? Think about it for a second. Without the serpent doing what he did, you and I would not have morals. Without getting Eve to eat the fruit, we would be oblivious to moral behaviour, we would have no inclination as to what right and wrong entail. There would be no justice systems, and indeed no justice - because anything we did would be free of any moral implications.

The perverse thing is that those who claim to love and worship god are the ones that think he's the biggest retard. Would you honestly sit there and say god, the most powerful entity in the universe, the ruler of all, the creator of all, the head honcho of head honchos, would be so easily done over? Ye of little faith.

While I will accept you saying that god intended for it all to happen - as a part of his master plan, I find it nothing but laughable that the religious people of the world see god as such a failure that a being so far below his awesomeness could get the better of him. Aside from that it completely negates the possibility of god being omniscient.

If you state he is omniscient, then the fact of the matter would be that he knew what what was going to happen. This would show beyond any reasonable doubt that he chose for it to happen. He knew that the serpent would entice Eve into eating the fruit. He did not remove the serpent or the tree, but sat idly by on his ass and let it happen. You might try the ridiculously daft: "free will" nonsense, but it doesn't work. The fact would be that Adam and Eve had no knowledge of good or evil, (as attested to by god himself - which you cannot in any way debate without disagreeing with god), and as such would have had no way with which to make an informed judgement.

The serpent did what he was designed to do. He didn't cause trouble, he gave you the ability to be good.

2) I will ask only one question, and it would be nice if you could provide just a simple yes or no answer for this question. Here it is:

Is jealousy a bad thing?

3) The serpent didn't lie.

that may be the problem, L was too perfect, no flaws that became a 'flaw' when it went to his head

That is a flaw. If I made a chocolate cake that was so perfect it actually killed people - it wouldn't actually be perfect at all, but incredibly flawed. It is a design issue, not a "what happened later but nothing to do with me" issue. Not to mention that if I was omniscient, I would already know that my perfect cake would in fact be completely flawed and as such start from scratch to ensure it doesn't happen. The only reason I would continue making that same cake was if I personally intended to kill people with it.

Your replies are truly hysterical, I I'm looking forward to your replie on this.
o.k. let's begin.

“ 6) if only noah and his family were all the people that were left after the great flood, how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up? ”

DNA was meant to put some diff in us, so that we would not all be “JOE's” or “ETHEL's”. you need a little more info on genetics, mutations, Founder's effect, drift, you may be in the wrong forum, try “Science” to ask this question here:

It is you who needs a little more info on genetics: did you know that at the end of the last iceage the cheetas were almost extinct?
The result is that all the cheetas that are alive today are so genetically indifferent that they are like identical twins, Which means that they can have organ transplants without rejection unlike humans. And since christians believe that the earth is about 6000 years old there really was no time for mutations, since that would take millions of years.

By the way, I have some more questions for you, since you seem to know the bible so well.
1 How old do you think the earth is?
2 Gen 6 : 1-2 When the sons of god came to the earth etc. Who are the sons of god?
3 The word Elohim is always used for god in the original hebrew text, but it's a plural form (gods). Why did they says gods when there is only one god?
4 After god has made the earth, he saw that what he made was good (yeah no shit if you're THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR) but only a couple of pages later he regrets that he has made man and he wants to destroy him. Why couldn't he have foreseen this, I mean he IS almighty after all?
5 Read ezekiel, chapter 1 it's clear that he says that THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR NEEDS A VEHIKEL TO GET TO EARTH!!! What almighty creature needs that?????
6 When god comes down to earth to punish adam for eating the apple he stands in the garden of eden calling for him. WHY CAN'T THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR FIND ADAM? Is he unable to see through leaves or something?

Well I could go on for hours pointing out all the flaws in the bible but this should keep you occupied for now. Cheers

p.s. Sorry for any spelling mistakes I'm only dutch...