biblical anomalies


Registered Senior Member
Can anyone explain...

1) why did god rest on the seventh day? Was he tired?

2) how could an angel (lucifer) suddenly turn bad? I thought god made angels as spiritually pure beings.

3) why did fully 1/3 of the angels in heaven follow lucifer? Better working conditions?

4) who did adam and eve's son, cain, marry? According to the bible he went over a hill and found a village and took a wife. I thought it was just adam and eve that god created.

5) from adam and eve how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?

6) if only noah and his family were all the people that were left after the great flood, how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?

7) how come the angel of death, that was unleashed on the egyptians during moses' time, could tell who was a "first born" but couldn't tell the difference between a jew and an egyptian? The jews had to put a mark of blood on the door to protect themselves from it.

8) how come the people of moses, after witnessing the awesome power of god part the dead sea, decided to worship a man-made golden calf?

9) how come after jesus performed all kinds of miracles like walking on water, raising the dead, curing the blind and leperous, turning water into wine at weddings, feeding multitudes of people with just a few loaves of bread and some fish, and finally rising from the dead himself...the jews STILL didn't believe that he was the son of god?

So many few answers.
Hiya Mario,

1) why did god rest on the seventh day? Was he tired?

I think he was setting an example to us, basically saying we should rest at least one day a week.

2) how could an angel (lucifer) suddenly turn bad? I thought god made angels as spiritually pure beings.

Basically Lucifer has got an ego problem, he thinks he can become better than God.

3) why did fully 1/3 of the angels in heaven follow lucifer? Better working conditions?

Because Lucifer is a very impressionable fellow.

4) who did adam and eve's son, cain, marry? According to the bible he went over a hill and found a village and took a wife. I thought it was just adam and eve that god created.

Cain is a son of Eve I think, but regardless why is this important to you?

5) from adam and eve how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?

As I see it, after the tower of babel incident people spread around the earth as they couldn't understand each other. Different parts of the world has got different food and different weather. How genetically different do you think we are?

6) if only noah and his family were all the people that were left after the great flood, how did all the genetically different races of people on this earth show up?

As above.

7) how come the angel of death, that was unleashed on the egyptians during moses' time, could tell who was a "first born" but couldn't tell the difference between a jew and an egyptian? The jews had to put a mark of blood on the door to protect themselves from it.

God said he wouldn't touch anyone who put blood on their door and so he didn't. People who didn't believe in God like the Egyptians wouldn't have done this on their own accord as they believe in RA or someone.

8) how come the people of moses, after witnessing the awesome power of god part the dead sea, decided to worship a man-made golden calf?

Lack of faith maybe.

9) how come after jesus performed all kinds of miracles like walking on water, raising the dead, curing the blind and leperous, turning water into wine at weddings, feeding multitudes of people with just a few loaves of bread and some fish, and finally rising from the dead himself...the jews STILL didn't believe that he was the son of god?

I don't think they were ready for him and they thought he was a magician.

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1-8 These can be explained as myths

9 The miracles of Jesus were allegorical, not meant to be taken literally. They were not myths, exactly, but based on real spiritual healing that Jesus facilitated. About feeding the multitudes with a few fish, well, the disciples were fishermen, and familiar with the concept of bait.

I think he was setting an example to us, basically saying we should rest at least one day a week.

Who is he setting an example to? Day seven is irrelevant here, because there's only two humans he needs to explain to. Later on when the place is populated, he sets the rules and tells man they must have a day of rest, so why did he rest on the seventh day during creation? That's the question

Basically Lucifer has got an ego problem, he thinks he can become better than God.

Nasty Lucifer, who does he think he is?!? Quick counter-question: Who made him that way? I don't claim to be an omnipotent being, but if I were, I wouldn't be so prone to making such design flaws.

Because Lucifer is a very impressionable fellow.

And god isn't? We can assume the angels know more than we do about god. If that's what they chose, there must be a reason for it. Why is the OT god so... lacking..? He can't seem to get anything right, where even his angels decide life is better off without him.

Cain is a son of Eve I think, but regardless why is this important to you?

You read the question wrong. The question was: who did Cain marry?

Different parts of the world has got different food and different weather. How genetically different do you think we are?

A lot more than you obviously give credit to. hair, eyes, noses, colour, bone structure and so on.

As above.

A total of eight people walked out of the ark. How long would you guesstimate it would take to populate the enitre planet from a population of 8 people? Let's say each of Noahs children had 70,000 children. That alone would take a good 630,000 years. In 630,000 years you would have a total population of 210,000 children if the women were pregnant continually. Of course those children would also go on to have kids of their own, but the problem here is the original mathematics. You see, nobody has 70,000 children. Between the 4 pairs, there would most likely be between 12 and 25 children, so if you feel like it, do the maths and tell me how long it would take to populate the planet. Not only that but all of the offspring would be related, and as such we'd all have webbed fingers, (example). I knew a person who died recently, who's parents were cousins. He was both male and female. He had a womb, a vagina, a penis, a beard... etc. That is what happens when you bonk your family, and yet we must have all come from one family line, (Noahs), and as such should be extraordinarily fucked up.

God said he wouldn't touch anyone who put blood on their door and so he didn't. People who didn't believe in God like the Egyptians wouldn't have done this on their own accord as they believe in RA or someone.

That's not an answer to the question.

Lack of faith maybe.

I'm not a man of faith, and as such I don't worship cows or anything else. They obviously believed in some 'god' otherwise they wouldn't have worshipped anything. Where did god go wrong in spreading his word, that all those who believe in a godly type of being- ended up giving their attention to a cow instead? You can't say 'lack of faith', because it's apparent they did have some kind of faith - faith in a cow.

I don't think they were ready for him and they thought he was a magician.

Or perhaps it's just a politically motivated fiction to piss the jews off.
Who is he setting an example to? Day seven is irrelevant here, because there's only two humans he needs to explain to. Later on when the place is populated, he sets the rules and tells man they must have a day of rest, so why did he rest on the seventh day during creation? That's the question
Perhaps to be able to tell you to have day of rest.

Nasty Lucifer, who does he think he is?!? Quick counter-question: Who made him that way? I don't claim to be an omnipotent being, but if I were, I wouldn't be so prone to making such design flaws.
An omnipotent God must also be able to give his creatures free will.

You read the question wrong. The question was: who did Cain marry?
There's nothing to suggest that Cain couldn't have married one of his sisters.

While I believe that the story of Adam Eve is true but not complete literal, there is nothing to suggest that God has no control over evolution or genetics.
Perhaps to be able to tell you to have day of rest.

Nono, he said have a day of rest quite clearly for everyone to understand. Those that didn't have a day of rest got killed. It still doesn't answer why he rested.

An omnipotent God must also be able to give his creatures free will.

Ok so nice dude that he is, he gives everything free will. While I can sit and argue about the specifics, what I would prefer to point out is this: Lucifer has free will. He decides god is a shmo, and leaves. That is his free will, yes, but it still leaves the question over why he left god. Obviously he was closer to god than man and would have greater insight into what this being is, and whether or not he is worth following. 1/3rd of the angels decided god wasn't worth following. Frankly from reading the bible, I can see why. Even so much so that these angels and humans were willing to have themselves exterminated, locked up, and sent to hell just to get away from god. That says something. If god was as grand as people would have you believe, nobody would have ever walked away from him.

Look at his case file... it's packed to the brim with annihilation. That IS the way he is- there most certainly is no love there, (except perhaps for the 'chosen few').

There's nothing to suggest that Cain couldn't have married one of his sisters.

I never said there was. I didn't ask the question, I simply informed Dave he had misread it.
mario said:
Can anyone explain...
9) how come after jesus performed all kinds of miracles like walking on water, raising the dead, curing the blind and leperous, turning water into wine at weddings, feeding multitudes of people with just a few loaves of bread and some fish, and finally rising from the dead himself...the jews STILL didn't believe that he was the son of god?
b/c he obviously wasnt,
theres many "magicians' around that can do tricks like that and more amazing any day,
(ever see Coperfield or Kriss Angel)

btw if God created all wouldnt we all be children of God,and not only JC?

if he was God/SoG/trinity as some say,why couldnt he save himself and defeat all of his enemies? ;)
that would be some real proof imo!
Nono, he said have a day of rest quite clearly for everyone to understand. Those that didn't have a day of rest got killed. It still doesn't answer why he rested.
Yes, the notion of rest is one of theological premises of Christianity. If you read Revelation you will find that "rest" is use through out it. Those who do the eternal work of God will find rest on the 7 day. It's the sign of God that Jesus mentions. Not only that, but if you read Matthew Jesus says, on the Sabath, that he is meek, that who are weary and weak shall find rest on him, and that he is the Lord of the Sabath.

Ok so nice dude that he is, he gives everything free will. While I can sit and argue about the specifics, what I would prefer to point out is this: Lucifer has free will. He decides god is a shmo, and leaves. That is his free will, yes, but it still leaves the question over why he left god.
I think there could be many reasons why he left God, but traditionally it said because of pride.

Obviously he was closer to god than man and would have greater insight into what this being is, and whether or not he is worth following.
Knowledge does cannot really influence someone's decision on this matter.

1/3rd of the angels decided god wasn't worth following.
This is probably a too literal interpretation of Revelation. The author was using numbers to display additional semantic meaning into the passage.

Frankly from reading the bible, I can see why. Even so much so that these angels and humans were willing to have themselves exterminated, locked up, and sent to hell just to get away from god.
There's not one place where it says so and so will surely go to hell. For example, Jesus saved the prostitute who was about to be killed under the law.
Actually, you would be amazed at the magic tricks ancient mankind could pull off. In fact, if you read the bible, you'll see the Egyptians were more classy than jesus.

Firstly god gives moses a staff that can magically turn into a snake. Pharoah summoned the wise men and magicians and each of them managed to compete against god's snake staff. They too could turn a staff into a snake. Seems like these men had power just like god..

Then we come along to the water being turned into blood. god shows his true power by turning the nile into blood... Shortly after (exod 7:22), the Egyptians show they can do exactly the same. I have never seen modern man capable of turning the nile into blood, but some ancient egyptians could do that which god had done.

Then we come to the plague of frogs. god showed his awesome powers and plagued the country with frogs. Later on, (exod 8:7), the human magicians show they can do the same.

Sure, they didn't succeed after that, but it goes to show that even humans could do godlike magic tricks - who's to say jesus wasn't just another human magician?
Yes, the notion of rest is one of theological premises of Christianity. If you read Revelation you will find that "rest" is use through out it. Those who do the eternal work of God will find rest on the 7 day. It's the sign of God that Jesus mentions. Not only that, but if you read Matthew Jesus says, on the Sabath, that he is meek, that who are weary and weak shall find rest on him, and that he is the Lord of the Sabath.

I could turn round and use your sentence of "that's too literal an interpretation", just like you do when it suits you, but there's little need because your small paragraph doesn't say anything. Furthermore, I'm a bit confused by your sentence: "Those who do the eternal work of God will find rest on the 7 day."... What are you trying to say? In your eternal next life, you're going to work 6 days a week for god and then get a day off, (and be struck down if you so much as flinch on day 7)?

I think there could be many reasons why he left God, but traditionally it said because of pride.

And god doesn't like beings that have pride? Those that take pride in their work, in themselves? No wonder he left.

Knowledge does cannot really influence someone's decision on this matter

Ha! Where do you find this nonsense?

This is probably a too literal interpretation of Revelation. The author was using numbers to display additional semantic meaning into the passage.

Yes yes, it's always too literal when it suits you.

There's not one place where it says so and so will surely go to hell. For example, Jesus saved the prostitute who was about to be killed under the law.

Prostitutes are irrelevant. I was saying that these beings and people were willing and happy to end up with any form of punishment, but would rather be away from god. That says something.
Furthermore, I'm a bit confused by your sentence: "Those who do the eternal work of God will find rest on the 7 day."... What are you trying to say? In your eternal next life, you're going to work 6 days a week for god and then get a day off, (and be
struck down if you so much as flinch on day 7)?
Jesus fullfilled the Sabath and the Sabath is eternal. Your forgetting that Revelation says there will be no night because of the light of the Lord.

And god doesn't like beings that have pride? Those that take pride in their work, in themselves? No wonder he left.
Yes, having pride in one's own work would do it.

Yes yes, it's always too literal when it suits you.
And literal when it suits you?

Prostitutes are irrelevant. I was saying that these beings and people were willing and happy to end up with any form of punishment, but would rather be away from god. That says something.
Well, most people would say that Satan chose his fate. He is not so much that he is punished. He imprisoned himself by his own pride. It was his choice to leave God and build his own hell.
Jesus fullfilled the Sabath and the Sabath is eternal

What do you mean he fulfilled it? He took the weekend off work or what?

Yes, having pride in one's own work would do it.

So what are you saying, god doesn't like beings that have pride?

And literal when it suits you?

I don't take any of the bible literally, no more than I take the vampire chronicles literally. Sure, there may be historical places in it etc, but that doesn't make the book factual.

Well, most people would say that Satan chose his fate.

Ummmm yes... that's what I'm getting at. If god was such a dude, satan wouldn't have wanted to leave, and to think he actually chose a bad fate, means the alternative couldn't have been any better.

He imprisoned himself by his own pride.

So pride is a bad thing?

It was his choice to leave God and build his own hell.

Yeah, which makes you wonder what kind of 'torture' he was suffering before he left, and that caused him to leave.
Hiya Snakelord,

How's your snake doing?

Who is he setting an example to? Day seven is irrelevant here, because there's only two humans he needs to explain to. Later on when the place is populated, he sets the rules and tells man they must have a day of rest, so why did he rest on the seventh day during creation? That's the question

He is setting us an example; he knew then, that we would have a Bible today.

Nasty Lucifer, who does he think he is?!? Quick counter-question: Who made him that way? I don't claim to be an omnipotent being, but if I were, I wouldn't be so prone to making such design flaws.

It wasn’t a design flaw, Lucifer got two big for his boots like many of us humans do today, would you agree?

And god isn't? We can assume the angels know more than we do about god. If that's what they chose, there must be a reason for it. Why is the OT god so... lacking..? He can't seem to get anything right, where even his angels decide life is better off without him.

God is impressionable, he just doesn’t tell lies and fill people/angels full of shit.

You read the question wrong. The question was: who did Cain marry?

Genesis 4:17

A lot more than you obviously give credit to. hair, eyes, noses, colour, bone structure and so on.

As far as I know we all share the genes for colour. This may well be true for the rest you mentioned too.

A total of eight people walked out of the ark. How long would you guesstimate it would take to populate the enitre planet from a population of 8 people? Let's say each of Noahs children had 70,000 children. That alone would take a good 630,000 years. In 630,000 years you would have a total population of 210,000 children if the women were pregnant continually. Of course those children would also go on to have kids of their own, but the problem here is the original mathematics. You see, nobody has 70,000 children. Between the 4 pairs, there would most likely be between 12 and 25 children, so if you feel like it, do the maths and tell me how long it would take to populate the planet. Not only that but all of the offspring would be related, and as such we'd all have webbed fingers, (example). I knew a person who died recently, who's parents were cousins. He was both male and female. He had a womb, a vagina, a penis, a beard... etc. That is what happens when you bonk your family, and yet we must have all come from one family line, (Noahs), and as such should be extraordinarily fucked up.

The gene pool, I believe, would have been more stable then, therefore what is now called “inter-breeding” would have been the norm then.

I don’t know where you get the idea for populating the entire planet from; the world population now is no where near what it was then. Give me an accurate figure for the population in 1BC and we can work from there.

That's not an answer to the question.

Angels are different to men, there a little higher. With this in mind, and the question that I only partially answered, then we can conclude that Angels are wiser then men.

I'm not a man of faith, and as such I don't worship cows or anything else. They obviously believed in some 'god' otherwise they wouldn't have worshipped anything. Where did god go wrong in spreading his word, that all those who believe in a godly type of being- ended up giving their attention to a cow instead? You can't say 'lack of faith', because it's apparent they did have some kind of faith - faith in a cow.

Maybe they were rebellious and finding it hard to come to terms with God after many years of Egyptian rule.

Or perhaps it's just a politically motivated fiction to piss the jews off.

I haven’t got a clue what you’re on.

Firstly god gives moses a staff that can magically turn into a snake. Pharoah summoned the wise men and magicians and each of them managed to compete against god's snake staff. They too could turn a staff into a snake. Seems like these men had power just like god

Yeah, until God's snake ate the the 2 that the magicians summoned.

How's your snake doing?

It depends which one you're talking about. Ozzy unfortunately has died, and I am deeply upset, almost to the state of manic depression. I was hoping I would get the chance to see him one day when I get to heaven, but I don't know if the curse god put on snakes applied to him aswell. It's unlikely however, for I never ever saw him eating dust.

He is setting us an example; he knew then, that we would have a Bible today.

But he already made mention that man must have a day of rest- and even showed what happened to those who didn't listen. Him taking a day's vacation after completing construction of the earth, stars and sky dome full of water, still has no worth. However, what other examples did he set for us to follow? When someone pisses you off or turns against you, it's ok to smite them down, and their kids, and their kids kids? I could go on..

It wasn’t a design flaw, Lucifer got two big for his boots like many of us humans do today, would you agree?

But then if there is a problem where people/angels get too big for their boots, it is a design flaw because.... god made them that way. Unless of course they got the ability through natural evolution. At the end of the day, Lucifer saw a problem with god, as did many other angels, and people... where exactly was he lacking in their eyes?

he just doesn’t tell lies and fill people/angels full of shit.

Who does fill people/angels full of shit? And without sounding too mean, but you can't even begin to describe this being, let alone vouch for it's honesty.

Genesis 4:17

Yeah I've read it, thnx. I didn't actually ask the question, I was merely informing you that you'd misread it.

As far as I know we all share the genes for colour. This may well be true for the rest you mentioned too.


The gene pool, I believe, would have been more stable then

According to who?

I don’t know where you get the idea for populating the entire planet from

So what are you saying? Just Egypt/Israel/Sumeria areas were populated?

the world population now is no where near what it was then. Give me an accurate figure for the population in 1BC and we can work from there.

I will most certainly try and formulate such a thing, but it wouldn't be the easiest of tasks. It will take some time. For now, I have read that at 1,500bc the Egyptian population alone was 3 million - Of course that's no way near the modern day Egyptian populous, but it's still a damn high number. By your date of 1bc, that number would be a hell of a lot higher. Anyway, I shall try and get some numbers together.

Angels are different to men, there a little higher. With this in mind, and the question that I only partially answered, then we can conclude that Angels are wiser then men.

Wiser than men heh? Again it makes me wonder why a large portion of the angels decided god was not worthy.

Maybe they were rebellious and finding it hard to come to terms with God after many years of Egyptian rule.

Well, a bit of rebellion can be understood - after all, god left them all in slavery and then fart arsed around with the plagues, while leaving them as slaves. The pharoah said "I shall let them go", but god hardened his heart so he didn't. It seems god gets his jollies by causing plagues instead of freeing his people. He then gets them to walk through the desert for the rest of their lives eating sweet bugger all. No offence, but some rebellion can only be expected. However, they all got to see what happened to people who rebelled, (i.e annihilated), and as such there would have to be a damn good reason for people to technically suicide themselves. Maybe being struck down by lightning seemed harmless in comparison to living in a desert. However, where does the golden calf come into it? Why would people- who know god exists, just start putting their faith in a cow? That sounds like a lot of doubt over gods existence right there.

I haven’t got a clue what you’re on.

One of those swivel seats. I will get to this sometime in the near future, and point the link out to you. It's long and complex.

Yeah, until God's snake ate the the 2 that the magicians summoned.

Ah, kinda like a 'my snake's bigger than your snake' thing? It doesn't detract from the point which is that man could do some extraordinary 'miracles' of their own. Walking on water seems piss easy in comparison to turning the nile into blood.
Hiya Snakelord,

Sorry to hear about your snake.

But he already made mention that man must have a day of rest- and even showed what happened to those who didn't listen. Him taking a day's vacation after completing construction of the earth, stars and sky dome full of water, still has no worth. However, what other examples did he set for us to follow? When someone pisses you off or turns against you, it's ok to smite them down, and their kids, and their kids kids? I could go on..

I already told you what I think, accept it or reject it, it’s up to you.

But then if there is a problem where people/angels get too big for their boots, it is a design flaw because....

So you have designed a Universe then?

Who does fill people/angels full of shit? And without sounding too mean, but you can't even begin to describe this being, let alone vouch for it's honesty.

? Enlighten me if you wish.

According to who?

I assume this or else we wouldn’t be here.

So what are you saying? Just Egypt/Israel/Sumeria areas were populated?

No, a little bit of misunderstanding on my part. I believe people spread out around the globe around the time of the Tower of Babel incident.

I will most certainly try and formulate such a thing, but it wouldn't be the easiest of tasks. It will take some time. For now, I have read that at 1,500bc the Egyptian population alone was 3 million - Of course that's no way near the modern day Egyptian populous, but it's still a damn high number. By your date of 1bc, that number would be a hell of a lot higher. Anyway, I shall try and get some numbers together.


Wiser than men heh? Again it makes me wonder why a large portion of the angels decided god was not worthy.

Just because they’re wiser then us doesn’t mean they’re God.

However, where does the golden calf come into it? Why would people- who know god exists, just start putting their faith in a cow? That sounds like a lot of doubt over gods existence right there.

Maybe there was a calf that they thought was worthy of worship, I don’t know. Yes, many people today have these very same doubts.

One of those swivel seats.


I will get to this sometime in the near future, and point the link out to you. It's long and complex.

Any idea who came up with this stuff?

Ah, kinda like a 'my snake's bigger than your snake' thing?

Yeah, or maybe 'my God is more powerful then your statues'.

It doesn't detract from the point which is that man could do some extraordinary 'miracles' of their own. Walking on water seems piss easy in comparison to turning the nile into blood.

Have you tried walking on water lately?

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1) why did god rest on the seventh day? Was he tired?

An example to Adam, the viceroy.

2) how could an angel (lucifer) suddenly turn bad? I thought god made angels as spiritually pure beings.

Angels are not made as pure spirit. Pure spirit is not made, it is part and parcel of God.
Lucifer developed pride, and thought he was on God's level, thus he could not remain in a pure environment.

4) who did adam and eve's son, cain, marry? According to the bible he went over a hill and found a village and took a wife. I thought it was just adam and eve that god created.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,............

Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Here God says lets make man after our likeness, and wants "THEM" to have dominion. Notice He didn't say "HIM".
Another point is that He made no mention of the garden of eden, only the entire earth.
There would be no point in all of this creation, for only two people, what to speak of having dominion over all beings.
So we can only assume that the earth is populated simultaneosly, and would find no problem finding a spouse.

Gen 2:4 These [are] the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

Up until this point, God makes no mention of Adam or Eve, only male and female, no garden of eden, only earth. The verse preceeding the above, rounds up the creation; Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
The next explanations are the generations of the creation. Like using a magnifying glass to focus on one small point.
Adam was a special creation in that he was Personally formed by God, and was placed in a residence specially created by God.
There is no mention (to my knowledge) that Adam was the first man, although it could be entirely possible that he was the first of his race.
If you study the Qur'an, it gives more detail about Adam and his relationship with God, also the enviousness of Lucifer.
Adam was created to do the duty of a viceroy (king), it was his responsibility to rule the earth in a God-conscious way, not that he was the first human being on earth.

Jan Ardena.
I already told you what I think, accept it or reject it, it’s up to you.

Ok, your opinion has been noted. However, let's look at the actual texts shall we, as Jenyar has used in his post:

Gen 2:3 "..because that in it he had rested from all his work..

Now as we can see, this says god rested from all his work, not that he was setting examples, but that he had done so much work he needed a rest. Personally I'm much more impressed of stories involving omnipotent beings snapping their fingers and everything coming together, as opposed to a weeks worth of struggle that leaves it tired.

So you have designed a Universe then?

I made a bunch of robots and programmed them with the ability to have pride. When the first robot started being proud, I smote it down with a high powered electrical discharge. Eventually, a large majority of robots became proud. I realised that the robots were not to blame, I was for I had made them that way. How can I complain over a robot being proud when I had given it that ability?

? Enlighten me if you wish.

Ok... There is no such being. I know that must be upsetting news, but if it's any consolation, Santa Claus is real, and there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I assume this or else we wouldn’t be here.

Based on the opinion that there was 1 man and 1 woman. The bible is dangerous for your health.

Just because they’re wiser then us doesn’t mean they’re God.

No it doesn't, but it would give them a greater insight into exactly what/who this god being is. The questions need to be asked when those who are that much closer to him, decide he isn't worth the time.

Maybe there was a calf that they thought was worthy of worship, I don’t know.

I'll ask you, because I don't know, but what makes you state god is worthy of worship?

Any idea who came up with this stuff?

Me. I mean I'll point out the link once I've typed it all and uploaded it all. A lot of it is focused on how jesus does the complete opposite of whatever the Jewish god did. Even the angels In the Old Testament are called sons of god while men are called servants of god. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and Christians are the sons of god. In the OT god has a distinct problem with unhealthy people, (even those with damaged testicles), whereas in the NT jesus goes around hugging and healing the blind and deformed, and so on..

I will get into this in greater detail eventually, and try to show the style with which the NT goes to undermine the OT god.

Yeah, or maybe 'my God is more powerful then your statues'.

Well the Egyptians had gods aswell. And although maybe not as powerful, can you deny their existence when they too could provide miracles on par with the Jewish god?

Have you tried walking on water lately?

Where's the fun in that? The joy of gliding through the water, even under water is much better. There's already 60 quadrillion acres of land for me to walk on, water is there to swim through. But aside from that, no I haven't. Then again, I haven't tried to turn the Nile into blood either, but I do not claim to have the awesome magical powers of ancient Egyptians.
Hiya Snakelord,

Gen 2:3 "..because that in it he had rested from all his work..

Now as we can see, this says god rested from all his work, not that he was setting examples, but that he had done so much work he needed a rest. Personally I'm much more impressed of stories involving omnipotent beings snapping their fingers and everything coming together, as opposed to a weeks worth of struggle that leaves it tired.

Your passage doesn’t say God needed to rest, did you know that?

I made a bunch of robots and programmed them with the ability to have pride. When the first robot started being proud, I smote it down with a high powered electrical discharge. Eventually, a large majority of robots became proud. I realised that the robots were not to blame, I was for I had made them that way. How can I complain over a robot being proud when I had given it that ability?

Are you taking the piss?

Ok... There is no such being. I know that must be upsetting news, but if it's any consolation, Santa Claus is real, and there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

So you believe in Santa Claus and the rainbow business eh? Jumble the name Santa round and you’ll get Satan, he exists.

Based on the opinion that there was 1 man and 1 woman. The bible is dangerous for your health.

Ok. Are you now a qualified Quack?

No it doesn't, but it would give them a greater insight into exactly what/who this god being is. The questions need to be asked when those who are that much closer to him, decide he isn't worth the time.

Ok, well you have free will to choose, so choose.

I'll ask you, because I don't know, but what makes you state god is worthy of worship?

By god I assume you mean God. If so then, because he is the only God and I don’t plan on worshipping statues, with God you get results.

Me. I mean I'll point out the link once I've typed it all and uploaded it all. A lot of it is focused on how jesus does the complete opposite of whatever the Jewish god did. Even the angels In the Old Testament are called sons of god while men are called servants of god. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and Christians are the sons of god. In the OT god has a distinct problem with unhealthy people, (even those with damaged testicles), whereas in the NT jesus goes around hugging and healing the blind and deformed, and so on..

I will get into this in greater detail eventually, and try to show the style with which the NT goes to undermine the OT god.

This sounds genuinely interesting, has your work got scriptural references to back it up?

Well the Egyptians had gods aswell. And although maybe not as powerful, can you deny their existence when they too could provide miracles on par with the Jewish god?

What do you think god’s mean? And it’s not the Jewish God; it’s our God.

Where's the fun in that? The joy of gliding through the water, even under water is much better. There's already 60 quadrillion acres of land for me to walk on, water is there to swim through. But aside from that, no I haven't. Then again, I haven't tried to turn the Nile into blood either, but I do not claim to have the awesome magical powers of ancient Egyptians.

How much power do you think the Egyptians had? Ask yourself if they had all this so called power why have they not got it now? Or do you think they have?

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Jan Ardena said:
Adam was created to do the duty of a viceroy (king), it was his responsibility to rule the earth in a God-conscious way, not that he was the first human being on earth.

Jan Ardena.

Hiya Jan,

Where does it say that Adam was not the first human being? When God created man and woman in his image in genesis 1, this could have been their spirit in the likeness of God.

What do you think?
