Bible maths

It's obvious.

Kindly explain it..

As an interesting sidenote I'd like to point out a statement by George Smith;

"The Biblical account is the version of an inland people, the name of the ark in Genesis means a chest or box, and not a ship; there is no notice of the sea, or of launching, no pilots are spoken of, no navigation is mentioned. The [Chaldean] inscription on the other hand belongs to a maritime people, the ark is called a ship, the ship is launched into the sea, trial is made of it, and it is given in charge of a pilot" [1873]

The first thing to do, (which you seemingly refuse), is to look at time of writing. The global deluge story that is written earlier must be more accurate by having been written by people closer to the events. A story then taken by other cultures, (inland ones), thousands of years later would suffer from all kinds of ammendments/additions and results of chinese whispers. That is the way the world works, I'm sure you're aware of that.

The length of time that the flood persisted doesn't really come into it. While I will happily take it into account you unfortunately didn't answer, (why am I not surprised)? Please take the time to answer.
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Med Woman, you believe that King David existed, from where did you get that idea?

First you say the Bible is all lies, then you say King David existed, what are you, schizo?

In a previous post, you mention only one Moses, now there are several, so, Einstein, what's up with that?

M*W: I mentioned only one Mosis, because of the timeframe that one Mosis was to have existed. If you would do some reading into the Egyptian Royal Dynasties, you would find that there were several pharaohs named Mosis. Make a note of this for future reference:


Ahmosis 1575 BC-1550 BC
Amenhotep I 1550 BC-1528 BC
Tuthmosis I 1528 BC-1510 BC
Tuthmosis II 1510 BC-1490 BC
Hatshepsut+ 1490 BC-1468 BC
Tuthmosis+ III 1490 BC-1436 BC
Amenhotep II 1436 BC-1413 BC
Tuthmosis IV 1413 BC-1405 BC
Amenhotep III 1405 BC-1367 BC
Amenhotep IV* 1367 BC-1350 BC
Semenkhkare** 1350 BC-1347 BC
Tutankhamun*** 1347 BC-1339 BC
Aye 1339 BC-1335 BC
Horemheb 1335 BC-1308 BC

*Amenhotep IV=Akhenaten/Moses
***Tutankhamun=Moses' son
So Snake, you do admit there was a Global Deluge, now you're starting to get it.

Why would a navigator be needed when the Earth was covered with water, duh?

Since when were the Chaldeans considered great navigators?

The ancestors (Arphaxad, Haran, Terah) of the Jews were Chaldeans, these Chaldeans had a much more detailed account, with the Deluge taking a year, now if you want to believe the version were the Global Deluge was over in two weeks, then you go boy.
What value does the bible give for pi?
What was that?
You mean a whole number? You mean in his infinite wisdom, gawd couldn't concieve of an irrational number?
So Snake, you do admit there was a Global Deluge, now you're starting to get it.

No. Kindly start paying attention.

Let it also be said that this is not about "admitting". When it comes to facts neither of us were there and so the only way we can establish whether there is anything worth "admitting" to it would be based upon the evidence. There currently is none of any actual worth to suggest that there was ever a global flood. There are stories, and stories of those stories - but these cannot be considered as worthwhile evidence of a global flood for many reasons.

Why would a navigator be needed when the Earth was covered with water, duh?

Since when were the Chaldeans considered great navigators?

I see you like to ask questions. I generally like, or at least have the decency to answer them. You on the other hand still fail to answer the one I have posed to you. Explain to me how a flood that lasts a year is more plausible than one that lasts for 14 days and then I shall answer all your questions.

I understand it is quite common for religious people to take-take-take while they give nothing, but I haven't even asked you anything challenging. There are two possible conclusions to why you will not take the 1 or 2 minutes to answer me:

1) You can't, in which case you might as well just say "I can't answer"

2) You feel as if giving an answer is somehow going to cause you harm.

Which is it?

The ancestors (Arphaxad, Haran, Terah) of the Jews were Chaldeans, these Chaldeans had a much more detailed account, with the Deluge taking a year

If this is the case I refer back to my earlier point:

"The first thing to do, (which you seemingly refuse), is to look at time of writing. The global deluge story that is written earlier must be more accurate by having been written by people closer to the events. A story then taken by other cultures, (inland ones), thousands of years later would suffer from all kinds of ammendments/additions and results of chinese whispers. That is the way the world works, I'm sure you're aware of that."

You are now arguing against yourself. If the ancestors of the jews wrote about a global flood that lasted a year then it has to be considered as more plausible on the basis that it was written closer to the events.

now if you want to believe the version were the Global Deluge was over in two weeks, then you go boy.

Lets kindly not drag this discussion into the playground. Immaturity is not needed, wanted or expected. Now, when you're quite done with these antics perhaps you could get round to explaining to me how a global flood that lasts a year is more plausible than a global flood that lasts for 14 days.

Why would a navigator be needed for Earth covering Global Flood, the one describe in the Hebrew and the Sumerian account?

Since both clearly describe a Global Flood, to imagine such to have happened all within 14 days is plainly absurd, if you can't see that, then I can't help you.

The accounts in the Hebrew version are eye-witness accounts, passed down through the generations:

Genesis means generation (origin), the Hebrew word is toledot.

Therefore, "these are the generations of......" in Genesis means "these are the origins of ........, the ancestors who the writer knew, before the inscriptions on the clay tablets (as the Hebrew word for to write is to cut in) were made by the tablets owners, Noah, Shem, etc, 13 times this format is used in Genesis.

And Moses corrected some of the place names on the tablets to reflect the names of those places at the time of Moses.
[quoteWhy would a navigator be needed for Earth covering Global Flood, the one describe in the Hebrew and the Sumerian account?

Clearly I should adopt your tactic and just avoid answering. Perhaps tell you that if you can't figure it out I can't help you. Do you think a discussion is going to get very far if I do exactly what you do? The answer is a resounding no and yet you continue to refuse to answer anything, you continue with pointless idiocy while avoiding anything that might put you in a position you can't later back out of. I consider it extremely weak and dishonest.

To answer your question - it's not about need, it's about what a sea faring community would do.

Since both clearly describe a Global Flood, to imagine such to have happened all within 14 days is plainly absurd, if you can't see that, then I can't help you.


Btw, you can help me, it would take 30 seconds to explain why. Is it perhaps that such an expanse of water cannot evaporate in 14 days? Explain it to me.. I'm not going to bite you.

I do ask however that you cease from wasting my time. Stop being rude and answer the question. I was under the impression that christians were polite and helpful. You are changing my opinion with your behaviour.

The accounts in the Hebrew version are eye-witness accounts, passed down through the generations

"Eye witness accounts"

"passed down through generations".

The second statement shows that they are not eye witness accounts. They might have been once, but by being "passed down through generations" they will suffer from chinese whispers, ammendments and additions by those that are not eye witnesses. These eye witnesses that you refer to of course would be those that wrote about the event closer to that event - I.E the Sumerians/Babylonians/Chaldeans.

Genesis means generation (origin), the Hebrew word is toledot.

Interesting but irrelevant.

the ancestors who the writer knew, before the inscriptions on the clay tablets

It's a simple impossibility. The 'tablets' predate the biblical text by over 1,500 years. In saying, the writer couldn't have possibly known them. You are being dishonest.

Now, answer the question or stop posting.
Pangea breaking apart to the present positions of the continents, steam venting in magma through the midoceanic rift zones for most of the Deluge water, the sedimentary (deposited in water) layers which compose the almost all of the sedimentary geologic column on the continents, all reasons to rightly opine that 1 year for that makes far more sense than 14 days.

A cuneiform tablet from each of those patriarchs, the tablets were passed down through the generations to Moses.

Toledot is integral to the above, obviously.

The old city names were on the cuneiform tablets which Moses received, get a grip.

Now make a logical objection or stop posting.
Pangea breaking apart to the present positions of the continents, steam venting in magma through the midoceanic rift zones for most of the Deluge water, the sedimentary (deposited in water) layers which compose the almost all of the sedimentary geologic column on the continents, all reasons to rightly opine that 1 year for that makes far more sense than 14 days.

Finally. Did that hurt? Did it do you any harm whatsoever to write that? Did I ask for too much? Was it worth going three or four posts avoiding an answer that was that simple? (You don't need to answer these).

Here is the inherent flaw in what you've said:

All of a sudden you try and involve science. Why have you not done that before? If you were going to bring science into the equation we wouldn't have got past the first page of the bible let alone to the global flood saga.

As we're talking science now though:

There is no evidence to suggest a global flood ever happened. That's all there is to it IAC. If we're going to talk science do it properly. Don't start on water evaporation etc until you understand the amount of water fall needed to cover the earth to such depth in the first place - and how that water fall would have annihilated anyone on a bloody boat to begin with.

You work this entire story on the basis of magic, of spells and gods, of a click of the fingers - and yet when called upon it you have the audacity to try and rely on science? Do me a lemon, you're taking the absolute piss.

How comes a sky fairy can click his fingers and start a global flood, a boat can carry millions of animals without hassle and yet for some reason science dictates that a globe full of water cannot evaporate etc in 14 days and so that all of a sudden puts end to any 14 day claim? I've never been forced to smell such bullshit in all my days.

Tell me now IAC so we can get this clear... Would you like to engage in this discussion from a scientific standpoint or a mystical one? Science or god.. take your pick.

You know as well as I do that you can't say "science" because you wouldn't get past the first sentence. Now I know why you didn't answer, (I knew already). The minute you tried to bring science into the game the minute you knew you'd have a major problem.

Now, from a non-science perspective.. which is the only way we would have anything to discuss in the first place... What exactly makes a 1 year flood more viable than a 14 day flood? (No, you cannot use science as an answer).

A cuneiform tablet from each of those patriarchs, the tablets were passed down through the generations to Moses.

So where are those tablets now? Are you pulling them from out of your head or are there actual tablets, (other than Sumerian/Chaldean ones), that support your claim? Oh please, a minute ago you seemed to be into science, into factual data.. now you have nothing more than personal belief. It's sickening.

The old city names were on the cuneiform tablets which Moses received, get a grip.

I would like to "get a grip" on those tablets. Where are they exactly?

Now make a logical objection or stop posting.

Now you're being plain silly. £10 says my entire post goes ignored.
Who said anything about evaporation?

Sedimentary means in water, sedimentary rock layers covering the continents, that's not all river deltas.

Reread the post about the most of the water during the Deluge.

About 30,000 animals, two of each syngameon.

It is foolish to say that the Global Deluge is more likely to have been only 14 days rather than 1 year, quite obviously.

The Jewish words which I described suggest that the eye-witness account were recorded on clay tablets, but why don't you tell me why what I described doesn't point to this, can you, I doubt it.
Who said anything about evaporation?

You clearly missed the point. You are trying to use science in a mystical story. If we were to do the same for the whole story, (as explained), there would be nothing to talk about. There is no evidence to suggest a global floor ever happened. That's the end of it.

About 30,000 animals, two of each syngameon.

There are over 10,000 species of birds alone.. * that by 2 and you've got 20,000 animals without blinking. There are 900,000 known species of insect.. * that by two and you've got 1.8 million.

A 14 day flood would mean that these insects are still alive and able to repopulate the species. If it lasted for a year so many of these insects would now be extinct.

I don't know how you came up with 30,000, but it's wrong.

It is foolish to say that the Global Deluge is more likely to have been only 14 days rather than 1 year, quite obviously

You still haven't told me why. You made an attempt that didn't pan out. Try again.

The Jewish words which I described suggest that the eye-witness account were recorded on clay tablets

I see, so there are no actual tablet records, (other than Sumerian/Chaldean)? How can you say that the tablets they refer to are not the Sumerian/Chaldean tablets or that these tablets even existed in the first place? Let me guess.. you're taking the word of an unknown author because he says so?

"The bible says it's true so it must be true". It's idiotic.
What a bitter guy, just relax.

I'm very relaxed, even more so now I see you cannot give an answer or a rebuttal.

While you wont verbally say it, we both know the outcome..

1) You now know there are no tablets supporting your claim other than Sumerian/Chaldean ones that support a different story.

2) You realise that you cannot use science to try and support a science-less, evidence-less claim

3) Your claim of 30,000 animals is wrong

4) Nothing you have said is supportable.

While you will never openly acknowledge this, I know it is working on the inside. That little voice you're trying to suppress. It's telling you everything and eventually it will be heard. I am even more relaxed with that knowledge. Your entire "bitter guy.." statement does little more than inflate my ego a little bit. It's so easy to see when someone is beat.
That's the spirit.. nothing like a brave face.

Anyway, to save irritating everyone..

Was there anything in numbers 1 to 4 that you disagreed with?