Bible contradictions

First off, I never said you said that. You're the one who said that I said that you said that, when really I was trying to make a point.

Jim, why did the early Christian fathers (Peter, Paul) and Jesus perform miracles? Thanks.

Hey NDS! Oh okay, sorry bout that.

Well it simply gave them authority in the early days and set them apart--it is not faith in general--but the Christian faith that gave them power. It's no accident that they are well known even today.

But whatever you may have heard--it is not Scriptural for people to perform miracles today since we do not have that authority given to us.

Whatever method IAC lays out, because he is omnicient.

Which would be? I'm telling you man--faith is the only method.

Okay, faith is the source of salvation, but what is the source of faith?

Faith is a reality not by the power of imagination and not by self-hypnosis, but by the fact that it binds one with the source of all life and power--with God.

Faith is strengthened and its truth is confirmed by the benefits of its spiritual fruits which are known by experience.

"Where do we get this faith? Ephesians 2:8 answers: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God." We cannot work it up—that would be our effort (Isaiah 64:6).

Consider when God first started working with us. One year we were clueless, the next year things were making sense. We read the Bible and understood it, but more importantly, we believed it.

Where did that belief come from? It was, as Ephesians 2:8 says, a gift from God. The real miracle is not that we understood, but rather that we now believed those words we understood. And this happened only because God made it possible." I know that this is what M*W struggles with:)

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrew 11:1

Also, "faith" in terms of people's faith, is far from perfect.

For example, I have a 10% strength of faith in the fact that Global Warming is being caused by man. Such a low faith level in that fact is not nearly enough to persuade me to alter my energy consumption in any way.

Similarily, 90% of people who call themselves "Christians" have low strengths of faith, meaning they don't alter their lives in any way in relation to that "belief."

It's great to say "I believe in Jesus," but I could also say "I believe eating too much beans will give me cancer" and then eat beans like they're going out of style. So there is a difference between "kind of thinking something in the back of your mind," and "having a strong belief in something."

"Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified." 2 Corinthians 13:5

You have made a good observation. Most people forget the truths of the Bible or do not practice the truths. But we are not called to follow other men, we are called to follow Jesus. Our faith is only strengthened when we practice it.

Faith without works can't save you from the consequences here and now of your spiritual slothfulness. While your faith in Christ guarantees you salvation from eternal judgment (John 3:18), it does not promise you salvation from the consequences of sin here and now. The more your faith grows, the more inseparable you become from the truths you are called to follow.

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?" James 2:14

And just to let you know NDS--you found me and I am practicing the faith the best I can.
M*W: I can appreciate your admission that you don't have all the answers, so you keep searching. That's all one could ask. I have a couple of questions for you. Why are there some 34,000 christian denominations? Why do they fight amongst themselves? Which one is right true church? If Jesus were here today, which one would he be a member of? He would know, wouldn't he?

Well while we're at it--why are there so many brands of shoes? Are they really all that different? But don't they serve the same purpose? There is only one true Christianity and that is the Christianity found in the Bible. Some Christian denominations are not Christian at all--they have perverted the Gospel. And the Bible talks about this clearly. One church may have been convinced over a truth or one might believe something needs more emphasis.

You will know of a true church if it follows the Bible as its only authority--no high priest to make decisions, no rituals or ceremonies to perform, no set of rules made up by man for salvation--that is religion. And the church will not be ashamed to make this assertion.

The strongest churches are those that commit themselves to seeking the lost and not those that put up a show. Churches are a place of spiritual encouragement--its very said when they lose their identity.
Hey M*W!! I had just told this to NDS--but please don't go in circles--I, nor you, have the time to repeat everything we say. I'm not saying that to be offensive, but honest.

M*W: Sometimes when reading a reply to another member, there can be something lost in translation. I assure you I have read all of NDS's posts as well as yours. I appreciate your effort, and I do understand about the value of time and effort.

Ok--for the last time (I hope)--No one has told me anything, I didn't go to Bible training school to convince myself to read the Bible, I didn't have a voice from Heaven come down and whisper things into my ears. I chose to read the Bible open mindedly. Is that really difficult to comprehend? Why shouldn't I be open minded? Because I don't carry all the presuppositions you carry? When I read the Bible with an open-mind--using my mind which is half intellect/half emotion--I concluded that it was the Word of God. Why is that so unfathomable?

M*W: Thank you for your honest answers. It is not "unfathomable" for me to understand that is what you believe. It would be "unfathomable" for me to believe it. Do you understand what I am trying to say? I fully understand why christians believe what they do, and why they do, but it's just not something I believe any longer.

Well he didn't make us gods. If we had His knowledge we would be equal with God. But we have a lot of similar characteristics like we are creative, loving, etc. Plus we are separated by sin. We are His creation. His creation choose to rebel (hence the free will), and thats were sin comes in. We are separated by sin from understanding the things of God.

M*W: Interestingly, that is what Roman catholicism taught (separated by sin). My question to you would then be, how does the idea of sin compare from christians to atheists? I have a different idea of what sin means now than I did when I was a christian. To my understanding, the concept of sin has evolved all the way from ancient sun worship, through the RCC, through the outcomes of the Reformation, through post-modern thought and beyond. The concept of sin today is not what it was when it was originally invented by ancient humans. "Sin" is a place of darkness where thoughts, ideas, actions and repercussions are not clear. "Sin" was originally thought of as the degrees of distance from the light of life. It didn't necessarily mean such things as murder, theft, adultery, etc. It's original concept was focused more on the inability of crops to grow, danger coming from the elements, mistakes made in predator-prey association. You get the drift. In modern society, "sin" has taken on a whole new meaning: murder, rape, robbery, adultery, incest, failing to tithe, drugs, alcohol and substance abuse, for example. Not that I personally condone any of these modern "sins," I prefer to study how sin came about and why it still impacts our psyche today? We're no longer afraid of the elements (unless you live on the Gulf Coast or Atlantic Seaboard, or out west with El Nino, or the Plains States in tornado alley, or the far North and its snow and ice). Those were ancient human concerns of performing rituals to avoid. Today some may have remorse for murder, rape or incest, but others continue to commit these atrocities repeatedly. I'd rather see these things as criminal acts and forget they may be thought of as "sin."

Then its not faith its fact. And faith is a gift. So you would want God to reveal himself to a certain group of people? Sounds to me like you are not being very compassionate.

M*W: Actually, I am very compassionate, but then that's not Medicine*Woman's persona is it? So as long as I'm here, I'll transcribe Medicine*Woman's blunt truths.

Please I beg of you to read Matthew 20:1-15. Will you please be opn-minded about it? Tell me if you read it.

M*W: I have read it, and I read it open-mindedly when I was a christian. But, I'll have Medicine*Woman read it and give you her answer.

M*W has read Matthew 20:1-15, and highlighted the meaningful words for interpretation:

[1] "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard.

The "kingdom of heaven" represents the Constellations surrounding the zodiac. The "landowner" represents god. The "vineyard" represents the "fruit of man's (humans') labor. Let's say for this parable it's spiritual labor.

[2] He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

The day represents a time-span in the movement of the Constellations around the sun (god). The "vineyard" again is man's spiritual labors. In other words, what he does to get himself into the heavens to be with the sun=god.

[3] "About the third hour he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing.

The third hour shows the continued movement of the constellation around the sun. The parable doesn't suggest if it is planting time or reaping time, but that probably is insignificant to the parable. Those other "men" standing in the marketplace are the other constellations in the zodiac.

[4] He told them, `You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.'

"Vineyard" now suggests to me that the season is the time for reaping the "fruit of man's labors." The payment is a place for the Constellations+Sun (man and god) to be together in "heaven."

[5] So they went. "He went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing.

The sixth and ninth hours show progression of the movement around the sun toward dusk or as the night sky is approaching. The parable suggests that it is the sun moving and the constellations are staying stationary. Since the Earth moves around the sun giving us daylight and darkness, we are looking at the constellations from the opposite view of which they are usually interpreted. In other words, upside down, so the movement of the constellations moves backwards to those of us on Earth. Not that this matters for this parable.

[6] About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, `Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?'

The "others" are the remaining constellations in the zodiac. God=sun is metaphorically talking to the constellations (possibly those that our 'out of season' to see why they are dormant). It references the seasons of the year and the time movements of the seasons. Not all the "men" were "hired" because they were not visible to the writer of this parable.

[7] "`Because no one has hired us,' they answered. "He said to them, `You also go and work in my vineyard.'

The "landowner"=god=sun, makes it clear that all the "men"=constellations will be hired in "their own time." They will be put to work, i.e. visible when the time has come for them.

[8] "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, `Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.'

The "foreman" I assume is Jesus=sun-of-god who "pays their wages." The parable is about the 'fairness' of reaping the "gifts." Again, I believe this parable is referring to "spiritual gifts." I am not saying that I believe this parable is factual but metaphorical.

[9] "The workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius.

[10] So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius.

The two above segments of the parable want to show how the timing of man's spiritual labors is not as important as the reaping of the fruit of the labors. One man=constellation can have a thousand bushels of fruit and another man=constellation can have one bushel of fruit, but they are equal in the "landowner"-god's eyes, in the eyes of the "foreman"-Jesus-sun-of-god, and their equal right to being the constellations and near to the sun in heaven.

[11] When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner.

[12] `These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, `and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'

Of course, the "heat of the day" refers to the longer association with the sun=god.

[13] "But he answered one of them, `Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius?

In this analogy, a "denarius" could metaphorically represent "salvation" or association with god=sun.

[14] Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.

[15] Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?'

The previous two are more or less astro-theologically self-explanatory. Jealousy is a "sin." It has no place in "heaven" or the sky. Jealousy resides in the darkness which is where the concept of "sin" originated.

"Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 18:2-4 is interesting because becoming like a little child is like being an atheist. Babies are born atheists. They are conditioned to believe there are sky gods (planets, constellations, elements, etc.). Children have the innocence of youth... that wide-eyed awe that twinkles in their eyes when we read them fairy tales.

Are you sure your eyes aren't closed? Don't let me be your judge but God.

Well, Jim, you wouldn't be able to judge me in any court but your very own. I'm not worried about others' judgments of me! My eyes were once closed, but now they're open, and I can see clearly what the truth is. Like the parable in Matthew 20:1-15 says, everyone is equal, the timing doesn't matter. The second parable tells us to be like little children with an open-mind, one that can be filled with awe and inspiration of the truth and not tales of fiction.

"Your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls." 1 Peter 1:7-9

M*W: Aside from the preaching, I wasn't exactly "tested by fire." I was tested by a thirst for knowledge.

Please read my previous post about how faith in God is the only method by which Christ could have provided redemption for all of humanity. He is not going to force us to love Him. He did not make us robots. He will not provide overwhelming evidence so we have to believe. He gave us a simple free will.

M*W: As I pointed out in my interpretations of Matthew 20:1-15 and Matthew 18:2-4, there are no gods forcing me to do anything. I don't have that concern, but I do have free will just like you, but I use it with my own discretion.

If its so easy to have faith--then why are you struggling so?

M*W: I'm not struggling for myself, but because I am a compassionate person, my struggle (my jihad) is for people who believe lies. It's so useless and hopeless.

And besides--the wisdom of the Bible can take more than a lifetime to learn. Which was the exact intention. And wisdom is not blind faith.

M*W: Prose and poetry offer a lot of wisdom, too, and it doesn't take as long to understand its meaning. I agree. Wisdom is not blind faith. It also takes a lifetime to gain wisdom. It's called "old age."

Okay so this is your faith. Why do you choose to believe in this rather than the truths of Scripture? I am so glad you finally admitted to this.

M*W: I don't have a religious faith. What did I admit to? I said I understand your faith and why you believe it. I don't have that faith. It didn't leave me. I chunked it out a long time ago. I was in control of that relationship's demise.

What if you are wrong? Where does the Bible say you will go?

M*W: It matters not. Did you read my post on becoming worm food? I'm looking forward to that salvific experience.

In all honesty I think it is foolishness to believe that. And you have no credibility to believe this. You are trusting the fate of your soul, the lives of your children and the very cause of your existence to a simple made-up belief.

M*W: Credibility is relative. You think I have no credibility, and I think you don't have credibility either. I chose the most credible stance I could find through years of research.

See how much value simple faith has?

M*W: Not really. I have faith in balancing my bank account. I have faith in my skills and experience to deliver healthy babies and mothers. I have faith in my friends, and they have faith in me -- even the christian ones. And most certainly I have faith in my family. BTW, what does the life of my children have to do with anything?

What is really holding you back M*W?

M*W: The lies of christianity.
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I think that's a perversion of Jesus' message. The orthodox church supplanted his teaching about cultivated personal transformation and turned it into an exercise in brainless belief. The purpose was social control. By artificially placing the bishops in a line of apostolic succession, they rob the people of the ability to interpret Jesus' words for themselves, to create their own ceremonies and sacrements. Only the bishops could determine the word, your job is only to believe it.

Although the protestants largely abolished this practice, they still for the most part accept the traditional interpretations.

So why do millions of Christians in the free United States of America and all around the world believe now and will stake their lives on that belief? Simply out of social control? What makes a person believe with such tenacity?

Darwin was really influenced by Satan using simple samples of nothing to deceive the world into thinking it was something great to turn their hearts away from God. Although Satan would have us believe that God did not create the earth and the fullness thereof, God has given the gift of faith to those who will receive it that they may see the truth of this lie.

How do you like my theory?
Hey M*W--when you say Christian-what was your background? Catholic?

M*W: Hey JimHR -- here's the summary of my indoctrination:

Parents influenced agnosticism.
Grandparents forced hard-shell Southern Baptist beliefs (from Tennessee) and JW's beliefs from the remote mountains of Southern Appalachia. Most people couldn't read. Many of them had nothing to read. There was no television or newspaper in those days! We listened to the Grand Ole Opry on Saturday nights, and that was about it. Then there was gospel radio, but that quickly turned into the Devil's music in the 50s.

I spent my early childhood in the 50s walking to the local Primitive Baptist Church in SC with the neighborhood kids. My parents thought it couldn't hurt me, and I'm sure they enjoyed the time they were alone.

I was a Flower Child in the 60s, bell bottoms and head bands and flowers in my hair, yada yada yada. I protested against the war in Vietnam. I comforted soldiers from afar in my little pen pal way.

I grew up, got married, had children, and decided it was time to shit or get off of the pot as we say in Texas. So I bit the bullet and converted to Roman Catholicism and brought my children up in that faith. It was so much a part of my life, I studied everything about it. I visited many of the holy catholic shrines in Europe and Mexico. I was not just a Sunday christian. I lived it minute of the day. I was hopelessly addicted to christianity.

My children grew up, and I realized I had taught them wrong. I had fed them lies and bullshit. I set out to rectify the damage I had done to them and to others, since I taught catechism for years to every age of life... babies to adults, because my addiction hurt other people. In my own way, I feel as if I destroyed so many people with my own false beliefs! The people I harmed were not only catholic. They were lutherans, baptists, pentecostals, charismatics, you name it. I destroyed a part of them that I will never be able to repair. Perhaps that is why I am passionate about what my mission is. I won't have enough time on this Earth to avenge the damage I have done because of my possessive beliefs in the evils of christianity!

Now I am an atheist at the sunset of my life. I wish I could go back to everyone I have met all over the world to whom I may have influenced by my sick and perverted addiction to Jesus. All I can do now is express my regrets on sciforums, through email, and other forms of communications I am involved with. This is my passion, so don't waste your time or your effort to try to influence me to return to those evil pursuits. It won't work. I hope I live long enough to say I was an atheist longer than I was a christian. That's where my credibility will be found. The aim of my mission is not to turn you or your cohorts into atheists. What I hope to do is teach you about christianity. The rest is always up to you.
There was one denomination just after He resurrected, so there will be one denomination when He returns.

You mean the Gnostics?
Funny how most conservative christians consider it heresy!
Figure it out..if the Roman Empire( gee...I wonder what they were all about) sided with the conservative priesthood,how much of the original words of Jesus were preserved.:rolleyes:

Ok, that settles it. As Ice has said, only one denomination (gnostic) will be around after the second coming!
Medicine Woman, post number 82 was brilliant. I was really engaged.

I didn't suffer as long, but I empathize with what you went through.
So why do millions of Christians in the free United States of America and all around the world believe now and will stake their lives on that belief? Simply out of social control? What makes a person believe with such tenacity?

Millions of Christians will stake their lives on that belief? Did I not just get done explaining how 90% of all people tallied up as Christians by surveys are actually living more sinful lives than most atheists?

Social control is a lot more powerful than you may think.

52% of all people tallied up as Christians are Roman Catholics. These people are baptized in water as infants, and integrated involuntary into the system. They grow up, are sent to things like church school, etc.

Then when they get older they may go to church just on holidays, but are still "Christians."

The point is, it is easier socially to simply stay in the religion you were given. Why cause tension within the family by leaving the church? Plus, people sometimes look down on people who don't claim to be Christian like they are evil, so this is no doubt an influence.

How do you think Islam spread? The first generation of parents told their kids about Mohammad's vision, and all those kids believed. Then they told their kids about it, and on and on and on.
Please read my previous post about how faith in God is the only method by which Christ could have provided redemption for all of humanity. He is not going to force us to love Him. He did not make us robots. He will not provide overwhelming evidence so we have to believe. He gave us a simple free will.

'Faith' doesn't work. Let's prove it..

I want you now to just convince yourself that leprechauns really do exist. Go on.. Squeeze with every inch of your being. Can't do it can you? No matter how much you squeeze it is an impossibility to believe in something you lack a belief in, (unless evidence etc is provided). I'll give you a gazillion pounds right now if you can honestly convince yourself and have 'faith' that leprechauns really do exist.

See, atheists are fucked - and not by their own doing.

Case closed. is an impossibility to believe in something you lack a belief in, (unless evidence etc is provided).... See, atheists are fucked - and not by their own doing.

...God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.

For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts.

From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities i.e. His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

Case closed.
They can clearly see His invisible qualities i.e. His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.

Feel free to point out a few example of "His invisible qualities" or "His eternal power."
Sorry if I have missed something, but which "faith" is the correct "faith" among all of the hundreds, if not thousands, of Christian "faiths" that exist, and how does one know that it is the one?
Feel free to point out a few example of "His invisible qualities" or "His eternal power."

What has the Text already pointed out? -->From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made.
To be completely frank with you Photizo, seeing the earth and sky does not constitute proof of a God.

Now, seeing someone healing sick people by the hundreds just by touching them, that's a bit different.

Or being born blind and having someone touch your eyes and you can see for the first time.

Or seeing someone walk on water.