Bible Codes

So certain numbers are arranged the way they are, to suspect a particular arrangement in the words. Even numerical geometry arises out of JENKINS WORK. In fact, my psuedoequations are quite linear, but they represent a string of calculations, making one entity.
A particular arrangement, found in the symetrical palandromic calculations of 37 x 73 and 39 x 93 unleash a cascade of repetative numbers when coupled with the variable of the holy 7 into its calculus.
Since the last 20 years, Scholars and Priests have found thousands of hidden codes in gemetric formation. Here is another major find...

Take the same rule i gave you all to calculate the name of God JHVH, and apply it now to the next four books of the Bible, making the Hebrew Torah, you find this pattern...
Its spells out Gods name in each book. The last two show a symetry, the seem to be pointing into the third book of the Bible... The Book of Law.
Yes... what do you really think about the codes? Did you see my statistical value of the finds...?
Oh... but his work is substantial.

Have you even seen his depth of work yet? He has geometrically made a plinth and a triangular form seated above it, using the numbers given. He has also shown symetrical importance, coupled with DR. PANINS work of the seven phenomena.
The only thing I got out of this—like, I would be one to appreciate the full scope of a geometric formation [noparse]:rolleyes:[/noparse]—is your mention of an emphatic "holy seven". Why is the number seven holy?
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By the way, Eliyahu Rips is a crank. A toiler.
His work shouldn't be trusted.

The difference between my work and his work, is that he used a super-computer to ''INTENTIONALLY'' find ''RANDOM'' letters in any of the pages of the Bible. If it found a patten ''THAT SO HAPPENED TO BE INVOLVED,'' he noted it down.

He ade a statistic of his work. He calculated his finds as 1 in 60,000. His ''supposed'' lower estimate... But a group of mathemacians came and made a new statistic of 1 in 2. Bug drop eh?

My codes are different. It doesn't intentionally look for random acts, but it ties relationships, soit actually has a meaning.
seven? I'm more curious as to why 'forty' shows up so often. Go to and search it, forty pops up A LOT. But of course its not ancient hebrew so maybe its justthe translators that liked it.
It is the holy seven, because many holy attributes are found to its cause in the Bible. Just find it on the net... you will find hundreds of diffeent seven codes in holy scripture.
I did a massive search on the NUMBER 40 funnily enough.

I found over 50 different versus which would use 40 and also mention the word ''desert'' in the same sentence.
I am not quite sure.

I've hypothesized that this might only be the edge of the blade.

Could you imagine a supercode, a branch throughout the literature with numerical importance, maing its own GUT...?
Show me a million different seven codes and still I'd be no closer to understand the "holiness" of seven. However, I am fond of the Seven Seas.
The Cod Liver Oil,or Freddy Mercury?

No seven is holy. I think you will be the only one, it turns out, that will disagree with this statement.
Not at all—I have a mysterious attraction for Seven. And Thirteen. I just don't know why.
I also wake up sometimes with a set of numbers rolling in my head. The last time it was 6131618. Or was it 613 618? No, I'm pretty sure it was 6131618.
13 its been shown, can represent both good and evil.

Jesus is the 13th right?
7 th holy no. + 6 the imperfect no. = 13 right?

There has also been about 26 codes of 13 associated with the dragon and satan...


Well, i don't mind if you were born on the year of 1977... just so long as it wasn;t 78 or 76!!!!