Bible Code

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I work in a Christian bookstore and unfortunately we carry this book. I say unfortunately because its a bunch of hogwash. I dont believe the guy that wrote it is even Christian. In the original Bible Code he says that the time of the seven year tribulation and the peace treaty of Isreal with the rest of the world would occur in between the years of 2000-2006. So already he is making a false claim. Dont waste your time with this book.
dcexodusfalling said:
I work in a Christian bookstore and unfortunately we carry this book. I say unfortunately because its a bunch of hogwash. I dont believe the guy that wrote it is even Christian. In the original Bible Code he says that the time of the seven year tribulation and the peace treaty of Isreal with the rest of the world would occur in between the years of 2000-2006. So already he is making a false claim. Dont waste your time with this book.

Well You pointed out between two year points so it's not a lie yet.
Do you think that it being written in such a book is going to have implications on how the troubles in Israel will pan out? (Like will the fight there get harder, or the more diplomatic methods towards peace seem the better choice?)
There are other points in their that I disagree with, I was flipping through it at work one night, I just dont remember them all. Some dealing with the Bible actually being a computer program and that we cannot understand the Bible until computers were invented which I believe to be a heresy. I'll try to look deeper into it soon and get back with ya.
In <i>The Bible Code 2</i>, I think Drosnin goes on to say that the bible is a message from aliens, or some such nonsense.
Some dealing with the Bible actually being a computer program and that we cannot understand the Bible until computers were invented

Atleast from this account, modern technology is compatible with the religion unlike some people that want to live in the technology of the 30AD.
kmguru, Im not saying that I want to scorn technology, Id be a hypocrite since I am using it now. But to say that a written history is a computer program would be about as true as saying that Beowulf is actually the computer program for Halo, or Microsoft Works. Its just not true. I think that technology can help us understand the Bible but the Bible is not a computer program.
That anyone takes this Bible "code" seriously is unthinkable to me. It shows a stunning ignorance about logic or mathematics. What this man does is the equivalent of picking random letters from the bible to spell out what he likes. Beleive it or not once you do this you can then write an equation to explain mathematicly what you did. Just because this relationship exists, does not mean that the letters you picked are meaningful. They are only meaningful because you picked them! The bible "code" can not make predicitons, it can only make statements regarding history because that is what the person picking the letters knows about, or wild guesses about the future, because a person picking letters can do that too.

Also it does not take a large text like the bible for this code to work. You could do it with a fortune cookie as long as you allowed it to be looped for your searches.
Really? Try using a word search program for biblical research. Amazing what you can learn in a very short time. *big cheesy grins*
craterchains, I know you are a big fan of the psudoscience boards, but outside of there your posts have to make sence, hon. Try making a coherent point. Go on, it wont even hurt.
alive, the normal person would say "Well I've been staring at these little bumps and all long enough that I was bound to find something that resembles something I'm familiar with" But instead what you're saying is "The builder of this wall must somehow have known about Bush, and was trying to tell us something through the shapes on the wall!" and then you go off and get very interested in looking at every wall you can to see if you can find similar shapes that resemble things you're familiar with, like say the Eiffel tower, a swastika, and maybe the Pillsbury dough boy! Eventually you get so convinced that these walls hold immense secrets because of all the things you've found in them that you completely ignore the fact that for every vague shape you've found there are enormous spans where nothing at al exists, you're completely ignoring all of the shapes which are completely amorphous and concentrating only on loose shapes which you've assigned value to arbitrarily.

In other words, there's nothing there. "Decoding" the bible code produces no useable or accurate information about anything, and if I worked hard enough I could construct the phrase "Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK" out of Atlas Shrugged, or Watership Down or a telephone book for that matter, because all I'm doing is picking and grabbing enough random elements to spell out something that I want to see, while I completely discard everything else which doesn't fit into my plan.
the bible can be decoded to find out about our past and how we have become the slaves of society we are today. it can shed light on important dates and occurences- but be careful not to shed too much light on the page, it is full of half truths and psychological lies twisted and turned by people with hidden agendas. know whats useful information and filter out the mind control material. conduct your own research.

i dont know why this post is in machines and intelligence but then again i have no idea what this book is.

perhaps it can shed some light too
The people in the bible were more free than we are today? Funny, I thought they were trapped in large patriarchic tribes with Old Testament style systems of laws and penalties.

Why do we need to decode the bible? Why didn't the people who wrote it say what they meant?
Is this what AI has degenerated too. Can the dolphin gain knowledge from every, so many vowel’s, could a monkey start preaching if it heard every, Function of bullshit’s over 10, K in the bible.

Is there not a religious post for this type of nonsense.

How about some back propagation. Feed the words in reverse order through the text with each word having a function.. Let the function of words be determined by a good result. Give it several million iterations.

Ohh it’s the word of god only better….

Keep it in the religious forum…
buffys said:
why is this in the Intelligence & Machines section?

Because it involves Statistics and Computers to understand this event...So it requires Information Analysis....

BTW: Lately I have been reading a lot of books on future trends such as "Global Trends 2005" by Michael Mazarr and other books. Very interesting stuff....
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