
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bias

Unregistered wrote:
Hey Mikey, I'm probably the preppiest person you'll ever know. I plan to be a ventrue capitalist or banker when I am grown and In my own, I will be attending Lawrenceville in a few years (One of the most well known private schools in the Country). I wear cleanly pressed clothes everyday, and clean white shoes. I am a perfectionist. I wear a Brut watch, and avoid hair gel because it is sticky. Instead I use a stick of wax, to keep my hands clean. I brush and floss twice a day, wash my feet with extra soap (Insert satisfying 'ding' here) and cut my nails every three days. I write software as one of hobbies in Basic, C++, and Html (And yes, I can use a computer) I listen to rock, metal, and grunge (Insert 'Gasp' here) I am an avid reader and I am currently reading "Aristotle on Man in the Universe" and "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman. The last time I was tested, my IQ was 143, and on my last standardized test I scored in the top 1% of the nation. I enjoy playing lacrosse and tennis, and socializing on the phone with close friends and relatives. I am 5'7", 135 pounds, and size 32 in pants. When wearing T Shirts, I am a mens large. I have over 20 awards and plaques hanging in my room for oustanding effort and participation in Scholastic and Community events. I can run 50m in 6.09 Seconds, and I can run a mile in 7:35. I have an inflammatory, ambitious, and success oriented drive. I'm an all-american. I am 12 Years of Age.

All-American huh? Funny, I thought you were from Canada "Thirty Seven"... oh I'm sorry... You had to change your username to "Unregistered".

Sir, you are a liar.

So let me close the loop here.

I admit that I seem biased. From your perspective I am a very biased person. I wrote my original post looking at myself through atheist eyes.

I am quite open-minded. In the sense that if something doesn't seem quite right, I question it. If I find a good answer I believe it is the truth.

So please allow me to respond to my own post.

I am here to tell you fellow sciforum-ers that I am biased. Yes, that's right. I admit it. I am totally biased.

This is true insofar as it means I am thoriughly convinced I am right. From the atheist position I would be considered "biased".

I weight every decision in light of Jesus and the gospels.

True, but only after I have convinced myself through much contemplation, study and research, that Jesus and the Gospels deserve to be the source of what is right.

I am totally biased against atheism and a sinful life.

Because if I was now to embrace the atheistic life, while being convinced that God exists, I would then be a hypocrit. I am biased against the sinful life because I have been taught by the Bible to eschew all manner of sin.

I have been guilty of avoiding things because they are atheistic. Or sinful.

Before I was well founded in scripture and Christian doctrine, I could have been swayed from my belief in God by doubts. Now that I am well rooted in scripture and prayer, I can see the fallacy of atheistic thought. I avoid sinful places in order to be a Christian witness to others around, who weigh my actions in light of my Christianity.

I have been guilty of closing my ears to atheistic arguments, or arguments of inveterate sinners. Or rejecting them outright simply because they were "godless", "heathens" or "sinners".

Before I was firmly rooted in scripture and Christian understanding, I was a head-in-the-sand type. After growing and maturing in the faith I can freely discuss a wide variety of topics with you here, without fear of the "wisdom of man". I can confidently stand firm in my belief because I hold to the precepts of God.

I have avoided places where ungodly people "hang out".

There are places that a Christian should not go.

I have even been guilty of inviting others to choose my way of beliefs, as an alternative to their own. This offer has even come with my friendly assistance... I admit it... I HAVE tried to indoctrinate people. I have invited them to Church with the express purpose of trying to convert them.

However it was always by their own choice they went. I only tried to "indoctrinate" those who asked questions. I was never a "brow-beater". I believe that one comes to Jesus, one is not brought to Jesus forcefully. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him water-ski".

Yes, it is clear. I am biased. (This catharsis is wonderful) I feel so much better. Try it...

...or can you?

Not one of you atheists admitted being biased, though you clearly are. This thread was about perception, truth, and being convinced.

Thanks for responding!

Well, hey there unregistered. I'm 12 years of age as well, however on 18 August, I turn 13 (no more stinkin COPPA, yay. however I usually cheat anyways). I'm going to start college some time this school year or the next. Last time I was tested, my IQ was 181.

I tend to not play online games as I think they are a juvenile waste of time (suit yourself if you want to play them, though, it isn't my problem), I mostly pursue purely academic interests online, and my programming experience sucks compared to yours (I know quite a bit of QBasic, however that isn't very useful at all unless you want to program for Gameboy and don't know C, I am fluent in HTML though which sort of came from being immersed in it... it was rather simple to pick up)

I wouldn't be surprised if a parade of people come up and bang on me for bragging after this post :p

I've been told I have the amazing capability of sustaining a prolonged intellectual conversation with an adult. And for all practical purposes, I consider myself an adult because often I forget that I am only 12.

Oh, and Ekim, you're going to get chewed up by Cthulhu, the head of the only REAL religion. Oh, and the legs and tentacles and wings of the religion as well.
Gb-gil I could always tell you were far smarter than I was when I was your age, but I still think your immaturity comes through often (no big deal, you are after all only 12, it just gets annoying arguing with you sometimes....). But chill out on the bragging;)

mike, silly!
GB-Gil Trans Global wrote:
Oh, and Ekim, you're going to get chewed up by Cthulhu, the head of the only REAL religion. Oh, and the legs and tentacles and wings of the religion as well.

Hey there GB... long time no see. I almost missed your non-sensical Cthulhu bit. Cheers!

"Contrary to the popular notion that only creationism relies on the supernatural, evolutionism must as well, since the probabilities of random formation of life are so tiny as to require a 'miracle' for spontaneous generation tantamount to a theological argument." --Chandra Wickramasinge

So perhaps theres a creator, where is this almighty at now? Gone in a poof of irrelevancy it seems to me....
Originally posted by lotuseatsvipers

So perhaps theres a creator, where is this almighty at now? Gone in a poof of irrelevancy it seems to me....

Hey keep on searching "Closed-Minded-Bob" and maybe you'll find the brand of truth that makes you truly happy.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bias

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

All-American huh? Funny, I thought you were from Canada "Thirty Seven"... oh I'm sorry... You had to change your username to "Unregistered".

Sir, you are a liar.


I'm sure you would know better than I would. As I thought you know, I am anti Canadian. Yes, I was Thirty Seven. That login name has ceased to function. If it didnt, do you seriously think I'd be using this one?

Thats about the lowest thing I've seen today (Besides my brother and I counting dumb blondes at a designer clothing store in NYC), accusing me of lying about myself. You dont know me, I'm no rasafarian deathrocker. Ask my eccentric brother who is somewhere in these parts.

I dare say your name is Jimmy? And your fingernails are dirty? And you have a t-shirt that says 'Guns don't kill people, I do' . Dont steriotype people.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bias

Originally posted by Unregistered

I'm sure you would know better than I would. As I thought you know, I am anti Canadian. Yes, I was Thirty Seven. That login name has ceased to function. If it didnt, do you seriously think I'd be using this one?

Thats about the lowest thing I've seen today (Besides my brother and I counting dumb blondes at a designer clothing store in NYC), accusing me of lying about myself. You dont know me, I'm no rasafarian deathrocker. Ask my eccentric brother who is somewhere in these parts.

I dare say your name is Jimmy? And your fingernails are dirty? And you have a t-shirt that says 'Guns don't kill people, I do' . Dont steriotype people.

Maybe things will make more sense when you grow up. After all you're only 12...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bias

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

Maybe things will make more sense when you grow up. After all you're only 12...


If you haven't already noticed, he seems to have the intellectual capacity to carry on an intelligent conversation with most adults at the same level as most adults could as evidenced at these forums. However, immaturity may count for something (Lotus said something about lack of maturity, I'm assuming he means emotional maturity and not physical) although it certainly doesn't counteract intelligence.

You stupid asshole, you ;)

I like your signature. It is a good anti-theist position.

"Contrary to the popular notion that only creationism relies on the supernatural, evolutionism must as well, since the probabilities of random formation of life are so tiny as to require a 'miracle' for spontaneous generation tantamount to a theological argument." -- Dr. Chandra Wickramasinge, professer of Astronomy and Applied Mathematics at Cardiff
This is stating that abiogenesis is so unlikely that it could be almost considered the same as a theological argument.

The comparison the good Dr is making is with something that is known to be unlikely and highly improbable, i.e. the claims of theology, or more specifically the arguments for the existence of gods.

You are trying to discredit evolution by equating it with something even more improbable, i.e. theism, or the existence of gods.

This seems to be against your position as a theistic Christian. Aren’t you trying to argue that theism is probable rather than improbable?

But Wickramasinghe isn’t arguing against evolution but against abiogenesis, his theories assume evolution is true, as I suspect so does every competent scientist working with biology.

You should also realize that Wickramasinghe is trying to discredit the origination of life on Earth via abiogenesis not because he believes it was created by the supernatural but because he believes it originated in space. See this article on an interview with him.

Here is a short extract.

Wickramasinghe: The steps as I see them are thus:

· Life got started on a cosmological scale including the combined resources of all the comets around all the stars in all the galaxies of the entire universe.

· Once started, the robustness of life as demonstrated in the recent articles ensures its essential immortality. It survives and is repeatedly regenerated in the warm watery interiors of comets. The space between stars is littered with cometary debris, some of which contains the seeds of life.

· Comets arriving at the Earth from the 100 billion-strong Oort cometary cloud of our solar system brought the first life onto our planet some 3,800 million years ago.

· Evolution of life on the Earth was directed by the continued arrival of cometary bacteria, bacteria which must still be arriving at the present time.

So while your signature looks like a damming criticism against evolution by an eminent scientist, it is in fact supporting the case for evolution but just not abiogenesis.

You have taken the quote out of context.

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Originally posted by BatM
So, after all your tries at many religions, do you, in your heart, still leave open the small possibility that there might be a God out there? If so, that's the definition of "agnostic". If not, then how are you "open-minded"?

Being open0minded has nothing to do with your heart. As of right now I do not believe in god, but if proof comes alongs then I will take it into account, therefore being open-minded.
Well in my mind athiesm states that 'I know there is NO god'

While agnosticism is more like 'who knows how cares'

thats how I would interpet it myself anyways.