
Some comments, if I may...

Note that being an "atheist" means that you do NOT believe in God. It is not about a belief in religion. So, after all your tries at many religions, do you, in your heart, still leave open the small possibility that there might be a God out there? If so, that's the definition of "agnostic". If not, then how are you "open-minded"?
You can still not believe in God and still leave open the small possiblity that you are wrong. You are still an atheist. Anything is possible, its a question belief. An agnostic does not believe either God exists or God does not exist. Do you see the difference? This is a common mistake people make about atheist. I leave open the possiblity that I am wrong. But I still do not believe God exists. I am open-minded and an atheist. Plus I'm skeptical :D.
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
Some comments, if I may...

Sure. I'm open-minded enough to see how wrong other people can be. :D

You can still not believe in God and still leave open the small possiblity that you are wrong. You are still an atheist. Anything is possible, its a question belief. An agnostic does not believe either God exists or God does not exist. Do you see the difference? This is a common mistake people make about atheist. I leave open the possiblity that I am wrong. But I still do not believe God exists. I am open-minded and an atheist. Plus I'm skeptical :D.

Leaving "open the small possibility" that you are wrong due to evidence is not a question of "belief" -- it's a question of "facts". Check your dictionary on "atheist" and "agnostic". The true atheist "does not believe" in God while the agnostic is merely "skeptical about the existence" of God. The agnostic can be swayed by forceful arguments without "factual evidence" to totally validate the position (but he may remain doubtful) while the atheist cannot be swayed by anything short of "proof" (the atheistic zealot, like the religious zealot, might not accept the proof).
Sorry but I do not see your argument. Are you saying that a 'true' atheist can not even hold open a small possiblity that he/she is incorrect??? So if anyone is to remain open-minded on the subject they are agnostic?
Nope, you can:
a) believe there is no God
b) require proof to change your mind
c) be open-minded enough to admit this is a future possibility and
d) still not believe in God and therefore by defination are an atheist.

Show me where I am wrong.
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
Sorry but I do not see your argument.

I don't think we're too far away from each other in what we're saying.

  1. Atheism is only concerned with the (non-)existence of God.
  2. Being close-minded to the facts is zealotry, not atheism.
  3. Therefore, atheists can be swayed by the facts when they show the existence of God.
  4. Can atheists be swayed by anything else? I don't think so (in the case of "true" atheists).
  5. Since the "facts" of the existence of God are not likely to be forthcoming, how "open-minded" are atheists really?
  6. However, agnostics are "skeptical" of the existence of God and that skepticism can cover a range (from "slightly" to "totally").
  7. Skepticism means that you are always "questioning" your belief to determine it's validity.
  8. Therefore, isn't the atheist who questions his belief in the non-existence of God really slipping into being an agnostic?
These are the problems with language...terms and definitions are not concrete. We have had much argueing on the forums about 'strong' and 'weak' atheists vs. 'strong' and 'weak' agnostic...not to mention the daily confusion around the word 'God'.

Anyway, we agree just not on the specific terms. You would probably call me an agnostic while I would say I am an atheist. It doesn't really matter to me. I can explain my beliefs so they need not be pigeonholed by a definition anyway.

Sorry if I appeared overly defensive :D
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
Sorry if I appeared overly defensive :D

I probably seemed that way as well and, truthfully, I sometimes like to have fun by pushing these issues to see how flexible people are in their thinking. :evilgrin:
My definition of an atheist is:

"A person too distracted by the created to experience the creator."

Your turn... :)

Mike luv, we don't believe in your "creator".

An athiest is somone who does not believe in God or Gods, or feels that the idea is so improbable as to be nonexistant.

Not that there's anything wrong with prefering fantasy to reality, but touche!

*High fives fadingCaptain*
Originally posted by Ekimklaw
I weight every decision in light of Jesus and the gospels.
I weigh every decision in light of Mahalia Jackson's Gospels.

I am totally biased against atheism and a sinful life.

And what does that denote? Everything thats no your way of life? Is anything sinful anything against the teachings of god? Were your ancestors really made from a rib put into flesh? Aren't you technically related to me? Does that mean I went wrong? Because I have half a mind not to believe everything fed down my throat?

I have been guilty of avoiding things because they are atheistic. Or sinful.

I'm a chocoholic. I used to avoid vanilla because its the opposite of chocolate. I then realized, after I accidentally slipped and ate vanilla, that maybe it wasn't bad. That maybe if I took the time to understand it, I could embrace it. I was once I Christian. Then I tried Stheism. And it made sense, and it was right. So don't avoid it just because its againts what your taught. Don't be a fool. Break out. Believe what makes sense. Explore.

I have been guilty of closing my ears to atheistic arguments, or arguments of inveterate sinners. Or rejecting them outright simply because they were "godless", "heathens" or "sinners".

Then dont expect anyone to listen to you at all just because you are ignorant.

I have avoided places where ungodly people "hang out".

Lately I've been having the urge to run throuh a church yelling "FUCK GOD" or "MARRY WAS A WHORE". I'll get the chance when I'm in New York next week.

I have even been guilty of inviting others to choose my way of beliefs, as an alternative to their own. This offer has even come with my friendly assistance... I admit it... I HAVE tried to indoctrinate people. I have invited them to Church with the express purpose of trying to convert them.
Then what do you do? Take them home and rape them? You kight as well. And then murder them. Its just as bad as pressuring them into an organizaed religion.

Re: Re: Bias

Unregistered wrote:
Then dont expect anyone to listen to you at all just because you are ignorant.

Given what you wrote in your post, I consider your calling me "ignorant" the highest compliment. Thanks.

Unregistered wrote:
Lately I've been having the urge to run throuh a church yelling "FUCK GOD" or "MARRY WAS A WHORE". I'll get the chance when I'm in New York next week.

Excellent. This is the power and beauty of atheism. No morality. No morality = no decorum. Maybe when you grow up and have to live on your own you'll learn not to be an anti-social misfit in search of other misfits.

Unregistered wrote:
Then what do you do? Take them home and rape them? You kight as well. And then murder them. Its just as bad as pressuring them into an organizaed religion.

How embarassingly pathetic. I pity you.

I don't know you, but I get the feeling you have black fingernails, and listen to some form of grindcore, death metal. You also probably like vampire movies for all the wrong reasons, etc.

Here's hoping maturity and common sense one day finds you.

I am impressed that you have a computer and know how to use it. However, that you took the time to attack me, for no reason other than that I am a Christian, is an example of the down-side of atheism.

Fortunatly misanthropic atheists, like you, are a infinitessimal percentage of the overall population.

Here's some advice... grow up.

Re: Re: Re: Bias

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

I don't know you, but I get the feeling you have black fingernails, and listen to some form of grindcore, death metal. You also probably like vampire movies for all the wrong reasons, etc.

Here's hoping maturity and common sense one day finds you.

I am impressed that you have a computer and know how to use it. However, that you took the time to attack me, for no reason other than that I am a Christian, is an example of the down-side of atheism.

Fortunatly misanthropic atheists, like you, are a infinitessimal percentage of the overall population.

Here's some advice... grow up.


Hey Mikey, I'm probably the preppiest person you'll ever know. I plan to be a ventrue capitalist or banker when I am grown and In my own, I will be attending Lawrenceville in a few years (One of the most well known private schools in the Country). I wear cleanly pressed clothes everyday, and clean white shoes. I am a perfectionist. I wear a Brut watch, and avoid hair gel because it is sticky. Instead I use a stick of wax, to keep my hands clean. I brush and floss twice a day, wash my feet with extra soap (Insert satisfying 'ding' here) and cut my nails every three days. I write software as one of hobbies in Basic, C++, and Html (And yes, I can use a computer) I listen to rock, metal, and grunge (Insert 'Gasp' here) I am an avid reader and I am currently reading "Aristotle on Man in the Universe" and "Steal this Book" by Abbie Hoffman. The last time I was tested, my IQ was 143, and on my last standardized test I scored in the top 1% of the nation. I enjoy playing lacrosse and tennis, and socializing on the phone with close friends and relatives. I am 5'7", 135 pounds, and size 32 in pants. When wearing T Shirts, I am a mens large. I have over 20 awards and plaques hanging in my room for oustanding effort and participation in Scholastic and Community events. I can run 50m in 6.09 Seconds, and I can run a mile in 7:35. I have an inflammatory, ambitious, and success oriented drive. I'm an all-american. I am 12 Years of Age.

I was your model christian: Hard Working and Dedicated, but the catch is I was eager to get out, because I realized that a society like that only constricts you and makes you answer to a higher authority. To everyone who is free, themselves; and to everyone who is strong; a will to lead. To everyone who cant think for themselves, however, there is religion.

I got out of the downward spiral of crappy church breakfasts and donations quickly. My parents are christian, yet I think for myself.

I didnt attack you because you were christian I attacked you because you refused to believe something just because it was he opposite of what you believe. Instead of making accusations and steriotypes, look in the mirror, and think how you can make yourself better, try not of pushing your ideals onto someone who doesnt want them.

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"Excellent. This is the power and beauty of atheism. No morality. No morality = no decorum. Maybe when you grow up and have to live on your own you'll learn not to be an anti-social misfit in search of other misfits."

What's that? A moslem made a suicide attack? Well that's the beauty of Islam, no morals.

What's that? A Christian blew up an abortion centre? Well that's the beauty of Christianity, no morals.

Perhaps, if you ever approach maturity, you will learn that the problem can lie with the person and not their belief in mythologies.
Unregistered...just stop before you make a further idiot of yourself. If you stick around enough you'll find that sciforummers are willing to nip at a logical error in your posts and tear you apart. A cold, cool mind with as less emotion as possible would be your best bet.

You just look stupid right now.
no zero you look stupid, this is the 4th or 5th post that I have seen where you say something condescending and stupid about long time forum users being somehow 'greater'. Get over it.

I made that list to state a point, that what I am is basically with in the well defined lines of a righteous christian. I was using it to point out that not all Atheists are Rasafarians and death rockers, like Ekimlaw attempted to push across the table.

Could you show me where the logical error in my post was?

I believe you look twice as stupid making that post as I did.