Beyond Comprehension

Moreover, from what I seen, the people who are concerned about "who one really is", have always taken the lowest and the most negative behavior a person exhibits to be "proof of who they really are" - like your example above with the angry lashing out. As if the occasional angry lashing out would be "the true me", but that whenever I behave nicely, I am "merely faking".

Odd, really odd.

Totally out of context my dear fellow. All I suggested was that a 1st impression is really important. People pass judgment on 1st impressions, sometimes for life. However.....

I'm not really concerned about who you are but you seem fixated on me. Sounds personal, maybe it isn't, but I don't really give a shit about you. You see what you want and more power to you. Why worry about the debater?
Sorry but since the Nazis had no clue that God was using Satan to harden their hearts, then God used their wickedness to punish the Jews. So no, the Nazi's aren't off the hook one iota. ;)

So who was more wicked, the Nazis or the Jews. Did God laugh at one more than the other?

You said God is punishing Jewry for worshipping some other god. It does seem like your God considers worshipping other gods a more dispicable deed than Satanic induced genocide. Technically speaking it sounds as if the Nazis weren't really at fault and that God used the devil as a means of inflicting more punishment on the Jews. Why would God be mad at the devil or the Germans if what they combined to do was none other than His work?

The Germans are not at fault according to your reasoning. How can they be? The Jews sinned but the Nazis couldn't have, they were merely pawns. How can you sin doing God's work? Doing exactly what He wanted you to do? Is there a commandment that says thou shalt not take the devil into your heart even if it's God's doing?
Who can I thank? Satan, God or just a plain old lucky coincidence? What mysterious force guided Carico to this thread?

A thread that is supposed to be about God and religion going Beyond Comprehension. Although saddled with a few minor off topic sidebars, the thread needed to hear from someone just like Carico, bless his little heart. It happened quickly but I'd like to think that never in a million years could I hope for a testimonial such as Carico's posts. Like Nazis doing God's work he has managed to show how far one must go to comprehend God. Serendipitous moments such as these don't come around in every thread so consider yourselves lucky to have witnessed it.
Totally out of context my dear fellow. All I suggested was that a 1st impression is really important. People pass judgment on 1st impressions, sometimes for life. However.....

I'm not really concerned about who you are but you seem fixated on me. Sounds personal, maybe it isn't, but I don't really give a shit about you. You see what you want and more power to you. Why worry about the debater?

If you only knew...... snicker, snicker.
well suppose we were discussing advanced physics and you spat the dummy every time reference was made to some accredited research or conclusion on the topic that was beyond our direct perception

....I dunno
maybe you would be better off finding a chat forum for football or something

First you assume I am scripture challenged then with your second thought you assume that I would use scripture if I wasn't. Think about it, if I rant against scripture usage then why would I? I'm no hypocrite.
OK suppose this scenario

I rant and rave against claims of physics
You bring in the (written) claim of physicists in an attempt to stabilize the situation
I continue by advocating that they are a bunch of bozos

Would you suppose that at least being familiar with the supporting evidence for their claims could actually help me to begin to lodge an argument against them.

At the moment I am not challenging your argument.
I am just trying to help you form an argument.
This is good, I have an atheist & a theist both roasting my nuts. It's beyond comprehension.

Oh LG, I'd let you be the bozo. Can't see you wanting to be a Carico clone though?

I'll bet physicists are lining up just to accredit religious research. Religious research or is it religious philosophizing, both of them a waste of time and effort.

I'm an atheist, there is no god, therefore god based religion is a hopeless cause. I'm not pulling any punches, God ain't here, never was, and never will be. Study all you want, you can't make it happen. You know me LG, I'm a hardliner, convince me I'm wrong.
Christian soldiering has many guises. Shave your armpits.

The religious have had their day in the Sun. Humanity has been forced to listen to the ramblings of the religious for thousands of years. Theists have ruled for too long. Centuries of being told God exists is too long without any proof, therefore God is nowhere to be found. Say what you want about atheism because you can't stop its advance. People are listening, people are changing. Intelligence, hindered for centuries by religion, is poised for a major breakthrough and it won't be stopped. It will not only become fashionable but logical to utter the words intelligence and atheism in the same sentence.
I challenged god to a fight but the spineless coward won't show up.

Try dreaming it. :D If god can be imagined then He can definitely be there.

Theists are getting desperate. Arguments about God are more apt to take the form of how to make an argument than whether religion is worth anything.

I see nothing wrong in proclaiming god's non existence, afterall I'm an atheist. I'll make absolute statements just to see how theists react. The religious have been doing it for centuries. According to our religious philosophers' rationale, all holy texts should then be rewritten and all absolutes authored between the pages should be expunged. Shit, there'd be nothing left of any bible or holy text if that were to happen.
I'll make absolute statements just to see how theists react.

Sure. Except that you are like a little child, holding his ears down with his hands, and going "I can't hear you! La la la la!"

And yes, many theists over the course of the centuries have made absolute statements to challenge atheists or theists of other denominations.

Our immediate reaction to absolute statements tends to be something like this -

soon turning into something like this -

Absolute statements seem to trigger in us the fight or flight reaction (either in the form of a fist fight or verbal fight), at least at first, and often, it stays at that. This shows how much we are subject to passion. It does not help communication, though, and after one such fight, we are none the wiser about what to do when the next one comes up. And given that this is a dog-eat-dog world, the next one is just around the corner.
Christian soldiering has many guises. Shave your armpits.

The religious have had their day in the Sun. Humanity has been forced to listen to the ramblings of the religious for thousands of years. Theists have ruled for too long. Centuries of being told God exists is too long without any proof, therefore God is nowhere to be found. Say what you want about atheism because you can't stop its advance. People are listening, people are changing. Intelligence, hindered for centuries by religion, is poised for a major breakthrough and it won't be stopped. It will not only become fashionable but logical to utter the words intelligence and atheism in the same sentence.
This sounds precisely like the kinds of religious proclamation that make my skin crawl.
Apart from the fact that it implies the memberships of religions are going down, which they are not, it has a prophetic air, which I doubt is based on science.
If you are trying to role model the new era, you are doing it in the worst forms of past ones.
This sounds precisely like the kinds of religious proclamation that make my skin crawl.
Apart from the fact that it implies the memberships of religions are going down, which they are not, it has a prophetic air, which I doubt is based on science.
If you are trying to role model the new era, you are doing it in the worst forms of past ones.

You have to understand that a lot of people are sick of the way religion gets a pass in this country, and in this world. I have no problem with the occasional angry bastard, and neither should you.
You have to understand that a lot of people are sick of the way religion gets a pass in this country, and in this world. I have no problem with the occasional angry bastard, and neither should you.
I am not sure what you mean by getting a pass - I can imagine, and I probably agree.

I think people need to be specific then. I have no problem with his anger. What bothers me is that I keep noticing, over and over, here, that atheists allow themselves to do things that bother them when religious people do them.

Make claims without evidence.
Predict the future.
Judge groups of people.
Present fallacies as logic.

and so on.

If PE is angry because conservative Christians have a pernicious influence over American politics and fumed like a rabid ox, I would have no problem, especially if those arguments he made made sense.

The context for me is that those with certain beliefs that can be categorized as religious must, by definition, lack critical thinking, be irrational, be making a mistake, etc. When I see in the arguments a lack of critical thinking, fallacies, ad homonim, a use of the same kinds of acts that the religious are being condemned for, etc., well, it seems fair to point these things out.
I am not sure what you mean by getting a pass - I can imagine, and I probably agree.

I think people need to be specific then. I have no problem with his anger. What bothers me is that I keep noticing, over and over, here, that atheists allow themselves to do things that bother them when religious people do them.

Make claims without evidence.
Predict the future.
Judge groups of people.
Present fallacies as logic.

and so on.

If PE is angry because conservative Christians have a pernicious influence over American politics and fumed like a rabid ox, I would have no problem, especially if those arguments he made made sense.

The context for me is that those with certain beliefs that can be categorized as religious must, by definition, lack critical thinking, be irrational, be making a mistake, etc. When I see in the arguments a lack of critical thinking, fallacies, ad homonim, a use of the same kinds of acts that the religious are being condemned for, etc., well, it seems fair to point these things out.

That's fair. But I don't know many atheists who fit that criteria. And even if there are a couple, none of them would fit into the Top Ten of worth theistic posters.
If you are trying to role model the new era, you are doing it in the worst forms of past ones.

Are you suggesting then that what religion has been doing to the human psyche over the centuries is totally innappropriate, immoral & unethical?

By the way I'm not really a flag waving, placard carrying, shoot-an-abotionist-on-sight type of rallyer. I am tired of the argument for god being legislated by believers. Rules I am expected to abide by are clearly not for the believer(as in absolute statements). A double standard exists & isn't fair for lack of a better word. I will continue to champion the cause and if I have to I will resort to childish tactics as one must do when dealing with an infant, particularly one that's thousands of years old.
You have to understand that a lot of people are sick of the way religion gets a pass in this country, and in this world. I have no problem with the occasional angry bastard, and neither should you.
I am also quite willing to confront religious people whose ideas or acts here bother me or to disagree with them about certain issues. I notice that for all the talk about
is atheism a belief or not
there seem to be atheists here who believe there is no God
and atheists who lack a belief.

I never see members of these two groups having the integrity to discuss their differences.
For example.

In threads on atheists where religious people generalize about atheists, generally negatively, I have come in and argued against the generalizations.

Again, I do not notice much nuance on the side of atheists. At least not amongst the habitually mocking crew, nor are they confronted, generally, by the more tempered philosophically oriented atheists - who often do not so directly identify themselves as such.

I have appreciated very much the way you have responded to me, challenging me without taking a poop.

But it's been an exception.
I am also quite willing to confront religious people whose ideas or acts here bother me or to disagree with them about certain issues. I notice that for all the talk about
is atheism a belief or not
there seem to be atheists here who believe there is no God
and atheists who lack a belief.

I never see members of these two groups having the integrity to discuss their differences.
For example.

In threads on atheists where religious people generalize about atheists, generally negatively, I have come in and argued against the generalizations.

Again, I do not notice much nuance on the side of atheists. At least not amongst the habitually mocking crew, nor are they confronted, generally, by the more tempered philosophically oriented atheists - who often do not so directly identify themselves as such.

I have appreciated very much the way you have responded to me, challenging me without taking a poop.

But it's been an exception.

Well, I appreciate the compliment, even if it is by default...;) Again, I think you have to take a couple of things into account here. First, look who the atheists have to deal with here--preaching, propagandized stump speeches regurgitated by folks who don't even know the basic fundamentals of the subject...if I was here every single day trying to convince these people they were wrong, I know for a fact I'd lose my shit once or twice...or a hundred times, who knows? That's why I put the idiots on my Ignore List.

Secondly, this is still an internet forum. You're going to get young, angry folks with big opinions and little experience.

I, for one, have tried to discuss the differences amongst atheists, but I don't think at this point it's a relevant matter to anybody other than least, that's how it's seemed. Hell, I've even offered an alternative term for those who are sure there is no God.