Beyond Comprehension

Yes it is simple, I don't think as highly of scripture as you do.

I could read a thousand pages of it and not be impressed. What's your point?
that you are simply giving air to your values

Lame...on 2nd thought...stick to scriptures...YOWZA!
Using your limited experience as an absolute yardstick for making absolute statements is lame
Using your limited experience as an absolute yardstick for making absolute statements is lame

If you only knew...... snicker, snicker.

First you assume I am scripture challenged then with your second thought you assume that I would use scripture if I wasn't. Think about it, if I rant against scripture usage then why would I? I'm no hypocrite.
If you only knew...... snicker, snicker.
I'm no hypocrite.

You can't be trusted, look what you said earlier:

I've adopted the psychotic approach as an experiment. I couldn't act psychotic in the real world if I tried. What am I testing? Now I can't give that away because I need to keep it kind of hush hush for now. Then again, maybe I am psycho. :D
You can't be trusted, look what you said earlier:

Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
I've adopted the psychotic approach as an experiment. I couldn't act psychotic in the real world if I tried. What am I testing? Now I can't give that away because I need to keep it kind of hush hush for now. Then again, maybe I am psycho.

I also said.....

Greenberg, all I can say is ..... this is the friggin' internet, not the real world. Do you really believe the persona I carry on this forum is the true me?

Nobody can be trusted my friend, including you. No matter how you slice it
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PsychoticEpisode Nobody can be trusted my friend, including you.

Could you move on to the hot make up sex next?
Greenberg, all I can say is ..... this is the friggin' internet, not the real world. Do you really believe the persona I carry on this forum is the true me?

It's your choice, if the persona you carry on this forum is the "true you" or not.
But the fact is that even if you merely carry a persona here, enacting a "psychoting episode" - then this is still an action done by you, and as such testifying of your "true you".

Nobody can be trusted my friend, including you. No matter how you slice it

Suit yourself.
It's your choice, if the persona you carry on this forum is the "true you" or not.
But the fact is that even if you merely carry a persona here, enacting a "psychoting episode" - then this is still an action done by you, and as such testifying of your "true you"

I could easily discern from your recent discourse that you do not favor my style. You are endeavoring to find something to pin on me, a contradiction or an absolutely false statement. Hey that's ok. I'm not here to be loved or coddled by anyone. I've made those errors before and will continue into the future.

You sound like a low key, laid back type of person, a lover but not a fighter. Let's for the sake of argument say that you are. Someone makes you angry and you lash out, totally out of character. I happen to walk by at that moment and witness this behavior. My response might be to think that you are an asshole and from that moment you will always be so in my mind, the 'true you' that you speak of. What do I have, nothing more than an impression.

After a movie, do you talk about the characters and what you just witnessed, as if they and it were real? I don't but many do.

If I said I am only allowed on the computer during certain hours of the day, what would you think?
PsychoticEpisode I don't want God feeling bad because I'm feeling good.

See my theory is the last time god had sex he got nailed to a tree and this has naturally left him a bit messed up.

He needs to come out of his shell and stop dating uptight xtians who hate sex or like to snort meth off their gay prostitute's ass crack.

I think a night of mutual coddling with StrangerInAStrangeLa would do god a world of good.
Don't worry, He doesn't. "For God laughs at the wicked because he knows their day is coming." ;)

He must have been rolling on the floor laughing His ass off when the Jews were being exterminated in WWII. He probably can hardly contain Himself when a baby is raped. What are we, Comedy Central?
He must have been rolling on the floor laughing His ass off when the Jews were being exterminated in WWII. He probably can hardly contain Himself when a baby is raped. What are we, Comedy Central?

Actually, if you've read the bible at all, God caused the punishment of the Jews. He tells us all over the OT that he will scatter the Jews among the nations where they will find no rest. He will make the nations abhor the Jews since they repeatedly turned away from him and sacrificed their children in the fire to the god Ba'al. God made his existence known only to the Jews so they of all people should know who He is. So he has made an example of them to the nations.

In fact, the treatment of the Jews is proof positive that God exists. There is no earthly reason to persecute someone just because he's Jewish. The Jews are individuals just like the rest of us. They do things right and wrong just like the rest of us. All they want to do is live quiet lives. So the reasons that people give for hating and persecuting them are totally irrational. They only do it because God is causing them to do it. So God makes his existence known through both his love and his wrath on the Jews. ;)
Actually, if you've read the bible at all, God caused the punishment of the Jews. He tells us all over the OT that he will scatter the Jews among the nations where they will find no rest.....So God makes his existence known through both his love and his wrath on the Jews. ;)

Is that not the same as saying God exists because the Bible says so?
Once people actually read the bible and research it, and most importantly understand Christ's words, they see how true the bible is. Only then can one say "Because the bible said so." ;)

I'm convinced:rolleyes:

By the way, wasn't Christ a Jew? They wrote some of your Bible.

He will make the nations abhor the Jews since they repeatedly turned away from him and sacrificed their children in the fire to the god Ba'al. God made his existence known only to the Jews so they of all people should know who He is. So he has made an example of them to the nations.

Glad to hear the Holocaust takes the Germans off the hook. I guess you won't be surprised when Hitler meets you at the Pearly Gates. If God laughs at the wicked then during the attempted extermination of the world's Jewry He was laughing at the Jews?
What have we be talking about for the last 2 hours? Unless you think its a good thing for God to make little children suffer for their father's sins.

Oh, how about in Genesis, God kills some guy for either whacking off or for deliberately not impregnating his brother's wife.

As for suffering.... you just said he 's the creator of all things.

Your concept of God being in control of everything is at once true and at the same time perverse. I cannot grasp this model that you are trying to create. What I understand from your explanation of your belief is you want God to create a perfect world in which humans live without consequences. If this is not the case, than God is evil. I don't get it.

God does control everything and is the creator of everything and knows every hair on every human's body that have lived. But you would have a world without consequences?

Is God allowing innocents to suffer or is man allowing it?

You would have God step in and intervene, in an apocalyptic sense, or come done as a physical healer or spiritual leader?
Glad to hear the Holocaust takes the Germans off the hook. I guess you won't be surprised when Hitler meets you at the Pearly Gates. If God laughs at the wicked then during the attempted extermination of the world's Jewry He was laughing at the Jews?

Sorry but since the Nazis had no clue that God was using Satan to harden their hearts, then God used their wickedness to punish the Jews. So no, the Nazi's aren't off the hook one iota. ;)
I could easily discern from your recent discourse that you do not favor my style. You are endeavoring to find something to pin on me, a contradiction or an absolutely false statement. Hey that's ok. I'm not here to be loved or coddled by anyone. I've made those errors before and will continue into the future.

This is a discussion forum and we are having discussion. How do you propose that a discussion take place, other than by examining eachother's positions (which includes finding the weak spots of those positions)?

You sound like a low key, laid back type of person, a lover but not a fighter. Let's for the sake of argument say that you are. Someone makes you angry and you lash out, totally out of character. I happen to walk by at that moment and witness this behavior. My response might be to think that you are an asshole and from that moment you will always be so in my mind, the 'true you' that you speak of. What do I have, nothing more than an impression.

You seem to think that a person can "in reality" be only either one or the other - either the proverbial angel or the proverbial devil. And anyone who exhibits sometimes angelic and other times demonic behaviors is a hypocrite.
I find this odd.

I think people are complex, with complex behaviors - sometimes, in some circumstances they behave one way, and in some other circumstances, they behave another way. I do not see why this should be considered "hypocrisy".

How can anyone "act out of character"? It's not like people are robots, set to behave the same way regardless of circumstance.

Moreover, from what I seen, the people who are concerned about "who one really is", have always taken the lowest and the most negative behavior a person exhibits to be "proof of who they really are" - like your example above with the angry lashing out. As if the occasional angry lashing out would be "the true me", but that whenever I behave nicely, I am "merely faking".

Odd, really odd.