Better Role Model than God?

God, or Me. Who do you trust?

  • God

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Bob

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters
No, I don't. I'm just talking hypothetically here. If God existed, I'd be a nicer guy than he is.
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Siddhartha, you quote the Bible, but there’s no proof that God wrote it. Since men could become rich & powerful by touting the fear-based Bible, it’s likely more a work of man. To gain money & power, you make people afraid and then offer to salve it. If God is an all-powerful thing then it obviously needs no more power; hence God needs nobody to fear it.
Actually I think im the perfect role model...Why didn't you put my name in the poll?!?!?!
Siddhartha said:
No, I don't. I'm just talking hypothetically here. {i]If[/i] God existed, I'd be a nicer guy than he is.

If God existed, that He is cause of everything, including you and your perception of niceness. How would it be possibe for you to be nicer?

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena said:
If God existed, that He is cause of everything, including you and your perception of niceness. How would it be possibe for you to be nicer?

Jan Ardena.
Precisely my point. I have demonstrated a logical state of affairs through abstract thought in which the lives of every single person are better. I can conceive this thought, and if I as a mere mortal can... it makes you wonder about God.

zanket said:
Siddhartha, you quote the Bible, but there’s no proof that God wrote it. Since men could become rich & powerful by touting the fear-based Bible, it’s likely more a work of man. To gain money & power, you make people afraid and then offer to salve it. If God is an all-powerful thing then it obviously needs no more power; hence God needs nobody to fear it.
The Bible is internationally accepted by Christians as the divinely inspired word of God, and latter, inspired by Rupert Murdoch. It also makes this claim for itself. Your latter point is also implicit in the very nature of this poll. Some nice young nobody can come along and propose a better state of affairs than God has ordained to be, is something up with God? :bugeye:
Siddhartha said:
Precisely my point. I have demonstrated a logical state of affairs through abstract thought in which the lives of every single person are better. I can conceive this thought, and if I as a mere mortal can... it makes you wonder about God.

I don't get you.
Please explain.

Jan Ardena.
Siddhartha said:
The Bible is internationally accepted by Christians as the divinely inspired word of God, and latter, inspired by Rupert Murdoch. It also makes this claim for itself. Your latter point is also implicit in the very nature of this poll. Some nice young nobody can come along and propose a better state of affairs than God has ordained to be, is something up with God? :bugeye:

Who is the nice young nobody? The Bible is just a book. If you believe it you’ll give money & power to those who tout it in exchange for greater odds of getting to heaven. Let’s hope God is not so ridiculous as Christians accept. It makes more sense that God, as a great role model, gave man free will to create something as illogical as the Bible and even call it the word of God.
zanket said:
Who is the nice young nobody? The Bible is just a book. If you believe it you’ll give money & power to those who tout it in exchange for greater odds of getting to heaven. Let’s hope God is not so ridiculous as Christians accept. It makes more sense that God, as a great role model, gave man free will to create something as illogical as the Bible and even call it the word of God.
We're missing something here in semantics and not talking about the same thing at all. I am referring to the God of the Bible. Not the possible God who is better than the God of the Bible if they possibly existed and possibly gave us free will etc. No, I am comparing mysef (Bob) to the God of the Bible.
Jan Ardena said:
I don't get you.
Please explain.

Jan Ardena.
Well, you stated:
If God existed, that He is cause of everything, including you and your perception of niceness. How would it be possibe for you to be nicer?

Jan Ardena.
and I responded by clarifying that I have said "I can conceive of a greater existence for mankind", hence therefore either one of the two ideas following is true:

God is not all powerful and not all loving.

God does not exist to attain either quality.

There is no debate about whether or not I could be nicer, for I have explained exactly how I can be a nicer "God".

EDIT: Woohoo, Bob is in the lead again! :D

Well, you stated: and I responded by clarifying that I have said "I can conceive of a greater existence for mankind",

How so?
Your original claim (you are a a better role model than God) is dependant on the existence of God, therefore you are dependant on the existence of God.
Your analysis of God was carefully selected and taken out of context in order to paint an unfavourable picture (propaganda). When asked to look at it from a clearer perspective, you declined. The only existence for mankind, you conceived, is one of ignorance and close-mindedness which is further validated by your insistence that your conception is of a greater existence for mankind.

Woohoo, Bob is in the lead again!

Bob will always be in the lead, until he one day realises there is no race, he is entirely on his own. ;)

Jan Ardena.
spidergoat said:
And Allah just killed 244 of his most ardent worshippers during the Hajj.

Last I checked, noone escapes physical death....not you not me not SAM I AM.....thus death can not be a punichment...perhaps freedom from an imperfect body.
Siddhartha said:
No, I don't. I'm just talking hypothetically here. If God existed, I'd be a nicer guy than he is.

Nice is a relative term and you must define it first before you claim it. For example, is it nice to be nice to the nasty????Would being nice to the nasty make the nice people think that you are nasty?

Attached are god's REAL qualities....please pick one of them and tell us how are you better than god in ALL attributes given the definition.
Last I checked, noone escapes physical death....not you not me not SAM I AM.....thus death can not be a punichment...perhaps freedom from an imperfect body.
I did not mean to imply they were being punished, but you can't say they were protected! OR perhaps you think the worshippers were rewarded with death?
Flores, the very first name details God's mercy, yet I can show you a passage from the Bible where God declares he will "show them no mercy" or "(I) am a merciless God". I'm paraphrasing from memory. To Jan Ardena, I'm not really talking out of context here, I'm just stating that the collective picture of God from examining the Bible as a whole paints the picture of an angry man who is jealous and demands obedience, shows favouritism to his own kind and if we get annoyed about that, he'll torture us forever in hell. I'm nicer than that. :)

To Jan Ardena, I'm not really talking out of context here, I'm just stating that the collective picture of God from examining the Bible as a whole paints the picture of an angry man who is jealous and demands obedience, shows favouritism to his own kind and if we get annoyed about that, he'll torture us forever in hell. I'm nicer than that.


Jan Ardena.
Bob has some very good points though you will never convince religious people of that as it means going against their religion to agree wiv it. to be honest I see this thread as pretty much pointless as its something all athiests have thought about at some point and something religious people will never think about unless they change their faith.