Best way to let someone down?

Mallory Knocks:

AAAAA my eyes! Goddamn! You're so much worse than that British faggot...what's WRONG with you? What are you, 13?

You are out of line, foolish woman! Bebelina is one of the nicest posters here!

I do not mind when you attack that athiestic slut, but you should have some taste and not give Bebelina any trouble!
Attacking Bebelina is way out of line, Fox is right here. We have to make a group effort to ignore her. I'm doing it as soon as this reply is submitted.
Re: Mallory Knocks:

Originally posted by FoxMulder
You are out of line, foolish woman! Bebelina is one of the nicest posters here!
I do not mind when you attack that athiestic slut, but you should have some taste and not give Bebelina any trouble!

Bebelina should have some taste and not write in big fucking pink letters.

Out of line? What line? There's a line? I don't see a line....where's the line?
Oh, nevermind...:)
Is my love blinding you Mallory? :D
I'm 32, an being an artist, among other things, I have a compusive desire to write in colour, sorry if it hurts your eyes, you can always use shades. :cool:
Originally posted by Pollux V
Attacking Bebelina is way out of line, Fox is right here. We have to make a group effort to ignore her. I'm doing it as soon as this reply is submitted.

Even if I call your wife/daughter/sister/mother/girlfriend a stupid fucking whore and wish the terrorists upon them? I'm impressed with your self-control.
Originally posted by Bebelina
Oh, nevermind...:)
Is my love blinding you Mallory? :D
I'm 32, an being an artist, among other things, I have a compusive desire to write in colour, sorry if it hurts your eyes, you can always use shades. :cool:

You're THIRTY-TWO? You're also an attention whore.
Bebelina is no kind of whore. She's one of my favourite people.
Yes, I do like attention, but I would not use the word whore though, your use of that as a description of others indicates insecurity and attention seeking from your behalf. You don't come off as a bigger person by trying to belittle others you know, it's the other way around.

Originally posted by Bebelina
Yes, I do like attention, but I would not use the word whore though, your use of that as a description of others indicates insecurity and attention seeking from your behalf. You don't come off as a bigger person by trying to belittle others you know, it's the other way around.

You don't come off as a creative person by writing in massive pink letters and having a big pink "LOVE" banner in you sig, you know. You come off as a child.
Maybe it appears childish as a first impression, but that can be a good thing too as it is very non-threatening to people. But what can I say...I love colours, and my banner too. It is not my intention here to simply come off as a creative person, but just to get involved in interesting discussions and making friends.

Bebelina, I'm really, really sorry. I shouldn't have attacked a nice person like you.

You're ten million times the woman I am. I could never measure up to a groovy woman like you, and I felt intimidated.

I'll probably post somthing after this, saying that I'm not really apologizing. But believe me, I am truly sorry. You utterly rock, and I'm just some little troll who can't get laid except by goats.
The subject of Bebelina's banner!

The simplist things can be the most understood, no matter what language or country you are from and in all due respect if it's blunt, to the point and colorful then it stands out.

Anybody with half and Ounce of gray matter will be able to get it's meaning, and be warmed with its presense.

Perhaps you should have a banner with "Incessantly hate filled, vendetta ridden fearer of mortality", and you can go with the whole black, white and gray scale.
Originally posted by Malicious Mal
Like I said, I would deny it. And I just did.

LOL, you're an idiot! Do you think people are completely retarded?

Well I'm dealing with this pretty that all you got? making up a username to look like mine? Is that all you got?
Is it just me, or is Mal here turning into one hell of a repugnant little twerpus? I'm getting a little annoyed with her unprovoked attacks on some of the coolest people here. If you don't like the people here, Mal, why don't you find people that you do like on some other God d*mn forum? You're detracting from the harmony that once was sciforums, and it's making me mad. :(
Originally posted by Lesion42
Is it just me, or is Mal here turning into one hell of a repugnant little twerpus? I'm getting a little annoyed with her unprovoked attacks on some of the coolest people here. If you don't like the people here, Mal, why don't you find people that you do like on some other God d*mn forum? You're detracting from the harmony that once was sciforums, and it's making me mad. :(

If I call you a cocksucking faggot again, will you go away from another day?

Stop being such an ASSHOLE, you are just spewing hate over the forums. SHut up and chill out. Acting like a f'ing third grader at recess..........