Best Ghost evidence you have come across

What exactly is an "authentic cowboy ghost accent"?
What about it distinguishes "cowboy" accent from a southern/Texan drawl?
What about it distinguishes 'voice of ghost' from 'voice of living person'?
What is authentic about it? Is "cowboy accent" even a thing, outside of Hollywood? How is it not simply some dude talking in a stereotype "cowboy accent"?

Imagine it like this, you go looking for olden day Pirates (for this hypothetical to work , they are known for saying "Yarrrr"). The geo-coordinates of a ghost ship is known to you, you sail there to the middle of the sea, you press record on the EVP device, you are all alone, and then, you hear an Authentic Pirate Ghost say "Yarrrrrrrr"
Imagine it like this, you go looking for olden day Pirates (for this hypothetical to work , they are known for saying "Yarrrr"). The geo-coordinates of a ghost ship is known to you, you sail there to the middle of the sea, you press record on the EVP device, you are all alone, and then, you hear an Authentic Pirate Ghost say "Yarrrrrrrr"
  1. A "known ghost ship". So for you, it is a foregone conclusion that ghosts is what you will experience. In other words, you are not expecting - or looking for - fraud. If you see/hear something that could be ghosts, you'll assume it is.
  2. You're not in the middle of nowhere; you're not even in a "cowboy ship"; you're in a populated area, which means other people can easily get there too. Hoaxsters and pranksters, for example
  3. You are not all alone. There are others on your team. Others that, like you, really really want to get good publicity.
  4. Everyone knows how to say "Yarrrr". There's nothing authentic about that.

For a sincere ghost hunter, the job is to rule out all possible mundane explanations, leaving nothing but a paranormal explanation. Otherwise, it is an exercise in wishful thinking.

Look, I get it. You want to believe, and this will confirm your beliefs if you let it. But that's a bar set way too low in a world where a lot of people are happy to sell you snake oil. This is science forum. There are plenty of fora out there for believers who will be only too happy to support your beliefs.
... and then, you hear an Authentic Pirate Ghost say "Yarrrrrrrr"
The "Yarrrrrrrr" is not authentic. It was pretty much invented by Robert Newton who played Long John Silver in the 1950 version of Treasure Island.
Have the points reduced to zero over the last five months?
Warning points currently expire 6 months from the date of issue.

MR is well aware of this, and plays the system to ensure that he can continue to break the rules while avoiding a permanent ban. Apparently, the temporary bans are not too much of an inconvenience for him.

While these are the rules, he is entitled to work within them, of course. Mind you, as a repeat offender over the course of many years now, really MR only remains a member here because we choose to tolerate him. We would be well within our rights to ban him as a member who requires constant moderator attention.
Warning points currently expire 6 months from the date of issue.
5 months is shorter than 6 months.
Can you explain the difference in behaviour between Mark Turner ( just permanently banned) and Magical Realist's behaviour over the years?

Subject Magical Realist: Not permanently banned for this behaviour over years.
MR is well aware of this, and plays the system to ensure that he can continue to break the rules while avoiding a permanent ban. Apparently, the temporary bans are not too much of an inconvenience for him.

While these are the rules, he is entitled to work within them, of course. Mind you, as a repeat offender over the course of many years now, really MR only remains a member here because we choose to tolerate him. We would be well within our rights to ban him as a member who requires constant moderator attention.
Compared to Mark Turner just permanently banned.
Moderator notice:
He starts with a provocative claim "Photons don't exist", which he knows will immediately attract the attention of people who know some physics. He hopes they will be angry about this completely unsupported claim.
Follow up with a nonsense claim: "there is no such thing as isolated, everything is converged into one singularity". Again, this is completely unsupported, not to mention poorly punctuated and unrelated to the previous statement about photons (despite being apparently part of the same thought).
Follow that with a statement of the bleeding obvious, again disconnected from anything that has gone before. In the process, make another claim that dismisses precise definitions (this time of the term "heat", as used in physics).
Wait for the inevitable responses as the troll bait sucks people in. Then go on about the Sun for a while, then move on to the next unrelated troll bait. etc. This has been the pattern ever since this user returned to the forum under this latest sock name.
Ps. JamesR, you and Magical should get a room.
Can you explain the difference in behaviour between Mark Turner ( just permanently banned) and Magical Realist's behaviour over the years?
Mark Turner was banned as a sock.

Can you take this up in a thread in the Feedback Forum?

This thread is struggling enough as it is.
In short, the point was that you made the false claim that the ghost camera battery drain thing was "well established". Turns out, as expected, that it is nothing of the sort.

This from someone who's never observed a paranormal investigation in his whole life.

God is a matter of "common knowledge" among a majority of the world's population, or so they tell us. Why don't you believe in God? Seriously, try answering that. Why don't you believe in God? I'm intrigued to know.

God is not a matter of "common knowledge" so much as a matter of common belief. I'm not going to let you derail this thread with offtopic God talk. If you wanna discuss belief in God go to the Religion forum and start a new thread there on it.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Yes it is. When you have multiple eyewitness accounts and repeated instances of the same phenomena, then that is data supporting the phenomena as real.

Let's be clear. This discussion started with your claim that there is evidence that ghosts drain camera batteries. When challenged to provide the convincing evidence you say exists for that claim, you came up blank, as usual. The rest is you getting your knickers in a tangle because you were caught out in another lie.

Wrong. I said from the very beginning I wasn't going to give you evidence. I even told you why I wasn't--- because skeptics always mock and ridicule and reject the evidence. Then I told you where you can see evidence on Youtube, which you ofcourse refuse to look at. I never misled you or lied about anything. Don't make up things about posts that can be easily checked.
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August is almost over...September is just a stepping stone to Halloween. lol I'm going to check out some local ''haunts'' this year, will be fun. I'll have to report my findings back ...and suffer the skeptic scrutiny of some of you. :wink:
This from someone who's never observed a paranormal investigation in his whole life.
This is a non sequitur.
James R refuting your false claim has nothing to do with whether he's watched more TV shows than you.

God is not a matter of "common knowledge" so much as a matter of common belief.
And so it is with ghosts.

I'm not going to let you derail this thread with offtopic God talk.
Paranormal is paranormal.
If you can show that belief in ghosts is different from belief in God, knock yourself out.

When you have multiple eyewitness accounts and repeated instances of the same phenomena, then that is data supporting the phenomena as real..
Well, I guess you grant the existence of God then.

If you want to not talk about God, then you'll have to stop invoking multiple eyewitness accounts and repeated instances of the same phenomena being data that supports a phenomenon.

If you want to talk about only ghosts, show how they're distinct, in terms of popularity and anecdotal accounts.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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August is almost over...September is just a stepping stone to Halloween. lol I'm going to check out some local ''haunts'' this year, will be fun. I'll have to report my findings back ...and suffer the skeptic scrutiny of some of you. :wink:

I would be happy with you and wispy ghost selfie

How would you put your arm over a wispy ghost shoulder?

Could ghosty hold a selfie stick?

I would be happy with you and wispy ghost selfie

How would you put your arm over a wispy ghost shoulder?

Could ghosty hold a selfie stick?


A ghost holding a selfie stick lol

That would be irrefutable proof, though. Oh wait...the skeptics here would retort "Those are strings holding up the selfie stick!"

A first hand account! I hope that something poltergeist-ish happens...and I'm able to share. :smile:
If we're ever in the same building, I will be happy to turn down the air conditioning and talk like a cowboy! Can't get more proofy than that.
Best Ghost evidence you have come across

I just posted this in another thread but it seems to fit here too:

I once lived with a cat (one never owns a cat) and one day I noticed that the cat was watching something. I looked where the cat was looking and 'saw' what appeared to be a small circular area of optical distortion, about the size of a baseball. (It was transparent, but whatever was behind it was distorted.) It was moving in the air and in a few seconds it was gone.

I'm inclined to write it off to my eyes playing tricks on me. Except... the cat apparently saw it too and drew my attention to it. So arguably, it was out there in the objective world that the cat and I shared.

I've never thought of it as a 'ghost', in the 'spirits of the departed' sense. It was just an anomaly (a glitch in the matrix). I don't have a clue what it was.