Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Here is the real Prof. John Wheeler.

According to this link, the one in question contacted Wheeler to have him explain what is happening.

From link: "Over the next few months, I communicated these figures to a number of physicists around the world. To a one, they told me that such magnetic field anomalies could be caused by briefly-appearing micro-wormholes. They could think of no other explanation for the deviations. Prof. John Wheeler, of Princeton University, in Princeton, NJ, has given the name of "wormhole" to what he believes may be "transit tunnels" between different dimensions of reality. According to Wheeler, these wormholes may be only a giga-fraction of a square inch in size-the number one preceded by 33 zeroes, preceded by a decimal point. Wheeler says these mini-black holes, constantly blinking in and out of the geometry of space, are thought to be bits of "virtual matter;" that is, they can exist for a limited time only. Their counterparts-so-called mini-white holes-are virtual anti-matter. Whenever these two kinds of virtual matter build up to any extent, they immediately destroy themselves. Wheeler can offer no explanation as to why mini-holes appear, disappear, then reappear."

Doesn't sound like Wheeler to me given that it sounds like virtual matter and wormholes are mixed up in concept. I can find no other links to any explaination to this so called "diagnosis" for the bermuda triangle. All other UFO web sites seem to copy the exact same thing this link says. I think it's bunk. There may be magnetic anomalies but they are, I'm sure, teristrial in nature and nowhere near the strengh of neutron stars and particle accelerators.

What you said zonabi: "they have found MICRO sized "rips" in the fabric of time, or MICRO-SIZED wormholes some even call it. These cracks or rips seem to appear out of thin air(or rather water hehe) and only stay alive for a very limited time duration."

I can find NO research or claims to this other than a bunch of ufo sites claiming that physicists all around the world wholeheartedly agree it must be wormholes, which aren't even related to black holes. Not that they're supposed size would allow for travel anyhow.

Try again.
zonabi said:
i would like to add that scientists have found...MICRO sized "rips" in the fabric of time, or MICRO-SIZED wormholes some even call it.

This is simply not true. What I can tell you; however, is that there is a
very strong link between the observed behavior (usually by the average
joe) of this bermuda phenomenon and the unpredictable behaviors (anomolies
really) that tend to manifest themselves when radio waves are combined with
high voltage (dubbed the Hutchison Effect).

I would hypothesize that the bermuda phenomenon is simply a larger scale
version of the Hutchison Effect.
I have seen a TV report which gave a partial possible scientific explanation for the vanishing of ships in the Bermuda Triangle:

Methan Hydrid is present in high quantities at the bottom of the ocean in that region. Dependig on variations of water temperature, methan is liberated. Ascending gas bulbs temporarily supress the ability of water to carry ships, and these sink suddenly without enough time even to send an SOS via radio...

Of course this does not explain phenomena touching aircrafts.

Other possible "scientific" scenarios for aircraft incidents:
- Quickliy changing weather and surprise thunderstorms dangerous for small planes.
- Technical defects or thunderstorm effects in the instruments, in the 40ies, 50ies, 60ies, when that instrumentation was not yet as sophisticated (no GPS!) and reliable as today...
So small planes could have flown by mistake in the wrong direction (east or north-east) towards open atlantic...
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zira said:
I have seen a TV report which gave a partial possible scientific explanation for the vanishing of ships in the Bermuda Triangle:

Methan Hydrid is present in high quantities at the bottom of the ocean in that region. Dependig on variations of water temperature, methan is liberated. Ascending gas bulbs temporarily supress the ability of water to carry ships, and these sink suddenly without enough time even to send an SOS via radio...

Of course this does not explain phenomena touching aircrafts.

Other possible "scientific" scenarios for aircraft incidents:
- Quickliy changing weather and surprise thunderstorms dangerous for small planes.
- Technical defects or thunderstorm effects in the instruments, in the 40ies, 50ies, 60ies, when that instrumentation was not yet as sophisticated (no GPS!) and reliable as today...
So small planes could have flown by mistake in the wrong direction (east or north-east) towards open atlantic...

In whatever combination used, these are very plausable explanations.
Perhaps, someday a plane or boat full of scientists will get to observe
the event first hand (and make it back of course).
daktaklakpak said:
Think when a plane flies into a huge methan cloud, what will happen?


The planes which have disappeared in the 40ies and 50ies, are normal planes, not water-planes gliding only some meters above the sea...

So the methan cloud should not be dangerous for planes. Methan is lighter than air and dissipates quickly in the atmosphere.
" The Bermuda Triangle does indeed have unusual qualities, as do other places here and there on Earth. Magnetic anomalies are reported, where compasses swing wildly, clocks stop, and concrete objects fade from sight. What's causing this? These places, fortunately few in number, are an outlet from the center of the Earth for a byproduct of the Earth's compression, a gravity byproduct so to speak. A vent, from where subatomic particles not known to man surge forth periodically, and woe be to the man or fish who finds itself in the way. There are stories of ships and planes disappearing, and it is assumed they were carried off by extraterrestrials, taken off to a far-off zoo, for exhibition. Then why would these only disappear from such sites, and not regularly around the globe?

Here and there around the face of the Earth are similar outlets for this byproduct of the Earth's compression, many of them well known due to the havoc shippers or travelers experience - an area off the coast of Japan, and in one of the Great Lakes, for example. Such outlets also occur where man is unaware of them, as in the depths of the oceans or within inaccessible mountain crevices. What determines the outlet is not only the surface structure of the rock, fractures in fact, but also the structure of the underlying rock, factors man cannot measure. "
So things happen where man cannot see and man cannot measure due to subatomic particles no one can detect. Well I'm a believer! :rolleyes:

Put away the NyQuil.

Sorry Guys... But Zonabi is right... I just got finished watching the discovery channel and it said that there were "micro sized wormholes". This is probably the reason some ships have disappeared along with the 5 planes that were flying together in the tv program. Their Compasses Screwed up and everything thing. They Had a recording on the discovery channel. The people told them to go west and they responded on the radio... We dont know where west is... This has somthing with the magnetic reversal ... or thats at least what they said on the Discovery Channel... So Kudos Zonabi! :)
Worm Hole The Bermuda Triangle

I agree that there is Micro sized worm holes in The Bermuda Triangle ... lol.. Just finished watching Discovery Channel
i agree in that the 3 points are irrelevant. they are merely a way to mark the area off where wierd things happen. and wierd things do happen there. (i know wierd things happen anywhere) but more ships have dissapeared in this concentrated area than anywhere else on the sea (this means in and around the designated triangle area)

I believe if you'll just bother to check you'll find that statement is completely incorrect. I recall reading that on a per-square-mile area, there are several places around the globe that have equally as many "disappearances" including the Great Lakes area of the U.S. and Canada.

The facts are fairly simple. Besides there being a concentrated amount of traffic in the triangle area (as has already been mentioned in this thread) it's also a place where large and powerful storms quickly develop with little or no warning. In fact, I can attest to that personally. I've been deep-sea fishing there many times and even while keeping am ear to the Coast Guard alert frequency, storms and squalls often pop up unannounced.

As to compass and other electro-magnetic interference? Of course, you silly people!! When these storms appear lightning is crashing all around and your instruments go nuts!! Absolutely nothing "unearthly" or other-wordily" about that. How thick-headed can you be???? And you'll also note that since the GPS system has been placed in service and used by aircraft not a singe ONE of them has become 'lost' in the triangle. But you don't mention that, do you? :bugeye:

The whole business is nothing but a farce and a fable. However, like ghosts, goblins and talking to dead people, one cannot expect these childish minds to abandon their cherished ideas/stories. Why? Because they want to believe them and actual facts are ignored.
It seems that the more we investigate the less happened, what the sniffsniff is going on? I tell you it smells!

Why don't we run a brigade right through there?
I have seen a TV report which gave a partial possible scientific explanation for the vanishing of ships in the Bermuda Triangle:

Methan Hydrid is present in high quantities at the bottom of the ocean in that region. Dependig on variations of water temperature, methan is liberated. Ascending gas bulbs temporarily supress the ability of water to carry ships, and these sink suddenly without enough time even to send an SOS via radio...

LOL! :D If you want to report something, at least get the name of that something correct. It's called methane hydrate (and it's not capitalized).
Read Only dude, why are you replying to posts made over three years ago?

I've no idea why someone resurrected this one, and have an idea that Fuzznuts may be a sock puppet or returning old member. Possibly Zonabi who hasn't posted for a couple of years.
Read Only dude, why are you replying to posts made over three years ago?

I've no idea why someone resurrected this one, and have an idea that Fuzznuts may be a sock puppet or returning old member. Possibly Zonabi who hasn't posted for a couple of years.

Simple. I didn't look at the dates (never do) and since it WAS resurected and popped up on the 'recent posts' lists, here I am. :) The recent post function is all that I use (rather than wading through categories) so this sort of thing might happen from time to time whenever someone else picks up on an old thread.
I would of closed the thread initially for it being old, however this topic would just arise in the future again. Might as well leave the topic open for peoples "theories", although all those are based upon old "Anecdotal evidence", planes and boats just don't disappear the same anymore thanks to Doppler Radar among other newer technologies like GPS.

(No point mentioned the problems originally with magnetic navigation and electronic equipment originally which ocurred with some aircraft, or the fact that Reef's move since they are based upon the living organism coral. On top of that the stated weather changes are brutal and localised systems.)